Bottom At Heart

Chapter 6

Clar had spent a tortuous week. When he wasn’t having a raging erection, he’d be thinking about Heart, which would just cause a very uncomfortable cycle. So he’d distracted himself with work. Which had brought his father’s attention to him, and since he didn’t want to tell his father that his renewed vigor to work was because he couldn’t get in a model’s pants, he had resigned himself to being dragged to never ending board meetings by his very gleeful father.

By the end of the week, he was a wreck, and all he wanted was to see Heart again. What surprised him was that his desire wasn’t even sexual. He just wanted to see the tiny beauty again. He missed his scent.

He ripped off his tie with a sigh, throwing it and a set of files onto his desk. He ran his fingers through his hair, staring out the large window behind his desk. The rush hour traffic was flowing along in the highways below, the city skyline was reflecting orange and blue as the setting sun reflected off of the office windows. It was beautiful.

He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, and leaned against his desk, watching the sunset’s reflection. He didn’t mind work, he just always wanted to do something else. It was his father’s company and he’d been raised into being an heir. He’d never been left to his own devices to see what he’d liked to do. And that had led to him forcing some breathing room by different escapades. But the desire to go out and get drunk in clubs and pick up girls was gone. Now he’d settle to just see Heart’s smile.

“Someone’s whipped,”

Clar glanced over his shoulder at Quinn, who was standing in the doorway, holding still more files. He snorted, looking back at the skyline. “Shut up. You have no room to talk,” he pointed out.

Quinn came over, dropping the files on the desk, leaning next to Clar. “No, I know that it’s going to end badly for me, so I don’t even bother. You’re speeding for the edge of the cliff all for the sake for a pair of pretty eyes.”

“I’ll have you know that I have done more paperwork this week than I have in my entire life.” Clar shot back, offended.

Quinn snorted. “Okay, fine. I’ll give you that. But I’m talking more about the two Alphas thing. You sure you want to go down that route?”

Clar shrugged. “Who cares? I’ve definitely done worse than date another Alpha.”

“Date?” Quinn echoed, looking at Clar over his glasses. “That’s serious. Here I thought you’d hit and quit.”

Clar laughed a little. They sat in companionable silence for a while, just watching the sunset fade into dusk then into night.

“Do you think I’m desirable?” Quinn asked suddenly.

Clar glanced at him, smiling as he ruffled his assistant’s hair. “Yeah. You have this sexy up-tight energy that makes people want to unbutton you,” he teased.

Quinn bumped him with his shoulder. “I’m serious. Seeing you fall flat on your ass makes me even more depressed.”

Clar looked at Quinn for a long moment, then leaned forward, pressing his face into Quinn’s Scent Gland. It was a fresh, clean scent. Nowhere near as heady as Heart’s, or as sweet as Kailee’s, but it was nice. He licked it, and Quinn smacked him. “Get off, you pervert,” Quinn whined, leaning away, wiping off his neck.

“You smell nice and you taste nice. You’re fine.” Clar shrugged. “And besides, you don’t have to take Scent Blockers. Those can make you so, so sick.”

“Yeah, lucky me.” Quinn said sarcastically.

“Trust me. You do not want to be in the same room as Alphas who refuse to use Scent Blockers. The musk is nauseating. Especially if one of them gets angry. I was in a board meeting the other day, and almost all of the older Alphas weren’t using Scent Blockers and old man musk is I think the worst smell in the world.” Clar wrinkled his nose as Quinn laughed.

They subsided into silence again. Then Quinn checked his watch. “Heart should be back tomorrow. He’s rut should be done by now.” He looked at Clar. “You going to the photoshoot?”

“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it,” he said, smiling softly at the night skyline. The next day couldn’t come fast enough.

After yet another sleepless night, Clar went to work early. He needed some time to sit before Heart came in for his two o’clock photoshoot.

