Bridesmaid for Hire

: Chapter 15

Brody: Have you heard anything about Deanna’s proposal?

I TEXT JALEESA AS MAGGIE lies sprawled out across me, her light breathing edging into a snore. Call me crazy, but it’s adorable.

What is also adorable is the way that she sleeps. She has no problem, whatsoever, claiming both sides of the bed. The last two nights, since we’ve come together, she’s clung to me like cellophane. Like I’m iron and she’s a magnet. She doesn’t want to let go, and I love it. I love being wrapped up in her. I love feeling her hair brushing against my bare chest. I love it when her hand lightly caresses me before we fall asleep. Feels like a silent lullaby.

But last night, after Maggie and I fooled around multiple times—three, to be exact—and she passed out, I stayed awake, thinking about Deanna and what her idea could possibly do to Maggie. It’s conjecture at this point, but all it takes is one idea and the power of Hopper Industries to ruin someone else.

And I can’t see her ruined.

She’s worked so hard.

Which makes me want to work even harder to beat Deanna so I can save Maggie and her business.

My phone buzzes in my hand.

Jaleesa: I have. She’s been refining it all week. Bragged about how she’s going to blow Reginald away with her proposal and that any amount of sucking up that you’re doing in Bora-Bora has no chance at beating what she’s come up with.

Brody: She needs to get a life.

Jaleesa: She’s out for blood, Brody. I’m actually kind of worried about it.

Brody: No, you can’t be worried. You’re the one with the confidence in this project. You need to keep the confidence, so I have confidence.

Jaleesa: I ran into Reginald’s assistant the other day and she was telling me that Deanna has been fishing brides as potential customers too, even poaching some from other planners. Like brides ready to work with her. Customers, Brody. She has money ready to come in. We don’t have that.

I drag my hand over my face. Fuck, we don’t.

Brody: I can work on some things if you want. Figure out if any upcoming brands are looking for a pop-up shop. Source potential revenue.

Jaleesa: But we can’t guarantee them space, not when we don’t have it. If Deanna guarantees the brides space, at least there are hotels as backup, you know?

Brody: Fuck, you’re right. Well, what can I do? How can I make this better?

Jaleesa: Stick your head up Reginald’s ass.

Brody: He would fart me out in a second. He hates me.

Jaleesa: I thought you were trying to get him to like you. Why does he hate you?

Brody: I don’t fucking know. When I first greeted him at the welcome party, he was excited to have me there, and then after that, it was like he was holding something against me. I have no idea what it is.

Jaleesa: Did you say or do something that could have caused him to not like you?

Brody: Within a twelve-hour window? No.

Jaleesa: Well, what happened at the welcome party?

Brody: It’s all a fucking blur at this point. I was so caught off guard by Maggie and then Haisley recognizing me.

Jaleesa: Of course she recognized you, you interned together.

Brody: Yeah, but her internship was cut short because she left pretty soon after I helped her with her business plan. She went off to pursue her own dreams.

Jaleesa: Wait, does Reginald know that?

Brody: Uh…I don’t think so. Wait. She mentioned something at the welcome dinner when she introduced me to her dad again, that I’m the one that helped her with her business plan. Fuck! Do you think he’s mad about that?

Jaleesa: YES! For fuck’s sake, Brody. Have you not heard about how pissed Reginald is that his daughter went off to do something else? It’s a huge sore spot.

Brody: Shit, you’re right. Do you really think that could be the reason he’s been so unwelcoming?

Jaleesa: I’d like to say he’s not a spiteful man, but you don’t become a billionaire without having some spite inside of you.

Brody: Fuck. So, do you think he’ll hold that against me with the proposal?

Jaleesa: I don’t think it will help.

Brody: What should I do?

Jaleesa: I don’t know. What’s planned for the rest of the time you’re there?

Brody: The wedding’s tomorrow. So, I think there’s rehearsal tonight and then bachelor and bachelorette parties.

