Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 010

"Cay!" Her head snapped to the right as she heard the male voice, making her hiss as she felt the pins move again. A male, probably around her age and... human?!, ran towards Caden, who turned to meet him. The human reached Caden and wrapped his arms around him in a bro hug. Caden, to her surprise, met him in the hug with a smile on his face. So, the obedient, sadistic, Alpha asshole can actually smile? Liv wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen it herself. They pulled apart after a short while and the human met her confused gaze.

"Who's that?" He asked. "Someone who will serve a purpose, Devon, nothing more." James answered his question as he looked at Liv. She glared at him, which made his smirk grow. "That may be, but even those who are only used for a purpose have a name." Devon answered as he glared at James. Her eyes shifted to his and met his gaze. "You really don't belong here." She said, speaking her thoughts. Devon chuckled as he took a few steps towards her. "As I have been told way too many times already." He reached her and held out his hand for her to shake. "I'm Devon and yes I know I'm human." Liv looked at his hand, before her eyes shifted back to his. "Livana, but most here call me Kerra." Devon got the fact that she wasn't going to shake his hand and dropped it, yet his small smile didn't falter. "Why do you call yourself Livana then?" She gave him a small smile. "You know what I am don't you?" He nodded in acknowledgement. "Then you also know that every Moonblood has a name that is associated with light." He nodded again. "Kerra means darkness, any Moonblood or, normally, Lycanthrope that hears my first name instantly stays away from me, so I taken to use my second name which means the moon."

"Calling her Kerra only pisses her off and that's exactly why we do it." Stefan interjected. She fake laughed with him as she flipped him off.

"If your first name means darkness, why did your mother give it to you?" She sighed as she looked back at Devon. There was an answer to that. One that still scares the living shit out of her because she didn't know what it meant. One that not even King, Gerard or Andrew knew, as her mother and she had always kept it a secret. And she wasn't going to give it to them now. "How come you are in the pack if you are human?" She asked instead. Devon knew that she evaded his question. He briefly narrowed his eyes at her before the small smile grew a little on his face. And became one that reminded her a lot of Caden... They can't be... Can they? "I'm Caden's brother so I'm part of his pack and part of King's pack as well." Her eyes went wide. There was no way... Siblings weren't uncommon, but it was uncommon if one was a Lycanthrope and the other human as a wolf is given a human body and not the other way around. "How!?" Devon chuckled at her. "Answer my previous question and I'll answer yours." Liv snorted and shook her head. "Nice try, human."

"Can't blame me for trying, can you?" Devon said with a wink.

"I can." Caden interjected from behind Devon. The little brother rolled his eyes as he looked at Caden. "You are not going to start are you?" Caden wiggled his eyebrows at him before his gaze turned hard. "See that thing around her neck?" Devon looked back at her, or specifically at the collar around her neck. "That's there because she is more lethal and dangerous than any Moonblood you met and because she basically wants to kill everyone in this pack." If she didn't know any better she would have taken that remark as an offence, but right now she couldn't wipe the satisfied smirk off her face as she met Caden's stare. "Not everyone, just the nine pathetic Alphas around me and the monster that just went inside of that Packhouse. I don't give a fuck about the others." Caden gave her a crooked grin. "I would like to see you try." Her eyes shifted to Dwight who was still standing beside her. "Oh Dwight, I promise you, you will."

"Yeah, if you live that long." Jackson said after he snorted. She shrugged, again causing the pins to move and making herself swallowing the hiss. "I don't care if I die, even if it is from whatever is happening to my kind. The way I see it is that I will finally be free from all of you, so bring it." It wasn't entirely true though. She did care, they just didn't need to know that.

"You don't mean that." Liv looked back at Devon who looked at her with a worried gaze. She took a step towards him. "You don't know me, human. You have no fucking clue of what I've been through in my entire life, so you'd better believe me when I say I do mean that." A muscle ticked in his jaw at her hard words, but she didn't care. She wasn't here to make friends of give anyone her trust. Not even a human. Because the way she sees it, if they live here, they're her enemy. "You should listen to your brother, Devon, and stay away from me." She said with a softer voice, before she walked away through the wolves that were still gathered around her. They all parted as she walked passed them, but she didn't care if they even tried to attack her. She was way too deep in hell for her to get out anyway.


Liv walked through the village. Most things were still the same as they've been before. The change now was that it was way more crowded and the village had gotten bigger. She looked at the sky and saw that it had already started to become dawn. At least that was something in her favor. Especially if the nights are still the same as she remembered.

