Bridesmaid for Hire

: Chapter 14

THE BREEZE RUSTLES THE DRAPES of the cabana that Brody and I were able to reserve. He’s currently sleeping on my chest, exhausted from the night…and morning we had, and I’m reveling in having him next to me, on me, claiming me as his.

I lightly run my fingers over his back, wishing we hadn’t spent so much time fighting when we first got here, and more time like this.

More time with the freedom of being able to touch him whenever I want—and not as a ruse.

More time working together during the day and melting into each other at night.

More time where I didn’t feel so insecure around him, but like I’m the prettiest woman in the world.

Because that’s how he makes me feel now.




My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up to see a text from Hattie.

Smiling because oh man, do I have something to tell her, I read her text.

Hattie: How’s it going? You didn’t text me back yesterday, so I’ve been worried. Are you at least enjoying yourself even though you’re stuck with Brody?

While I continue to run my fingers over Brody’s back, I text her back with one hand.

Maggie: I am enjoying myself, immensely.

Hattie: Really? Oh that’s great. Were you able to shed the dead weight and meet someone?

Maggie: Well, I did kind of see this guy in a Speedo yesterday and he was very keen on me. I ended up having sex with him four times last night.

Hattie: Wait, what?

Maggie: Yup. So much sex. He actually lifted me on his shoulders, pinned me against the wall, and buried his face between my legs. It was incredible.

Hattie: Uh…was this real or was this a dream? I can’t tell if you’re being serious.

Maggie: Dead serious.

Hattie: Okay, slightly hyperventilating for you. You met a man in a Speedo, you actually did it. Who was it?

Maggie: Brody.

I so wish I could see her reaction when she reads that text.

Hattie: WHAT?!?!

Maggie: LOL. Yup, long story, but he was in a Speedo yesterday. He told me he’s liked me for a long time and that he doesn’t want to hide it anymore. When we got back to the bungalow, he showed me just how much he liked me, multiple times and multiple times this morning. I’m pretty sure I screamed so loud that I woke up everyone in the neighboring bungalows, and I’m not even sorry about it. And I’m currently in a cabana on the beach, and he’s sleeping, draped over me while I casually stroke my fingers up and down his back.

Hattie: I’m…I’m shocked. I mean, this is what you want?

Maggie: I think more than I ever knew. I like him a lot, Hattie. And he actually told my brother this morning. Called him up and everything.

Hattie: Holy shit, so it’s like…official.

Maggie: Seems to be.

Hattie: Okay, so then tell me…length, girth…rotation? Isn’t that what you asked me when I first started dating Hayes?

Maggie: LOL. Uh, length…probably the length of a football field. Girth was slightly larger than a downspout. Rotation was like being on a tilt-a-whirl of pure joy.

Hattie: And he wrapped that all up in a tiny Speedo? Wow, impressive.

Maggie: When I took the Speedo off, his penis unfolded like one of those car dealership wind socks, flailing about and ready to play.

Hattie: Why are you the way that you are?

Maggie: I think it was my upbringing.

Hattie: I’ve met your parents. They don’t talk about unfolding dicks.

Maggie: That’s because they put on a show when you’re around. In real life, total freaks.

Hattie: Huh, next time I’ll bring that up to them. Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Maggie told me you’re the reason she compares her man’s penis to the circumference of a rain gutter.

Maggie: Probably not the best idea.

Hattie: That’s what I thought. So…when you get home, is all of this going to continue? Are you going to go out on dates? Possibly meet up with me and Hayes so we can go on a double date?

Maggie: I hope so. He said he wants to take me out when we get back, so I’ll mention it to him. I wonder if he likes Hayes’s music. I mean how could you not? He has the voice of an angel.

Hattie: He’s not here, so you don’t have to flatter him.

Maggie: It’s not flattery, it’s facts.

Hattie: He has a big enough head already. I don’t need you pumping it up.

Maggie: Head head or penis head?

Hattie: And now I’m going to leave.

Maggie: LOL. I love you!

Hattie: I love you too and I’m happy for you. You got your Speedo man and you’re making some business connections. Despite not getting to fully relax, I’m glad this trip is going well for you.

Maggie: I’m relaxing now.

Hattie: Good. I have customers, I have to go. Talk to you later.

I set my phone down and slide down on my lounger, so I’m practically lying down more. Brody stays situated on top of me and as he dozes, his large body half on me, he lays on his stomach. I can’t help but feel completely and utterly satisfied.

Brody stirs and I feel his lips press against my neck.

A genuine smile passes over my lips as I sigh, loving how easy and effortless this intimacy feels.

I run my fingers down his back. “Get a good nap?”

“Yeah, I could spend my whole day here.” He lifts up so I can get a good look at those sleepy eyes.

“Then why are you getting up?” I ask as I bring my finger to his lip. I tug and he nips at my fingertip, making me giggle.

“I need to stretch out, don’t want to cramp up.”

“Is this what happens when you get older, you can’t go all night and not cramp up?”

His brow lifts. “I have no problem going all night, all morning, and right now. This body is finely tuned and ready for anything you try to throw at it, but just like any other elite machine, you have to keep it oiled and running. I’m not going to neglect my needs when I know you’re going to require more of this…lovemaking.” He gestures down his body and I push him away with a laugh.

