Bound By The Past (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Book 7)

Bound By The Past: Part 4 – Chapter 4

“The photos haven’t appeared anywhere yet,” Rocco said as a way of greeting as he entered my office the next afternoon.

“Luca must have managed to keep them under taps. But he has seen them, I have no doubt.”

Rocco nodded thoughtfully as he sank down in the armchair across from me. “My contacts to the press beyond our borders are very limited. I’m hoping some rag will have the balls to post an article. It’s a scandal none of them should pass up on.”

“Indeed,” I said. I had to admit I wasn’t entirely unhappy with the fact that the photos hadn’t made headline. The possible rumors had worried Val more than I’d anticipated, maybe because of her pregnancy but I didn’t want to stress her out more than absolutely necessary. “I’m sure Luca will send me some kind of message soon.”

“I’d guess a bloody one. I doubt he’ll give you a call.”

I smiled grimly. Luca would definitely send a bloody warning of what was to come. He would retribute, no doubt.

“I could tell Fabiano to call Liliana or Gianna under the pretense of wanting to talk to them. That way we might be able to get intel on what’s going on in the Vitiello household. Luca must have confronted Aria by now.”

I nodded slowly. Gianna and Liliana might reveal something to their brother. He had started his initiation process, so he needed to learn to do even the difficult task, like laying a trap to his sisters. I ran a hand through my hair. When I’d been a young man, I’d dreamed of being a better man, a better Capo. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be both.

“Have you told Giovanni yet?”

I shook my head. “I’m meeting him later. He and Livia are coming over for dinner to see Anna and check on Val.”

“Only two more weeks?” Rocco said.

I nodded. I’d been worried that Leonas would come early like Anna, but so far Val’s second pregnancy had been free of complications.

Rocco shook his head, then a look of pride crossed his face. “I’m becoming a father too. It’s still very early so we haven’t announced it yet, but if things go well, my newborn son and your Leonas can become friends.”

“Congrats,” I said. Rocco hadn’t been a good father to his children so far. I hoped he’d do a better job with this child.

I led Rocco toward the front door. Val lingered on the staircase and gave Rocco her official smile, but something in her face told me she was in pain. The moment Rocco was out of the door, I stalked toward her. “Val, what’s wrong?”

She smiled. “Labor. I think Leonas doesn’t want to wait anymore.”


She laughed then winced. “Well, this is my first natural birth, at least I hope it’ll be… so I don’t know how long this’ll take but we probably have time to call my parents so they take Anna and grab my hospital bag.”

“Is this because of me again?” Last time Val’s pregnancy had been horrible because I’d made her life so difficult. Was her labor linked to our conversation yesterday?

She rolled her eyes. “Not everything is about you, Dante. This baby is big already. I’m glad he wants to get out a bit sooner. Now get my bag and Anna. I’ll call my parents.”

I nodded and hurried up the stairs.

Fifteen minutes later, we were in the car on our way to Val’s parents to drop Anna off.

“Are you sure we can make this detour?” I asked again. Labor was something I couldn’t control and it was driving me crazy.

Val gave me a look, clutching her belly. “I’m sure. I called my midwife and she said I still have a few hours.”

I wondered how the woman knew. Sometimes these things sped up unexpectedly. Giovanni and Livia waited on the front steps when we pulled up. Anna began crying when Livia tried to pry her off Val’s legs.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Livia crooned. “Your mommy will be fine.”

Anna’s fearful cries tore at me and usually I would have comforted her but I needed to get Val to hospital.

Only when we finally arrived in hospital did I become a bit calmer. Like Val had said, the labor took six more hours and it was late evening when Leonas released his first cry.

He was much bigger than Anna had been. A few weeks made such a difference. The midwife put him into Val’s arms at once and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. He looked like the photos I’d seen of myself as a baby.

“He’s you,” Val said with a laugh.

“Maybe he’ll get your eyes.”

“We’ll see,” she whispered and stroked his back gently. It was strange to think that one of the happiest moments of my life followed so closely after an act of war. Maybe it was a reminder that I needed to focus on the good in my life, even if evil would always be my closest companion.

Father’s congrats came swiftly after he’d heard of Leonas’ birth. While he hadn’t showed the slightest interest in meeting Anna, he couldn’t wait to meet my son, the heir to our bloodline how he never stopped emphasizing. I didn’t mention it to Val, even though she was very aware of my parents’ views.

