Bound By The Past (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Book 7)

Bound By The Past: Part 4 – Chapter 3

Val was still up when I returned home. My anger had built during the drive to the mansion but when I entered the bedroom and spotted my heavily pregnant wife perching on the edge of the bed, kneading her hands anxiously, it was difficult to hold on to my fury. She pushed slowly to her feet, her eyes swimming with worry. Her red silk nightgown stretched over her belly. “What did you do to Aria?”

For some reason, her worry over Aria kindled my anger anew. I undid my cuffs and headed toward the walk-in closet and not Val.

“You went to a meeting with the wife of the Famiglia Capo without telling me, without protection, Val,” I said. I shrugged off my jacket and tossed it over a chair as Val appeared in the doorway.

“Aria isn’t a danger to me. I’ve known her all my life. We are cousins.”

I shook my head, my fingers steady as I removed my tie and unbuttoned my shirt, despite the emotions shaking me up.

I narrowed my eyes at her. “We are at war.” It wasn’t just anger over her betrayal I felt. I was also worried. She risked too much. This could have been a trap.

Cradling her belly, Val leaned against the doorframe. “You are at war, Dante. The Outfit is. But Aria and I, we aren’t.”

I gritted my teeth at her refusal to accept the sad truth. This war was all-encompassing. “It could have been a trick. Luca could have set her up to it. You risked too much.”

Val raised her brows. “You really think Aria would have led me into a trap so Luca could capture me? And then what?”

“It’s a good thing that we’ll never find out.” Left in my briefs, I moved to walk out but Val stepped in the way.

“Where’s Aria?” Val asked again, touching my bare chest. “What did you do to her?”

Grabbing her shoulders, I gently pushed her out of my way and headed for the bathroom. Of course, Val followed me. “Dante, don’t ignore me now. Tell me what you did to Aria. I deserve to know.”

I slammed my palm down on the sink. “Didn’t I deserve to know that Aria Vitiello was in my territory? That she intended to meet my wife? What did she want here? Why did she want to meet you?”

Val paled at my open wrath. “She wanted to talk about Fabiano. She’s worried about him because of this war, because of Rocco.”

I shook my head. “Fabiano is part of the Outfit. He isn’t her concern.”

“If Leonas was part of another famiglia, would he no longer be your concern?”

“Leonas is born into the Outfit and he’ll rule over the Outfit. There won’t ever be anything else for him.”

Val looked down at her belly with a small frown. “But what if he doesn’t want to be.”

“Valentina, this discussion is moot. Leonas will be raised to be Capo. He’ll know nothing else. He’ll want nothing else. This discussion is over.”

Val turned around but her soft intake of breath told me she was going to cry. I clutched the edge of the sink, counting to three and trying to calm myself. I straightened and followed Val. She looked out of the window, her shoulders trembling. She was close to her due date and emotionally vulnerable.

I sighed. I didn’t want to fight with her, not in the state she was in. I walked closer and touched Val’s bare shoulders then pressed a gentle kiss to her neck. “Dante,” she whispered. Our eyes met in the reflection of the window and as usual, I had a hard time staying mad at her when she looked at me.

“I sent her back to New York.”

Val’s lips parted with surprise. “Really?” She turned in my hold, causing her belly to bump into my abs.

I brushed the tears away from her pale cheeks. “Really.”

Her brows puckered. “Why? Having her in your hands would have given you an advantage over Luca.”

Luca would have lost his mind. He would have orchestrated an attack on Chicago. It was an idea I’d entertained often, but my decision was made and I was still certain it had been the right one.

“Aria is pregnant.”

Val looked thoughtful for a moment then she wrapped her arms around me. “I thought I saw her touch her belly twice but I didn’t really think much of it. I’m so happy for them.” She fell silent, seeing my expression. I didn’t give a fuck if Luca became a father. It only meant Leonas would have future Vitiellos to deal with. They wouldn’t remain innocent children forever.

Val smiled then kissed me. “That was the right thing to do.”

Val thought I’d acted out of the goodness of my heart. She didn’t know what I’d sent Aria back to. I wouldn’t be able to hide it from her forever.

“You should get some rest. I still have work to do,” I said, and led her over to the bed.

Val stretched out but held onto my hand. “What will Rocco say? And your Underbosses? Won’t it cause discord that you let Aria go? Or will you try to keep it from them?”

I kissed her knuckles. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle it.”

I could tell Val wanted to argue, but I stepped back and left the room.

When I turned on my iPad in the office, the photographer had already sent me an email. I followed the link to the Dropbox and perused his shots. He’d done a marvelous job taking photos from an angle that made my interactions with Aria look intimate and secretive. For someone like Luca, these would have the effect of a nuclear bomb. He was wired to draw the worst conclusions. He and I always expected the worst from others, so it was easy to take any act of betrayal for granted.