“Oh my God, you’re obnoxious.”

“And you like it,” he says as he gathers me to his chest and kisses my cheek before releasing me. He stands and stretches his hands above his head. I take that moment to let my eyes hungrily roam over the “elite machine” that he is.

Broad shoulders, tapered waist, contoured and carved in all the right places. His body is incredible, like he’s been molding it for years and has finely perfected it, something I never knew about Brody. I never saw him as the gym rat he looks like, but then again, I never really focused on those attributes before.

He was handsome.

He had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

His chin dimple captivated me.

But it was his voice, his easygoing attitude, the way he so playfully joked around that really got into my head. I’d spend evenings thinking about what it would be like to be part of the inside jokes he shared with Gary. How it would feel to be able to laugh, tease, just feel so freely the way he seemed to, not struggling under the pressure of graduating or starting a business. What would it be like living in the moment with him and that smile?

“What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asks, pulling me out of my reverie.

When our eyes meet, I say, “Just thinking about you.”

“Good things?”

“Great things.”

He grins and holds out his hand. “Go on a walk with me?”

“So you can stretch out your old-man bones?”

“I’m in my thirties, not a geriatric on his last leg.”

“Says the man who cracks when he walks.” I stand as well and adjust my sarong over my hips.

“That’s just unfortunate genetics.” He takes my hand in his, and we head out on the beach, the sand shifting around our feet, sinking us into the earth.

It’s a beautiful day. The sky is a bright blue, mirroring that color of the lagoon spread out before us. The sun is dotted with a few clouds offering sunshine, but not causing a blistering day. And with the light breeze sweeping off the water and the soft sounds of the lapping waves, I don’t think I could ask for a more perfect setup.

“It’s beautiful here,” I say.

“It is.” I feel him look down at me. “I feel like it’s the first time I get to just breathe it in and enjoy it. This week has been wild.”

I chuckle. “Jam-packed some might say.”

He rubs his jaw. “Didn’t expect the week to end up this way, that’s for damn sure.”

“Neither did I. Although, I did find that guy in a Speedo.”

He wiggles his eyebrows at me. “Want me to wear it later for you? Do a little pelvic thrusting your way?”

“You’re an idiot.”

He laughs and squeezes my hand. “And yet, you choose to claim me as yours. Can’t be that much of an idiot.”

“No, you still are.”

“Is that what attracted you to me?”

I step over a shell and say, “Weirdly, yeah. I liked how fun you were, and I was kind of jealous of Gary getting to have all the fun with you.”

“Jealous of your brother? Ooh, don’t tell him that. He’ll never let you live it down.”

I poke his arm. “I’m counting on your discretion.”

“You don’t need to worry about me saying anything. I know the repercussions won’t be good for me if I divulge such secrets. But seriously, you were jealous?”

“Yes,” I answer. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always had so much fun with Hattie, but when I saw you with Gary, you guys were on another level. You were fun and exciting, and I just wanted to be a part of it. And of course, I thought you were my brother’s hot friend, a hot older guy, and that didn’t hurt the image of you I had in my head.”

“Tell me more about that.”

I nudge him with my shoulder. “I’ll pass. Your ego is big enough.”

“You’re right. If it gets any bigger, it might not fit on this island. Might knock Daddy Reggie right into the lagoon with it.”

“And I think he’d be more pissed about your ego knocking him into the water than you scaring his fish away.”

“Daddy Reggie scared that fish away himself the minute he aimed that spear at my junk. No way in hell was I going to be quiet.” He leans in close and says, “Maggie, my nuts were almost his own personal kabob. I can handle screaming over a bush cutting my leg, or having a ball being thrown at my junk at warp speed, but Jesus Christ, testes on a fishing spear? That’s where I draw the line.”

I laugh. The joy he brings me is so freeing, like all the stressors and deadlines that I have to deal with just float away. And that joy is ever-present now that we’ve dropped the frustration between us. It’s almost as if he’s a different person from the man who ran into me by the resort pool earlier this week. The frustration of holding back feelings and not being able to truly express how we felt for each other created an animosity between us, and now that it’s gone, I feel like a new person.

“I’m glad you have your limit—I was starting to question you for a moment,” I say.

“I’m all about climbing the ladder in business, but testicle-piercing is a hard no from me.”

“Seems fair.”

We pass a couple who are sprawled out on a towel, making out very aggressively. He’s on top of her, hand on her breast, her legs are spread and there is no doubt in my mind why he’s on top—to conceal the obvious boner the man must have. Inappropriate for public, but also kind of hot.

“Check out that tongue action,” I whisper to Brody.

He glances at the couple, and I watch a slight smile tug at his lips. “Elegant and a bit slutty. I like it.”

I chuckle. “How would you rate our tongue action?”

“Hmm, great question.” He looks out toward the lagoon, his eyes squinting against the sun’s reflection off the water. He left his sunglasses in the cabana and I’m happy about it—I love looking at his beautiful eyes. “Well, the night of Gary’s wedding, there was tentative tongue action with a hint of desperation. I enjoyed it immensely. Made me hard as a goddamn stone and left me craving so much more.”

“Same,” I say as I smirk up at him.