Val was allowed to leave the hospital the next day. I wanted her home as quickly as possible, considering the escalating conflict with the Famiglia.

“I can’t wait for Anna to meet her little brother. I hope her excitement won’t disappear once she realizes he isn’t really a toy,” Val said as we stepped into our mansion. Giovanni and Livia would bring Anna over later and stay for lunch.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. It’s good for her to share our attention.”

“I know,” Val said, smiling down at Leonas who was fast asleep in his carrier. I stroked her back. I hadn’t left her side since she’d given birth. My protectiveness was at an all-time high and it was difficult to suppress the feeling.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and Rocco’s name flashed on the screen. I had a feeling this was an update on the photo situation. I wasn’t sure I wanted it right now, but business couldn’t wait.

“It’s okay. Take the call,” Val said. “I’ll go ahead into the kitchen and show Leonas to Gabby and Zita. They’re probably busy cooking lunch. I smell roast chicken.”

I kissed her, then pressed the phone against my ear. “What is it, Rocco?”

“Congrats on your son,” he said but I could tell from the sound of his voice that it wasn’t the reason for his call. Something had happened.

“What’s going on?” I asked in a low voice, heading into my office so Valentina wouldn’t overhear anything. She didn’t need to worry.

“The photographer disappeared.”

“What do you mean he disappeared?”

“I tried calling him but he didn’t pick up. Then I called in his agency and they said they can’t reach him. I sent someone over to his apartment to check on him but he wasn’t there. His car parked in its usual place.”

“You think someone from the Famiglia kidnapped him?” It was the logical explanation, almost too logical for Luca after seeing photos of Aria with me.

“Yes. Or it could be the mole.”

My mouth tightened. We’d suspected a spy in our ranks for a while but we didn’t have any clues as to who it could be. “Considering that the photos haven’t made headline yet, it could be Luca’s intention to make sure it stays that way.”

“We can leak the photos directly to several social media platforms. Once they are online, even Luca can’t stop them from spreading.”

“No, Luca is already out of control. He’ll make mistakes. That’s what we wanted. Look at what he did to those bikers. He’s unpredictable. The photos hit him where they were supposed to.” The bloodbath in Jersey had been discussed enthusiastically in several online forums in the darknet, with many speculations pointing toward Luca. I had no doubt it was him.

“All right. What are we supposed to do about the photographer?”

“He’ll be dead by now, or wish he was. Our focus needs to be on finding the possible spy in our ranks.”

“Luca’s started weeding out the Famiglia from what I hear.”

Of course, he had. He’d vent his anger on anyone who’d ever opposed him and kill as many of his opponents as possible.

I’d begun removing soldiers who weren’t loyal to me long before I’d become Capo. Luca had a lot of catching up to do. “Attack his borders and try to strike up a cooperation with the MCs in his territory.”

“They don’t cooperate well. They follow their own rules. We can never know if we can trust them.”

“I have absolutely no intention to trust any of them. I want them to carry out attacks on Famiglia clubs and storage facilities. We’ll provide them with drugs and guns in return.”

“I’ll try my luck. Right now, I don’t have any close contacts but I’ll try to build them.”

The bell rang. “I need to hang up now. Keep me updated.”

I stepped back out of my office just when Gabby opened the front door. Anna spotted me immediately and stormed toward me, the skirt of her plaid dress fluttering around her short legs. I picked her up and kissed her cheek. Livia had styled her hair with French braids again, Anna’s favorite hairdo. “Where is he?” she asked excitedly.

I smiled, nodding toward the kitchen door where Val just walked out with Leonas on her arm. Anna’s eyes widened. “He’s white!”

I chuckled. “He’s pale blond, but his hair will probably darken a bit over the years like mine did.”

Anna peered up at me. “Your hair was white when you were a baby?”

“Like Leonas’ hair, yes.”

“And I have Mommy’s hair?”

Val smiled as she stopped beside us. “Almost.”

Giovanni and Livia joined us, smiling proudly.

“Did everything go well?” Val asked her parents then kissed Anna’s forehead.

“Everything went well,” Giovanni said, but his eyes darted to me and tightened. Since he’d found out about the staged photos, he’d kept his distance to me. I assumed because he worried otherwise he’d show his anger. Being my father-in-law as well as Underboss proved tricky.

