Bottom At Heart

Chapter 7

Heart looked at Clar, who was sitting across from him. Heart had lent Clar a pair of sunglasses and facemask before they’d gone into the quaint little café. Neither item did anything to diminish how ridiculously attractive Clar was; in fact the glasses and mask only added an air of mystery to the man’s overpowering sex appeal.

Under the guise of looking at the menu, Heart looked down at his outfit, a little self-conscious. Here was Clar in a three-piece suit, while he was in a tee and jeans. He hadn’t anticipated staying long with Clar: he was going to apologize for a Heat-fueled kiss and then avoid the man for the rest of time. The fact that Clar not only refused his apology but actually asked him out was so outside the realm of Heart’s expectations, he was still a little unsure if he was awake or dreaming.

“What’s on your mind, little one?”

The deep, honey warm voice sent a curl of pleasure through Heart, and he peeked up at the Alpha, his heart hammering in his chest. What the hell. He was Heart for Gods sake. International superstar sex icon. Pull it together.

“This is a nice place. What do you usually get?” He asked, tipping the menu down, smiling at Clar, hoping to mask his nervousness.

“Pancakes usually. They have a really nice French Toast too. And that’s not what you were thinking.” Clar replied, placing his chin in his hands, looking down at Heart. His warm brown gaze made Heart’s Omega coo in happiness. It was so weird. Usually, the only Alpha that Heart felt truly safe around was Floris. All other Alphas made his Omega uncomfortable. But something about Clar set him at ease.

Heart gave Clar a half-smile. “I am still a little surprised that you like me, honestly,” he admitted, setting the menu down, returning Clar’s gaze squarely. Enough simping. He was a professional seducer, damn it.

Clar looked down at the table a moment, then up at Heart. “So am I, if I’m being frank.” His gaze flicked over Heart’s face, down his body, and back up. “I’ve always been with women. I can appreciate other men, but I’ve never been drawn to them. I’m secure in who I am and who I like. So, meeting you took me by surprise.” He smiled at Heart, a sweet soft smile that was far too affectionate for Heart’s well-being.

“For me, I’ve always liked men. And you aren’t the first straight man I’ve bent, and I doubt you’ll be the last.” Heart shrugged a shoulder, sitting back in his seat a little. He looked at Clar critically. “You’re the first one who was interested in dating me, though. Usually, I’m a dirty little secret in hotel rooms. Why?”

Clar shrugged. “I’ve never really had the chance to live my life as I wanted too, so I used sex as an outlet for my pent-up frustrations of being an heir to a conglomerate. Because of that, I have done much, much worse than date a man. Besides, I’m a public figure. We don’t have secrets.” He flashed Heart a smile, and Heart felt ice slid down his spine.

He smiled back, hoping it was more sincere than it felt. “Yes, exactly. Always in the spotlight, our lives splashed across magazine covers.” He clenched his hand in his lap, exhaling slowly as a waitress came over to take their orders. Heart slipped his other hand into his lap, hiding his nails. Clar looked over at him, and put his hand on the table.

“Give,” he instructed softly in an Alpha purr.

Heart didn’t even think twice about it, slipping his hand into Clar’s. He instantly flushed. Not because the waitress’s eyes grew round in shock as she recognized both him and the gravity of the scenario. No, it was because he was supposed to be an Alpha himself. What self-respecting Alpha caved into a simple purr?

“What will you have, my Heart?” Clar asked, his thumb rubbing on Heart’s skin, soothing circles that nearly made Heart melt.

“Orange juice and pancakes, extra fruit, please,” he smiled up at the waitress. He reached up, taking off his sunglasses. “Guess our cover is blown, thanks babe,” he teased Clar, trying to cover up his embarrassing submission.

Clar smirked at him, lifting his hand to lick Heart inner wrist carefully. “I told you, you won’t be a secret with me.” He promised, propping his sunglasses on his head.

“Umm, I hate to ask, but I’m a huge fan of your work. May I, may I have a picture with you?” The waitress asked timidly.

Heart grinned at her, slipping his hand out of Clar’s grasp. “Of course, my love. Here.” He reached out, pulling her gently by her waist, tucking her securely next to him. Beta. She smelled sweet and clean. Heart liked Betas. They always smelled like fresh laundry and weren’t weird about sex.

The waitress shakily took out her phone, and Clar took it. He snapped a few pictures, and the waitress took the phone back, her entire face pink. “Thank you, so much.” She gushed, and scurried away.

Heart laughed a little, taking the rest of his disguise off. “Well, get ready for a fun press conference once my manager gets wind of this,” he warned Clar, sitting back.

Clar shrugged. “I’m no stranger to press conferences.” He pulled out his phone, looking at it. “Speaking of, 47 missed calls from my father. May I?”

Heart nodded. A different waitress came out with his orange juice, setting it on the table. He leaned forward, wrapping his lips around the straw, making sure to make eye contact with Clar, who was currently waiting for his father to answer his call. He could feel the shift in the air as Clar’s gaze darkened to a warm amber. He was on Scent Blockers, but the heady scent of Alpha still hung in the air. Heart released the straw, leaving a small trail of saliva as he licked his lips. He couldn’t beat an Alpha in terms of aura, so he had to muddle up Clar so he wasn’t thinking straight.

Clar’s gaze was trained on Heart’s lips, so that he almost missed his father’s gruff bark. “Hi, Dad? What’s up?” He asked, his gaze never leaving Heart, who stirred his orange juice, a small smirk tilting the corners of his lips.

Clar was quiet for a while as angry older Alpha noises were semi-audible from the other line. “Dad, I don’t see what the issue is. I’ve missed meetings before,” Clar replied after a long time.