“And now…well, I wouldn’t say eloquent at all. I don’t think there’s anything fancy about us when it comes to our mouths molding together or our bodies jostling.”

“Oh my God, don’t say it that way.”

“They jostle, Maggie, that’s what happens when people are ravenous for each other. Which means only one thing. Our tongue action, well…it’s horny.”

“Horny,” I protest. “I would not say horny.”

“Please. We’re two horny motherfuckers, and I’m not ashamed to say it. The moment you stuck your head into my business and announced you were my girlfriend, my horn-meter skyrocketed. And then those so-called pajamas you wore at night accompanied by your face buried in my dick in the mornings…well, this guy was a horny asshole just begging to have his horny counterpart join him.”

“Can you stop saying horny?” I chuckle.

“Tell me it’s not true.”

“It’s not.”

He stops us and turns toward me. “Maggie,” he says very seriously. “If we’re going to lie in this relationship then we’re never going to make it. So, I’m going to very politely, but firmly request that you join me in acknowledging the horniness.”

I can’t hold back my smile. He’s too much fun. “Is this how it’s going to be between us?”

“Yes, get used to it.” He leans down and kisses the tip of my nose. “Go ahead, say it.”

I roll my eyes and say, “Fine, our tongue action is horny.”

He gasps and brings his hand to his chest. “How dare you diminish the passion we have for each other to such a low level of seduction.”

“Oh my God.” I push at him and start walking away, which only makes him laugh and drape his heavy arm over my shoulder, pulling me into his chest. “You’re annoying, you know that?”

“Yeah, but you like it.” He kisses the top of my head as we continue down the beach.

Yup, I like it.

I like him.

I like us.

Horniness and all.

“Mmmm,” I moan as I feel lips pass over me, stirring me awake from my peaceful nap.

I open my eyes and find Brody pushing the triangle of my bathing suit to the side, exposing my breast right before his lips lock on my nipple.

“Brody,” I moan as he sucks my nipple between his lips. I look out toward the ocean in front of us and squirm with the knowledge that anyone could walk by and see what he’s doing. “The…curtains,” I say as he pushes the other triangle of my top to the side.

He glances behind, and then pushes off our double-wide lounger and shuts the curtains, blocking us off from view. When he comes back onto the lounger with me, I notice the bulge in his trunks and the hunger in his eyes.

“This bathing suit is driving me fucking crazy.” He presses both of my breasts together and licks all around them, kissing, nibbling while I reach for his swim trunks and undo the drawstring. I then dip my hand into his trunks and stroke his erection, loving how hard he already is for me. “Fuck,” he grunts as his hips thrust toward my hand. His eyes connect with mine. “I’ve never been this goddamn horny before.”

That makes me laugh. “So we established earlier. Which means…are you saying I get you all riled up?”

“Yes,” he says as he takes my bathing suit top off and then removes my bottoms as well, leaving me completely naked. The thought that people around our cabana could hear only turns me on even more.

With my feet, I push down his trunks until he’s completely naked with me and that’s when I smile up at him. “How do you want to do this?”

His smile is devilish as he scoots me all the way down on the lounger so I’m lying flat, and my feet are dangling off the end. He then spreads my legs and straddles me upside down with his head right between my legs and his cock directly over my face.

Seeing the position he wants, a bolt of arousal lights me up even more, and I lift slightly, taking his cock into my mouth.

“Yes, baby,” he says as he lightly pumps his hips, letting me suck on the tip. “Fuck, your mouth is so hot.” He revels in it for a few more seconds before he dips his head between my legs and starts licking.

I pull his dick out of my mouth and whisper, “Oh my God,” just as he slips two fingers inside me.

“Too much, babe?”

“No,” I say as I catch my breath. “So good.” I bring him back to my mouth and gently play with his balls, something I know he loves.

He groans against my pussy, the vibration of his voice adding to my already heightened arousal. And even though I’ve never done this position before, I love it. I love the way we both can control each other. We both can give each other what we want. We can revel in making sure the other one is pleased.

I love being able to freely touch him, play with him.

I love that he responds so well to what I do with my mouth.

And I love that he doesn’t even have to think about how to make me moan—he just somehow knows.

With his fingers, he spreads me wide, exposing my clit to the ocean air right before his lips start working over it, massaging, kissing…flicking with his tongue.

It’s intense.

It’s demanding.

It’s everything I need in this moment, building me to the precipice faster than I’m building him.

“Yes,” I say as I take a second to pull away from him. “Yes, Brody.”

My encouragement keeps him moving, keeps his tongue running over my clit, faster and faster as his fingers inside me curl up and hit this untouched spot that I don’t think anyone has ever hit before.

“Oh fuck,” I scream, probably scaring everyone around me, but I don’t care. I squirm beneath him as this beautiful, deep-rooted pleasure pools in the pit of my stomach.

I’ve lost what I’m doing, forgetting about him, as all my energy is focused on my impending orgasm. He flicks me with his tongue one last time and I tip over the edge, my hips bucking up. He stills them as he lets me ride my pleasure on his tongue until I can’t take it any longer and pull away.

“You okay?” he asks as he comes up beside me now, pressing kisses on my neck.

“More than okay.” I open my eyes and find his handsome face, full of joy.

I reach down and start stroking him again, feeling every vein, every ridge of his length.

