Broken Souls

Chapter 17: Witch

Kay’s POV

I think I must be hearing things. Did grandma just say she’s a witch? How has she been watching out for me my whole life? I didn’t even meet her ’til I was caught by John. My brain is going a million miles an hour, and I’m trying to find the words to ask the million questions I suddenly have. I look at Aaron, and he looks mad. He’s glaring at Grandma, but she’s completely unaffected. She continues to sip her coffee.

“Kay, dear, let’s make some breakfast. The other two will be up soon and then we can all have a nice chat. Also, young man, you can stop glaring at me. I’m no threat to anyone. If I was, I would have done something about that monster and his black demon of a wolf. If I’m being honest with you, I’m just not that powerful. Now eggs and bacon would be lovely. Kay, you make the French toast,” Grandma says still just sipping on her coffee like this is the most normal conversion in the world.

Aaron and I lock eyes for a moment, and I just shrug my shoulders and get everything ready for French toast. Aaron keeps an eye on Grandma, but he joins me in making breakfast. By the time we are done cooking and have everything plated, Michael and Oriel come into the kitchen.

“Good morning. Who’s this?” Oriel asks brightly, but I can tell she’s on alert. So is Michael. Michael and Aaron seem to be having their own conversation via mind link.

“This is Grandma,” is all I can manage to say.

“Yes, and you two boys stop with all that mind conversations. It’s very rude.” Grandma looks at Aaron and Michael scolding them like children.

“Come on. Let’s eat! I’m old, and I’m tired and hungry,” Grandma says getting herself a plate of food and heading to the table. I want to know what she has to tell me, so I get a plate and follow her. I don’t have any reason to be afraid of her or not trust her.

Everyone else follows suit and is soon sitting at the table. Grandma is quietly eating, but Aaron, Michael, and Oriel keep their eyes on her like she might do something any moment. I clear my throat, and Grandma looks up at me smiling.

“All right, dear, I’ll tell you what I can, but you must know there are some things I can’t tell you because it isn’t clear to me,” Grandma says with a warm smile. I nod slowly, and she looks sad for a moment, but it’s gone quickly.

“Okay, yes I am a witch, but not a very strong one. I lost a lot of my magic to a man that promised he loved me I was young and naive. I believed he loved me. I was very wrong. He stole most of my power from me. I was lucky to escape when I did with the little power I have. That being said, the main thing I am still capable of is sight. I can see possible future events and shadows of things that are happening. Now I say possible things because the future changes all the time. Some things are meant to happen no matter what we do, and other things can be completely changed or never happen at all. I saw you, Kay. I saw when your mother died, and it wasn’t hunters. Your father knew who it was and that’s why he ran with you. It was the Boss that killed her. The Boss also killed your father, Kay. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you this while you were with him. It wasn’t the right time to tell you.” Grandma looks me in the eyes, and she looks so sorry.

“Why?” is all I can whisper.

“Oh, my dear, he wanted you. He wanted his stolen mate and his child. I don’t think he meant to kill your mother, but he lost control, and it just happened.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I know I’m breathing faster, but I can’t feel the air in my lungs. My heart is racing. My chest is continuing to tighten, and I can’t seem to get any air. The monster that loves to hurt me and cause me pain is my father? How can that even be right?

“Breath Kay.” Aaron is kneeling by my chair. When did he get there? He cups my face in his hands and turns me to look at him.

“Just breathe with me, my love,” He says taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly. I try my best to copy him, and it takes a few tries. He stays there with me breathing and staring into my eyes.

After several deep breaths, I’m finally able to feel the air in my lungs. Aaron rubs his thumbs on my cheeks, and they feel wet. I didn’t know I had been crying.

“It’s okay, my love.” Aaron’s voice is so full of warmth and caring. I can’t stop myself. I fly into his arms, burying my face in his shoulder and neck. He wraps his arms around me as I cry. How can the Boss be my father? I know my father: he was strong and kind. He was my mother’s mate, and he loved me. I know he loved me. He never hurt me. How can that monster that loved to hurt me be my father?

When I’m done crying, I just sit. Being held in Aaron’s strong arms letting everything about him comfort me is all I can do. At some point, while I was crying, he had carried me to the couch and sat holding me close to him. I finally lift my head from his chest and look up at him. He leans down kissing my forehead.

“Darling Kay. I’m sorry that I had to tell you this. I couldn’t tell you any sooner. It wouldn’t have been safe for you.” Grandma sounds sadder than I have ever heard her sound.

“I saw what happened to your father. That was one of many visions that I had had about you. I knew I had to find you. I got to the rogue camp as soon as I could. They had already had you for three or four days. I just had to see you in person. You look just like your mother, dear sweet Kay. You also look just like your real grandmother.”

I turn my head and look at Grandma. “Do you know her? Do you know my mom’s parents?” I need to know. I never even knew where my mother was from. They wouldn’t talk about it.

