Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 002

Liv locked the doors behind her and threw her purse on the bed, before she crouched down in front of it and pulled a large heavy duty case out from underneath it. After opening the number lock she assembled her custom berretta and loaded it with her own special bullets. Silver bullets, filled with aconite which will break as soon as they hit the target. She pulled a vial out of the case before she pushed it back underneath her bed and walked towards the bathroom. Filling a glass with water she emptied the vial in the water and drank it in one breath. Everything inside of her screamed in agony as the aconite filled her body. A silent whimper left her as she grabbed the sink to keep herself standing as the aconite did what she wanted it to do. Kill everything that wasn’t used to her drinking a little bit every day, say a fertilized egg in her fallopian tube or sperm cells of a Lycanthrope. If there was one thing she didn’t need, it was a pup from that wolf. She grabbed her black pants which hung on the door in the bathroom and put it on before discarding her dress. Liv grabbed a black cable sweater next and put it on over her bra before putting on her combat boots and placing her berretta in her waistband. Running was pointless. The wolf had her scent, clear as day, in his nose and nothing she could do would stop him from finding her. That’s why she wanted him to find her. Let him come, let him be filled with poisonous bullets and die. Liv got up from the bed as she was done with tying the laces of her boots when her door was thrown open. Grabbing her berretta, she whirled around, aimed and shot. A curse came out of the wolf’s mouth as he quickly jumped out of the way and behind the wall. She focused on her hearing. His steady heartbeat filled her ears and she locked in on it, drowning out most of the other sounds. “If you don’t want to die, I suggest you leave and forget about me.” Slowly, she walked towards the door, still having her gun aimed at the spot where the wolf was hiding. He laughed a little. “People have tried to kill me too many times already. Threatening to kill me just makes me yawn, Moonblood.” Of course it did. “Besides, you won’t be able to.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I didn’t come alone.”

A window to her right broke as a wolf jumped into the room. She whirled around and shot at him, hitting him in his paw, just as he jumped out of the way. An arm wrapped around her waist. The wolf grabbed her other wrist and squeezed. “Don’t make this harder for yourself.” He whispered as his grip tightened. She whimpered as she lost her grip on the berretta which fell to the floor. He released her wrist, but before he could do anything else she threw her other arm back and hit the wolf in his nose. Hearing the crunching of bone she knew she broke his nose. He groaned and briefly lost his strength on her. She broke his hold, grabbed a silver pin out of her hair and moved to stab him in his neck, but before she could she was tackled to the ground. She screamed as she felt a rib break as she hit the ground. Before they could restrain her she turned over and was met with a set of eyes that was familiar to her.

“Everything will be fine, Liv. You’ll see.” Brandon said as he wrapped his arms around her. “No it won’t. He’s a monster.” She said as tears streamed down her cheeks and leaned against her only friend in the pack. “As long as you have us three, nothing will happen to you, I promise. We will never betray you.”

Brief regret came over his face as he met her eyes while rage filled her own. Liv threw up her arm holding the pin. He yelped as he quickly moved out of the way, but she still got his shoulder. Brandon screamed as the silver burned his flesh. She kicked him away from her and picked up her berretta from the floor, before she could get up, the wolf reached her and grabbed her neck and wrist holding the berretta, but he wasn’t fast enough. A shot was fired and the wolf released a scream as the bullet entered his side. His eyes turned amber and shot to hers as he felt the aconite fill his body. “As I said, don’t underestimate me.” He groaned as he lost his strength and fell to the side of her. She quickly got up and saw Brandon standing with the pin in his hand and tears streaming down his cheeks. Liv clenched her jaw as she aimed the gun. He slowly held up his hands. “I never wanted this.” Her throat clogged as she heard his voice, a voice that used to soothe her. “I'm sorry.” He dropped his hand and held out the pin to her. Brief surprise came over her as she took a few careful steps towards him. “Why the fuck would you help me now?” Hurt flashed over his face. “I never wanted to hurt you, but I need to talk to you.” Brandon whispered as another tear rolled down his cheek. Liv walked slowly towards him, still pointing the gun and took the pin from him. "Go to hell, Brandon." Her eyes met his one more time, before she swung the gun towards him and broke his nose as well. Brandon went down to the ground with a scream. Just as she wanted to finish the job and kill them both, multiple howls filled the sky. More were coming in fast. She didn't have time to linger. She looked back at Brandon who was holding his nose. The wolf already had a bullet in his body, which means he was a dead man anyway. If Brandon would come after her she will kill him them. Right now she needed to move. Liv bolted out of the door. Placing the berretta back in her waistband, she jumped down the rail and took a sprint to her mustang. She got in and ignited the engine with the keys she swiped from the table before she ran, along with her purse, and drove off. Her breathing was rapid and so was her heartbeat. She didn’t know where to go. Her scent still lingered in the motel room and as soon as the others would come they will have a lock on her. As she drove onto the highway, a tear slipped down her cheek. Eleven years, she had been on the run eleven years. She was finally free and away from them, until now. Now she had to start all over again. If she even could.