Livia crooned over Leonas but he didn’t wake.

“Daddy?” Anna peered up at me. “Why’s he asleep?”

“He’s tired.”

“But I wanna meet him.”

I stroked her hair. “Soon, Anna.” She regarded him, her head tilted to the side as if he was a toy she didn’t understand. Val gave me a small smile, looking exhausted and happy. No matter how difficult things in the Outfit were, this sight always gave me hope for our future.

We all headed toward the dining area. I set Anna down so she could follow Val and ask her questions about Leonas.

“Can I have a quick word with you?” Giovanni asked when the women settled at the dining table.

“Of course,” I said and led him a few steps away. “I know you don’t approve of my plan.”

Giovanni shook his head. “There should have been another way to handle the situation, Dante. I don’t like how this could reflect on Val.”

“Nobody knows anything.”

“Yet. To be honest, I’m glad Luca managed to keep the photos from making headlines.”

I didn’t say anything, not willing to admit that I was too. The plan was working its cause anyway and so I was determined to file it as a success, at least for outward appearances. “This plan affirmed my suspicion that we have a spy in our ranks. The photographer was kidnapped, and I doubt Luca could have sent someone from his Famiglia over so quickly. They would have to ask around for the address, and that would have attracted plenty of attention. The job must have been done by someone from our men who knew where to find him.”

“The man has been on our payroll for years. Many people know about him. The list of possible spies would be very long.”

“I know. We need to write every possible name down and go over them. If we can narrow it down to certain people who might have reason to be dissatisfied with their position in the Outfit, we’ll take them aside and talk to them. If they act suspicious, we’ll intensify our efforts.”

Giovanni frowned. “I don’t like the idea of a spy among our men. Do you really think it’s the case?”

“I hope not, but I think we need to accept the possibility. Do you have any apparent suspects?”

Giovanni looked away with a distant expression. Something about his face made me believe there was someone he had in mind but was still reluctant to name. “Giovanni?”

He quickly shook his head. “I’ll put down names for you today and email them to you. I think we should join our wives, they are waiting for us.”

He was right. Val and Livia were looking our way. The plates were already filled with food. I inclined my head, but my suspicion remained. If Giovanni hesitated to reveal a name, it must be someone he was close to, so either one of his closest soldiers or family. “Is Orazio still in Chicago? He’s been working with the Famiglia closely and might have clues about possible suspects.”

Giovanni’s expression darkened. “We got in an argument yesterday. I haven’t talked to him since then. He’s supposed to help me with our new drug lab until next week.”

I hadn’t seen Orazio in a couple of months. Since the war with the Famiglia had broken out again, he’d mostly worked for Pietro in Minneapolis and only occasionally when Giovanni insisted in Chicago as had been the case the last two weeks, but we hadn’t crossed paths. It had been a constant conflict between the two that he refused to finally return to Chicago and work with his father. After all, Orazio was supposed to take over as Underboss at some point. I knew Giovanni was dangling the position over his head under the condition that Orazio settled down and married a woman his parents chose for him. I hadn’t gotten involved so far, neither as Orazio’s brother-in-law nor as Capo. Forcing him into a bond he was reluctant about wasn’t part of my duties. But eventually, Orazio would have to take over from Giovanni, so one of them would have to back down.

Val gave me a questioning look. I smoothed my expression. I didn’t want to give her reason to worry. She should only focus on our newborn son, not the problems between her father and brother.

After lunch, I headed into the office and tried to call Orazio but the voicemail answered. Instead, I called Pietro, wondering if Orazio had returned to Minneapolis without telling his father. I’d have preferred to spend the day with Val and the kids, but as Capo, I couldn’t let problems get out of control. Maybe I needed to have a word with Orazio. The conflict between Giovanni and him affected their work and Val, both of which were unacceptable.

“Dante, good to hear from you,” Pietro said. “Are Leonas and Val home?”

It was easy to understand why Ines was so happy with him. He was one of the most easy-going Made Men I knew, but it didn’t make him any less effective. He’d mastered the art of channeling his dark side. One of the reasons why I admired him.

“Yes, just this morning. I prefer to have them in the mansion right now.”

“Understandable. I’ve been thinking about additional protection for Ines and the kids. Ines isn’t too happy about the prospect of more guards in and around the house though.”

“I doubt Luca will target them, yet caution is certainly advisable.”