His forehead connects with mine as he takes a deep breath. “Maggie, I’m going to come quick.”

“Good,” I say. “I love watching you fall apart.” I release him and then press my breasts together, and when he sees what I’m hinting at, his eyes go from chocolate brown to nearly black with lust.

Lifting up, he straddles my chest and then slides his cock between my breasts. He leans over to grab the top of the lounge bed and he starts thrusting his hips through my cleavage.

“Oh fuck,” he grunts. “So hot. So good.”

I stare up at him, watching his chest and abs flex with every thrust, the way his sinew shows against his skin, and the raw alpha male that he is, writhing on top of me, seeking his pleasure. It’s insanely hot and a moment that I want to keep in my mind forever.

“Close, baby,” he says. So, I release my breasts, and then bring his cock to my mouth, opening wide and letting him slide himself to the back of my throat. I lightly gag and watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

I let him pump himself into me a few more times before I grip his balls and run my finger back to his perineum where I press against the sensitive skin. He jolts forward, stills…and then he starts growing as I suck his tip and he comes in my mouth.

“Fucking hell, Maggie,” he says as he catches his breath.

He lowers down and flips to his back where he stares up at the ceiling of the cabana, his breathing wild.

“What the fuck was that?”

I chuckle and drag my fingers over his chest. “What was what?”

His head turns to look at me. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

I smile and pepper some light kisses along his pecs. “Just something I like to play with on occasion.”

“Occasion? Baby, you can play with that all the fucking time.”

I laugh and drag my fingers over his cock. “All the time wouldn’t have the same impact.” I lean down and kiss the tip of his penis, loving how it jolts. When I come back up, I catch him staring at me, a softness to his eyes.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing…just thinking about how goddamn lucky I am.”

I smile at him. “And here I thought you hated me this whole time.”

“The hate was a mask for how I really felt.”

“And how do you really feel?” I ask.

He strokes my face with this thumb. “Like I could be one happy motherfucker with you in my life.”

Cue the blushing.

“You’re staring again,” I say as Brody sits across from me at dinner.

“Because you look really beautiful,” he says.

After a long day in the cabana, we went back to our bungalow where we showered—together—and got ready for dinner. We listened to music as he watched me put on light makeup. I let my hair air dry into its natural wave, then pinned a piece back and added a flower to go with my outfit. I went with a two-piece set. A pair of high-waisted short shorts and a tube top with off-the-shoulder sleeves. Now that I’d caught some sun, deepening my spray tan, the turquoise of the outfit looks great against my skin.

Brody went with a simple pair of chino shorts and a navy blue, short-sleeved button-up shirt. Of course he leaves the top few buttons undone, showing off his impeccable chest and the obvious bite marks I’ve left. I asked him if he wanted to cover them up and he shook his head. He was proud of them.

The thought of him walking around the resort, showing off my bite marks made me blush. And now that we’re here in the restaurant, those bite marks still on display, I can feel my cheeks redden.

“You’ve said I look beautiful at least three times already,” I say as I lift my water, needing to cool down my cheeks.

“And I’ll probably say it another dozen times,” he replies. “So deal with it.” He winks.

“Well, thank you in advance. I’m not sure any guy I’ve dated has ever been this nice to me.”

“Then you were dating asshats,” he says, which of course makes me chuckle.

“Hey, you guys,” Haisley says as she walks up with the stoic Jude at her side. “Did you have a good day?”

“Great day,” I say as I glance at Brody, that knowing smirk of his pretty much telling the world the kind of day we had.

“I’m glad.” Haisley looks between us and chuckles.

“What?” I ask.

She winces. “Okay, don’t hate me, but it’s too funny not to share. Dad was woken up last night by a noise that sounded like a dying animal. He went to his deck to investigate and heard you shouting Brody’s name in a…pleasurable way.”

I clamp my hand over my mouth while Brody’s smile grows wider.

“Oh my God, he did not,” I say.

Haisley nods. “He was so grumpy this morning about it, going on about how people need to keep their bedroom antics to themselves.”

“I’m horrified,” I say.

“I’m not,” Brody says as he leans back in his chair, looking like the Man.

And surprising to everyone around, Jude gives Brody a slight nod of approval. God, I can only imagine what Haisley and Jude’s sex life must be like.

She has to climb a freaking tree every night, I’m sure.

Haisley chuckles as she adds, “And then apparently he heard you two in a cabana by the ocean when he was on a serenity walk.”

My eyes widen as I look over at Brody. The man is beaming with pride. Chest puffed, chin up, acting like he just won the biggest prize.

“Brody, stop that,” I say, swatting at his hand.

“What?” he asks. “Can’t a guy be proud of his accomplishments?”

“Not when they’re scaring the owner of the hotel while he’s out on his serenity walk. He’s going to kick us out for being sex-crazed hooligans.”

“He won’t kick you out,” Haisley says, her voice full of mirth. “He might avoid you, but he won’t kick you out.”

“This is humiliating,” I say, but Brody reaches across the table, picks up my hand, and places a sweet kiss on my knuckles.

“Nothing to be humiliated about,” he says, his eyes locked on mine, easing my embarrassment. “I’m sure Haisley and Jude encounter the same issue.”