He sat at his desk, opening a file. It was the photoshoot plan. Heart’s manager, Tracey, had confirmed eighteen of the twenty-four products that the team wanted Heart to model that month. The six that weren’t approved were the far more risqué ones, so it made sense that Wicked Entertainment would prefer to not have their model exposed so much. Pity though. Clar would have liked to see Heart in sheer lace.

A soft knock on his door pulled him out of his fantasies. “Come in,” he called absently, standing, still looking at the file.


His head whipped up so fast it was kind of painful. Heart was standing in the doorway. His shoulder length hair was wavy, a little messy, his skin pale, with deep circles under his eyes. He was dressed in a white T-shirt, a green overshirt, and black jeans. He was beautiful.

Without really thinking, Clar moved forward, and scooped him into his arms, burying his face into Heart’s neck. God. There it was. That heady, delicious, fantastic scent. Spicy, sweet, warm, delicious. He exhaled happily, just pressing his face into Heart’s neck, arms wrapped around him tightly. He had the vague inkling that the other was dangling off the floor, but he was too enraptured by Heart’s scent to care.

He felt Heart’s arms go around him, the other’s nails caressing his nape. It felt so good. Clar sighed.

“I was coming here to apologize for kissing you. Glad I don’t have to do that because I’m not actually sorry.”

Clar pulled away, looking down at Heart. Heart was indeed suspended a little off the floor. Clar shifted, moving so that Heart was now seated on the table in the center of the room. He stroked Heart’s cheeks, looking into the other’s beautiful brown eyes. “I’m not sorry either. And I’m glad you didn’t just kiss me because of your rut.”

Heart shuddered a little, reaching up to curl his fingers around Clar’s wrists. “Yeah, no, none of that. I spent the entire week throwing up.” He replied, grimacing.

Clar winced. “I’ve had those. I know some good nausea pills if you want?” He offered tentatively.

Heart smiled at him, caressing his wrists. “I’d like that, thank you,” he replied softly. Then he turned, inhaling Clar’s wrists. As a habit, Clar always took Scent Blockers. He suddenly wished that Heart could smell him. Would he like it as much as Clar liked Heart’s scent?

“You smell nice, I like it. You smell warm.” Heart said after a while, his tongue sneaking out, licking against Clar’s skin. It tingled, and his skin became hot.

He took Heart’s wrist, pressing a kiss to it, licking the skin, which warmed to his touch. “Have you had breakfast? I know a nice place.” He murmured against Heart’s skin.

Heart looked at him, surprised. Then his lips curled into a smile that gave Clar butterflies. “Are you asking me on a date, Mr. McKinley?” He teased.

Clar smiled back at him, smoothing the tiny beauty’s hair back. “I am, actually. I like you, a lot, Heart. I want to get to know you.” He admitted.

Heart’s eyes widened and his gaze dropped. His smile lost the flirtatious edge, becoming shy. It tugged on Clar’s heartstrings. He wanted to kiss that shy smile. But he held back.

Heart looked up at him. “I’m surprised. I thought I was going to be just another secret fuck,” he admitted, and Clar flushed.

He stepped back, rubbing his neck. “I see my reputation precedes me.” He laughed a little.

Heart shrugged, leaning back on his hands on the table. “It’s okay with me, you know. I don’t care about how many exes you have. I’m actually surprised because they’ve all been women.”

“Yeah, you’re my first man,” Clar replied, coming back to sit next to Heart on the table.

Heart leaned his head back, exposing his throat, giving Clar a charming, sassy smile. “I’m flattered. And it’s okay if you’re just experimenting with me, by the way.”

Clar frowned, reaching out to take his hand. “I’m not. I really want to get to know you.” He promised, looking down at their intertwined fingers. He liked the look of their hands together. Women’s hands were smaller, fitting snuggling in his palm. Heart’s hands were bigger, almost the same size as Clar’s. The warmth was nice. As was the feel of Heart’s skin under the pad of his thumb. He really liked holding Heart’s hand.

“I like you, a lot.”

Heart’s eyes widened again, and Clar regretted blurting that out. But he relaxed when Heart leaned in closer, tipping his head onto Clar’s shoulder. Clar liked the feel of the tiny beauty’s cheek on his shirt. It felt nice.