“I assume you didn’t call to tell me about Leonas and Val. Are there any new developments with the photos?”

“Giovanni, Rocco and I are going to make a list with possible spies.”

Pietro was quiet for a moment. “And you want names from me? Or am I one of the suspects?”

It was said in jest but I wondered if Pietro worried about my trust in him. I’d never explicitly told him how much I appreciated his loyalty. He was one of the very last men I’d ever suspect, not only because the consequences would be devastating, if it were the case. It was a choice I’d never want to face. “I trust you, Pietro. Ines trusts you.” It was all I’d say.

Pietro cleared his throat. “Then you want names? You think one of my men might be among the traitors?”

“I hope it’s only one rat. And I don’t have any of your men in particular in mind. Orazio has been in contact with many soldiers who worked closely with the Famiglia over the years. I’d like a word with him.”

“I’m sure he can give you a list of people who got along too well with Famiglia soldiers. But…” He hesitated. “…why are you calling me? Orazio has been in Chicago for two weeks and so far he hasn’t returned to Minneapolis. Giovanni told me he’d have to help with the lab for another week. Don’t you think Orazio is going to visit Leonas and Val?”

“Giovanni had a fight with him, so I assumed he returned without a word.”

“Oh, well, he hasn’t called me yet. I’ll let you know if he shows up here. Maybe he just needed some time to calm down. Doesn’t he know Leonas was born?”

My suspicious nature reared its head, but I pushed it down. “Val sent him a text message. He congratulated her but hasn’t called or showed up. Maybe he wants to avoid Giovanni and plans a surprise visit later today or tomorrow.”

“Maybe,” Pietro said. “Giovanni gave him a hard time because of that girl of his. But he broke it off so many years ago I thought he’d have made peace with him by now.”

“They tolerate each other at best,” I said. I hadn’t gotten involved in their family matters. Giovanni had wanted to keep the thing hush-hush, I hadn’t told anyone but Pietro because I valued his input. Valentina and I hadn’t even been married yet when things between Orazio and the girl happened, and I’d been in mourning then.

Pietro sighed. “You don’t think…?”

He didn’t voice what I didn’t want to consider. “He’s a good soldier and family. Orazio would never betray the Outfit.” It was a fact I had to trust in because the alternative was absolutely unacceptable.

“He is.”

But he’d also worked very closely with the Famiglia during his time in Cleveland, and he’d talked a long time with Matteo at Val’s and my wedding. I shoved the thought aside.

“He’s family, and family sometimes fights. He’ll come around. Giovanni can be difficult.”

I stared at the photo frame on my desk with a photo of Val, Anna, and me during a day at the Great Lakes last summer. Val had the same photo on her desk in her office upstairs as well as a photo of our wider family, including Orazio. She’d tried to intensify their contact and they had talked on the phone at least once a month. Since Anna’s birth, Orazio had even visited every other month. Val loved her brother even if they weren’t as close as she wanted.

If Orazio was the traitor…

My chest tightened considering what I’d have to do. I wouldn’t hesitate to kill him. I would question him personally. It would be cowardly not to do so, and even if I didn’t do it with my own hands, Val would be devastated all the same. Could she live with it? Could she forgive me if I killed her brother? And what about Livia?

“I’m sure he’ll surprise you in the afternoon.”

“Let’s hope so.” My voice was steel but my insides were an all-consuming inferno.


After breakfast the next day, Leonas was asleep beside me on the couch while I read a picture book with Anna who was curled up against my side. She’d hardly left my side since Mamma and Papa had brought her home yesterday. I could tell that she was worried I wouldn’t have time for her anymore now that Leonas was born. Stroking her hair, I flipped the page and continued reading.

My phone rang, startling me but luckily not Leonas. I picked up when I saw it was Orazio.

“Hi little brother,” I said with a smile. In recent years, our relationship had improved again and it made me deliriously happy.

“Hey Val. How are you? Sorry I didn’t call sooner.”

“Don’t worry. I guess Dad’s keeping you busy so you don’t get in trouble.”

He made a non-committal noise, which could only mean that they’d had another fight. “I’m not on speaking terms with him at the moment.”

“Again? But I thought you’re helping him with the new drug lab?”

Another grunt. “Let’s not talk about that now. I wanted to come over in the afternoon to see my nephew, is that okay?”