Haisley nods. “I think he’s overly sensitive because he heard us at the start of vacation. After that, we learned to keep it quiet…for the most part.” She glances up at Jude and he places a kiss on her forehead.

Seriously, he has to be a titan in bed.

“See?” Brody says. “It’s fine, Maggie. Plus, what does he expect when you build a resort like this, in the middle of paradise, and market it to couples? These bungalows probably regularly experience a variety of positions. If those walls could speak…”

Haisley chuckles. “They wouldn’t speak, they would scream.”

“Exactly.” Brody winks and his casual attitude really does ease my mind. I love that he can do that for me.

“Well, I’ll let you two get to dinner, but I’ll see you tomorrow for brunch?”

“Yes, we’ll be there,” I say before waving goodbye to them.

When they’re out of earshot, I clamp my hands over my face. “Oh my God, Brody.”

He laughs. “What? I think it’s hot how loud you are. Probably one of my favorite things, especially when you shout my name.”

“Well, it’s not happening anymore.”

He lifts his brow at me. “Good luck, babe.” He brings his glass of water to his lips. “I haven’t even shown you half of what I want to do to you. Try keeping quiet when we start playing more.”

I lean forward and whisper, “There’s more?”

He chuckles and nods. “You’re cute.”

“How’s your ravioli?” Brody asks as he picks up one of his tacos and takes a bite.

“Really good, do you want to try it?”

He nods so I cut him a piece and reach my fork out to him. I watch as his lips smooth over the tines and pull away. The man apparently likes to make everything sensual.

“Oh shit, that is good,” he says while chewing. “Excellent choice.”

“Thank you.” I look out toward the restaurant, taking note of Reginald and Regina eating dinner together in a private corner. Jude, Haisley, Hudson, Hardy, the twins, and then another man and woman I haven’t met yet are eating together, sharing wine and laughing. And I remember, as I watch the Hopper family, exactly why we came here in the first place. I look over at Brody, who is once again staring at me. “Why do you want to get on their good side?”

Probably not expecting that question, he sits slightly taller and asks, “Huh?”

“The Hoppers, why are you here to get on their good side? I know you wanted to make a good impression, but don’t think we ever really talked about why.”

“Oh.” He washes his taco down with some water. “I have this proposal I’ve been working on for them. I’m up against this girl I work with who I can’t fucking stand. Hate her, actually. Her name is Deanna. And when the Hoppers get back, Reginald is going to review the proposals and decide which one they’ll go with. If mine isn’t chosen, I’m going to have to work under Deanna. I’d probably have to look for a new job at that point.”

“Is she really that awful?”

“Like the gum on your shoe that you can’t get rid of.”

I chuckle. “That is bad. So, what’s your proposal?”

I watch him go from casual to business mode in a second as he starts talking about his idea. I like it. I like seeing him invigorated, filled with passion for something other than my body—not that I’m complaining. “With Cane Enterprises entering the San Francisco market, the Hoppers want to find a way to capitalize on some of the buildings and office spaces that have been vacant for the last few years. The Canes have started converting old office buildings into affordable housing for low-income families. So, I was trying to think of a way to utilize the space like them, changing it into something different but that the economy would still need.”

“That’s smart.” I lean my chin on my hand as I listen to him.

“So, I came up with the idea of modernizing some of these empty storefronts and using them as multipurpose spaces.”

“What do you mean, exactly?” I ask.

“Well, we’d first renovate so that the spaces are very neutral. In my proposal, we’d create light spaces and moody spaces. The light spaces would be bright and cheery and could be used for anything like offices for companies who work remotely but need to meet on occasion, photoshoot space, or retail areas for pop-up shops. And the moody spaces could be geared toward influencer and marketing uses. This way we’re moving with the trends, and we’re utilizing and refreshing some of these main storefronts in well-known neighborhoods. It’s helping the economy and bringing new life to buildings that might not have a use anymore.”

“I love this, Brody.” He smiles proudly. “It’s such a brilliant idea and has so many possibilities. Would you have furniture and party rentals available?”

“That would be the plan—the spaces would be set up a certain way, but then rentals would be available in the back as well as any backdrops for photoshoots, and so on.”

“It’s brilliant. Reminds me of what I want to add to my storefront.”

“You want a storefront?” he asks.

“It’s my dream to have one. A place where brides can come in, sit down, feel comfortable, and have every aspect of their big day laid out. I want it to be a one-stop shop. That way they’re not moving all around San Francisco to plan their weddings. They can just come to me, and I’ll show them flower choices, invites, cakes—everything. I have vendors who already deliver to me, and I know more would join in once I have the storefront. And then I’d want a space in the back, or in a loft area where we would hold pocket weddings.”

“What’s a pocket wedding?”

I smile. “I’m glad you asked. A pocket wedding would be like eloping but staying in your city. So, you know how some people go to the courthouse to get married? And sometimes the courthouses are less than appealing, especially when you have to wait around with other people who are looking for a permit or something along those lines? It doesn’t have the wedding feel. But with a pocket wedding, we could customize their ‘courthouse’ wedding within a little pocket of our storefront. Like a mini ceremony that we’d decorate for them and make special.”

“Wow,” he says leaning back. “That’s a great idea, Maggie.”


