Breakaway: An Accidental Marriage Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

Chapter 32


When are u going to be home?


Around 7? Kai scheduled another meeting about the special edition and it’s running late


What time will u be home? I miss u so much


Same as you. And I miss u more


Wanna bet? I’m going to blow ur mind tonight


I’ll never say no to you blowing me


I AM AT WORK! Stop giving me ideas


Why? Wet for me already?


Yes. And I hate u

Laughing, I glance at the huge bouquet on the passenger’s seat. There are one hundred and one pastel pink roses, and the scent is heady, making me a little dizzy. I really hope Nevaeh likes them, because I spent quite some time yesterday trying to arrange everything with Layla so the bouquet would be ready by the time our plane landed in San Jose.

I look out the window, my gaze glazing over the parking garage of her office building. Her convertible is parked beside my BMW. After the plane landed, I rushed home to take a quick shower and change my clothes. Not even twenty minutes later, I was already out the door. After I picked up the bouquet, I drove here, silently hoping for her to still be at work, because my surprise would’ve been ruined if she’d already left.

I climb out with the bouquet, close the door, and lean against my car. I’m glad we won last night. Now my mood isn’t marred with gloomy thoughts, and I can simply enjoy my time with my wife.

My wife…

Back in August, I would’ve never thought I would be calling Nevaeh my wife and meaning it. Now? I catch myself thinking about her that way all the time. The feelings I have for her are growing stronger, and it scares me…but I’m also secretly enjoying it. Being happy isn’t something I’m really used to—or more like wasn’t used to. Nevaeh turned my life upside down, helped me see that the world isn’t all black and white. That I can actually enjoy my days while remembering my brother and cherishing the time I got to spend with him.

Grief for me is like the deepest waters, when no matter where I swim – I can’t see the shore. Nevaeh is my lighthouse, the guiding light that helps me find my way out of my sorrow.

Maksim will always be with me. In my heart. In my mind. And I will never forget him. My brother is a part of me, and that won’t change…no matter how happy or sad I am. I finally know that.

The sound of approaching footsteps makes my ears prick. When I look up, I instantly recognize her. Nevaeh heads in my direction, her eyes glued to her phone as she’s typing something. My gaze travels down her body, and an elated smile forms on my lips.

Her short leather skirt sashays with each step she takes; her legs look absolutely mouthwatering. The clicking of heels echoes with her hurried steps, and a thrill of excitement rolls over me. She will notice me soon. I raise my eyes to the light blue sweater. It must be new; I haven’t seen it before, and she told me she went shopping with Angie the other day.

Takaya krasivaya⁠1.

My phone dings in my pocket. The sound rings out through the quiet, and Nevaeh’s eyes fly to me in an instant. She halts in her tracks, her jaw dropping. This reaction is why I’m waiting for her here and not at home. I smile, tilting my head to the side and mouthing, Hi.

With a squeal, she runs toward me, and I catch her, wrapping my arm around her waist and lifting her. Her hands are around my neck, and she’s peppering my face with light kisses. Her hair tickles my skin, but I only hug her tighter, losing myself in the moment. It’s exactly what I’ve been dreaming about. Her in my arms, and the rest doesn’t matter.

Setting her on her feet, I lower my head and swiftly kiss her lips. Control is something I lack around her, but fucking her in the parking garage of her office building isn’t in my plans…not tonight, at least.

“This is for you,” I tell her, and she takes the bouquet from me. Nevaeh’s eyes are dancing between my face and the roses, and the happiest smile plays on her lips.

“My favorite…They’re so beautiful,” she says on an exhale. “Thank you so much, Roman.”

“Anything for you.” And I steal another kiss, just because I’m shit at restraining myself. “Do you mind leaving your car here? I’ll drive you to work tomorrow.”

“How can I say no after you gave me these?” Nevaeh presses the bouquet to her chest. “Are we going home?”

“Not exact⁠—”

“For fuck’s sake! Could you at least not bring him to where I work?” A furious man’s voice shuts me up. I see Nevaeh’s ex standing a few feet away from us, arms crossed over his chest, his face contorting in anger.

“This is a parking garage, Travis,” Nevaeh says, pursing her lips. “Should we not go out in public because we might run into you?”

“Yeah, that would be fantastic. You should! Out of respect for me—if you even remember what that word means.”

“What’s your problem?” I ask, stepping forward and shielding Nevaeh from him.

“I was just going to my car after a very long and exhausting day at work. Sorry if I didn’t expect to see my ex and her new boy toy here.”

“Where’s your car?” I tilt my head, watching him. He points at a Nissan parked two cars away from Nevaeh’s. “Um, sorry, and why were you so surprised to see Nevaeh? You parked so close to her, and now you’re acting like she did something wrong.”

Travis’s nostrils flare, and his hands drop to his sides. He balls his fists as he takes a step toward me. “It’s called decency. Basic fucking respect. Though I’m not surprised you know nothing about it. Jocks are always dumb as rocks,” he spits, glancing over my shoulder, trying to see Nevaeh. “I shouldn’t be surprised by her either. She’s not who I thought she was.”

“And who am I?” Nevaeh’s voice trembles in fury as she comes to my side and glares at her ex.

“A gold-digging slut, apparently.”

I rush toward him and grab his collar. His eyes widen, and he digs his fingers into my skin, trying to break free. I just fist my hands harder, making him walk backward until his back hits the concrete wall.

“If you ever call my wife that again, I’ll fucking smash your face into this wall.” I shake him once, hard, and the back of his head hits the wall. “You have no idea what happened, how we even got together. Keep your assumptions to yourself, and keep your fucking distance. Move on.”