“Of course. Will you stay for dinner?”

“No… no, I can’t.”

I didn’t ask why. Orazio always made himself scarce. He was a ladies’ man, or so rumor had it and I assumed he’d rather spent the night with a conquest than with his sister and her two small kids, or his boss. He and Dante had never really become family. It was difficult for Orazio to ignore the fact that Dante was his Capo.

“I need to hang up now. See you later.”

“Until then,” I said. It sounded as if Orazio was in a car.

“Who was that?” Anna asked curiously.

“Uncle Orazio. He’s coming to visit this afternoon.”


I grinned at her obvious delight then grabbed Leonas and stood. “Come. Let’s find Zita to tell her she needs to bake Orazio’s favorite cake.”

After talking to Zita and Gabby, I headed into Dante’s office to tell him about Orazio’s visit. He preferred to know who set foot into our mansion. His protectiveness hadn’t really lessened since he had two small kids to worry about. I knocked then stepped in. Anna immediately rushed toward her dad and he hoisted her up on his lap.

Dante’s brows furrowed in concern. The Famiglia situation had weighed heavily on him these last few days. “Is this a reminder that I’m working too much?”

“Yes!” Anna bellowed, beaming up at Dante. He wrapped an arm around her with a chuckle. “All right.”

“Orazio called. He’s coming over for coffee.”

Dante’s demeanor shifted at once, becoming vigilant and focused. “He did? Where is he now?”

I pursed my lip. “I suppose in Chicago? Isn’t he helping my father?” Dante’s question threw me off, and at the same time worried me.

“Neither your father nor I could reach him since yesterday.”

“He said he had a fight with Papa. Maybe he needed time to cool off.”

“That’s what Pietro said.”

“You asked Pietro if Orazio had returned to Minneapolis.”

Dante looked down at Anna who’d begun drawing on one of the papers on his desk. But I had a feeling he was also doing it on purpose to avoid my eyes. “I prefer to know about the whereabouts of my men.”

Then it dawned on me and indignation rose in me. “You can’t seriously consider Orazio doing anything against the Outfit. He’s my brother, Dante. For God’s sake, please don’t drag our family even more into this war than we already are.”

Dante looked up with a pained expression. “I never meant to drag you into this. But it’s inevitable.”

Anna glanced between us. We tried not to argue in front of her and I already regretted my outburst but since the war had begun Dante suspected enemies at every corner. If his paranoia now extended to family that was simply too much.

Dante stood and set Anna down on his desk chair. “Can you draw a picture of us?”

Anna nodded and bent over the sheet with a look of acute concentration on her gorgeous face. Leonas shifted in my hold and I rocked him gently so he wouldn’t start crying.

Dante righted his vest before he headed my way, touching my shoulder. “I don’t suspect Orazio, Val. But his conflict with your father is something that concerns me greatly. He needs to make peace with him and step up to his duties.”

I didn’t catch a hint of deceit on Dante’s face but still a small part of me stayed worried. “I know,” I said quietly. “Dad expects a lot from Orazio but my brother wants to have a little freedom. Maybe that’s why he’s not willing to settle down with one of the possible brides Dad keeps pushing on him.”

“At some point, he needs to marry.”

“Not everyone wants to settle for less than love,” I said, even if I wasn’t sure if a wish for love held Orazio back or if he just wanted to keep having fun.

“We didn’t settle,” Dante said firmly, pulling me closer but careful not to squish our sleeping son. “We worked for our love, and we were rewarded.”

I cocked an eyebrow with a teasing smile. “We?”

Dante sighed and kissed my mouth. “You did all the work in the beginning, I know. If it wasn’t for your stubborn streak, I’d still be—”

“…sulking in your office?”

A hint of exasperation flickered in his eyes. “…caught up in the past.”

“Done!” Anna exclaimed.

“I’ll talk to Orazio,” I promised.

“I’ll have a word with him today as well.”

“Don’t go all Capo on him.”

“I am his Capo, Val. I doubt he’ll ever see me as anything else.”

I nodded. “All right. Bibi is supposed to come over any moment for lunch. Will you join us or are you going to work?”

“I need to work. I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about.”

Anna hopped off the chair and rushed over to us, brandishing her drawing excitedly. “Look!”