Jaleesa: You listen to me, and you listen to me good, Brody McFadden. Under no circumstances are you to get drunk tonight. Do you hear me? Getting drunk at a bachelor party that I assume Reginald is going to be attending when you’re feeling nervous and insecure about the project will not end well.

Brody: Agreed. Maybe I can offer to be the DD. Help people back to their bungalows.

Jaleesa: Yes and be sure to tell Reginald if he needs help with anything during the ceremony or leading up to it, you’re there. I’ll work on some logistics on my end, but your number one priority is to get that man to like you.

Brody: I can do that…hopefully. He did almost castrate me in the ocean, so maybe I can joke about that.

Jaleesa: His sense of humor is lacking. Don’t joke, just be helpful.

Brody: Right, okay. I can do that. And let me know if you need anything on your end.

Jaleesa: I might need you to approve a few slides. I’m going to amp up this presentation. Maybe go around to a few of the storefronts and have a friend mock them up for us. We can have a 3D rendering in person and on screen.

Brody: Great idea.

Jaleesa: That’s why I’m the boss. Now get it together, McFadden. Don’t let me down.

Brody: Don’t worry, I’ve got this.

“Does this look okay?” Maggie says as she pops out of the bathroom in a light green dress that flows down to her ankles. The front of the dress is shorter than the back and the top crisscrosses in the front, showing off some of her stomach and cleavage.

“You look hot,” I say as I walk up to her and lean down to place a kiss on her neck while my hands fall to her hips.

She leans against my chest, her palms against my shirt. “Don’t start with that, Brody.”

“With what?” I smile against her skin as she tilts her head to the side.

“With trying to get this dress off me.”

“I don’t have to try—just one look and it’ll melt off.”

She swats at my chest. “I’m not that easy.” She moves past me to her shoes.

“It’s cute you think that.”

She slips on one of her high-heeled sandals and glances at me from over her shoulder. “At least let me pretend that I’m not that easy.” Her smirk makes my groin tighten with need. God, this woman. Now that I’ve had her, I’ll never get enough. Ever.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she says as she slips on her other shoe.

“Like what?”

“Like you think I’m the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen.”

I push my hand through my hair. “Well, you are, and I don’t see how that’s bad.”

“It’s bad when we have a rehearsal to get to. I can’t afford having you take this dress off me. I don’t want to be late.”

I walk up to her and tilt her chin up so I can press featherlike kisses along her mouth. “I don’t want you to be late either.” I pull back and let my eyes roam over her body once more. “Seriously, Maggie, you look beautiful.”

Her cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink. “Thank you.”

“If some guy tries to hit on you tonight when you’re partying with the girls, are you going to tell them that you’re spoken for?”

She chuckles. “Depends on what he looks like. If he comes in wielding a hammer like Thor, ready to save the universe, I might have to forget the fact that you and I’ve been sharing a bed for a week.”

“Hell, if Thor comes in wielding a hammer, ask him if he’s into threesomes.”

Her eyes widen before she laughs. “Oh my God, Brody.” Whispering, she asks, “Would you do that? Have a threesome?”

I shake my head. “I can’t imagine a scenario where I’d be okay sharing you with a man or a woman. So, sorry if that’s a fantasy for you—it won’t be fulfilled here.”

She chuckles. “It’s not, but I just wanted to gauge what your naughtiness level was.”

“Fucking other people while committed to someone else is not on that list.”

“Good to know.” She stands closer and kisses the bottom of my chin. “Let’s go, I don’t want to be late.”

Together, we walk out of the bungalow. I help her into the golf cart, and when I go to pull away, she tugs my hand, bringing me right back to her.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

She wraps her hand around my neck and with the sweetest smile, she presses her mouth to mine, running her tongue along my lips. I open for her, letting our tongues tangle for a moment before she breaks off the kiss—way too soon in my opinion.

“What was that for?” I ask, feeling dazed.

“Wanted to show you how much I appreciate you and the little things you do, like helping me into the golf cart, or buttoning up my dress, or ordering me food without me having to ask.”

I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. “I take care of my girl.”

Her fingers drag over my cheek. “Thank you.”

