Breakaway: An Accidental Marriage Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

Chapter 33

“I have no idea how you deal with Drake’s away games,” I mutter. “I feel like Roman spends more time on the road than he does at home. He just got back, and now he’s leaving again.”

“My dad was always gone a lot.” Angie shrugs. “I’m used to it, though of course that doesn’t mean I like it.” She gives me a small smile. “Drake and Roman love hockey; it brings them joy. All we can do is to support them.”

“I do support him,” I blurt, making Angie burst into giggles.

“Everyone who knew Roman before you sees it. He’s very different, even from when I first met him. You’re a good influence on him.” Angie dips her head, her dark brown hair falling over her shoulders like a heavy curtain. “Just like he is on you. He’s changing you too, Nev, and I love it.”

I cover her palm with mine and squeeze it gently. “I told him everything about my past, and he didn’t judge me. He’s been supportive of me ever since. Just like you. You two are my guiding lights…even if he’s more like a rainy cloud on some days.”

“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy too.” Angie puts one hand on her growing belly. “How is your article going?”

Instinctively, I grab my phone from the couch and check my notifications. Getting a phone call from Kai on my day off wasn’t something I anticipated—nor him asking me why I even have an email address if I never reply to him on time. I’ve missed a lot of his emails recently, so all my mornings have started with me going through my inbox to check for anything from my boss. I checked the settings and talked to our tech department. No one seemed to know why it was only happening to Kai’s emails, so I kinda gave up. I have way more important things to worry about, and my article is one of them.

“It’s almost ready. Just need to go through the part about Kyle one more time,” I tell Angie as I squint at my phone once again. “The part about Roman is done though. It was the easiest to write; the words just poured out of me. I even had to stop myself so I didn’t go over my word count.”

“Does he know you’re writing about him?”

I shake my head. “I want him to read it once it’s published,” I say quietly. “When I’m ready to know what he thinks about me being in love with him.”

“Nev…” Angie curls her hand around my shoulder and pulls me to her side.

She doesn’t say anything, and I’m grateful for that. Having any sort of expectations when it comes to Roman’s feelings is a lost cause. I’ll be so disappointed if he doesn’t feel the same way. I prefer to just bet it all on red, tell the world about my past and how my present healed me, and hope that the man I love will want to be a part of my future.

Even if he says he’s not capable of love.

“I’ll be there for you no matter what,” Angie whispers, and I cuddle into her, closing my eyes and relaxing into her embrace. “You can count on me. Always.”

“I know,” I whisper back. I wrap my arms around her and hold her gently. “Love you so much, Angie.”

“Love you too.” She kisses my temple and leans her head against mine.

We sit quietly in her living room, and the feeling of comfort overwhelms me, the way it always does with her. Drake went for a run, taking Cooper with him and giving us some privacy. He’s a good friend, and he wouldn’t say anything to Roman about me, even if they’re friends too. But I’m glad I was able to talk to Angie without him around. I needed perspective. Needed to get things off my chest and talk about the article I’m working on with someone who isn’t Roman.

Because my desire to confess my feelings is getting the better of me lately, and I know he’s not ready. Not ready to believe that he deserves to be loved. Not ready to admit that he wants to be loved too. Thinking about it makes my little heart flutter in my chest like a wild bird thrashing against its cage, desperate and scared of what’s going to happen next.

And him breaking my heart is a possibility I can’t ignore…even if I want to.

The first thing I hear once I close the door of Roman’s apartment is his mom’s voice. She giggles, telling him something in Russian, and he laughs too. A warm and cozy feeling forms in my belly. I love the sound of his laughter, so genuine and joyful; it always brings a smile to my face.

Padding into the living room, I find Roman sitting on the couch, holding his phone in front of him and smiling from ear to ear. He notices me, and his grin becomes softer, gentler. Beckoning me with his head, he tells his mom, “Nevaeh is home.”

Nevaeh is home. A simple sentence, just three words, but it makes my knees weak. My legs are all unstable as I walk over to the couch and sit down beside him. Roman drapes his hand over my shoulder, pulling me into his side and kissing my temple. His gestures are full of affection, and they lack even an ounce of pretense. And, despite how much I’m trying to forbid myself, I still feel hopeful. Hopeful that he loves me too.