Dante squatted beside her and regarded her artwork patiently as she explained every stick figure to him. I stifled laughter at his serious expression. I loved seeing him with Anna, how he tried to make her feel validated with everything she did.

Fifteen minutes later Bibi arrived at our mansion for a playdate. Luisa and Anna loved each other, a fact that made me deliriously happy. I was glad that Anna had one of her best friends living close by because she was always sad that she couldn’t see Sofia very often due to the distance between them.

I nodded toward the guards sitting in the car in front of our house who’d driven Bibi over. She didn’t have a license unlike me but even I hardly ever drove anymore now that I had kids. Dante didn’t want me to go anywhere without either Taft or Enzo, or preferably both anyway.

Bibi looked splendid in a formfitting wool dress with her auburn hair down as she strode toward me, holding Luisa by the hand who was dressed in a cute pink dress. Luisa looked exactly like Bibi as a child, a fact for which I was very grateful because Bibi didn’t need any more reminders of her dead brute of a husband. Holding Leonas, I hugged her with one arm then cocked my brows. “You look stunning. Who are you trying to impress? Now I feel underdressed.”

I had opted for comfortable chino pants and a blouse that allowed quick access to my breasts for nursing.

She flushed, looking around in embarrassment as if someone might overhear us, and I ushered her in. Anna and Luisa hugged then they rushed upstairs, probably to play in Anna’s room.

Bibi crooned at Leonas, pointedly avoiding my eyes.

“Bibi, spill.”

“You just gave birth, Val. You should be the center of attention, not me. I can’t tell you about my dates.”

I shoved her lightly. “Bibiana, you’ve spent years living in misery and had to listen to everyone’s happy stories. Now it’s your turn. Please, I need the distraction.” I really didn’t want to worry about Orazio and my father anymore. Then I realized what she’d said. “Dates, as in more than one? I thought you needed me as a chaperone.”

Bibi looked mortified. “I know… but you had Leonas…”

“And you couldn’t wait to meet Dario as soon as possible.”

“We’ve been only been on two dates,” she admitted with an embarrassed laugh as we walked into the living room.


“He’s very charming.” Her cheeks turned even redder and she focused on Leonas once more. It was adorable how embarrassed Bibi was about her dating life. She’d never had a crush or been in love, so this made me deliriously happy for her. “Can I hold him? He’s absolutely adorable!”

I nodded. She took Leonas from me and rocked him gently, looking absolutely smitten. Maybe Bibi was getting baby fever again. We sank down beside each other on the couch. Gabby had already prepared a pot of tea and an assortment of Bibi’s favorite macarons. It felt like I’d been eating constantly since I’d returned home.

“Bibi, you’re holding out on me.”

She bit her lip then met my gaze. “I let him kiss me after our second date. I didn’t want to—”

“He forced—”

“God no,” Bibi said quickly. “I mean I promised myself not to allow closeness because I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression but then I just… I don’t know. He stood so close and smelled so good and it just happened.”

“So you kissed,” I said with a grin. “So what? You’re a grown woman. And you deserve to enjoy yourself a bit.”

Bibi shook her head. “You know what people are going to say if they find out I kissed a man I’m not married to.”

“Nobody’s going to find out and if they do, they better keep their opinion to themselves. Nobody deserves this more than you. So how was it?”

Bibi smiled. “It was just… wow. I’ve never felt anything like it, as if every part of me is melting. I had so much trouble pulling away.”

I linked our fingers, not able to stop grinning despite my worry over Orazio and the war. “Then don’t pull away next time. Who cares?”

Bibi shook her head, looking determined. “No. I can’t be selfish about this. I want Luisa to have the best future possible and I don’t want people to talk behind her back about how her mother had an affair.”

I squeezed her hand. “Dario is a lawyer. I’m sure he’s got his ways to be sneaky about it.”

Bibi giggled but then she became serious. “I want to do this on my terms. I told him I’d like to see him again but that we need to go slow.”

“Do whatever feels right. I’ll support you no matter what.”

I leaned forward and kissed Bibi’s cheeks. “But Bibi, you deserve some man-made orgasms.”

Bibi gasped then burst out laughing and I fell in, feeling lighter than I had in a while.


Valentina was usually the peacemaker in our family. She didn’t like the lingering conflict between her brother and father, but this time it was my decision to invite Giovanni over for a clarifying conversation. With the war getting worse, I couldn’t allow fights among my own men, much less my family.