I chose a selection of photos then forwarded them to Rocco. He’d send them to his contacts in the press, and hopefully tomorrow all hell would break loose in the Famiglia.

My eyes burnt with tiredness, but I doubted sleep would find me tonight. Too much had happened today, even more would happen tomorrow.

Eventually, I stood and headed upstairs. I walked into Anna’s room, careful not to make a sound as I headed for her bed. She was curled up on her side, her thumb in her mouth. She used to do it often when she was a toddler but eventually we got her to stop. Sometimes I still caught her sucking her thumb at night though. I brushed a few strands of hair from her face then gently pulled her finger out. She made a small sound but didn’t wake. I always tried to say goodnight to her or even read her a bedtime story, but on days like this, I sometimes came home when she was already asleep. I leaned down at kissed her forehead then headed for the bedroom.

Val was asleep and she didn’t wake when I slid into bed beside her. Tomorrow morning after breakfast I’d have to talk to her about the photos. I didn’t want her to find out through others. The newspapers in Chicago wouldn’t post any articles about Aria and me, Rocco and I would make sure of it, but these things usually spread like wildfire in the Outfit and soon people would be talking.

Closing my eyes, I rubbed my temple. This had the potential to spiral out of control. It was a very risky move. Some people in the Outfit would be enraged that I’d been in contact with Aria, not so much about an affair, others might applaud me for having a spy so close to Luca. I’d have to tell Giovanni about this tomorrow as well. He wouldn’t be happy either. He’d worry how this would reflect on Val.

I slanted a look at my sleeping wife. I didn’t want Val to get hurt emotionally. This move would at least guarantee her physical safety. She might not see it that way of course. I sat up and got out of bed. Sleep was out of the question. Picking up my phone from the nightstand, I headed into the corridor and sent Rocco a text.

Hold off with the photos for now. We need to discuss the consequences.

His reply came swiftly.

Already sent. Sorry, Dante. It’s a good move in this war.

I sighed. He was right. This trickery was good for the Outfit. It might not be good for my marriage, however, and even though it shouldn’t be, my family was more important to me than my vow.

It was too late now. Things had been set in motion.


The pressure on my bladder combined with sciatic pain woke me before sunrise once again. Dante didn’t stir when I snuck into the bathroom, which meant he’d gone to bed so late again that he’d probably only reached his deep sleep phase. After I’d washed my face, I crept out of the bedroom and downstairs to make myself a tea. Light from the office caught my attention. I headed that way and found Anna curled up on Dante’s desk chair, staring down at his iPad.

I smiled at how cute she looked with her disheveled hair and sleep-puffy eyes. “You know Daddy doesn’t want you to go into his office without his permission.”

Anna’s head shot up in surprise. She grinned sheepishly. “I was bored.”

I shook my head and went to her. “You can’t touch Daddy’s things. They are important for his work.” And potentially traumatic for a young child. Anna didn’t understand what Dante did.

“But he’s got photos of Aunt Aria.”

Frowning, I took the iPad from her and looked at the photo Anna was referring to. I quickly clicked through a myriad of other photos, all of them of Aria and Dante, some of them disturbingly intimate. I tried to keep my shock hidden because Anna watched me curiously.

“Why don’t you go to your bedroom and draw a bit. Mommy’s still very tired. But we’ll do a puzzle together later, okay?”

Anna pouted but eventually she nodded and dashed off. I had a feeling she’d head to our bedroom and see if Dante would entertain her, or at least allow her to watch TV, which he wouldn’t.

I sank down on the edge of the desk and even though I knew Dante would be angry, I read his email to Rocco and to the photographer.

I should have known that Dante hadn’t allowed Aria to leave out of the goodness of his heart. He was a cold-hearted killer, a brutal leader of a crime organization, and while he loved Anna and me, his feelings toward the majority of humankind were indifferent at best.

I clicked through the photos once more, lingering on the ones that showed Dante and Aria in a car. He leaned over her, his arm reaching between her legs. I knew Dante didn’t have an affair, especially not with Aria. She was gorgeous and a woman every man desired, but Dante was faithful.

How had these photos come to be? It was obviously a show, a show I didn’t think Aria was involved in. Dante was vehemently against sexual violence in any form against women. He wouldn’t have made Aria believe he’d abuse her. I couldn’t believe it.

The door opened and Dante stepped in, only dressed in pajama bottoms. My eyes trailed over his muscled body. He kept himself fit. He was the epitome of discipline, getting up early most days to get in a workout, to stay in shape and look strong because outward appearances were an important part of being a respected leader nowadays. Many women desired my husband for his power, for his looks, for his unattainability.

Many people would eat up the lie eagerly if word got out about the photos. Especially the traditionalists had always wondered why Dante had chosen only a widow. This would prove them right, and while I tried not to give anything about the opinions of others, this irked me. I stared at the photo once more. This had to be Rocco Scuderi’s idea. He was ruthless and loved to play dirty.