“So, would a marriage officiant come to you? Is that how it would work?”

“Yes. I know many who’ve expressed interest in my idea. One said she often has these weird spaces in her day. Like a wedding in the morning and then not one until nighttime. My venue could offer the perfect in-between booking for her.”

“Lunchtime nuptials. It has a good ring to it. Pardon the pun.” I laugh. He’s such a goof. But I do like the sound of that too.

“Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it’s in the plans for this year. I was hoping to be able to afford my storefront, but I got an email from my accountant while we’ve been here saying that I won’t be able to make it happen this year. That was the day we were invited to the Hopper games and one of the reasons I was in a bad mood.”

“You should have told me,” he says, his face growing sincere. It’s so crazy to think that in just a couple of days, I went from harboring a secret crush while outwardly hating this man, to reveling in the comfort he offers from just a look.

I shake my head. “No, there was no way I was going to show you that I failed. And I don’t know, I think I was holding out hope too, you know? Like maybe if I can prove myself to the Hoppers, they’d want to work with me. Maybe sign some sort of deal where I work with them on their weddings. Far-fetched, I know, but if I could have an ‘in’ with the Hoppers, that’s one way to grow the business and gets me closer to that storefront, you know?”

“Yeah,” he says, his teeth smoothing over his lips. His eyes cast downward at his hands. From the shift in his demeanor, I can tell there’s something on his mind. Something possibly plaguing him.

“You okay?” I ask.

“Shit,” he mumbles while he drags his hand over his face.

“What?” I ask.

He looks around. “I need to tell you something, but I don’t want to tell you here.”

“Okay,” I answer, worried. “Do you want to go back to the bungalow?”

He nods. “Yeah.”

So, we flag down our waitress and sign off on the check, putting it toward our room, which I know Reginald will be paying for. And then he takes my hand and walks us to our golf cart. He helps me in and then he gets in himself before driving off down the wooden bridge. It doesn’t take long to get back to our bungalow and the moment we enter, I take my shoes off and turn to him, my nerves buzzing. “What’s going on?”

He brings me out to the deck where he sits us both down on one of the lounge chairs. He turns toward me with an almost sick look in his eyes.

“I didn’t even think about this until just now,” he says, his hand shaking in his lap.

“You’re scaring me, Brody.”

“I’m sorry,” he says. “But I, fuck, I’m worried that you’re going to be pissed at me, and I’m really happy right now, being with you. It’s been the best fucking twenty-four hours and I don’t want to lose that. I don’t want to lose this.”

“Just tell me,” I say.

He lets out a pent-up breath. “You know, Deanna, the devil woman I was telling you about?”

“Yes,” I say.

“Well, she’s proposing that Hopper Industries expands into the wedding business.”

“Oh,” I say, feeling my heart sink.

“She wants to use the huge, empty commercial buildings that are sitting around town and turn them into venues where ceremonies and receptions can both take place. Churn out cookie-cutter weddings in-house with the event planning staff and well…fuck, apparently Reginald really likes the idea.”

“Okay, why are you nervous to tell me?”

“Because.” He gulps. “I think Deanna’s plan has the potential to hurt your business. I don’t know the ins and outs, but I think she’s trying to be exclusive with certain vendors and take over the wedding scene in San Francisco. And this is something I probably should have told you earlier, but I think I was so wrapped up in my own goals, I forgot about you.” He takes my hand in his. “I’m sorry, Maggie.”

“There’s no need to apologize,” I say as I cup his cheek. “If you were the one trying to put me out of business, that would be a different story, but it’s not you. It’s Devil Deanna.”

He chuckles and then pulls me into a hug. “It is Devil Deanna.”

I ease into his hold, and he lays us back on the lounge chair. I curl into him and drape one of my legs over his as I rest my head on his chest. “Thank you for telling me. The news kind of sucks, but I feel like your idea is better. There is no originality to hers.”

“I think so too,” he says. “But Reginald only sees numbers and the wedding industry is lucrative. Not everyone wants to get married in a hotel, and that’s why Deanna wants to expand the business into other venues and have everything in-house.”

“I don’t know how viable that is,” I say. “I mean, with me, I can offer discounts to my partners, but I would never be solely exclusive with vendors because people like to have options. They like to have a variety of choices and who am I to take that away from them? I think if Deanna has exclusive vendors, she’s doing their clients a disservice, and also pissing off the other vendors out there, especially if they’re all inclusive to all Hopper properties.”

He runs his fingers up and down my back. “Did I mention she’s not the smartest?”

“Seems like it.”

But she’s smart enough to take over an industry with a multibillion-dollar company backing her that has the potential to put me out of business.

This very well could be the beginning of the end for me.

Dramatic, maybe? But I’m having a hard time not thinking of a way this won’t hurt me.

After a moment of silence, he asks, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I sigh. “I’d like to think that after this weekend, after helping Haisley and forming a bond, they’d at least consider me for some work, you know?”

“Yeah, they would be stupid not to.”

But some reason, it almost feels like all this work I put into getting close to the Hoppers is not going to get me what I want.

I don’t think I’m going to successfully insert myself into their business.

I think if anything, I just learned that they’re going to insert themselves into mine.