“I hope they don’t argue in front of the kids,” Val said with a sigh.

Orazio was the first to arrive in the late afternoon. He looked as if he hadn’t slept much these last few days and I wondered if the problems with Giovanni caused him so much stress or if something else was behind his obvious exhaustion.

He shook my hand briefly and gave me a tight smile. I valued his work but we’d never really hit it off. He was as closed off as me, which didn’t really help to form a closer bond. “Congrats on becoming a father again.”

“Thank you.”

His expression became more relaxed when he walked up to Val and Leonas. He hugged her briefly.

“I’m so glad you could make it,” Val said, looking happy. Standing beside each other, it was unmistakable that Val and Orazio were siblings. They shared the same eyes and almost the same hair color.

“Anna!” I called. “Your uncle is here.”

Steps thundered upstairs then Anna flew down the steps almost stumbling and jumped into Orazio’s arms. He lifted her up with a smile. “Careful. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

I allowed him a few moments before I motioned toward my office.

Val’s expression pinched. “We want to have coffee and cake.”

“This’ll only take a few minutes.”

She didn’t say anything but I knew she’d give me a piece of her mind later. I appreciated that Val had her own head, but I was also glad that she knew when to keep up appearances.

Orazio set down Anna and followed me into my office. “What is it?”

“Where have you been these last two days?”

Orazio’s eyebrows rose slowly. He chuckled and shook his head. “First my father, now you? Why does everyone always interrogate me? I didn’t know I had to announce wherever I went.”

“Unlike your father, I’m your Capo.”

“So this isn’t just a friendly family visit, all right,” he said bitterly.

I gritted my teeth. “Just answer my question, Orazio.”

He met my gaze. He wasn’t overly nervous, at least not more than the situation warranted. He was angry, that was obvious. “I had a huge fight with my father two days ago then again yesterday morning. You know he can’t let it drop. Every time he sees me, he criticizes every single of my choices, especially my refusal to marry a woman he suggests. I’m fucking sick of it. I knew I was about to lose my shit on him and I didn’t want that to happen so I decided to clear my head. I went to a few bars, drank a few too many drinks, fucked a few girls… and now I’m here, Dante.”

“What bars?”

He laughed darkly. “The Voda and the Kamchatka. My father made it very clear a long time ago that he doesn’t want fellow Made Men to see my escapades, and nobody knows who I am in Bratva owned bars.”

I narrowed my eyes but I couldn’t detect a lie. “It’s risky for you to walk into these bars. Even if our war with the Bratva in Chicago lies currently dormant, that could change at any time.”

“From my looks, I could be Russian. Nobody questioned me.”

I nodded. “The main reason why I was trying to call you is that Rocco and I suspect a spy to be behind a few unfortunate incidents and since you’ve been working closely with the Famiglia, you might know who got too close to them or maybe one of their women and switched loyalties.”

Orazio shrugged. “Nobody comes to mind. The guys I worked with are loyal to you, Dante. I can’t imagine them to betray the cause. Maybe there isn’t a spy. Rocco can be a tad paranoid if you ask me.”

I had to agree but even without Rocco’s insistence I had suspected we had a mole. “Trust me, it’s not an idea I entertain lightly, but it’s a valid option and we need to be vigilant and find whoever is behind this.”

“I’ll keep my eyes open,” Orazio said. “Just tell me one thing, did Val invite our father over so we can make peace?”

“I did. But first, let’s have coffee and cake. I’m sure Val is impatient for our return.”

Val gave me a questioning look when Orazio and I walked into the dining room. I gave her a smile but I could tell that she was still worried.

Luckily Anna was eager for attention from her uncle and kept the conversation up with her chatter. Leonas slept in his crib in a corner of the room, entirely unimpressed by our conversation. He seemed an easy-going baby. I hoped this would continue into his teenage years but most boys had a phase of rebellion, so I was prepared for it. It either ended when the boy reached manhood or extended into their adulthood and turned to resentment or even hatred as it was between Orazio and his father, or me and my own. I wanted things between my son and me to be different, but Leonas too would feel the burden of being a Cavallaro and heir to the Outfit early.

The bell rang and Orazio let out a sigh. “Peace is over now.”

“Don’t be so negative. Please try to make peace with Papa. For me and Mama at least.”