“I like you, too.” He said softly. Then he turned his head, his warm breath against Clar’s ear, making him shiver. “I thought about you during my rut. Maybe next time you could join me,” he breathed, biting Clar’s ear gently.

Clar exhaled shakily, shoving the smile and butterflies away. He stood up, knowing that he was blushing. “Breakfast?” He asked, unable to look at Heart.

Heart hopped off the table, laughing. He stepped forward, hugging Clar tightly. His head only came up to Clar’s chin. God how perfectly he tucked up against Clar’s chest.

“You’re really cute, you know that?” Heart teased, and went on his tip toes, kissing Clar’s cheek.

Clar didn’t know what to say so he just took Heart’s hand, and held the door open for them. Heart flushed at the gesture, and stepped through the office. Outside, Floris was leaning against the wall by the elevator. He was on his phone, as if studiously ignoring Quinn. Quinn had his lips pursed, determinedly ignoring Floris back. Clar internally rolled his eyes at his assistant.

Quinn had obviously just come into the office, he hadn’t even taken his blazer off. His eyebrows rose at the sight of Clar. “Sir! I had no idea you were here so early.” He said, his gaze flickering to Heart and their intertwined hands.

“We’re going to breakfast. Want to come?” He asked, knowing that he was smiling like an idiot.

Floris looked up, and Clar finally understood why Quinn was looking so sour. Floris was reeking of an Omega. Clar glanced at Heart, who seemed to be having a mental conversation with Floris, whose ears were pink.

Quinn pointedly sat down behind his desk. “You go ahead, sir. I have some phone calls to return,” he said stiffly, disapproval evident in his tone. Floris rolled his eyes.

“I’ll go with them. I have to protect Heart, after all. Want me to bring anything back? Eggs? Saltine crackers?” Floris asked, looking at Quinn, his tone mocking.

Quinn cut him a look that would have sent most Alphas running. Floris merely smirked at him. “Don’t exert yourself on my account. I’m perfectly capable of getting my own breakfast.” He snapped.

Floris looked at him, tipping his head to the side, raking his gaze along Quinn, then shrugged a shoulder dismissively. “Suit yourself.” He said indifferently, as if Quinn wasn’t worth the effort after all. Clar could almost see Quinn’s hackles rising.

Heart cleared his throat loudly. “What’s my schedule today?” He asked, as if there wasn’t tension rising in the suddenly very small office space.

“You have an interview in an hour, a photoshoot, the brand thing, then after that another interview.” Floris replied, pressing the elevator button.

“Oh, Clar, don’t forget that you have a board meeting at ten, then a lunch with some shareholders.” Quinn chimed in from his desk, shooting Floris a dark look.

Heart grimaced and Clar reached out with his other hand, caressing his cheek. “Don’t worry, we have an hour to enjoy breakfast,” he said, smiling.

The elevator arrived, and Floris stepped in. Heart looked at him, then up at Clar, who saw the flash of mischief in his eyes as he said, “I have a better idea. Floris, don’t follow me.”

He reached in, punching the top two levels, then darted away, dragging Clar with him. They hit the stairwell running, jogging down all the levels to the parking lot. Clar liked to think he was physically fit, but dashing down thirteen flights of stairs was a bit much to ask of him at eight in the morning. He panted as Heart whipped out a key fob, and beeped a nondescript grey car.

“Get in. You’ve been kidnapped,” Heart said, laughing, sliding behind the wheel.

Clar got in, buckling up as Heart flipped the car into gear. Heart’s phone instantly started pinging with notifications. “That your manager?” Clar asked as they left the parking lot.

“Yeah. It’s okay though. I do this a lot. And people forgive me because I’m cute,” Heart promise, sending Clar a flirtatious look.

Clar smiled, leaning back into the seat. Soon, his phone would also start lighting up, but for now, he wanted to enjoy this moment, here, with Heart, driving away from his stuffy office building, away from their responsibilities.

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