Breakaway: An Accidental Marriage Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

Chapter 17

Did I really think I wasn’t going to fall asleep in his bed? Because if I did, the title of the most delusional person ever would be mine. Or maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic who can’t stay away from the man I like. He’s a little bit broken, a little bit distant…but nevertheless, he’s the man I can’t stop thinking about.

The man who might hold all the pieces of his shattered heart, who might fit mine perfectly. I can’t even imagine feeling anything like that for someone who doesn’t reciprocate it. To have someone constantly on my mind while I don’t think I’ve ever crossed his.

“Malyshka, it’s time to wake up,” he whispers, gently caressing my cheek. I smile, opening my eyes and peering at him. “You weren’t asleep?”

“I wasn’t ready to start the day,” I correct him.

Roman chuckles, and I turn onto my right side to have a better look at him. His skin is brighter, and the usual dark circles under his eyes aren’t so prominent. A long and restful night’s sleep was good for him, allowing him to recharge his batteries. And I hope it improved his mood. For his own sake. The way he’s torturing himself because of his past isn’t healthy. Even if I understand him better now.

“Thanks for staying with me. I needed that.”

“What are friends for?” I give him a small smile. “I’m glad I could help. If you want to talk, just know that I’m here for you.”

Roman sighs, closing his eyes. “I also wanted to thank you for not pushing me to talk about Maks…about my brother.”

“I figured it might be too much on a day like yesterday. Talking opens old wounds and doesn’t always bring healing…” I mutter, and his eyes focus on me. “I’d love to know more about your brother though. Whenever you feel like talking about him and what happened. But no pressure. Only when you’re ready.”

The corners of his mouth lift, lighting up his face. He’s so fucking handsome always, but this smile…it makes my heart melt. As if I’m made of snow, and now I’m just a little puddle. “I think he would’ve liked you. You carry this sunshiny energy inside you. Maks was like that too. An optimist who always saw the good in people.”

“And you’re a pessimist?” I ask the first thing that comes to mind, because the somersaults the butterflies in my stomach are doing are making me all giddy.

“I prefer the term ‘realist.’”

I roll my eyes, sit up in bed, and lean against the headboard. “A realist with pessimistic tendencies. And a sunshine girl who gives great advice to others but never follows it. We make a great team.”

“We do.” Roman sits up. Our shoulders are brushing, making my body hum in the most pleasant way possible. My skin buzzes, the heat in my lower abdomen sending goosebumps all over my body. The way I want to beg him to touch me is concerning. It’s like I can’t even trust myself when he’s around.

I turn my head to look at him. Roman squints at me, meeting my gaze and smiling gently. Something feels different. It’s like we know something that no one else in the world knows. Like we’re the only two people who know some secret…one neither of us wants to share with others.

And I suspect that the secret is us. Here in his room, waking up in the same bed after opening up to each other a little bit. It’s the best secret I’ve ever kept.

“Ready for Ava’s birthday?” he asks in a low voice. “To meet my friends?”

“Well, I’ve met them all already, but I can’t say I’m not nervous.”

“Nervous? Why?”

“It’s silly,” I mumble, remembering Angie’s words. His friends will know our marriage is just a ruse. I don’t need to try and make them like me. It’s all temporary. Like seasons changing year after year. Once summer comes, we will be divorced.

Roman shifts a little, and I move away from him. Cradling my cheek with his warm palm, he looks me in the eyes. “Tell me.”

“I’m just worried they aren’t going to like me. They know me as Angie’s best friend, but now…now I’ll be there with you. And⁠—”

“If someone has a problem with you, then they have a problem with me. That’s how it works, Malyshka. And my friends already like you, so being with me won’t change their perception. Quite the opposite, actually.”

“Even if you tell them the truth?”

He looks at me, and the intensity of his deep turquoise eyes sets my body ablaze. His gaze drops to my lips, and I swear my heart stops for a second.

“Even if I tell them the truth,” he rasps, his eyes darkening. “The truth about the most precious and beautiful girl I’ve ever met, who agreed to be my wife…even if I’m the last person she would’ve ever wanted to be married to.”

Then he presses his lips to my forehead. Swiftly. Barely. But it’s still earth-shattering. It’s like tomorrow won’t come if he’s not with me, and I don’t know what to do to stop myself from feeling this way. I plaster a smile, trying to hide my infatuation with him, and how him calling me beautiful makes me feel. Kiss me, please hangs on the tip of my tongue, but I swallow it down along with my nerves.

“You don’t need to flatter me, Roman. All those sweet words won’t work on me anyway.” I jump to my feet. “Breakfast on you?”

He frowns slightly, confusion creeping onto his face. I pull my blanket off his bed and press it to my chest, as if creating an invisible wall between us. Blinking, Roman clears his throat and nods. “Yes. What do you feel like?”

Rounding his bed, I head to the door, throwing “Surprise me” over my shoulder. The best way to deal with our marriage is to turn it into a joke. To make fun of the situation we’ve gotten ourselves into.

Fingers crossed it will actually work.

“And why did you need to buy this? I remember telling you I got something for Ava,” Roman says as we walk down the stairs. He’s carrying a bouquet of three books mixed with beautiful violet tulips. When I first saw it today, my jaw was on the floor, but all he did was shrug when he noticed my shocked state. He not only bought the books his friend’s wife wanted, but he also found a girl who makes book bouquets and ordered one for Ava. It was thoughtful and cute, and it made me like him even more.