Orazio nodded but his expression made it clear that he doubted it would work out. Giovanni and Livia entered the room, followed by Gabby.

“Do you need anything else?” Gabby asked. Since Val had taken it upon herself to school her, Gabby had become less shy around other people, especially men.

“We have everything we need, thank you,” Val said as she rose from her chair to greet her parents. Orazio and I stood as well. Anna had already dashed toward her grandparents and hugged one after the other. Her relationship toward my own parents wasn’t as close but they weren’t the affectionate types, and Anna was a child that needed plenty of affection.

Livia headed over to her son and hugged him tightly then kissed his cheek. “Why do you have to worry us so much?”

“Mother,” he said quietly but firmly, and pried her hands off his face. “Maybe you should ask father why.”

Giovanni’s face flashed with anger but after a glance at Anna who watched with wide, curious eyes, he only smiled stiffly.

“How about we have coffee first and afterward you two discuss whatever it is you need to iron out?” Val suggested.

“Very well,” Giovanni said.

The atmosphere at the table was frosty. It reminded me of dinner at my own home in the past. Luckily Val made sure that our family dinners were a pleasant, warm gathering. Anna and Leonas would never know any different, except for the few times they had to have dinner at my parents’ house.

Afterward, I led Orazio and Giovanni into my office for a drink and a conversation. I didn’t want Anna to see her uncle and grandfather fighting with each other, and judging from the angry look the two had exchanged I had no doubt there would be loud arguments.

I closed the door. “Keep your voices down. I don’t want the rest of the house to listen in.”

“I can control my impulses,” Giovanni said pointedly.

“Is that so? Did you control your impulses when you called Lucy a slit-eyed whore?”

“That was one time—”


“And that’s been years ago. Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on that goddamn girl. For god’s sake, there are million fish in the ocean. What’s wrong with our girls? There are so many beautiful Italian girls who’re eager to marry you and you refuse them all.”

“Because I don’t want them. Stop pestering me with possible brides!”

“You must marry. You’re twenty-five. If you want to become Underboss, you need to be married. End of story. I won’t step down before then.”

“What’s my marital status got to do with anything? Do you think I’ll be a better Underboss because I’m married? Why should my men respect me only because of a marriage?”

I cleared my throat. Their voices had risen and could definitely be heard well beyond this room. “You don’t have to marry now, Orazio, but your father is right. At some point, you need to choose a viable bride at least. Our traditions are as they are and they won’t change any time soon.”

“And that’s good,” Giovanni butted in.

Orazio shook his head. “So if I’m not marrying one of the girls you want, I’m not becoming Underboss?”

“Surely you want to marry someone?” I asked, trying to remain calm even if their fury kindled my own.

“Of course, I want to marry. Just not any of the girls my father suggests.”

“As long as I take breath, you won’t marry an Outsider!”

I stepped between them because things were about to escalate in a way I couldn’t allow. “This is enough. You’ll have to figure out a way to get along. We’re at war. We need to stand together to fight the Famiglia. Petty family disputes are the last thing we need.”

Orazio met my gaze. “Allow me to return to Minneapolis and work for Pietro. I can’t promise anything if I have to stay in Chicago.”

“I don’t expect your promise, I expect obedience,” I said sharply, looking at both of them. “But for now, you can return to Minneapolis.”

Giovanni opened his mouth but I raised my hand. “This is a temporary solution. I want you two to work it out. You, Orazio, will have to decide on a wife by next year. And you, Giovanni, will consult with Orazio on possible matches. Figure this out, and don’t drag Val into this.” The last was said in a more threatening tone than I’d intended but Val suffered because of the escalating conflict between her father and brother, and she needed all her strength to take care of our children.

Orazio’s mouth tightened but he gave a terse nod. Giovanni sighed. “That sounds reasonable.”

“Can I leave now? I’d like to return to Minneapolis as soon as possible.”

“If that’s what you want,” I said.

“It is. I’ll say goodbye to the women and then I’m gone.” He turned and left my office.

Giovanni shook his head. “Am I too strict? I don’t know what he expects! He knows the rules.”

“Is he still with that girl?”

“No, he broke it off a long time ago. At least, that’s what he told me. I made my point very clear back then so I doubt he would have lied.”

“Maybe things will calm down once he’s married and he realizes it’s not the end of the world.”

“I hope Leonas won’t ever give you the same troubles.”

I hoped so too.

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