"Don't go outside, Livana. Don't ever go outside once the night falls, do you understand me?" Liv gulped as she met the intense gaze of her mother. "Why, what's happening?" She asked as her eyes were drawn to the door. Her mother sighed as she crouched in front of her daughter. "Do you remember the story of how we came to be?" Liv looked back at her mother and nodded. "Because we are born of a wolf bloodline and carry a wolf skin we are also forced to the primal instincts of the animal. To feed, to protect, to survive and to mate. These four are branded inside of our entire being from the day we are born till the day we die. All of them force us to still the urge they give at some point. To still the urge to feed, our wolves need to hunt, kill and eat game. To still the urge to protect, we need to make sure our loved ones stay safe. To still the urge to survive, we fight when we are threatened. And the last one is the urge that will hit you the most once you become fifteen, the urge to mate, to reproduce. The need you will feel to be with a male will grow and grow until you will go mad with desire. Once you still the urge, it will give you reprieve for a while, but the urge will grow again as soon as your need is stilled. That is why you need to stay inside at night, Livana. The urge to mate is great among the Lycanthrope especially as not all of them can still it every time they feel it grow. We and Ilene are the only females in the pack and they will not hesitate to grab whomever they want as soon as their desire starts to drive them mad. Not even a small child." A shiver ran down Liv's back as she looked at the door again, before she stepped closer to her mother and buried herself in her arms. "Promise me you will stay inside as soon as the night falls." Liv looked up at her mother and nodded. "I promise, mama."

Absentmindedly she let her instincts guide her through the village until her attantion was drawn to the fountain in the middle of a square. On one side was the edge of the Eidolon Forest and the other the homes of wolves. Liv stopped walking as she saw the fountain and swallowed. The water from the fountain came from the mountains and it was always a clear blue color. Slowly she walked towards it until she reached it. The glistering water greeted her and a sense of familiarity came over her. Liv crouched down in front of the basin and ran her hand along the old stone. The fountain has been here before the village was, that much was clear from the fact how the stone of the fountain had already started to crumble and looked ancient. It has always been on the edge of the village and it had always been one of the places where she would feel at ease in this gods forsaken place. For some reason the fountain gave off a peaceful energy that soothed her entire being. Some dust coated her fingers as she retracted her hand. Liv lifted her eyes as she looked at the running water. Slowly the same peaceful feeling came over her and emotions clogged her throat. Her mind went back to her being here as a little girl. The girl who used to sit here with her feet in the ice cold water and eyes closed, thinking about her home, her true home. No one really bothered her if she was here, they never had. They were too focussed on her mother making more wolves for King. She knew that things would definately be different now that she was the one who was going to be used for that. Liv balled her fists in her lap. They can try, but she will never bleed for King to make him more wolves and she definately will not lay with him or any of them. At least not again... Caden and the bar flashed in front of her eyes and she hated herself for letting that happen. She hated him. And if one thing was certain, it was the fact that she will never let it happen again. No matter how badly her urge to mate will try to drive her mad.

"Let me go!"

She gasped as her head snapped backwards to the sound of a female scream.

"Let me go!!!" The female yelled again. A commotion started in front of the Packhouse, drawing more and more wolves toward it. Liv moved and followed the wolves gathering around the commotion.

"You can't..." King's voice came from the Packhouse, but was interrupted by the female. "Don't! You don't get to tell me what to do, not right now!" Liv pushed through the wolves and came to a stop as she reached the end of the group surrounding the action. Her breath hitched in her throat as she saw her. "She is my sister and I have a right to see her!" Dawn remarked as she pointed a finger at her father's face, but king wasn't looking at his daughter. He was glaring at Liv. Dawn noticed it and turned around in an instant. Liv met the gaze of her half-sister and swallowed to wet her dry throat. Dawn was an exact copy of her mother. Her long light brown hair reached her waist and fell in loose curls. Her eyes were the same as Liv's and as every other Moonblood. Her face had a soft heart shape and was filled with freckles, but that wasn't the only reason why Dawn was an exact copy of her mother right now. It was because of the sickly look of her skin, the way too skinny look of her frail body and the exhaustion that was apparent in her entire stance. Liv's mind played a cruel trick as Dawn morphed into her mother in front of her eyes, right before Liv shook herself out of the daze and focused on Dawn who walked towards her with big steps. A slight tremble went through her body at the look Dawn gave her. Liv didn't dare to open her mouth, she didn't dare to say anything to the sister she had left behind. There had been many times when she had thought about Dawn over the years. Liv hadn't wanted to leave her behind, but she hoped that because Dawn was King's daughter she would be safe. At least that's what she told herself every time her mind wondered to her sister. Dawn reached her and slapped Liv hard across her cheek. Liv's head snapped to the left. Even though the slap was weak, the sting of her cheek was worse than the pain she felt from the pins, and well deserved. Liv gulped before she looked back at Dawn, who started crying and wrapped her arms around Liv's waist in a crushing hug. Liv held up her arms as she looked shocked at the crying girl who held her like her life depended on it. Slowly, she lowered her arms to hug Dawn as well. No one said a word as they stood there. The only sounds filling the air around them were the sobs coming from Dawn. They stood there for a while before Dawn calmed down and slowly pulled away from Liv, meeting her gaze. Dawn grabbed one of Liv's hands in hers. "Hi, Kerra."

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