Dante came closer, glancing at the photos then at me. A flicker of concern showed on his face, giving me strange satisfaction. “Val,” he said carefully. “I’ve had the photos taken…”

I glared. “So you could make Luca believe Aria had an affair with you.”

He considered me a moment before he nodded. I wasn’t clueless. Since Anna had been born, I rarely visited our underground casino anymore. I worked from home, doing event planning, calling high rollers and especially politicians, and most importantly dealing with complaints from the prostitutes working in the many brothels in Chicago. But I knew what was going on, knew how mob politics worked, especially when Scuderi had his fingers in the mix.

“Why?” I asked, even though I had a suspicion, one that was cruel and genius at once.

Dante stopped beside me. “Because Luca tends to lose control when Aria is concerned. He’ll act without thinking. It’ll make him vulnerable, an easy target.”

So calculating and emotionless. I searched his face but the concern in it was for me not Aria. “What about Aria? What if Luca hurts her? Kills her?”

I was starting to feel sick just thinking about it. Luca was brutal. Even if he loved Aria, he could still kill her. He wouldn’t be the first man to kill his wife in a jealous rage. Love, or what many people make of it, has been the reason for many depraved acts.

Dante touched my shoulder gently. “He won’t.”

“How can you be sure? Are you telling me Luca Vitiello, a man who crushed his cousin’s throat, is not capable of killing a woman in a jealous rage?”

Dante smiled strangely. “Luca could kill anyone for whatever reason he sees fit. He doesn’t even need a reason. But Aria is the one person in this world, he’ll never kill.”

I stared at my husband, wishing I shared his conviction, wishing I could understand why he could be this certain.

“How can you be sure?” I repeated angrily.

Dante stroked my cheek. “Because deep down Luca and I are the same, we share the same demons, the same cruel nature. A nature that allows us to do what must be done and prevents us from caring for others. Love doesn’t come easy to us but if we love, it consumes us.” Dante’s gaze seemed to caress my face. “I could never hurt you, never kill you, Val. My love for you will always stop me, and it’s the same for Luca where Aria is concerned.”

“I hope you are right.”

“I am.”

“But this might destroy their marriage, might unhinge Luca completely,” I said then nodded. “But that’s what you want, right? Take away Luca’s safe haven, make him lose control. This could toss the Famiglia into chaos.”

“Ultimately, Aria didn’t leave me a choice. I couldn’t let this opportunity pass. She walked into my territory, if I’d let her leave without using that to our advantage, I would have looked weak. Letting her go at all was a huge risk. I don’t owe Aria anything.”

I swallowed. “She’s Anna’s godmother.”

“They won’t ever see each other again, unless Luca surrenders or dies, then maybe there’ll be peace again.”

I touched my belly. Would Leonas grow up in a world of war? Would he rule over the Outfit still at war? It scared me.

Dante kissed my temple then caressed my belly. “How are you feeling?”

I almost laughed because I was miserable. Of course, he meant physically.

“Good. Leonas is very active today,” I said with a small smile despite the tension I felt. I took Dante’s hand and pressed it to the spot where Leonas was kicking.

Dante’s expression softened.

“You realize these photos will stir up a scandal in the Outfit too. I’ll be the poor pregnant wife who was cheated on, with the most beautiful woman the Outfit had to offer to Luca. That will give all the Golden Couple enthusiasts new ammunition. I bet a few will even hope Aria will run off to Chicago so she can marry you.”

Dante made a face as if he tasted something bitter. “The Golden Couple rumor has always been nonsense.” He cradled my face, his eyes almost angry. “And as far as I’m concerned, Valentina, you are the most beautiful woman in the Outfit.”

“Aria is no longer in the Outfit,” I reminded him, because he deserved to suffer for this move.

He let out a low breath. “For me you are the most beautiful woman.”

I didn’t let his words mollify me. “What if the rumors about your affair eventually reach Anna’s ears? She’s still too young to understand, but she’ll realize it’s something bad.”

“She won’t find out. These photos won’t be published anywhere in my territory, Val.”

“People will talk. It’ll spread.”

Dante nodded slowly. “Yes, no matter what I do, I won’t be able to silence everyone in the Outfit. You will have to bear some of the consequences of my actions, even if I never wanted you to. I’m sorry for that.”

I leaned back with wide eyes.

“What is it?”

“I think this is only the second time you said you’re sorry.”

He smiled darkly. “I had many more reasons to apologize to you, I know, but it’s something I’m not very good at.”

“I know. And I appreciate your apology, but I still wish you would have found another way to attack the Famiglia than by making up an affair rumor.”

Dante didn’t say anything but I could tell that maybe part of him agreed.

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