I bring her knuckles to my lips, kiss her one more time, and then move to my side of the golf cart. This is so surreal. It feels like there’s been years of…waiting to have this woman. And now, I can simply kiss her whenever I want. How the fuck did I get so lucky? When I sit down, she places her hand on my thigh and turns toward me. “Is this crazy?”

For someone who doesn’t want to be late, she sure is prolonging our departure. “Is what crazy?”

“Us. This passion. This bond. I feel like it’s crazy and sudden, but it also feels right. Is that weird and psychotic to say?”

“No.” I chuckle. “I feel the same way. Like this was where I was supposed to be this whole time. Not psychotic or crazy. Not sure where those adjectives came from.” Her hand smooths over my inner thigh and I stop her. “Unless you want me walking into the rehearsal with an erection, I’d keep your hand in a safe place.”

She chuckles and kisses my cheek. “Sorry.”

“Seriously though, why would you think this is psychotic?”

She shrugs but her eyes remain on mine. “Just feels like we went from zero to sixty in three seconds.”

“That’s what happens when you like a person for a long time and you finally get a taste of them. Not only that, but they reciprocate the feeling. You find that you can’t get enough. That you want to spend every second with them. It’s natural. It’s where we’re at.”

“I guess you’re right.” She sighs. “Okay, let’s get going before my mind keeps whirling with questions.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “Because I can sit here and answer all the questions you want.”

“Drive, Brody.”

I chuckle and turn on the golf cart. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and bring her in close as I guide the cart down the familiar wooden bridge toward the resort.

“I’m going to miss this,” she says, cuddling in closer.

“Miss what?” I ask.

“Being here. I leave the day after the wedding, and I don’t think I’m ready to say goodbye. I’ve had so much fun, even if it meant thinking about work.”

“Me too,” I say. “Reality is going to come crashing down soon, and I don’t think I’m ready for it.”

“Are you worried about when we get back?”

“Worried about what?” I ask. Is she worried about us?

“Just getting back to normal life and fitting our schedules in with our relationship? I don’t know about you, but I get really busy, and weekends are usually chock-full of events.” I glance at her and see her worrying her lip.

“I’m not concerned,” I say. “Just means the restaurants will be less crowded when I take you out on weeknights.”

“You don’t think you’ll be irritated that I work weekends?”

“No,” I answer. “Not at all. I’ll just move my schedule around yours.” I squeeze her hand. “There’s nothing to worry about, Maggie. We’re going to make this work.”

“But aren’t you sad that we’re going to break this little bubble we’ve been in?”

“Do I wish I could stay here with you and ignore all of my responsibilities back home? Absolutely. But I know the reality is we’ll have to figure out a new normal and that’s okay. I know we can make it work.” And as I say this, I realize that, to my bones, I believe it. We can make this work.

“But what if it doesn’t? What if my job becomes too much for you? What if you think you’re not getting enough attention or if I’m not good enough—”


“Yeah?” she asks as I pull up to a parking spot.

I turn to her. “Who did this to you?”

Her brow crinkles. “Who did what to me?” she asks.

“Made you have these insecurities.” I reach out and cup her cheek. “Because all I’m seeing right now is you doubting yourself and what you think we’re capable of. The only reason you’d do that is if you’ve had a horrible experience in the past. So, I repeat, who did this to you?”

She plays with the hem of my shirt, avoiding eye contact as she answers, “Pretty much every guy I’ve ever dated.” Her eyes lift to mine. “I’ve always been very driven with my career and where I want to go, and the men that I’ve dated haven’t appreciated that drive. So, I guess I’m just self-conscious.”

I lift her chin and lean in close. “With me, you don’t need to be self-conscious. You don’t need to worry about me judging you or not appreciating one of the great things about your personality—your drive. Consider me your number one fan, supporter, cheerleader. I want the best for you, Maggie. If that means I have to bring you food while you work as part of the date, then I’m there. If the only time I get with you is spending time helping put together sachets of God-knows-what for three separate weddings, then I’m your guy.”

