Bound To The Elf Prince: A Snow White Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 4)

Bound To The Elf Prince: Chapter 40

Halla cuts her eyes to Caelen as he stands across the room speaking with Errik. “He does not have you bewitched, does he?”

I laugh, but then sober when I realize she is serious. “No, he does not. He saved me, Halla. He got me out of the castle when Fredrik’s guards attacked.”

She takes my hand. “You are welcome to remain with us. Indefinitely,” she adds.

Tears fill my eyes, but I blink them back. “I appreciate the offer. Truly. But I cannot allow Rina’s betrayal to go unpunished. I have to retake the throne. Caelen and I are going to Rivenyl to gather their army.”

“Gerold and I will send what help we can,” she says. “But I fear it will not be much. We are still rebuilding.”

“Thank you, Halla. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

I appreciate her offer of help, but I fear it still may not be enough. Eryadon’s castle is one of the most fortified in all the kingdoms. It was built for defense. It will be difficult to retake.

Errik and Caelen join us. Caelen announces, “Errik has some news you may wish to hear.”

“What is it?”

Errik steps forward. “Did you know the dragon of Eryadon and his human mate are expecting a child?”

I’m surprised. “No, I had not heard this.”

“And do you know who a dragon hates more than Elves, and Fae, and all other creatures combined?”


Caelen grins. “Wolf shifters.”

“You are fortunate.” Errik smiles. “The dragon and his mate will arrive here tomorrow.”

“Why are they coming?” I ask.

“Our Healer, Althea, has been monitoring his mate’s pregnancy.”

I turn to Halla. “And… the people of Solwyck are all right with a dragon coming here after one of them tried to destroy your city?”

“At first, it was terrifying, for the people and for me,” she explains. “But I realize that, just like people, not all dragons are malevolent. Veron is… different from other dragons.”

Caelen and I exchange a knowing look. We both saw a dragon when we gazed into the mirror. We have shared nothing of this with the others and I’m not sure I want to. After all, Glenda warned that those who study it too long can go mad.

Caelen’s eyes move to my pack, where I’ve stored the enchanted shard. I’m sure he is eager to consult it again, but I wish that he would not.

His eyes meet mine again and a silent agreement passes between us. We’ll keep the information about the mirror to ourselves. At least, for now.

After dinner, Halla informs us that rooms have been prepared for us to rest. One of the staff leads us up the stairs and down a long hallway. She stops in front of a large door and gestures to Caelen. “These are your chambers, Prince Caelen.”

She turns to me and motions down the corridor. “Yours are this way, Princess Lyana.”

Caelen’s eyes flick to me but then lower as the woman continues on. “Wait,” I tell her.

She spins to face me. “I would prefer to stay in the same room as my husband.”

Her brows pinch together and she blinks several times. “Of—of course, Princess.” She bows low. “I… forgive me. I thought that—” She stops abruptly, her cheeks turning bright red. “I will inform the rest of the staff.”

I give her a polite smile of dismissal. “Thank you. That will be all.”

Caelen’s eyes search mine as I take his hand. Together, we step into the room.

A king-size bed stands against the far wall, next to a fireplace, and a table and chairs sit in one corner. There is a large balcony with a beautiful view of the ocean and the shoreline below.

I am immediately drawn to the door that leads to the cleansing room with a huge sunken tub in the center. Already full of water, a fine mist of steam rises from the surface in invitation.

Caelen watches me silently, but it is easy to read the concern on his face. We still have not spoken of what happened between us. He probably still believes I’m afraid of him.

I hate that things are strained between us. I love him. Now, I must convince him that, despite my reaction, I am not afraid of him.

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