Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 009

Liv swallowed as she felt the car stop and heard the doors open and slam shut. She had woken up due to the fact that the car had started to slow down. The first thing she noticed was the fact that it was still, or again, dark outside. Knowing that the last time she closed her eyes it was night, she didn't know if she slept the entire day or just an hour or two. Shapes appeared in front of the trunk window before it was opened and she was greeted with cold air. A shiver ran down her spine at the cold, causing goosebumps to form on her exposed skin. She was grabbed by her arm before she was pulled out of the car and onto the cold ground of the clearing. A groan left her mouth as she laid on the ground. Her muscles ached and her burns also gave off a dull ache. Her eyes snapped open as she looked at her exposed hip. The burns were almost completely healed. Only the red color was still visible on her body. The pain was already numbing and she knew that with a couple of hours it would be gone as well. Giving that it took about a day to heal burn wounds, she immediately knew that she had slept during the daylight. Liv was grabbed by her arms and pulled up. "Where are we?" She asked as she saw the cars being moved to a secluded parking lot. Dwight pushed her forward without answering her question. King was walking further up ahead already, along with Caden and Brandon. No one said a word as they entered the forest and the power she felt falling over her told her why. Liv gulped as her question was answered by the Eidola which appeared from the mists that surround the trees. Another shiver ran down her spine as she saw the phantom spirits and shapes of the dead.

This was the Eidolon Forest. A place of that was filled with sorrow and the pain of the dead that roam here. Every Eidolon that appeared was instantly drawn to the forest. All because this forest was placed over a ley line that connected the earth to Tartaros, making the energy here stronger.

They ventured through the woods with deadly silence. The mist swirled around her legs and trees as they walked. Eidola appeared around them and evaporated into the mist as soon as she looked at them. This forest has always given her the creeps. Not only because of the Eidola, but also because the rumor of a gateway that was said to be placed deep in the forest. A gateway to Tartaros. Yet that was all it was as no one has ever found it. A rumor. Her mother always told her that the rumor was to scare people away from the forest so the Eidola have peace. That she shouldn't believe the scary stories the Lycanthrope teens were telling each other. She tried not to, she really did, but she also believed that the Eidola weren't just drawn to the forest because of the ley lines. She just didn't know by what. So, before her mother died, she had always stayed clear of the forest, as did most Lycanthropes, except King. He had always used the forest to his advantage, given the fact that it was located on the border of his territory. She swallowed as her throat became dry.

They were already in Alaska... The walk through the forest was the last thing they had to cross before they reach the pack. How the hell did they get here this fast!? The drive from Coutts to the pack in Alaska was about forty hours. She, for sure as hell, didn't sleep forty hours!

"Hold." King's soft command filled the silcence. They all stopped walking. Liv looked past King to what he was staring at and saw a Eidolon floating on the path they walked on. He looked straight into the eyes of King. The Eidolon slowly lifted his finger and pointed to King. At least that's what she saw at first, until she felt the mist pull away from her legs and a Eidolon suddenly appeared right in front of her. A gasp left her mouth as she jumped a little backwards. The mist took form and her heart stopped as she looked at the Eidolon in front of her. Her mother looked back at her with a sad look on her face. A tear rolled down Liv's cheek. She lost count of how many times she had tried to enter the forest after her mother died. Not all who die become Eidola, but after she lost her mother, she tried everything to see if she was in the forest. The fear she had for the forest had become insignificant to the need to know if her mother was still around even if it was only her spirit. King had always stopped her and soon he had ordered wolves to patrol the border so she would never be able to get into the forest. When she ran she knew that she would probably never get the chance to see if her mother was in the forest. How wrong she was...

Her mother gave her a sad smile before she looked to the left. Liv followed her gaze and saw another Eidolon. A spirit she knew as well. It was Ilene. Liv looked to Dwight who's grip on her arm had become loose as he looked shocked at the Eidolon of his daughter. Her gaze was pulled to another one behind Dwight. It was also a female, yet she didn't know who it was. Soon more and more female Eidolon appeared until they were surrounded by thirteen of them. Thirteen... without her mother, were they the Moonbloods who were killed by whatever it was that was killing them? And if there are twelve, did that mean that the one from Belgium has died as well? Her gaze landed on Caden who was subtly scanning the Eidola as if he was looking for someone, until his gaze turned hard, his jaw locked and his gaze went to the ground. That was weird. Her went back to her mother who took a step towards her. Liv met her gaze and saw that it had gone from sadness to alarming. "What's wrong?" Liv whispered, even though she knew that Eidola couldn't communicate with the living. Her mother raised her hand as she took another step to Liv and placed her hand on her chest, covering her heart. Coldness immediately filled her body. Her mother opened her mouth and a screech cut through the silence around them. Everyone immediately covered their ears. Liv whimpered as she tried to as well, but her hands were still bound in place. She closed her eyes and collapsed on her knees as pain started to fill her head. As quickly as the screech came it left and silence envelopped them. Liv opened her eyes again, expecting to still see her mother, but was greeted with King who stood in front of her. Liv looked around her and saw that all the Eidola had disappeared. "Your ears are bleeding." King said with a soft voice as he crouched in front of her. She had already felt the blood run down her neck, telling her exactly that, but she didn't care. She had seen her mother again and whatever her mother had done, Liv knew it was a warning. She just needed to figure out what the warning meant. A slight touch on the side of her neck pulled her out of her thoughts. King retracted his hand and looked at the blood, her blood, on his fingers with intrigue. He moved his fingers to his mouth. Just before he put his fingers in his mouth his eyes snapped back to her's. Liv clenched her jaw as she saw him tasting her blood and cleaning his fingers. "Let's keep moving." He said with a smirk before he got up and started moving again. Dwight grabbed her by her arms and pulled her up from the ground before pushing her to follow King. Liv looked around her one last time to see if her mother was still lingering somewhere, but she had disappeared. An ache she hadn't felt in a long time, filled her chest as her heart remembered the last time her mother had disappeared, when she had died. Liv dropped her head as Dwight led her through the forest.