“Sachets?” she asks, her smile returning.

“Yeah, sachets. I’ll tie those up real good—I can fill a mean welcome basket. Might even show you up.”

“If anyone is going to tie the best sachet, it’s going to be me.”

I step out of the golf cart and round it so I can help her out. With her hand in mine, I say, “We’ll see about that.” I lean down and press a light kiss to her lips. “Now, let’s see if we can make Reginald fall in love with me tonight.”

I can see why Haisley wanted to get married here. It’s breathtaking.

We’re situated on a white sand beach, overlooking a private lagoon glittering with turquoise water. It almost feels unreal. Mount Otemanu is perfectly positioned in the background, offering a luscious green setting. It’s far away from the resort, and free of anyone who might stumble upon the ceremony. The peaceful water laps at the shoreline, and the sun dips low on the horizon. And as I sit here, watching the rehearsal take place, my girl standing up at the altar, I’m filled with a deep sense of serenity.

“And then I’ll announce that you’ll kiss the bride,” the officiant says as he shuts his book. Jude leans in to kiss Haisley, but the officiant stops him. “Not yet, hold it for tomorrow.”

Ha, if only that were the case.

“Once you kiss and I announce you as a couple, you’ll take your bouquet”—Sloane hands Haisley her bouquet—“and you’ll proceed down the aisle and toward the trees where I believe your photographer will be taking pictures. Am I correct?”

I can see Maggie brighten, wanting to comment, but she holds her tongue as the resort’s wedding planner nods. “That would be correct.”

“So, let’s proceed,” he says.

Haisley slips her arm through Jude’s and together they walk down the aisle.

“Now groomsmen and bridesmaids, you go one at a time.”

One of Hardy’s friends who came in last night, I think his name is Bowie, links arms with Stacey. I heard the twins did a coin toss as to who went first. Stacey won. Then it’s Hudson and Sloane, followed by Hardy and Maggie. I catch him murmuring something to her that makes her laugh, and if you’re wondering if a bolt of jealousy shot through me at the sight, you’d be correct.

But even though that jealousy is sitting on my chest, ready to explode, I know that Maggie would never do anything to hurt me, and Hardy wouldn’t either. The Hopper sons have made it quite clear that their fellow men have nothing to worry about—their relationships are safe from the handsome billionaires.

I clap along with the rest of the spectators, then we all stand and gather around as the wedding planner says a few things to Reginald, Regina, and Haisley.

I quickly find Maggie, who’s chatting with Hardy, and press my hand on her lower back before giving her a quick peck on her cheek. “Best bridesmaid I’ve ever seen,” I say.

She gives me a cute curtsey. “Thank you. I’ve had a great deal of experience, so I’m glad I could apply it.”

“How many times have you been a bridesmaid?” Hardy asks.

“I think around five. It hasn’t been too much, but I’ve been around enough to know exactly what needs to be done and what doesn’t need to be done.”

“Any horrific bridesmaid stories?” Hardy asks just as Hudson joins us.

“Of course. I wouldn’t be such an educated and well-rounded event planner if I wasn’t put through the wringer by some bridesmaids.”

“Give us a story,” Hardy says.

Maggie presses her hand to her chest. “And break my client confidentiality?”

Hudson rolls his eyes. “You don’t have to give us names, just a general story.”

She waves off the boys. “Fine, you don’t have to twist my arm. Without going into detail, there was an incident where one of the bridesmaids, the night before the wedding, slept with one of the groomsmen. Not a big deal, I know. I’m sure that happens all the time. But…she was actually a content creator for OnlyFans, and ending up streaming the entire encounter. Also…not terrible—that’s until we realized that the groom was in the room, the whole time, watching it all go down. Well, not just the groom, but the entire wedding party—except the bride.”

“Oh shit,” Hardy says.

