Broken Souls

Chapter 18: Kay

Kay’s POV

I wake up in the morning wrapped in Aaron’s arms sunlight just peeking into the bedroom. The soft gray sheets and fluffy white bedspread and pillows make a perfect cocoon. I look up at Aaron’s sleeping face. How is he so handsome? His thick lashes are resting on cheeks, and his dark auburn hair is slightly falling on his face.

A soft growl breaks the silence, and Aaron smiles a little at me not even opening his eyes. He just pulls me close to him kissing me. I giggle a little and try to squirm away from him, but he holds me to him. I can feel his enthusiasm as his kisses become more heated. I moan a little as my own desire for him intensifies. I know he can smell my arousal. His eyes open looking dark and full of lust as he lets out another low growl, only turning me on more. He trails kisses down my jaw and neck taking his time at my mark spot, the hollow where my neck and shoulder meet.

I run my fingers in his long hair and moan his name. He instantly responds with a growl.

“Oh please don’t do that if you want me to keep control of myself,” he says burrowing his face further into my neck.

“Maybe I don’t want you to keep control,” I say with a small smile.

Aaron looks up and into my eyes not really believing he heard me.

“Are you sure?” He asks watching my face, reading every inch of my face for doubt. I don’t have any.

“I’m sure,” I say, giving him a smile. Aaron crashes his lips to mine kissing me deeply. Every inch of me is on fire. His hands quickly find the hem of my pajama shirt. He breaks our kiss only my shirt off.

My pajama shorts go next, but I hardly notice. I am lost in Aaron’s needy kisses and his hands roaming my body which set me completely on fire. He trails kisses down my jaw and neck until his mouth find my nipple. He sucks and flicks with his tongue while his other hand finds and messages my other breast.

I moan his name as my own need becomes uncontrollable. His hand leaves my nipple and soon finds my sensitive clit. I grip his hair and moan loudly as he rubs circles slowly and then faster. My climax is building quickly. He slips a finger in me, and I moan his name again. Then, his two fingers are stretching me. Aaron growls in my ear as I moan louder.

“You are so tight,” Aaron says and claims my mouth with his.

After a moment, I feel Aaron position himself between my legs. I can feel his hard erection as it positions at my wet entrance. Looking down, I get a little nervous. He is huge.

“Look at me,” Aaron tells me, kissing me.

“It will only be uncomfortable for a moment, but, I promise, I’ll make it better.”

I nod as he kisses me. I let myself get lost in his kiss and soon my need for him is back. He slowly begins to slide himself into me, and I gasped at the feeling. He goes slowly, letting me adjust to him. One last push, and I feel tears rush to my eyes. Aaron kisses them away, telling me to breathe as he slowly begin to move. The pain I feel is quickly replaced by pleasure.

I am soon moaning his name as another orgasm is quickly building. Aaron begin to pump faster and deeper. My legs shake as I hit my peak, and my body squeezes onto him. He lets out a roar as we both come, and I feel his teeth sink into my shoulder as he empties all of his seed deep inside me. He collapses on the bed next to me, pulling me close to him.

“You are so perfect,” he says kissing my head.

“Come shower with me.” He pulls me up with him. He scoops me up and takes me to the bathroom, setting me on the counter.

“Shower or bath?” He asks. I say shower, and he starts the water. When it is hot, he scoops me up again, putting me in the shower. Making sure to hold on to me, he sets me on my feet. When I am steady, he get the shampoo and washes my hair, massaging my head.

Soon, it is my turn to wash him. I take my time washing all of him, and he ends up having me in the shower as well. When we are finally clean, he wraps me in a fluffy white towel and takes me to the bedroom. He then sets me on the bed and kisses me again.

“As much as I want to continue this, we also have things that need to be addressed,” Aaron finally says through kisses. I nod, but neither of us shows signs of stopping ’til a knock on the door breaks us from our trance.

Aaron glances at the door and goes to the closet. He comes back in sweatpants and slips on a shirt. I giggle at his annoyance as he goes to the door. I slip off the bed and go to the closet to find all of my clothes. I dress quickly in a pair of jeans and a flowery pink top. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair, pulling it up in a ponytail.

By the time I am done in the bathroom, Aaron is coming out of the closet dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a black tee-shirt. Even dressed casually, he looks good; the man can wear clothes well. I know I am staring, but I don’t care.

Aaron smirks at me and kisses my temple.

“You look beautiful,” he says, heading into the bathroom. I leave the room and am greeted by a very happy-looking Oriel and an amused Grandma.

“Well, that didn’t take long. Did it?” Grandma chuckles looking at the fresh mark on my neck.

“I do hate to interrupt, but we need talk.” Grandma looks a bit more concerned now.

Aaron soon joins, us wrapping his arm around my waist smiling at me. Grandma looks at us, and I can see the love she has for me.