And not in a good way. Will Magical Moments by Maggie even survive if Devil Deanna’s proposal succeeds? Are there other ways for me to expand what I do?

“I could really get used to this no-swimsuit thing,” I say as I slip the rest of the way into the lagoon, right from our deck.

The night is dark.

The moon is reflecting off the water.

And the bungalows around us are silent, which makes our skinny-
dipping in the lagoon the perfect nighttime activity.

“Yeah, it’s my favorite thing,” Brody says as he tugs on my hand, bringing me right to his chest. He’s currently sitting on a fancy version of a pool noodle to hold him up in the water while I straddle his lap.

When I feel his erection press against me, I lift an eyebrow. “Do you have no control?”

“When you’re naked? No,” he says as his hands smooth around my back and we float together under the moonlight. It’s dreamy. Romantic. Everything I dreamt of when I booked this trip—I just didn’t imagine sharing this moment with Brody.

But I’m glad that it’s him.

So glad.

I drape my arms over his shoulders. “Besides my twenty-first birthday and Gary’s wedding, were there any other moments when you caught feelings for me?”

“Every time I saw you in the last few years,” he answers. “When I’d show up at Gary’s house for dinner, I would casually ask if anyone else was coming, secretly hoping you’d be there, and also hoping that you wouldn’t.”

“Why were you hoping that I wouldn’t come?”

“Because I couldn’t take seeing you. It was painful trying to not look at you too long and hiding the fact that I was crushing hard. And Christ, when you did show up, you’d come into the house and head straight for the wine. There was this one time when you unbuttoned your blouse a few buttons, showing off a peek of your cleavage, and I nearly went into a comatose state. Thank God I had the Rebels game to focus on.”

“Wait…was that the night of their first playoff game? I specifically remember unbuttoning my blouse because I thought it was choking me, and then I caught you glance at me, your eyes floating down for a second. I was caught off guard and pleasantly surprised that you actually gave me a second of attention.”

“Yeah, a second too long because Gary caught it too.”

I feel my eyes widen. “Did he really?”

Brody nods as his hands smooth up and down my back. “Yeah. When you were out of the room, he asked me what the hell I was doing. When I told him I didn’t know what he was talking about, he called bullshit and said he caught me looking at you. I just shrugged it off and said I thought you were showing us your new shirt or something.”

“Oh my God, that’s the worst cover-up I’ve ever heard.”

He smiles that beautiful smile. “He went with it. He’s either really gullible or wanted to ride the denial train and not look further into my blatant staring.”

“Maybe a little of both,” I say as his hand runs lower, rounding over my butt.

“Probably. Then there was another evening where we all went out to an outdoor movie and the park, do you remember that?”

“Yes,” I say, the memory popping into my head. “You were wearing a tank top and you turned a certain way and I saw the side of your pec. I remember my face feeling beet red and Patricia even asked me if everything was okay.”

He smirks. “You bent over at one point—your dress rode up and I caught the bottom half of your ass and had to quickly avert my eyes, but that image was in my goddamn head forever.”

“Oh my God, how embarrassing. You saw my butt?”

“The only thing embarrassing about that was the fact that I had to hold my plate of food over my dick because I was reacting like a fucking teenage boy seeing his first pair of tits. Which by the way, you leaned over to hand me a napkin at one point, and I looked right down the front of your dress. I was a goner after that.”

“Brody McFadden, you were a bit of a Peeping Tom, weren’t you?”

“Yes,” he says without even skipping a beat. “Any chance I got, I looked your way. Sometimes it was to convince myself that I didn’t have feelings for you. Other times it was because I was so desperate to look at you again, that I would wait until Gary was out of the room or he wasn’t paying attention and I would glance in your direction.”

I play with the short strands of his hair. “Is it weird that I find that so cute?”

“Think I would say yes to that?” He shakes his head.

“Guess not.” I chuckle. “Well, I got my fair share of looking as well. I remember when Gary proposed to Patricia, all I could think about was how I’d be seeing you more because you would be involved in the wedding as well. And I was excited about that.”

“Hell, you did a good job at hiding it—you really made it seem like I was the most annoying human on the planet.”

“I did.” I lean in and press a soft kiss to his lips. “But I also thought you were a lot of fun, extremely attractive, and someone I wanted to be around, despite myself.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

“You should,” I say as I press another kiss to his lips, this time, I linger a touch longer. When I pull away, I hear him sigh. “I like that,” I say.

“Like what?” he asks.

“That you sigh after I kiss you, like you’re so full of relief.”

“I am,” he says, his eyes connecting with mine. “I’ve wanted this for so goddamn long.”

“Then why give me so much trouble at the beginning of this vacation? We were sharing a bed—you could have started this earlier.”

“Uh, do you not recall your vehement installation of rule number one? You were like a headmistress, slapping down the ruler, ready to punish me—and not in a good way—if my toe crossed the line in the middle of the night.” His hands slide up my side and his thumbs press against the underside of my breasts. “But then you woke up with your face in my lap…”

“Surprised you didn’t do something then.”

“Oh, I did,” he says as his thumbs run against the sensitive skin, lighting me up inside. “The first morning, I sprinted out of bed and jacked off in the shower.”

My eyes widen. “I thought you were disgusted with me. I told Hattie and she insisted there was no way, that you were getting off in the shower, but it was too hard for me to believe.”