After a long walk her feet started to hurt from moving. She always knew that the forest was big, but not this big. It had also started to become darker as they kept on walking, the evening had begun. Even though she really didn't want to be in the pack, she was hoping they were there soon. As if her thought was answered, the forest started to thin and lights appeared in her vision up ahead. Liv swallowed as she felt her body starting to tense. King suddenly shifted up front and howled into the night. Soon howls from the pack followed his. He pushed himself off the ground into a run to meet his pack. It wasn't long until Dwight led her out of the forest. Liv immedaitely froze as she saw the pack. Dwight looked at her and sniffeled as he saw her shocked face. "We got a little bigger, since you left us."

"A little?!" Her voice held unbelieve while her eyes told her to believe. The pack had always been full, but given the fact of the many houses that had been build and that the clearing was filled with probably thousands of wolves, told her that the pack hasn't gotten a little bigger, but a lot bigger. Dwight smirked as he pushed her to walk again. Multiple wolves looked at her with tilted heads. Probably wondering where she had come from and where King had found her. Then there were the wolves she already knew. The ones with King's brand on their hip. How can they be branded when they heal from every wound without scars? Simple, pour aconite and silver dust in the fresh brand and it'll scar as well as a wound from the claws or teeth of a Lycanthrope wolf. They growled at her as she was pushed past them, but she couldn't care less. Soon King and eigth other males, including Caden, came into view and looked at her. She clenched her jaw as she stopped in front of them. "Well, well, if it isn't little Kerra Livana Greenland, who, clearly, isn't so little anymore." She snorted. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Jackson. Always the observent one." Alpha Jackson smirked at her. "Oh, I'm gonna have fun filling that smartass mouth of yours." A smirk appeared on her face. "Wouldn't be so exicted for that, it's not gonna be a good experience for you. I promise." She said before she snapped her teeth on each other so he knew exactly what she meant. A muscle ticked in his jaw before a crooked grin appeared on his face. "Looking forward to the challenge."

"Something about her tells me you shouldn't be." Her eyes snapped to the male beside Caden. "Hello, Kerra."

"James." Their gazes told everything they wanted to say as they would both be dead if gazes could kill. "Okay, so you two idiots, Caden and Dwight know her and I'm guessing Stefan and Luke know her as well." She looked from the talking male to Stefan and Luke who both had a dark grin on their face as they looked at her. "Right, they do, but Daniel, Ben and I don't know who this Moonblood is." She looked back at the male. "Jackson just told you my name, so you do know who I am." The male chuckled. "I meant who are you to be so important for King to go out an grab you himself. You look nothing more than insignificant to me." Okay, she hated this motherfucker already. "And you look nothing more than a pathetic Alpha who sold out his pack to me." His stance changed immediately. His eyes turned amber and a growl escaped his throat as he took a step towards her. "Careful, girl." Her smirk came back. "Make me, boy." Caden had an amused look on his face as he looked at the exchange between the Moonblood and Edward. The latter clearly wanting to rip her head of her shoulders. "As entertaining as this is." King interjected with the same amused look on his face. "Kerra is here for a purpose so there will be no killing her until I tell you, understood?" He said with a more serious tone, daring them to defy him. All the Alphas bowed their head in submission. Obedient dogs, that's what they are. "Where are you going to keep her? I'm imagening that she is going to be a handful." Ben asked King as he looked at Liv. Oh, she was going to be a handful alright. "She is going to have a room in the packhouse with us and she can walk around wherever she want in the pack."

"Excuse me?" Liv said as her head snapped to King. He chuckled just as Brandon walked towards him with some king of collar in his hand. "You heard me." Liv looked at the collar with a small black box attached on one side and two sharp pins on the inside of the collar. She immediately knew what it was and tried to move backwards as King advanced on her. Liv struggled in Dwight's grip who chuckled close by her ear. "You will have a room in the Packhouse and you are allowed to go wherever you please inside the pack borders, because if you cross them..." He grabbed her neck as he reached her and pushed the pins on the collar in the side of her neck. A whimper left her mouth as she felt them enter her body before King locked the collar around her neck. "You will be injected with silverdust and a powerful dose of aconite. Both not strong enough to kill you, but just enough to paralize you and fill you with enough pain that you will be begging for your death." A tear rolled down her cheek as she glared at King and felt her skin trying to close, but the pins wouldn't let it. "Trying to take off the collar won't help you either as the exact same thing will happen to you." King said as he wiggled the black box, which made the pins move inside of her neck as well. She clenched her jaw to keep herself from screaming at the pain. "Welcome back, little one." He said with a smirk, before Dwight removed the chains around her wrists and King walked away.

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