“I know you need me to go and meet this Alpha and Luna,” I say cutting to the chase. “But how do we even know they will want to see me? Or even believe me? Will I have to go alone?” I have so much to ask, but I figure that was a good start.

“No, you won’t go alone,” Aaron says looking serious. “I will be going with you if you want to go.”

Grandma clears her throat, “I’ll be going as well, thank you. I know the Luna, and she’ll listen to her sister. She’s a witch too, and she’ll listen to one of her own coven.” Grandma is unfazed by all of our shocked faces and simply shrugs.

“Why don’t I make us some food,” I suggest seeing that we have more to talk about. Aaron kisses my head and says he is going to go to his office to make some calls and arrange the visit. I am not sure how he is going to do that, but he says they had been on good terms with each other, so he doesn’t think it will be too difficult. He will just explain that it is important for both of their packs to meet and discuss some new events in person.

Aaron leaves, and I make some coffee, thinking over everything. If this Luna is a witch that means my mother was, and I am too. Grandma must have seen me putting pieces together in my mind because she joins me in the kitchen. Getting herself a cup of coffee and looking at me from the side of her eye, she is waiting for me to ask.

“So, am I a witch too?” I finally ask.

Grandma nods slowly. “I think that’s the reason I have visions of you. I think you sent some of them to me,” She says sipping her coffee.

“How would I? I don’t know how to do that?” I ask a little shocked.

“You don’t have to really know how. Just feeling anything strongly can do it. Also, I think it’s because I know your grandmother, but I really can’t say for sure. We had the same teacher, and we were as good as real sisters. We shared so much, and I was so happy when she found her mate and had a family. We did lose touch though, and I don’t know what happened with their daughter, your mother. Maybe if we hadn’t drifted apart, things would have been different.” Grandma looks at me a little sad.

“Well, how do I know if I have any powers? Did my mother have any powers?” I can’t help but feel a little excited about learning about any abilities I may have.

Grandma smiles at me. “Your mother probably did have abilities, but I don’t think she developed them. Magic must be used like anything. You have to use it and learn how to control it. Most have one main ability, but you can learn to develop it and branch it into other things.”

I can’t help but feel a little lost at her words, and shrug as I look at Oriel who looks just as lost as I am.

“Okay, come sit,” Grandma says putting down her coffee and walking to the couch. I follow suit, and when she sits down and points to the seat next to her, I sit with her. Oriel takes the chair being strangely quiet.

“Now, Kay. Take my hands and close your eyes. Focus on breathing, and I’ll see if I can help tap into anything. If I can’t, then there is nothing there. But I think now that you have your wolf and are strong, we should find something,” Grandma says giving me a wink. I take her hands and do as she says, closing my eyes and breathing.

I can see Diana in my mind happily bouncing. She is beautiful dark chocolate with her sparkly dark blue eyes. Then, I feel something else in my mind, and I know it is the new link with Aaron. I can feel his worry and his frustration. I also feel his love for me and can’t help but smile.

“I need you to push past all those things Kay. Let everything go blank. We need to look deeper than this.” Grandma’s words remind me of my task, and I let the feelings and images go. Everything is dark nothingness, but I let it take me.

I can feel a gentle pull, and I follow it until pull becomes stronger and warm. I can feel broken pieces of things. They feel like broken glass: cold and smooth. As I mentally touch them, they become warm and seem to melt together. The feeling is making me warmer, and I feel happy.

“Kay, you need to stop and come back now.” Grandma’s words are rushed and a little startled, and I snap out of where ever I was.

I open my eyes only to see Grandma in tears. Oh no, what did I do? I start to try and speak, but Grandma stops me, hugging me close. I’m shocked and gaping at Oriel who just shrugs at me.

“What did I do?” I feel silly asking, but I really don’t have a clue.

“Oh, my dear. You definitely have powers, but it’s more than I could have imagined. It’s like you fixed what was broken in my heart. You can heal people but much more than physically,” Grandma says, pulling out of our hug.

“Oh, that’s good right?” I ask shyly, and Grandma just laughs now.

“Oh yes, my girl, very good. You fixed something in me that I didn’t think could ever be fixed.” She says kissing my head.

Aaron reenters the room and takes in the scene. I can tell that he’s very confused. Grandma tries to tell him what happened, but he’s as lost as we are.

“Basically, Kay can heal physically and none physical injuries. She helped me heal from a heartbreak I couldn’t let go of, but somehow, she helped put it right. I can’t even say I understand how, but she took the pain away that I had learned to live with.”

Aaron and Oriel are just looking at me, and I feel my cheeks heating up.

“Well okay then. What about your call to the Wolf Moon Pack? Can we go there?” I ask Aaron, a little desperate to change the subject.

“Oh yes, they are happy to have us and eager to meet my new Luna. I didn’t tell them much just that we need to meet them. We are due there in two days,” Aaron says.

“Great, then maybe we’ll get some better answers.” Grandma says still smiling. Great. Two days for me to freak out even more about meeting people that may hate me.

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