Breakaway: An Accidental Marriage Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

Chapter 7

“So, does Drake know?” I ask Angie, watching Roman from afar as he buys coffee for us.

“Not yet.” She laughs heartily, and the sounds of people’s chatter become louder on the other end of the line. “Sorry, we’re at a restaurant for dinner, and it’s really crowded. Drake went to the restroom, so I decided to call you.”

“That’s fine. When are you planning to tell him?”

“In Paris. We’ll be there in two days,” she replies. “How are you, Nev? Are you feeling better?”

Twisting my mouth, I bite my bottom lip and stare at the plane that’s getting ready to take off. I hate lying to my best friend, but I don’t want to bother her with my problems when she’s enjoying her time with her boyfriend. I’ll tell her the truth once she’s back.

“I’m good. Took a few days off to recharge my batteries, and it’s really been helpful.”

“That makes me happy. I’ve been worried about you, Nev. Once I’m home, we need to have a sleepover.”

“I better go to Layla’s then. Your last sleepover traumatized me.” Drake’s voice reaches my ears. “Who in their right mind watches all of the High School Musical movies to feel better?”

“Your girlfriend,” Angie deadpans, making me burst out laughing.

“Touché,” Drake says.

I turn my head and notice Roman walking toward me with two cups of coffee. “Okay, lovebirds, I gotta go. Have an amazing day. Love you both.”

“Love you too, Nev. Tell Travis we said hi.”

“Will do. Bye, Angie.” I end the call just as Roman joins me.

He extends a cup to me, and once I take it, he lowers himself across from me on the couch. “Thank you,” I tell him, and he shrugs.

If someone asked me what I was doing here with this guy, the only answer I could give would be I don’t know. My plan for the weekend was simple: find an apartment, hopefully sign a lease, and then throw myself a pity party. Ice cream and movies. Easy and predictable. What better way to cheer myself up than ice cream? What better way to forget about my own problems than lose myself in the worlds of fictional characters?

Apparently, going to Vegas with a guy I barely know.

Roman sips his coffee, his elbow set on the back of the couch, his cheek resting on his fist. His white tee has ridden up, revealing a line of sun-kissed skin and delicious-looking abs. My eyes traitorously zero in on it, and a warmth that has nothing to do with the hot cup in my hand spreads through my whole body. He’s a guy I barely know…a guy I’m insanely attracted to, and it scares me to death. Because I don’t think he likes me at all.

“How is Benson?” The question makes me stop staring at his abs and brings my eyes to his. He’s no longer sporting his thick stubble, and his clean-shaven face looks boyish. The turquoise color of his eyes now holds a darker shade of navy blue, reminding me of the sky on the edge of a storm. A great contrast to his soft features. Only his jawline and cheekbones stand out with how refined they are.

“Good. He and Angie are enjoying their time in France. She is obsessed with that country, and Paris in particular.”

“Yeah, Drake mentioned that once or twice. He said it’s a special place for her.” Roman gives me a quick smile and takes another sip of his coffee. “I’m not surprised that’s where he took her.”

Bringing my cup to my lips, I mull over his words. With a tilt of my head, I narrow my eyes. “What does that mean?”

With one eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth quirks up. “You need to be a bit more specific.”

“The way you said that…about Drake taking her to France. Do you know something?”

Deep, honeyed laughter bursts out of his lips, and his eyes crinkle with playfulness. “Malyshka, English isn’t my second language. There’s no hidden meaning behind my words. Angie loves France, and her boyfriend took her there for a vacation. That’s all.”

I continue to stare at him, as if expecting him to crack and start telling me his secrets, knowing perfectly well he won’t. This guy has the best poker face. Like last night, as he was watching Peaky Blinders, I couldn’t get a read on him. He looked detached, his face expressionless.

The day he lets his mask slip will be the day I finally know who Roman Pashkevich really is. If that ever happens.

“What are you working on?” I glance at Roman, who sits on my left near the window. The moment it was allowed, I pulled out my laptop and continued writing the article I didn’t finish last night. We had about thirty minutes left in our flight when I typed the final words.

“An article about the best places to go with your partner if you want a change in routine. You know, instead of restaurants and bars.”

“May I?” He cocks an eyebrow, extending his hand. My gaze drops to his outstretched palm, then back to his face. He looks genuinely interested, as if he really wants to know what I wrote. “I kinda peeked a few times, but I think reading the whole thing will be more interesting. Plus, I’m curious.”

Fighting a smile that forces its way onto my lips, I push my laptop into his hand. Roman takes it and starts reading my article. I keep my eyes on the seat in front of me. It’s never been easy to watch someone reading my work.

