Bound To The Elf Prince: A Snow White Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 4)

Bound To The Elf Prince: Chapter 21

Caelen is determined to get back to his people despite Rina’s warning. I understand his wanting to return to his home and his family, but I must find a way to convince him to stay. At least until I can spread truth of what really happened at the castle.

If he were to leave now, he would surely be caught and punished for crimes he did not commit.

Bran walks beside me as we cross the main hall. My mind keeps replaying the conversation with Bran’s father—King Edwyrd. I wonder how long I will have to remain here while we wait for word from the Dwarves of the Ferylan Mountains.

When we enter another large cavern, I allow my gaze to trave over the glittering gemstones embedded in the walls. They provide almost as much light as the sun would during the day. I am thankful these beautiful rocks can provide such bright illumination for these great halls and caves. It is the only way I have ever been able to tolerate being inside the mountain despite my claustrophobia.

Dwarf children run past us, one bumping against my skirt. She lifts her little face to me. “Forgive me, Princess.”

“It is all right.” I smile. “I know it was an accident.”

She beams and runs to join her friends.

My gaze tracks them to the far wall, where they skid to a halt as Caelen enters. All watch him warily, as if they expect him to attack or turn into a monster at a moment’s notice.

Surely, he must notice their gawking, but he appears unaffected. With his chin tipped up and his hands clasped neatly at his back, he stares down imperiously as he passes.

One child backs away, tripping over a stone. Lightning fast, he catches her before she falls. She trembles as he helps her regain her balance. “Please, don’t hurt me,” she whimpers.

He lowers himself to one knee before her, leaning down even further until his face is level with hers. “Do not fear, Little One. My kind do not hurt children.”

Her eyes widen. “Truly?”

He dips his chin. “Truly.”

She studies him a moment. “Your ears are a lot more pointy than mine are.”

A smile tugs at his lips. “The better to hear you with.”

“My papa says Elves can speak to animals. Is that true?”

He nods, arching a brow. “And I’ve heard Dwarves can whisper to stones.”

She tips up her little chin. “I’m going to be a stone whisperer just like my papa someday.”

“And I am certain you will make a fine one,” he says.

She lifts a tiny mouse from her pocket, its nose sniffing the air. “This is Teeny. Do you want to say hello?”

It’s easy to see the smile he tries to suppress as he turns his attention to the mouse, clearing his throat and forcing his expression into a serious one. “Hello, Teeny, it is lovely to meet you.”

The mouse stands up on its hind legs and Caelen tips his head to the side as if listening.

“What did she say?” the little girl asks.

He grins. “She says your name is Sanna and she likes being your friend.”

Her mouth falls open and then a beaming smile lights her face as she looks at her mouse. “I like being your friend too, Teeny.”

My heart melts as she wraps her arms around Caelen. “Thank you, Mr. Elf.”

I observe as he carefully returns her embrace. “You are most welcome, Sanna.”

She turns and skips off to rejoin her friends.

“I didn’t know he liked children,” I murmur, more to myself than to Bran.

Bran crosses his arms over his chest. “Yes. Probably the same way witches with gingerbread houses like them too,” he grumbles.

I roll my eyes in frustration.

Caelen joins us, silently acknowledging Bran before addressing me. “We should leave tomorrow at first light.”


“Yes. We must go to Rivenyl and gather the army. I will help you regain your throne and claim your vengeance.”

“But, what about what King Edwyrd and Rina said about Fredrik’s men?”

Bran steps between us, narrowing his eyes. “She’ll not be going anywhere with you. Lyana is staying here where it’s safe.”

“It is not safe here for Lyana or the queen,” Caelen states firmly. “We have to go. Fredrik’s guards are probably on their way here even now.”

“What makes you think that?” Bran asks.

Caelen clenches his jaw. “Because it would not take a sorcerer to figure out where we were headed when we escaped the castle. It is well known that the Kingdom of Eryadon is allied with your people.”

“Rina’s in no condition to travel,” I point out. “She’s only a few weeks away from her due date.”

Caelen frowns. “You cannot remain here, and neither can the queen. If Fredrik’s goal is to take over the kingdom, he cannot leave any of Eryadon’s royal family alive. Don’t you understand? It’s not safe for you here.”

His words ring with truth no matter how much I wish it were not so.

Bran plants his feet wide, thrusting out his chest. “They’re much safer here than out there where they would no doubt be hunted by Fredrik and his men.” He levels an icy glare at Caelen. “So if you want to go, that’s fine. But Lyana and the queen are staying right here.”

I move from behind Bran. “I appreciate you trying to keep us safe, Bran, but Caelen is right.”

Bran gives me a wounded look that sends a sharp twinge of pain straight to my gut. “But, Lyana, you—”

I take his hand and squeeze it gently. “If we stay here, Fredrik will come looking for us, Bran. You know how much I care about you and your people. I cannot be responsible for placing any of you in danger. I could not live with myself if anything happened to you or your family because of me.”

“Do you not know that each and every one of us would lay down our lives for you, Lyana?” His eyes shine with tears. “You saved us, and that has earned you a place here, and the protection of our kin.”

I open my mouth to reply, but alarms ring out.

Bran’s eyes widen. “Those are the sentry bells. We must be under attack.”

A voice echoes through the corridors. “Prince Fredrik’s men are here! They’re trying to breach the entrance!”

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