Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 003

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he held her eyes. What the fuck is he doing here...?

"Still calling her by her second name? She has a first name you know." Her heart stopped as she heard his voice, before he stepped into the room. His pale blue eyes, lean body and pale blonde hair woke up more memories in her than she cared to admit. Her body began to shake as she saw the same smirk from her nightmares. "Hello Kerra." He said as he stopped walking and placed his hands in his pockets. The satisfied smirk was still on his face as she felt herself become smaller in his presence. "King." His smirk grew. "I had hoped to avoid all of this." He said as he gestured to her holding the wolf which had no problem laying there. "You should have left me alone then."

"Oh my dear, Kerra. How could I ever leave you alone, when you have become so much like me?"

"I am nothing like you!" She spat at him immediately. "Oh?" He raised his eyebrows at her. "How many people have you killed since you ran away?" Too many. "And how many have you ever felt sorry for?" None. She glared at him as she tightened her grip on the pin and the wolf's wrist. King hummed at her silence. "Right, you are nothing like me." She hated him. She hated him with her entire being. "Now, why don't you let go of one of my Alphas and come with us without forcing me to hurt you." She looked at the wolf who had gave her a satisfied crooked smile. Of course he was an Alpha. Still doesn't explain why he survived her bullet though. "Why do you need me?" She asked while still holding the gaze of the wolf. "Knowing you means that you have enough Moonbloods to do your bidding. Why still hunt me when you know I'll rather get myself killed than do anything for you." Liv looked at King just in time to see the muscle ticking in his jaw. Something was wrong. "Because no one escapes me without consequence." More wolves walked into the room behind him. A muscle ticked in her own jaw. "And because almost everything is wrong in that statement you just made." Her eyes shifted back to his. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Why don't you let him go and find out." She sighed as she looked back at the wolf. "How about I kill him and find out?" The wolf's crooked smile turned into a smirk. He enjoyed this way too much. Oh yeah, she was going to kill him. "Try and see what happens." King countered. She didn't need to look up to notice that the wolves that had entered the room had gotten close to her. Even if she did try, she would be grabbed before she would even break his skin. That didn't mean that she couldn't hurt him though. Liv released a sigh and dropped her hand holding the pin and rested it just below his belly, precisely the place she needed. "You are really becoming annoying you know that?" She said to the wolf. "Yet there is nothing you can do about it." He countered. She raised her eyebrows at him. "You really need to stop doing that, wolf." He briefly narrowed his eyes at her. "Doing what?"

"Underestimating me." She said right before she plunged the pin below his belly and into his bladder. He screamed and threw her to the side. She rolled over the ground before she was grabbed by her arms and pulled up. The wolf pulled the pin out of his body and breathed heavily as the pain and urine of his bladder ran through his stomach. He pulled up his shirt a little and she could see the wound closing. Fucking wolf healing... Oh well, it served her purpose. Hurting him badly and pissing him off. His eyes shifted to her and she saw they had changed to amber again. This time she was the one who had a satisfied smirk on her face. Liv winked at him when he growled at her. "What good did that do?" She looked at King. "Plenty for me." He snorted and shook his head. "Be careful, Kerra, or I might just start to like you." He nodded his head at one of the wolves who held her and she was pulled out of the room. As soon as she stepped outside she met the eyes of Gerard, Andrew and Brandon. "Want to say anything to the three who helped me find you when you almost disappeared a month ago?" King whispered in her ear from behind. Her heart sank as she looked from King to the three who all held their heads low and refused to meet her gaze. They didn't... They wouldn't... She couldn't finish her thoughts as she kept looking at the three she used to call her friends. "If you don't believe me, you might wanna call Emil when you get the chance." King added. There was no way he could have known about Emil without hearing about it from any of them and there was no way they could have found her without Emil ratting her out. A tear rolled down her cheek as the betrayal was felt in her entire being. She clenched her jaw and looked away from them. Without another word she was brought to one of the black Jeep SUV's that stood along the street. One of the doors opened and she gulped as she saw who stepped out of it. "Hello there, Kerra. It has been a while."

"Dwight." He smirked at her. "No 'uncle Dwight'?" He asked with fake hurt. "You were never an uncle to me." She used his words against him and got a big grin as answer. "And don't you ever forget it." He said as he walked toward her, grabbed the side of her neck and jammed a needle in it. She gasped as she felt the aconite fill her body and immediately knew what to do. A scream left her mouth and she made a scene as she lost her strength in her legs. The wolves that held her tightened their grip on her so she wouldn't fall on the ground. "Put her in the car." King ordered the wolves. They walked towards it and opened the trunk. She was thrown in and she let out another agonizing scream to convince them of her internal agony when in truth the pain had already disappeared. She always knew that King injected his prisoners with aconite, so for eleven years she drank some every day to have her body used to it so it can never be used against her. They just didn't need to know that right now, or ever.

"Bind her hands."