The pancakes and French toast were delivered, and Heart smiled at the waitress. He reached out, tuning out Clar as he grabbed the maple syrup. He drowned his pancakes in the sticky deliciousness before putting the bottle back. He brought his hand to his lips to suck off the sticky droplets. He heard a sharp intake of breath and glanced up to see Clar’s gaze was gold with lust. His Omega preened, and Heart shifted a little uncomfortably. He knew he was starting to Slick. The Scent Blockers would stop him from smelling like an Omega, but Heart knew that Clar would start smelling his arousal.

He picked up a cored strawberry that was coated in syrup, and brought the fruit to his lips, his tongue gently licking the tip of the strawberry. He slipped his finger in the cold cut-out of the fruit, pressing the fruit slowly into his mouth, his gaze on Clar, as he sucked on the sticky syrup.

“Dad, I’m sorry if I have disappointed you more, but yes, I’m dating a model again, and yes it’s a man. Bye,” Clar cut the call, his gaze never leaving Heart’s mouth.

Heart finally slipped the strawberry completely into his mouth. “Like what you see?” He teased, knowing full well that Clar was aroused as hell, as intended.

Clar smiled, and picked up his fork, slicing into his French toast. He took a bite, his lips wrapping around the fork in a way that made Heart and his Omega dizzy. “Do you?” He returned, and took a sip of his water. Heart watched him swallow, and felt a warm flush on his skin. He was definitely slicking and he better pray to Gods that the plug would keep everything inside him.

Heart shifted forward, placing his elbows on the table. “Do you like me or my mouth?” He teased.

“Both. I like being around you. Your scent makes me feel warm. And who can look at your mouth and not want it?” Clar answered, and Heart flushed.

“I’m glad,” he murmured, looking down at the table. He felt Clar reach out and take his hand again.

“I really like your nails. Do you paint them different colors? Are they real or fake?” Clar licked Heart’s forefinger, and Heart quite nearly crawled across the table into the man’s lap.

“I paint them colors that suit my mood, but red is my favorite. And they’re mine. I grew them out and have them shaped.”

“I still have the scratch marks. They’re fading though.” Clar commented, pressing his nose against Heart’s wrist Scent Glands.

“Can’t have that. I must put them back. So people know you’re mine,” Heart purred, and he saw Clar shiver.

Clar smiled at him, then delicately bit Heart’s wrist, sharp enough to draw blood. Heart hissed in pleasured pain, his pants now undeniably tight. He watched as Clar licked the blood, soothing the bite. “And now people know you’re mine.”

“Clar,” Heart started, and Clar’s eyes widened a little, a small smile replacing the languid expression.

“That’s the first time you’ve said my name. I like it.” He said, smiling, kissing Heart’s wrist.

Heart was surprised. “Is it? I’ll say it more often. And speaking of saying your name, I have to tell you something.”

“What’s that?” Clar let go of his wrist, going back to eating.

Heart watched him carefully, gauging the reaction. He had a strict rule with all the men he’s dated, and Clar would not be an exception. Sex was already a huge risk for him and his secret. And if Clar wouldn’t agree then there was no point in moving forward with…whatever this was.

“Three months.”

Clar stopped eating, frowning at him. “What about it?”

“That’s how long we’ll wait to sleep together. And no external partners while we’re together. I don’t share.” Heart tipped his chin, sitting back into his chair.

Clar chewed slowly, nodding a little. “Why three months?”

Heart was glad that it wasn’t a flat-out rejection. “I have an image to keep up, for one. For another, you said you liked me. I like you too. Because of that, I want to spend more time getting to know you before getting in bed with you.” Heart shrugged. “I’ve had casual relationships before, but I don’t like it. And honestly, I haven’t had very good experiences with straight men who want to play gay with me. I like you, but I don’t trust you, honestly.”

Clar nodded. “That makes sense. I don’t mind that. What are your boundaries? Just no sex or what?”

Heart had to smile. “You’re the first to ask that, actually,” he said softly, playing with his fork. “Kissing is okay, and I must admit I’m very interested in sucking your dick,” Clar choked a bit on his French toast, “but yeah. No sex for three months. And once we reach that point…” Heart trailed off, biting his lip. This was usually the deal breaker. “I top. Always.”

Clar frowned. “What’s that mean?” He asked.

Oh good Lord. Heart looked down at his half-eaten pancakes. He looked back at Clar. “My dick, your ass. Are you okay with that?” He scanned Clar’s face, which had paled a little bit. “I understand if that’s not something you’re comfortable with, I will never pressure you into anything. But I do want to be very clear. If I’m not topping, we won’t be having sex.”

In general, Heart didn’t like giving ultimatums. But when one has slick dripping out of their ass when they’re supposed to be an Alpha, one had to put safety over anything else.

Clar sat back, looking at Heart with an unreadable expression. Finally, he spoke. “I can’t say I was expecting that. I’m not sure what I expected, honestly. You’re my first male partner.” He bit his lower lip and Heart wanted to bite it for him. Then he smiled and it was the most beautiful thing Heart had ever seen. “Okay, how’s this. We date, wait the three months, and just see how this goes. I’m not going to say that I’m all aboard on the whole “topping” thing, but I really don’t know enough about gay sex on a whole to have any real opinions. So, I’m willing to just see where this goes if you are.”

Heart had to look away. He knew if he looked at Clar any longer he’d burst into tears. No one had ever been so…understanding before. He exhaled slowly, looking back at Clar. He smiled softly, reaching for Clar’s hand. Their twined their fingers together. “Sounds good, lover.” He said, stroking Clar’s hand with his thumb.

Clar lifted his hand, kissing it, before letting go, picking up his fork to continue eating. Heart did the same. They fell into a comfortable silence. Heart peeked up at Clar through his lashes. This was the first time someone had made him feel so…cherished. Warm. For the first time, Heart wondered what it would be like to trust someone.

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