Roman hums, drawing my attention to him at once.

“Hmm?” I echo, frowning. He meets my eyes, and his lips suddenly break into the most handsome smile. For some stupid reason, it agitates me. I snatch my laptop back and close it, stuffing it into my backpack. “I should’ve known you wouldn’t like it.”

“Nevaeh.” His low murmur slides under my skin, causing heat to creep onto my cheeks and the back of my neck. It happens so quickly, it’s like he flipped a switch.

“What?” I ask, my voice louder than I intend. “Your ‘hmm’ was very telling.”

“First, I need you to stop making assumptions about my words. Second, your article is really good. It’s witty, smart, and entertaining.” My jaw drops, and I continue to gape at him in silence. “My ‘hmm’ was only for one reason—I didn’t see any sports-related activities mentioned.”

Turning to him, I fold my arms over my chest. “Elaborate.”

“Well, art exhibitions and museums are great. It’s educational, entertaining, and sometimes awe-inspiring when you just stare at something and can’t look away because it’s so perfect,” Roman explains. “Concerts? Might be loud, but at the same time you can bond over the songs you both love, or just dance together, which is a huge plus. Movies? Clearly a great date; everybody knows that. Escape rooms? A bit extreme if you ask me, but you’ll need to work as a team, which is a great test for a relationship, to see if you have a future together.”

“So you like my suggestions?”

“I do, but I don’t really understand why you didn’t include any sports. Going to a game together? The excitement, the adrenaline, the pure fucking endorphin rush when your team wins—it’s the best thing ever.”

He has a point. A really good one. I groan, shifting in my seat so I can sit straight. “Dammit, and I thought I was done.”

“You’re welcome.” I glare at him, but it quickly disappears because he puts his hand on my knee. “You wrote an amazing article, Nevaeh. If you add in some sports, it’ll just make it better.”

“Thank you.” I hold his gaze. The feeling of his hand on my skin is intoxicating, setting my whole being on fucking fire and making my body hum in anticipation.

I’ve never felt anything even close to how this man makes me feel. Even with the guys and girls I was in love with. He’s just different.

Suddenly, his hand is gone, and he leans back into his seat. “Sure. Anytime.” His reply is clipped and curt, and it makes me set my jaw hard. His attempt to create distance between us when we’re sitting next to each other on a plane is ridiculous—so are my reactions to him. I need to get over it.

He’s just a guy. And I have an article to finish. With a sigh, I pull my laptop out again. Writing always helps me clear my mind.

Roman steps out of the elevator first, proceeding to his right. I follow him in silence, debating in my head whether I’m making a mistake or not.

A little too late for that, no?

I roll my eyes and twist my lips into a scowl. My inner voice is annoying me. Of course it’s too late. Instead of agreeing to come to Vegas on a whim, I should’ve said no. Right off the bat, because that was the most logical thing—and yet I let my consciousness black out while my heart was running the show.

Dammit, I broke up with Travis four days ago. I should be home, watching rom-coms and eating ice cream. I should be looking for an apartment. And, more than anything, I should feel something when my ex sends me pictures of him and his dog on walks, telling me how much they miss me.

But I don’t feel anything…unless it involves the guy walking in front of me. Guess I seriously fucked up.

“This is our room,” Roman mutters, glancing at me over his shoulder. I stop beside him right as he opens the door with the key card and lets me in first. “I tried to get them to upgrade what I booked, but this was the only available room with two beds.”

Barely listening to his mumbling, I step into the room and look around. It’s big, spacious, in warm colors with two double beds, a table and chairs by the window, a big TV on the wall, and a bar underneath it. I walk straight to the window and look down at the famous Las Vegas Strip. Putting my hands on the glass, I close my eyelids and let the sunlight warm my skin.

I don’t need to open my eyes to know he’s beside me. His arm brushes mine as he stands close. “I’ve been to Vegas for games, but I never really had the chance to explore,” he says quietly. I turn my head to look at him, and our gazes meet. “Thank you so much for agreeing to come with me.”

“Don’t mention it,” I reply, averting my eyes. The longer I look at the city, the stronger the feeling in the pit of my stomach becomes. I don’t know his reasons, but I think I need this trip just as much as he does. “Thank you for inviting me. I promise you won’t regret it. I’ll be great company.”

Roman’s lips curl into a crooked smile. “I don’t doubt it.”

Smiling at each other, we stand at the window side by side, watching the city and not saying anything. The moment is peaceful and calm, and for the first time since I walked out of Travis’s apartment, I start to believe that everything is going to be alright.

I’m going to be alright.

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