Not as much as I love him, because I try to be a realist, but at least a little bit. The way I feel about him is larger than me, larger than anything I know in this world. It’s unique and endless, and even if it might take him time, my love will be enough for both of us. Because nothing has ever felt this right.

“I hope Roma isn’t giving you any trouble,” Iryna says, smiling gently at me.

“He might be a handful, of course, but most of the time your son is wonderful.”

“Wonderful?” Roman leans away and looks down at me. A false scowl plays on his lips. “That’s not what you should call your husband.”

“You’re my husband, so I know better than you what I should call you.” I give him a pointed look and switch my attention to his mom. “How are you, Iryna?”

We talk some more, and I enjoy the conversion to the fullest. With one exception. Roman’s fingers drawing circles on my skin makes me fidget in my seat, but no matter how much I try to scoot away, he only holds me closer. His hand continually slipping lower brings heat to my cheeks.

By the time we say good-bye to his mom and Roman tosses his phone on the small table, I’m a puddle. Melting, blushing, and panting. My mind is foggy, and I’m trying my best to distract myself. Surely we can’t spend the whole evening fucking, can we?

“Why does your mom call you Roma?” I move away and turn to face him.

“Because that’s my name.” He gives me a crooked smile. “The short form.” His hand snakes around my waist, and he pulls me back into him. “Come here.”

“Short form? I kinda thought it was a term of endearment,” I mumble, biting the inside of my cheek. His palm cups my tit over my clothes, massaging it gently and adding just a little bit of pressure to my nipple.

“Mom used to call me ‘Romochka,’ and I fought with all my might to make her stop using it. Though my granny calling me ‘Romashka’ tops it all. In English, the literal translation is ‘chamomile.’”

“Chamomile? ‘Romashka’ is ‘chamomile’ in English?” I blink and start giggling, loud and contagious. Roman cracks a smile too.

“I’m the last person you’d think of calling that, but my granny doesn’t care. She says she’s an old woman and I should respect her wishes.”

“You should.” I playfully push him away and stand up from the couch. “Listen to your granny, Roman.”

Heading to the kitchen, I don’t look back to see if he’s following me. Because I know he is. The warmth of his body cages me, clouding my mind and skyrocketing my arousal to its highest level possible. I think we should spend the whole evening fucking. It’s a great⁠—

A knock on the front door stops us both. I look over my shoulder and meet Roman’s gaze. Arching an eyebrow in question, I see him shake his head. He has no idea who it might be.

Wheeling around, Roman strolls to the door as I continue to the kitchen. Even with how curious I am, I don’t want him to feel like I’m always snooping. This is still his house, and I’m still his guest. And this…

I pause, my fingers curling around an empty glass. A woman’s voice reaches my ears, and I recognize it instantly. It’s his neighbor Claire, the tall brunette.

Despite how much I want to go to the hallway and listen to their conversation, I stay put. After pouring myself an orange juice, I prop my hip against the kitchen cabinet and stand still, nursing the glass in my hand. No more than two minutes later, Roman walks into the kitchen.

“What did Claire want?” I ask.

“To invite me…us to her birthday party. She’s turning twenty-four.”

“Us?” I cock an eyebrow, and a lazy smile appears on his lips.

“Well, she invited me, but I told her that these days I don’t go anywhere without my wife.” Roman saunters closer, moving slowly like the predator he is. “Can’t say she was happy to hear that.”

“Of course she wasn’t.” I jerk my head in annoyance. “What is she even doing here? I thought she left you alone after Ava’s birthday.”

His hand slips around my waist and slides down, splaying over my hip bone. “I see her from time to time, on my way home or out and about. Mom taught me to be nice unless I have a reason to be mean, so all I can do is small talk.”

I know he’s riling me up. Taunting me out of my mind. I know that, but I still fall victim to my jealousy.

“I’d prefer you didn’t talk to her.” I push past him and scurry to the living room, intending to go to my bedroom and change my clothes. And also calm down, because I don’t want to argue with him before his next stretch of away games.