Stepping back, I watch him breathing hard. When he looks up and meets my gaze, I notice unshed tears. It’s like a flashback—I see my brother in him. This is how Maks probably felt when he found out about Alisa and her ex. The hurt written all over Travis’s face makes my heart ache, bringing memories to the surface.

“I’m sorry,” I say, surprising myself, and probably him too, given how his pupils dilate. “Nevaeh didn’t leave you for me, and this marriage wasn’t planned. It just happened.”

Travis straightens his back, pushes himself away from the wall, and strides past me. Not a word, not a single glance at me or Nevaeh. He just acts like we’re not here anymore. Holding his head high, he gets into his car, and then he’s gone.

An uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach, and I can’t shrug it off. Him calling her names pissed me off, but at the same time I understand his hurt. He loved her. He wanted to marry her…and then she left him and married someone else in the span of two weeks.

If I knew how to love, I would feel crushed too if someone did that to me.

Turning on my heel, I stalk back to my car. Nevaeh stands completely still, the bouquet pressed to her chest. She meets my gaze, probably recognizing my turmoil with how her eyes soften. I need a distraction. Something strong that will stop me from spiraling, stop me from comparing what happened to Travis with what happened to my brother.


I don’t say anything, just take her hand in mine and pull her toward the backseat of my car. After I open the door for her, I extend my hand, and she gives me the bouquet without question. Once the roses are on the front passenger seat, I join her in the back.

“I want you,” I say. “Now.”

“You want a distraction,” Nevaeh replies, looking skeptical with her eyebrows pinched together. “Why can’t we go home?”

“Because we have a dinner reservation in an hour, at that Italian restaurant you told me you wanted to try.” I snake my hand around her waist and make her sit on my lap. “I want you.”

I put my hand on the back of her neck and pull her mouth to mine. Her scent. The softness of her luscious lips. Her warm skin. It’s maddening how easily she makes me forget about anything that isn’t her.

My tongue pushes through her lips, curling around hers in slow circles. It’s the right kind of kiss, the kind that makes me feel emotions I never thought possible. It’s slow and fast. It’s gentle and rough. It’s carnal, and I’m loving every fucking second of it.

“Roman…” Nevaeh moans as I slide my lips down her throat. “It’s a parking garage. People will see.”

“Who cares?”

“You’re a public…oh God…” I nibble on her skin, my teeth sinking into her flesh. “You’re a public figure.”

“Malyshka, I haven’t seen you in ten days. I haven’t touched you.” I slip my hands under her sweater, cupping her tits with my palms. “I haven’t tasted you in ten fucking days.” I bring her bra down, my fingers caressing her breasts, playing with her pointy nipples. Her eyes fall closed, and a loud moan escapes her parted lips. “Do you really think I care about anything except burying my tongue in your pussy?”

With that, I lay her onto the seat, my hands sliding under her skirt. I don’t do quickies, and she knows that better than anyone. But I love eating her out. Her tight cunt tastes better than anything, and I swear I’d want her pussy to be my last meal before I died. So fucking delicious.

Nevaeh watches me; her hair is a mess as it falls in her face. Her eyes though? Sparkling sapphires hooded with desire, and I’m so here for it. Dragging down her panties, I slowly position myself between her thighs. Her right leg rests on my back, and she props her left leg against the front seat, spreading herself wide for me.

I smile and dive in, sucking her clit into my mouth, not wasting any time. Her hips jerk forward, and her head rolls back. She moans softly as her fingers thread through my hair. I play with her clit, swirling my tongue around it as I leisurely trace her folds with my fingers, building her anticipation, making her dripping wet for me. I push one finger inside her and pull it out almost immediately. She whimpers and then groans; the loss of friction frustrates her.

“Roman!” Nevaeh scolds me, the heel of her shoe poking in my back. “I want—” I plunge my finger back inside her, adding another one a second later. “God, please don’t stop.”

“I don’t plan to,” I murmur against her clit, fucking her steadily with my fingers.

Sucking and licking, twisting my fingers inside her and curling my tongue around her clit, I drive her to her orgasm, and the closer it gets, the harder it becomes for Nevaeh to stay quiet. She’s panting, her fingers tugging on my hair. I wince but don’t pull away, only doubling my efforts.

She lifts her hips up and down, shoving her pussy in my face and rubbing it against my mouth. I obey, eating her out and thrusting my fingers inside her rougher and faster, to match the movements of my tongue. When I curl my fingers upward, I feel her clench around me. She’s coming, her eyes closed and her mouth open. Her legs are shaking, and the loudest moan fills my car.

Her orgasm is racking her body, waves of pleasure spreading through her skin. Even touching her, I can feel how she’s burning from the inside out.

“So fucking sweet, Malyshka,” I coo, sitting up and lightly slapping her pussy. “So fucking mine.”

Nevaeh stares at me for a second. Then she props herself up and sits up too. A pinkish hue covers her cheeks and a pretty big hickey shines on her neck—I’d be damned if I said her look doesn’t scream sex. The energy she radiates makes my dick so hard, I feel pre-cum leaking.

“Let’s go home…Please.” She leans over to my ear, her lips wrapping around my earlobe.

Dammit. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Turning my head, I kiss her lips but move away just as quickly. “No.”

I climb out of the backseat and go to the driver’s side. Then I start the engine and glance at Nevaeh through the rearview mirror. She’s already fixed her sweater and is now trying to comb her hair with her fingers. Her pouty lips make me smile.

“You’ve been talking about this restaurant for two weeks,” I explain. “I had to call in a favor to get us the reservation because they’re so booked. We’re going to dinner, and then when we get home…I’ll let you do whatever the hell you want with me.”

“Promise?” Nevaeh grins, braiding her hair.

I wink at her. “I swear.”

1 Такая красивая. — So beautiful.

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