"Don't you think the aconite will be enough?" Dwight asked as he appeared next to King in front of the trunk. "Well if there is one thing we shouldn't do it's underestimating her, so I'd say no." The wolf answered as he also appeared. She made a show of breathing heavily and appearing weak and in pain as she met his eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek as she closed her eyes. She felt someone turn her on her belly and pull her arms backwards as he bound her wrists together on her back. As soon as the sliver chains touched her skin she had to use all her power to not scream in agony. She knew the effects of silver, just like the aconite she was used to it, but it did hurt like hell and she knew that her skin was slowly going to burn away. The one that bound her got out of the trunk and she moved her head to look at the three. "You might wanna get comfortable. It's gonna be a long ride." King said as he moved his hands to the door of the trunk. "Where are we going?" She asked with a weak voice. There were two places he could take her and she truly hoped that it wasn't the one in... "Home."

"It's so beautiful here." She whispered as she looked around the frozen lake and white world around her. "It is, but it will never be like home." She looked at the woman stroking her hair. The bruises on her face were still visible and so were all the scars on her only arm and neck. "Will this ever be home?" She looked back at the world around her. "No, sweetheart, it never will be."

Alaska... They are bringing her back to Alaska... King slammed the door shut, before she could say anything. Liv swallowed as she kept looking at the spot where King had stood. They were bringing her back to the place where the worst years of her life happened. Where the only person she ever truly loved died in front of her eyes. She turned to lay on her back and looked up, she saw bars that made sure she couldn't get out, but could hear everything. Another tear rolled down her cheek, before she saw movement and saw the wolf's head appear and looking down on her with a hard gaze. They both said nothing as the car engine turned on and it started moving. She closed her eyes and turned her head away from him. All she could do now was wait.


She yelped as she was suddenly grabbed and pulled out of the trunk onto the ground. A groan left her mouth as she rolled on her belly and moved her knees underneath herself to sit up. "Oh I'm sorry were you sleeping?" Asshole, he knew she was sleeping. Liv looked at Dwight who walked towards her. "I hope you were dreaming about me." He said as he crouched down in front of her. "I actually was. I dreamt I tore your head off your body and burned you as that bastard daughter of yours and I watched. How is she by the way?" His eyes immediately turned amber and a low growl left his throat as he swung his arm and slapped her hard across her cheek. Liv chuckled as she felt her lip burst and spit out some blood before she looked back at the fuming Dwight. Her lip healed in an instant. "Oh, come on Dwight, I know you can do better than that." He grabbed her throat and stood up, pulling her along. "Dwight! Let her go!" King walked towards them with the wolf and Brandon. She could feel his nails starting to elongate and gave him a challenging smirk. "Dwight!" King used his command and Dwight groaned as he was forced to obey. He released her throat and pushed her backwards. She chuckled as she took a few steps back before she came to a stop. "In all my life I will never understand why Alphas like you would ever agree to become part of his pack and loose your command. It's pathetic really." She said it as she held the eyes of the wolf. A muscle twitched in his jaw, but that was all the reaction he gave. "You deserve everything that is going to happen to you, bitch!" Dwight spat at her as he turned around to walk away. "Your daughter will be so proud." Dwight growled loudly. As he turned around he shifted skins out of rage and barred his teeth at her. She raised her eyebrows at him. "Making me submit is something that will not work again, Dwight. You'd better just kill me." He growled again and just as he wanted to grant her request King grabbed his neck. "Shift back you idiot!" Dwight whined as he was forced to shift back and soon a naked Dwight laid on the ground. "Get some clothes and calm the fuck down!" King ordered Dwight who slowly got up from the ground. "Yes, sir." Dwight threw her one more glare before he turned and walked away. King looked at her next with a hard expression. Liv gave him an innocent look. "What? You didn't actually think that I am still that little quiet girl, did you?" He scoffed and shook his head. "I thought you still valued your life." She snorted. "You don't know me anymore, King." He narrowed his eyes at her briefly. "It would appear so." The look he gave her told her that he was thinking about how much she actually had changed. "What are we doing here?" She asked to move the subject away from her. "Nature calls." That didn't mean they had to relieve their bladders like it did in human language, but it meant that their other side needs to be let out. "I'm good thanks." King raised his eyebrows at her. "We have been driving for seven hours, before that you have not shifted for at least a day, your wolf must be fighting to get out." Oh, she was. Her other side had been trying to get out ever since the bar, but she will not let herself shift. She never has. "Again I am good, the only urge I need to relieve is my bladder." Every one around her didn't really know how to react to her and she knew that they didn't understand, but she didn't give them an explanation. They didn't need to know that she actually hasn't shifted into her wolf skin for the last seven years. They didn't need to know what she had to do over the years to keep herself from shifting. "Brandon, go with her and help her. After she is done, you bring her back to the car. Wait here for us to get back." King ordered. Brandon looked from King to her and back with a worried gaze. "Have I made myself clear?" Brandon immediately barred his neck. "Yes, Alpha." King looked back at her. "Behave, will you." The corners of her mouth twitched upwards as she held his eyes, before he moved away from her. Liv looked at him until she saw Gerard and Andrew appear. The brief smile she had on her face immediately disappeared. She clenched her jaw as she met their eyes before she looked away from them. The wolf smirked as he saw the reactions between her and them and winked at her before he followed King. Leaving her and Brandon alone with a hand full of guards. He gulped as he met her hard gaze and they both knew that this was going to be fun... not...

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