“Oh believe it, princess,” he says as his thumbs move up to my nipples, the water splashing lightly against his back. “I was hard as stone and there was no way I was going to be able to calm myself down. The only way to do that was in the shower, with my hand.”

I roll my teeth over my bottom lip. “I wish I knew.”

“Yeah? And what would you have done about it? Stared again?”

I lightly pinch his side, causing him to laugh. “I was not staring that first day.”

“Please, you couldn’t take your eyes off me. You were a peeping Tina.”

“Stop, I was not. I was just so shocked that you didn’t care about having any sort of decency.”

“Why would I have any decency? You found out exactly what I was packing at Gary’s wedding. Didn’t matter.”

“That’s awfully confident of you. What if I thought you had a twelve-year-old used pencil down there?”

His fingers roll my nipples and I move my pelvis up against his erection. “From the way you were groping me that night, there was no way you were interested in a twelve-year-old pencil. You were introduced to a man that night and you wanted more.”

“You are so full of yourself.”

“Not as much as you want to be full of me.” He smirks and then guides us over to the dock where he lifts me up onto the platform.

“Brody,” I say, looking around nervously while I cover my breasts. I’m all for swimming naked, but being out on display right here, nothing covering me…

But then my eyes focus on the man in front of me, hoisting himself out of the lagoon, water dripping down every sinew of his body. I vaguely notice him tossing his float to the side, but I’m more focused on the muscles of his legs, the V of his hips, and the massive erection between his thighs.

Smirking, he pushes me back down on the smooth wood of the dock and then spreads my legs. His lips crash to my neck where he presses light but urgent kisses.

Any worry of who might see us quickly vanishes as I’m swept up into the arms of Brody McFadden, covered by his body, glowing in the light of the moon.

He brings my hands above my head and pins them there as he uses his other hand to play with my hardened nipples that were just moving against his bare chest.

“Fuck, I’m not sure there will be a time when I don’t need you,” he whispers just before bringing his mouth to mine.

I revel in the way he commands our kiss—opening my mouth and devouring me with his tongue, his lips, his touch. His pelvis slowly rocks against mine, his erection running along my thigh. It’s erotic and perfect and everything I wanted when I came here. The only difference? When I started this vacation, I was looking for a fling, something to help me relax for ten days. But this, with Brody, I want this to last long past these ten days. I want this back in San Francisco.

I want us to carry this through.

“Need you,” I say as I spread my legs wider for him as his lips trail across my jaw.

“Now, Brody.”

He grunts something unintelligible and then takes his cock in his hand and positions it at my entrance before sinking in deep.

“Yes,” I moan as my chest arches off the wood.

“So…good,” he says as he starts pumping his hips in and out of me, the friction so delicious, so warm.

“Deeper,” I say so he lifts my leg and puts it over his shoulder, giving us a deeper, more intense angle as he continues to move inside of me. “Yes, just like that.”

Hands still pinned above me, he brings his mouth to mine. He lazily lets his mouth run over mine, exploring and tangling with my tongue, driving up my need and adding to the luxury of our connection to the point that when his hand grips my breast and plays with my nipple, the sensation almost feels unbearable.

It’s in that moment, with his fingers rolling over my nipple that my orgasm starts to build deep within me, starting in the pit of my stomach and moving to the base of my spine where it tingles, turns numb, creates this vortex of pleasure between my legs.

“Oh God,” I moan when his mouth pulls away for a brief moment.

“Close?” he asks.

I just nod as he continues to pump inside of me while he plays with my nipple. The simultaneous movements create this glowing within me, a feeling of passion and fire, and ecstasy.

With every pump of his hips, that glow shines brighter and brighter.

With every press of his lips to mine, the fire burns warmer.

And with every roll of my nipple between his fingers, my ecstasy climbs to a point of no return.

My leg wraps around him, and I dig my heel into his back, holding on as my body starts to spasm.

My fingers curl around his hand, anchoring myself into his hold.

And my mouth parts as the first feel of my orgasm starts to climb through me, spreading like molten lava through my veins.

“Oh fuck, Brody,” I yell just as everything starts to fade to black and pleasure rocks through me with every pulse of his hips.

I tense around him.


Convulse around him until he’s bowing his head into my shoulder, biting my skin and groaning as he stills his hips and comes right along with me.

It’s the most delicious feeling ever, knowing that me getting off can get him off within seconds.

That we’re so in sync with that we can both make each other feel pleasure at the same time.

I’ve never had that before.

I’ve never had this connection that feels so complete, so right.

It’s why he’s the best I’ve ever had. It’s why I’m so addicted to this, to us. It’s why when we go back to San Francisco, I don’t want to lose it.

I want to see where this goes.

He releases my hands and lifts up just enough so I can look him in the eyes. A goofy grin spreads across his face. “I have no idea if someone was just blinded by the sight of my pasty ass thrusting up and down.”

I laugh. “Your pasty ass is the only thing shielding the public from our inappropriate behavior.”

“It comes in handy.” His thumb strokes my cheek. “You’re beautiful, Maggie.”

I feel a soft smile pass over my lips. “So you’ve told me.”

“And I’ll continue to tell you.”

“I hope so.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.