“Yup. She called the video ‘Wedding Party Watches Me Bang’ or something like that. The news got to the bride right before she had to walk down the aisle. It was a huge ordeal. We ended up moving that bridesmaid to the end of the line, the groom apologized for a half-hour straight and said he was drunk and didn’t remember anything. It ended with the bridesmaid, as a thank-you for borrowing the wedding party, paying for the couple’s first-class flights to Italy—she made six figures just that night.”

I rub the back of my neck. “That’s a strange fucking world they live in.”

“It was easily one of the weirdest things I ever had to deal with.”

“Is the couple still married?” Hardy asks.

Maggie nods. “They are, and from what I’ve heard, they’ve joined the bridesmaid and made some appearances on her OnlyFans. I mean…to each their own, right?”

“I guess so,” Hudson says.

“That’s wild,” Hardy adds and then glances at Hudson. “You know, we could start an OnlyFans account—”

“Don’t even fucking think about it,” Hudson says as he pushes at his brother, leading him toward the resort. “You coming, McFadden?”

“Yeah, give me one second,” I say.

Since the rehearsal dinner was before the actual rehearsal, we’re now supposed to divide up for the bachelor and bachelorette parties. And this is my time to shine. At least I hope it is. Jaleesa’s counting on me. Maggie’s counting on me.

I’m counting on me.

I grip Maggie’s waist, trying to calm my nerves. Wanting to keep it light, I ask, “Should we start an OnlyFans account? With your orgasmic bellowing and perfect tits and my god-like dick and sexual prowess, we could put on a real show. That storefront could be yours in no time.”

“Orgasmic bellowing?” she asks, brow raised.

“Yes, it’s very guttural. Natural. Earthy. Any person listening can tell that you’re getting it good.”

“Are you trying to make yourself less appealing?”

I chuckle. “Less appealing? Even after I mentioned my god-like dick and sexual prowess?”

“Yes, even after that.”

I bring her into my chest, both of us chuckling, and I kiss the top of her head. “So, I’m going to take that as a no.”

“If you don’t want a threesome, then how could you share our sex life with the whole internet?”

I run my hand over her head, keeping her close. “Earning six figures in one night changes your view on things.”

She laughs and looks up at me. “Not happening.”

I shrug. “Gave it a shot.”

She grips my lower back as she stares up at me. “You should go with the guys.”

“Trying to get rid of me?”

“Yes.” She smirks and presses a kiss to my chin. “I’ll see you tonight, okay?”

“Whoever is in the room first had better greet the other one naked.”

“Is that the rule?” she asks.

“Yup.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “I might hang out in the bushes until you arrive, just so I can be greeted that way.”

“You’re pathetic.”

“Just well aware what you do to me.” I lift her chin and press a kiss to her lips. “You looked so fucking pretty up there. Can’t wait to see you in your dress tomorrow.”

Her eyes go soft with affection. “Thank you.” With one more kiss, she pats my back. “Get out of here, they’re waiting for you.”

I glance over my shoulder and spot Hardy and Hudson standing nearby “Okay, see you tonight,” I say.

And as I start to take off, she gives my ass a swat. I look over my shoulder with a question in my brow.

With a smirk, she says, “A preview of what’s to come.”

“Don’t play with me, Maggie. I’ll be expecting it.”

“Good.” She wiggles her fingers at me, and I’m filled with the strong desire to head back toward her, but like Jaleesa said, I can’t be distracted. So reluctantly, I head over to where the guys are. Both Hardy and Hudson put a hand on my shoulder while I join them and guide me down a well-lit path away from the ceremony space and toward the resort.

“Where are we headed?” I ask.

“Dad reserved a private room at the restaurant to sample local Polynesian moonshine.”

I stop in my tracks.


Uh, that screams bad, bad idea.

“Uh…are we going to be required to drink?” I ask.

Hardy and Hudson both glance at me. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Hardy says.

“Is there something wrong with moonshine?” Hudson asks.

“No, I just…uh, I figured I could help keep everyone on track, you know? Act as the DD.”

Hardy chuckles. “We don’t need a DD. The staff can help us drive back to the bungalows. We’re just going to sample, man. Don’t worry, you’ll barely get a buzz.”

Famous last words.

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