“I want your friends to like me, remember?” I beam at him, pressing a big red M&Ms toy to my chest. It’s filled to the brim with different candies, with a reading journal on top. The second I saw it yesterday at the bookstore I went to at lunch, I knew it would be perfect for Ava. “It’s just a little something. I didn’t want to show up empty-handed.”

“Did Angie tell you about the Thompsons’ love for M&Ms?”

I nod. “She mentioned that Ava and Colt are obsessed, so when I saw this and the girl at the shop told me it could be filled with anything I wanted, I knew I should get it.”

“That’s very⁠—”

“Roman!” A woman’s voice pierces the air, halting us in our tracks on the third floor. Turning my head, I notice the tall brunette I saw him with the other day. She strolls down the steps, her eyes laser-focused on Roman. The salacious smile on her face makes me clench my teeth.

“Claire, hey.” He nods in greeting as she lines up with us, forcing me to move a few steps down to give her room. “How are you?”

“Good,” she murmurs. “Going out for lunch with my best friend. You?”

Annoyance brews inside my chest, spilling into my veins and ruining my mood. I walk down the stairs with them following me. Shivers run down my spine, and I flex my shoulders in discomfort. This feeling is physically unpleasant. I hate it.

“Nevaeh and I are going to my friend’s place. It’s his wife’s birthday.”

“Oh…” The brunette falls silent, and even without turning around, I know she finally decided I’m worth paying attention to. It feels like her gaze is digging holes in my back. “Any plans for tonight?”

“Not really.”

“Maybe you want to make a quick detour on your way home? I still have the wine you gave me.” The sweetness in her voice makes me want to gag. “We can watch something together. Eat, drink, and…talk.”

The pause irks me. I’m tempted to turn around and throw the M&Ms in her face. Why does she think it’s okay to hit on a guy when he’s with another woman?

“Sorry, Claire. I’m pretty sure we’ll be home late.”

“I don’t care if it’s late,” she chirps. “I’m sure your sister won’t mind if you come over.”

I swivel my head around so fast, my neck hurts. “I’m not his sister.” I snarl, glowering at her.

Her eyebrows knit together, her eyes dancing between Roman and me. “No?”

“No,” I mimic her, scowling.

Turning back around, I hurry down the stairs and storm out of the building. Assuming I’m his sister? This is ridiculous.

Roman and this Claire girl linger behind, and when they finally join me outside, she doesn’t look happy. She shoots me a glare full of anger, and then she walks away. Swaying her hips like she’s a fucking runway model.

“Ready to go?” Roman sidles up to me, scrutinizing me with an amused look on his face. His trembling lips give away his attempts to hide his smile.

Rolling my eyes, I head toward his BMW. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of teasing me. Once we’re in the car, he drives away from the building. He keeps silent, just like me, and it dawns on me that maybe the silent treatment is a bad idea. I want to know what he told her.

“Who’s the girl?” I ask, half turning to get a better look at him.

“My neighbor,” he replies with a snort. “I thought that was obvious.”

“Gah, you’re impossible! Who is she to you?”

Roman glances at me, quickly looking me up and down with an open smile playing on his lips. “My neighbor. Claire is my neighbor.”

“That’s all?”


My knee starts bouncing, as I bite the inside of my cheek. “She’s weird. Why the hell did she think I was your sister?”

“She thought you were my older sister.”

“What?” My eyebrows go up; his words surprise me to the core. First, she assumed I’m his sister. Second, that I’m older?! I should’ve thrown the candies at her stupid face. It would’ve been so satisfying.

“She said she thought we were siblings because we’re both blonds. I have no idea why she thought you were older though.”

“Because she’s an idiot. That’s why.”

“But you are older,” he taunts me, boiling my blood so much I’m ready to scream.

“Did you really need to remind me?” I drawl. I still haven’t decided how I feel about him being one year younger than me.

“Kinda. You’re cute when you’re pissed off.”

I rap my fingers on my knee, feigning indifference even though the butterflies in my stomach are performing some sort of ritual, fluttering their wings harder and harder.

“She was obviously hitting on you, so I find it hard to believe there’s nothing between you two.” I decide to go all in and be extremely blunt. I need to know.

“Claire flirts with me all the time. I don’t even pay attention to it.” He shrugs, his eyes glued to the road. “She’s invited me to her place several times, but I always say no.”

“Of course you do,” I deadpan snidely. “That’s why you got home thirty minutes after me when I saw you with her last time.”

Roman stops at a traffic light and turns to look at me. “I helped her bring her groceries up to her apartment, and we chatted a little. What did you think I was doing with her?”

“Hooking up. Thirty minutes is enough time for a quickie.”

A burst of laughter pours from his lips. I wait, watching him with my eyes narrowed. When he finally calms down, the light is green. Before he starts driving again, Roman leans over and whispers, “I don’t do quickies.” He pulls back and focuses on the road. “Thirty minutes is like a pregame for me. I find it nice, but nothing special. If I fuck—I fuck long, Malyshka.”

Really looking forward to it.

The words flash in my head, and I feel the lightest throb between my legs. I’m hopeless.

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