Grandma gives a little nod. “I know them. They are the Alpha and Luna of the Wolf Moon Pack.”

Alpha Aaron’s POV

Kay has just stopped crying, and this old woman tells us that Kay is the granddaughter of the Alpha and Luna of the most powerful pack anywhere. They are damn near royalty. I look at Kay, and I don’t know how much she knows about all of the packs and rankings.

Honestly, at this point, I don’t know how much more she can handle hearing. She looks pale, and her eyes are red and puffy from crying. I don’t think I can handle seeing her upset anymore. Griffin is becoming uncontrollable. All he wants to do is take Kay back to our room and forget about all of this. At the same time, he wants to go and find the Boss all over again and rip him apart. How could he hurt his own mate and pup? This whole thing has me fuming inside, but I’m trying so hard to remain calm for Kay. I hold her closer to me, breathing her in and trying to relax.

Kay shifts in my arms. “I’m sorry. I don’t know who that is.” Her voice sounds small and has a rasp to it. Oriel must have heard it too because she leaves the room coming back quickly with a glass of water. Kay takes the water and gives Oriel a sad smile. Kay sips the water and that old woman smiles at Kay. I don’t know if I trust this witch.

Witches and wolves don’t really get along with each other. Mostly we just don’t trust each other. Witches have used magic to enslave wolves in the past. Hundreds of years ago, witches were killed on sight if they entered wolf territory. I wonder why we couldn’t tell she was a witch. Possibly because she has very little magic, so we can’t feel it or smell it on her.

“That’s okay dear you will know them eventually. Just know they can tell you things I can’t.” The old witch is really starting to bug me.

Kay’s POV

My head is swimming and hurting from crying and all the information. I still want to know who my mother’s parents are, but Aaron tensed when Grandma said they are the Alpha and Luna of the Wolf Moon Pack. Is that a bad thing? Who are they? I look at Aaron hopeful that he might shed some light on this for me. He looks at me, and I can’t read the look on his face, but he must know what I want to know.

“They are the largest pack anywhere. They have the most land and the most wolves. They are very important because they have so much power and a lot of allies and a lot of influence. The only pack that comes close to them in size is the Black Water Pack. Our pack.”

I sit a little dumb in shock. “If they are so powerful, why didn’t my mom go to them for help? Why did she hide from them? Should I really go to people my mom kept me from? I think she had a good reason to keep away from them…” I’m asking questions faster than anyone can answer them.

“Child. I know you have a lot of questions, but I can only answer a few of them. You will have to speak to them to find all your answers,” Grandma says looking a little sad.

“Aaron, you must know them. Do you think I should meet with them?” I can’t help the tremble in my voice. I’m trying to be strong, but everything just got turned upside down, and I don’t know what to do.

“First of all, I think I would like to do some research on all of this and see if I can find anything to collaborate her story with,” Aaron says, and I don’t miss the glare he shoots Grandma’s way.

“Well, why don’t we head back to the pack house, and we can look into all of this,” Oriel says brightly, and I can tell she’s trying to lighten the mood.

“Oh, will you be joining us…Um, Grandma?” Oriel asks eyeing Grandma.

“Oh yes. I just found Kay, and I have no intention of leaving her again. Oh, and before you ask, I don’t really care what you call me, but my name is Willow. I do prefer Grandma though if I’m being honest,” Grandma says giving me a wink.

In no time, we are all heading back to the pack house. Aaron seems distracted the entire way back. Grandma chats happily about nothing in particular. When we get to the pack house, Oriel and Michael take Grandma to a guest room while Aaron walks me back to my room. At least I think he is walking me to my room.

“Where are going?” I finally ask Aaron, and he gives me a mischievous grin.

“I have a surprise for you,” he says taking my hand and leading me up another flight of stairs.

We get to the top and walk a short way down the hall. Aaron opens the door and scoops me up bridle style carrying me through the door. We are in the alpha sweet. It’s basically its own apartment at the top of the pack house. Aaron sets me down, and I’m shocked. I can tell the space hasn’t been used in a long time, and that everything has been recently cleaned. There is a living room and kitchen. Both are bright and spacious with modern furnishings.

The kitchen has large gray granite countertops with white cabinets and stainless-steel handles to match all of the appliances. It is clean and bright. There is a beautiful arrangement of red roses sitting in a vase and the counter. I also see four bar stools with white leather seats stood on silver legs.

The living room matches the white and gray of the kitchen with white leather furniture and a plush white throw rug on the wood floor. A large TV hangs on the wall over an equally large fireplace. Gray throw pillows and soft gray blankets on the sofa and chair make everything look inviting and cozy. I can’t find the words to even begin to explain how beautiful it is.

“I was hoping you would stay here with me for now on,” Aaron says, and I look deep into his warm eyes. I don’t think I could ever tell him no again.

“No, more running Kay.” He says as he leans in and kisses me. It is a kiss full of so much love and sweetness, I don’t think I ever want it to end.

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