“You need to run! You cannot stay here it’s not safe for you anymore.” Gerard grabbed her by her arm and pulled her to the back door. “What do you mean? What’s going on?” Andrew pushed a bag into her arms, before he crouched down in front of her and cupped her cheeks. A tear rolled down his cheeks as he gave her a sad smile. “It’s happening again, Livana.” She paled at his words. “Ilene is too weak and now you are the only one old and strong enough for him to use. You need to leave before he comes for you.” He said as he got up from the ground and Gerard took his place, holding a vial in his hands. “Drink this. It will hide your scent briefly and it will give you time to get far enough to have a shot at escaping.” She took it from him. “What is it?” The screams started. Gerard cupped her face. “I am sorry this has to happen, darling. I truly am, but you have to go or you will never be able to escape him in the future. You know what they want to do to you and what it means. You don’t deserve that, you need to leave now.” A tear rolled down her cheek and her lip trembled. “Where will I go?” Her voice was a whisper. “Run to the highway, follow your hearing, find a gas station and call this number. Tell Emil that we send you and that you need to disappear. He’ll help you.” She took the paper with the number as another tear rolled down her cheek. “Will I ever see you again?” She looked back up at them both, the two wolves who had taken her under their wing when she came to the pack. “Someday maybe.” Shouts came from close by. “Drink the potion and run!” He pushed her a little backwards. “Run, Livana, run now!” Gerard pushed her one last time, she nodded before she turned and started running. At the edge of the forest she drank the potion that made her gag and took off to the highway. Leaving the terrible screams of pain behind her.

Liv needed a plan. Her mind reeled with everything she knew, but there was only one thing that stuck. One thing she never figured out, the potion Gerard and Andrew had given her when she ran, but how was she going to find out what it was when she can’t expose herself to anyone? What the fuck was she going to do now?

After an hour and a half drive she took the exit to Colorado City. Her eyes and head were hurting and she needed a place to recollect herself. In truth she needed sleep and food, but that was something she wasn’t going to risk with them so close by. She drove a little further to a motel 6 and got a room. Everything in her body hurt from her being tense and the fact that her other side was aching to be released wasn’t helping either. Liv got into her room and closed the door behind her. She slid with her back against it to the floor and looked around the dark room, coming to the conclusion she made before she got into her car back in Odessa. Running is pointless. Even if she could mask her scent, they had a lock on it and King had too many Alpha blooded wolves in is pack which could still smell a scent even if the owner was dead for the past month. She had absolutely no chance to disappear and, thanks to the fact that her other side was fighting her and her body was already tired, using her power will do more harm than good. If she had been trained better she could have used it more easily and she would be unstoppable, but she had to run at age twelve, before she could learn more about her powers. Liv pulled the berretta out of her waistband and held it in her hands, contemplating the one thing she had promised she would never do. To give up and end her own life. After all, if she would let herself get captured, won’t it be the same as putting a bullet in her head?

“Even when things seem hopeless, never give up on yourself. You are so strong, my child, you just have to discover your strength for yourself. When you do, you will be unstoppable. So, promise me you will never give up. Fight. Fight until you cannot fight anymore and when that happens, I will meet you in the Lands of the Moon.”

Her lower lip trembled as she hear her words in her head as she looked at the berretta before she looked up and took a deep breath to calm herself. Silence filled her ears and she truly wondered how long it would be before dozens of wolves would have surrounded her.

“Fight. Fight until you cannot fight anymore.”

An idea popped in her head. One that was too insane to begin with, but might just work. After all if someone wanted King dead as much as she did, it would be him. She had no idea how to even get to him, but sitting here and waiting to be captured is not the way to go. Liv dried her cheeks as she got up from the ground, placing the berretta back in her waistband as she did, and opened the door behind her, only to stop dead in her tracks as she saw who stood in front of her. “You really thought you could shoot me and get away with it?” The wolf said as he pushed her back into the room and she clashed against the wall before she fell to the ground with a whimper. She pushed herself off the ground as he stalked towards her. “That’s impossible, you should be dead.” The wolf smirked as he gestured at himself. “Do I look dead to you?” Not in the slightest. The fact that he was fully dressed besides his shoes was something that also didn’t go past her. “Ready for round two?” She clenched her jaw. “Always.” He pushed himself off the ground, but before he could do anything she used her speed to move passed him and tackled him to the ground. He grabbed her arm and pulled her down with him. She landed a punch on his jaw before he grabbed her other arm and pulled her further down towards him. Their hands rested in between their chests and their faces were mere inches from each other. Liv felt his breath on her lips and everything he had done to her in the bar came back to her and made her stomach clench. Yet, she refused to show him what she felt right now. Not that it did her any good. A smirk started to appear on his face and she already knew that he knew exactly what she had thought about. Before she could brace herself he moved and rolled them over. The wolf ended up between her legs and holding her wrists above her head in a grip that should hurt in a different way than she was feeling right now. Liv clenched her jaw as his smirk grew. “Must be frustrating how much your body reacts to me.”

“More disgusted by the fact that it sets it’s standards this low.” She countered before she threw up her head and headbutted him. He groaned as he reeled backwards. Liv pulled up her legs and used her strength to kick him hard against his lower abdomen and push him backwards. The wolf lost the grip on one of her wrists and she used it by immediately grabbing the remaining pin in her hair and pushing him on the ground. She got on top of him and restraining one of his hands with her foot on the ground and the other with her hand, before she placed the tip of her pin against his throat. “This time I’m gonna make sure that you won’t survive, wolf.” He smirked at her. “Promises, promises.” She clenched her jaw as she pulled up her arm to make the killing blow.


Her head shot to the door where she met another set of familiar eyes.

“Will I ever see you again?” She looked back up at them both. “Someday maybe.”

“Gerard.” She whispered.

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