Bound To The Elf Prince: A Snow White Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 4)

Bound To The Elf Prince: Chapter 39

While Lyana speaks with Halla, Gerold turns his attention back to me. “Was your journey here difficult?”

I nod. “They sent two Wolf shifter hunters after us. One was Prince Malak—Fredrik’s brother. He found us and warned us of this.”

Gerold sits forward in his seat. “Why would Prince Malak betray his own family?”

“He swore a blood oath to Lyana’s brother—Arthur—for having saved his life. He expressed hatred toward his own brother and father as well for trying to kill someone he loved.”

Gerold places a hand firmly on my shoulder. “Thank you for bringing Lyana safely to us. We will protect her from Fredrik and Rina. We will not forget what you have done for our cousin.” He sits back. “I will see to it that you are provided a horse and carriage to travel the rest of the way to Rivenyl. Or a ship, if you’d prefer to travel by sea.”

My heart falters as I process his words. I look at Lyana, observing as she smiles at Halla and Errik. I had not even considered that she might wish to stay here, with the only family she has left.

Gerold follows my line of sight. “You are probably wondering about Errik’s legs, I assume.”

It was not in the forefront of my thoughts, but I am curious. I tip my head to the side. “How is this possible?”

I listen as Gerold explains how Errik is able to shift from man to Mer in the water and back again. “And their child?” I ask, darting a glance at Halla’s swollen abdomen.

“The Healers assure us their daughter will be like her father,” Gerold explains. “Able to go back and forth between land and sea.”

Gerold excuses himself to go speak with Lyana, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I keep thinking of the fear in her eyes the other night when I almost marked her. She looked at me as if I were a monster. A dull ache settles in my chest as my gaze drifts to her.

I wonder if she will choose to stay here and annul our marriage. According to the traditions of her people, our union was never consummated and she would be well within her rights to do so.

I do not doubt that she will keep our original bargain for my people to help her regain her throne in exchange for a permanent and binding peace. I love her and I do not want to lose her. But I will not force her to remain with me if she does not want me anymore. Especially if she is afraid of me.

Errik appears at my side, pulling me back from my dark thoughts. He flashes a bright grin. “Tell me: is your human mate as frustrating as mine?”

When I frown, he adds with a smirk, “They are beautiful, yet so very stubborn, are they not?”

I arch a brow. “You speak truth,” I offer, and he laughs.

My expression falls, however, as my gaze returns to her. “We spoke human vows of binding, but we are not true mates.”

His brow furrows. “But you are married?”

“Yes. It is… complicated.”

Errik nods. “So it seems.” He pauses. “What will you do?”

He studies me a moment, waiting patiently for me to answer.

Perhaps it is because he is Otherworldly being, like myself, that I feel comfortable speaking openly with him. I swallow against the knot in my throat as I force my eyes away from Lyana. “I made a deal with her that I would help her retake her throne. In exchange, she promised a binding peace treaty between Eryadon and Rivenyl.”

Errik frowns. “But your marriage secures this already. Are you saying that you would annul your vows?”

“I will not force her to remain bound to me if she does not desire me as her mate.” Sharp pain stabs at my chest.

“Ah.” A smirk twists his lips. “I thought your people were known for masking their emotions, but I understand what it is that you do not say, High Elf. You are in love with her, but you do not know if she feels the same.”

I study him a moment, not sure I like that this Mer can read me so easily.

He claps me on the shoulder. “I believe your worries may be unfounded. You may not be as handsome as a Mer,”—he grins— “but from the way Lyana spoke of you to Halla, it seems your personality more than makes up for it, Elf.”

I arch a brow, and he laughs heartily. “I am only teasing you, Caelen. After all, if we are to be cousins through bonding, I would very much like to be your friend.”

He leans in. “How do you plan to retake the castle?”

“I hoped we could board a ship for my kingdom and gather Rivenyl’s army, and—”

“What if you had the help of a dragon?”

My head jerks back. The image of the silver dragon from the mirror flashes through my mind. “You know of one that would help us?”

He nods. “There is a dragon who lives in Eryadon. I believe he might help you.”

Dragons are selfish and arrogant creatures. They care only for treasure: gold, silver, gems, and such. Humans are nothing to them. “Why would he help us?”

“Because he is mated to a human.”

“I have heard of this dragon, though I can still hardly believe it.”

“I can assure you, it is true.” A grin curves Errik’s mouth. “They are quite happily mated, I might add.”

My mind races with possibilities and I lean forward. “Tell me about him.”

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