Bound To The Elf Prince: A Snow White Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 4)

Bound To The Elf Prince: Chapter 22

“This way!” Bran calls over his shoulder. We follow closely behind him, rushing up the stone steps to the upper level and a balcony overlooking the outside gates.

Caelen, Bran, and I peer over the railing, and my jaw drops when I see Prince Fredrik and his army below, just beyond the mountain entrance.

I gasp, worried they’ll see us, but then notice a subtle glow surrounding the balcony. It is a concealment spell, for I’ve never noticed this area when approaching the mountain. I knew the Dwarves were capable of illusory magic, but I have never seen it in use before now. Bran always said it was a closely guarded secret among his kind.

I watch as several of Fredrik’s men carry a felled tree toward what should be a hidden entrance. Terror fills me when I realize they plan to use it as a battering ram.

My head whips to Bran. “How do they know where the entrance is? It’s hidden. No one can find it but your people.”

He shakes his head in disbelief. “There is no way they could have possibly known. It makes no sense.”

We observe as they rush toward the entrance. A thunderous boom echoes up the mountain wall as they ram the doors.

Caelen wraps his hand around my forearm, pulling me behind him as if instinctively trying to protect me. He looks to Bran. “Will they hold?”

“I—” he starts but stops abruptly. His jaw drops as he stares down below.

I follow the line of his gaze and then gasp when I spot my stepmother on a horse beside Fredrik. “They have Rina! We have to save her!”

I freeze when she leans over and kisses Fredrik passionately. His palm splays possessively over her abdomen and the truth suddenly hits me.

My voice is barely a whisper as furious tears of betrayal sting my eyes. “Rina did this. She caused all this. Why?” Without thinking, I yell her name. “Rina!”

Her head snaps up. “Come out, Lyana! Surrender yourself and we will show you mercy!”

Caelen growls low in his throat.

“Why, Rina?” I call back. “Why would you do this?”

Instead of outright answering me, she clasps Fredrik’s hand. “I do not expect you to understand.”

Tears threaten to fall, but I blink them back. I curl my hands into fists at my sides. “You claimed you loved my father. You said you loved me like a daughter,” I fling the words out accusingly. “Why would you do this?”

“I give you my word that we will not harm you, Lyana. You will live in comfort, but I cannot allow you to go free.” She places a hand on her belly. “You are the last of Eryadon’s royal line, and would threaten our right to rule. I cannot allow that.”

The image of Fredrik’s palm on her abdomen flashes through my mind, and I breathe out a shaking breath.

The child she carries is not my father’s.

“And why should I trust you?” I spit out. “Your word means nothing!”

“You’re surrounded,” Fredrik shouts. “Give up or we will kill every last one of you.”

“Never!” King Edwyrd retorts. “This is our mountain. This is our home. Wolf filth will not take it from us. Not this day nor any other.”

Fredrik releases a war cry, and his men resume their assault upon the doors. We retreat into the mountain, where the hallways erupt into chaos, as Dwarves rush back and forth readying for battle.

Bran takes my hand. “Come. I will hide you.”

Caelen stops him. “No. She is not safe here.”

Bran glares venomously. “We will protect her.”

“How long until he breaches those doors?” Caelen asks. “You know they won’t stop until they have her. Your people will die, and she will be captured and killed. Is that what you want?”

He clenches his jaw. “No.”

“Then you must listen to me. They want Lyana. I must take her with me.”

He frowns. “No! The Dwarves of the Ferylan Mountains will come. They will unite with us in battle and we will fight them off.”

Caelen meets his gaze. “And how long will it take for your brethren to arrive?”

“We can hold them off,” Bran counters. “We can—”

“Lyana and I will travel to my kingdom. We will return with the Rivenyl army and—”

“And seize control of her throne anyway?” he asks. “No. She does not need your help. We will fight for her and—”

“And die before your help arrives, Dwarf!” Caelen snaps. “You saw the number of men Fredrik has out there. It is only a matter of time before they breach your mountain. And it will happen well before the rest of your kin arrive.”

It’s easy to read the indecision in Bran’s eyes. Caelen holds his gaze. “You know I am right. They will not stop, and your people will die, unless they believe she is gone.” He scans the glowing bubble of magic that surrounds the balcony before his gaze snaps back to Bran. “Make use of your illusory magic. Make Fredrik believe Lyana has fled and they will leave you and your mountain alone. At the very least, it will give you enough time for the others to arrive and join forces with you.”

I turn to Bran. “I don’t want your people to die for me, Bran. Caelen’s right.”

Bran takes my hands. “I do not trust him or his people. Why do you?”

“He was kind to me on our wedding night. He could have forced himself upon me, but he did not. He respected my choice, and he has done nothing but help me since then. Why should I doubt him? Why should you?” I peek at Caelen. “Simply because he is an Elf?”

Bran grits his teeth. “A High Elf,” he corrects. “The Woodland Elves are a better lot than his. So are the Fae, for that matter.”

“Enough!” I snap. “I know you hate the Elves, but you must realize that he is right. I cannot remain here. Your people will die.” I squeeze his hands gently. “I’m going with him, Bran. I have to.”

Bran wraps his arms around me. His familiar bear hug tugging at my heart and bringing tears to my eyes. “I cannot leave my people, Lyana. Please, do not go. I’ll find a way to keep you safe.”

“As much as you want to protect me, do you not think I wish the same for you and your family, Bran? You are my best friend. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you because of me.”

He gives me a reluctant nod. His eyes shift to Caelen, anger and fury burning behind them. “Guard her with your life or I will hunt you to the ends of the earth.”

Caelen places his open palm to his chest. “I will protect her until my last breath.”

Bran narrows his eyes. “I’ll hold you to your word, Elf. Now, follow me.”

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