His steps echo behind my back, and the next thing I know, my back collides with his chest. “You and your jealousy,” Roman whispers, his tongue licking the length of my earlobe. “I need you to start trusting me, because not trusting me will grow old real quick.”

“I trust you.”

“Doesn’t really feel like it,” he states. “I only have eyes for you, Malyshka. Claire, and all those other girls who come around the team, mean nothing to me.”

“Those other girls…What are you talking about?”

“Blyat’⁠1,” Roman curses.

In one swift motion, he turns me around and puts my back against the wall. His hand curls around my throat as he brings his lips to mine. “If you only knew how much power you have over me.” His tongue traces my bottom lip before he sucks it into his mouth and releases it. “If I could, I would spend every fucking day of my life with my head between your legs, making you come and worshipping your sweet little cunt.”

His lips cover mine, taking my breath away and turning all my thoughts into jelly. I slip my tongue inside his mouth, fisting his tee and pulling him into me. It’s wild and passionate. Nothing has ever felt this good. I swear he feels like heaven on Earth. Roman is just…perfect.

Without holding back, I kiss him with everything I have until he breaks the kiss and presses his forehead to mine, breathing heavily.

“Malyshka…if it’s still not clear how I feel about you, I’ll gladly spell it out. You own me. You and no one else,” he tells me, his eyes burning into mine. I know it’s not “I love you,” but it definitely feels like it. With him, it does.

And I know what I want to do for him.

As slowly as possible, I get on my knees in front of him and look up. His hand cups my chin, gently lifting my face. “The most beautiful girl in the world is on her knees for me,” he murmurs huskily, and I lean into his touch, his words injecting deep into my core. “Will you let me fuck your mouth?” I nod. “Good.”

Roman pushes his sweatpants down, and his hard erection stands in front of my eyes. Wrapping his hand around his dick, he pumps it several times, his gaze never leaving mine.

“Open your mouth, Nevaeh.” I do as he tells me, and he slides his cock into my mouth. My lips close around his dick, but I don’t move; I’m waiting for him to say it. Roman smiles, his fingers running down my chin. “Suck.”

Swirling my tongue around the crown of his cock, I wrap my hand around his length. I suck, teasing him with my tongue, my teeth grazing the sensitive skin of his dick. My hand moves back and forth, jerking him slowly.

“Such a good girl you are.” Roman puts his hand on my head, forcing me to take more of him. “Gag on my cock, Malyshka.”

Tears spring to my eyes as his cock almost hits the back of my throat. I gag, saliva drooling out of my mouth, but I refuse to stop. Tightening my grip around his shaft, I start pumping him harder. He groans; his other hand slaps against the wall as he balances himself. His hips move, the length of his dick sliding inside my mouth till I’m full of him.

I reach for his balls with my free hand, massaging them gently and then roughly tugging them down. When I do, his breath hitches in his throat, and he groans loudly. My panties are a mess, my wetness coating my thighs.

“You feel so good,” he praises me. “Don’t stop, Nevaeh. Don’t fucking stop.”

He’s fucking my mouth, his hand on top of my head keeping me in place. With how his movements quicken, I know he’s going to come in no time. I continue stroking his cock, sucking the head of his shaft when his cum fills my mouth. I swallow it, feeling my cheeks burning. My lips are swollen, but the euphoria is overwhelming.

Roman steps back; his cock pops out of my mouth. Grabbing my wrists, he hauls me to my feet, and his mouth crashes onto mine. I can barely breathe, so many emotions are mixing together. Our tongues dance around each other, fueling my lust for him. His hands move feverishly over my body as he pushes my legs apart and slips a hand under my skirt.

“So fucking wet,” he growls between our kisses, his fingers playing with my clit. “God, you’re hot. Hotter than any fucking woman on the planet. You’re everything, Nevaeh.”

His praise…it sends me closer to the edge with each word he says. He doesn’t even need to be inside me to have me coming. The need I felt for him when we first met in the club is a faint ghost of what I feel now. It swallows me whole, and I don’t even remember how I lived without him.

Roman pulls his hand out of my panties, puts both hands on my hips, and slides them to my ass. His palms are full of me when he lifts me, and I wrap my legs around his hips. Our lips are inseparable, devouring each other. His tongue is exploring my mouth, making me cling to him harder. I never want him to leave, never want him to stop touching me.

“Oh God, Roman,” I moan into our mouths. My skin is scorching; I need to get rid of these clothes.

I have no idea where he’s taking me, but when he slams the door behind us I know we’re in our bedroom. He lowers me onto the sheets, the weight of his body pinning me to the bed. Nestling between my legs, he rubs his cock over my entrance as I writhe under him. Roman’s lips trail down my chin and to my neck, his hot breath sending goosebumps over my skin. When he digs his teeth in my collarbone, I gasp from the pain that he instantly soothes by licking the mark he left on me.

“Tvoy zapah⁠2…You smell so fucking delicious, Nevaeh. Everything about you makes me so fucking high. It’s like I’m constantly drunk. On you,” he whispers, his hands slowly undressing me piece by piece.

When I’m fully naked, Roman turns us around and makes me straddle him. I rise, wrapping my hand around his cock to guide it inside me, but he stops me.

“No. Not like that,” he orders, moving until we’re in the middle of his bed. “Turn around.”

And again I obey. Turning around, I find myself in front of the mirror. I lick my lips, my gaze roaming over my body. My breasts are rising and falling with my erratic breath, and my nipples look like bullets. My ponytail has come loose, my wild locks falling into my face. My cheeks are flushed, and my eyes glisten in the darkness of a room lit only by moonlight.

“Take my dick in your little cunt.” Roman slaps my ass, and I rise a little as I feel his dick press into my pussy. “That’s right, Malyshka.”

I sink onto his cock, taking him fully. I’m so dripping wet, he slides right into me to the hilt. Oh my God. My lips part as I stare at my own reflection, captivated by how good it feels to have him inside me.

“Ride me, baby, and don’t look away…See what I see in you. Your beauty, how hot you are…” I start slowly bouncing on his cock, and he falls quiet, taking a deep breath. “And how good you are for me…”

A smile blossoms on my lips, one I have no control over. All the things he says play with my head and make me lose my sanity. Then I start riding him. Slowly at first, but eventually picking up speed and chasing my own orgasm. I rotate my hips, circling his cock more roughly. He groans, slapping my ass hard.

“Again,” I whisper, arching my back and glancing at him over my shoulder. Roman smirks, lifts his hand, and catches my ponytail in his fist. He tugs, and my head rolls back. “Again.”

Roman digs his fingers into my ass cheeks right as I start losing control. His hand is fisted around my ponytail, his other hand slapping my ass harder and harder with each move of my hips. My moans are so loud they surprise even me. My approaching orgasm makes me fucking scream, and I come more powerfully than I ever have in my life.

“Oh fuck…” Roman groans. My walls are suffocating him. He lets go of my hair, wraps his hands around my wrists, and starts fucking me, lifting his hips higher and higher. Wave after wave crashes over me, the pleasure sliding so deep into my core, I think I feel it in my bones. He comes too, his hot cum shooting right inside me.

I have no idea how long it lasts, but it feels like forever. Multiple orgasms, one after the other, wreck my body. My legs are shaking so hard as I slide off his cock and sit between his thighs, I think I’m going to be spending all day in bed tomorrow.

Sitting up, Roman wraps his arms around my waist from behind. Our eyes meet in the reflection of the mirror. I smile, and he smiles back, gently pushing my hair off my face. Then he presses his lips to my shoulder and rests his chin on it.

“You’re so stunning, and so beautiful, Nevaeh. I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you,” he confesses. “One simple thought about you when I’m away, and my balls turn fucking blue. Do you really think I care about Claire or any other girl at all? They aren’t you…and I’ll never be interested.”

“Promise?” I ask.

“I swear,” he says, taking my chin between his thumb and index finger and tilting my head toward him. “Ready for round two?”

I laugh heartily, pressing my forehead to his. “Always,” I whisper before I turn around and connect my lips to his.

Apparently, we can spend the whole evening fucking and it still won’t be enough.

1 Блять — Fuck

2 Твой запах… — Your scent…

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