Bottom At Heart

Chapter 4

It had taken Clar at least two hours after the meeting to recover from his agonizing erection. Every time he had thought he had finally gotten it down enough, his traitorous brain would conjure up the memory of the tiny beauty and off he’d go again. It was very frustrating. He almost called to cancel his date with Kailee.

But in the end, here he was, parking outside of Sinful Entertainment’s studio, ripping off his tie. Why cancel his date and spend the night in a cold shower when he could spend it in a warm woman. Clar sighed, running a hand through his hair, before undoing his cuffs, rolling up his sleeves. Here he went again, getting all hot and bothered. First thing in the morning he was going to call his father and inform him that unless he wanted a gay son, Clar was going to be off the project immediately.

He got out of the car, glancing at the flowers in the passenger seat. He’d wait. She probably would have her hands full with wrapping up the filming. He waved at the security guard, who recognized him from before. “Studio H, sir.” The guard offered.

“Thanks,” Clar smiled. He turned left and then followed the signs towards the right studio. He heard the music playing through the studio door, which only got louder when he cracked it open to slip in.

It was Kailee’s new single, Blue Diamond. Clar remembered her talking about it on one of their previous dates. It was a slightly more mature themed song, and she had specifically asked him if he would be fine with her shooting a risqué music video. Clar had been surprised by her question, both that she’d ask and that she thought she had to ask. He’d truthfully told her that she could do exactly as she pleased and she’d get no argument from him. That had seemed to be the right answer because that had been a particularly memorable night.

Walking up to the staff members loitering around the set, he swept his gaze over the area. Kailee was currently sitting in the lap of someone, Clar couldn’t see his face because Kailee’s body blocked it. She was dressed in a blue bandeau under a silver mesh tunic and black leggings. Clar saw that her screen partner had his hands splayed on her back in a very possessive gesture and he wasn’t sure how he felt. Not jealous, per se since they weren’t exclusive. But he felt something.

He got distracted from the scene when a staff member came over to inquire who he was. As he talked with them, he felt the back of his neck prickle. Someone was staring at him. And it wasn’t Kailee, since he knew she would be 100 percent focused on filming.

He looked up, glancing towards the set. And instantly his body was covered in goosebumps and his skin got uncomfortably tingly. It was him. The tiny beauty. Heart. Heart’s gaze was on him instead of the camera, his lips curving in a smile that sent all the blood in Clar’s body south. Clar watched as Heart slid his hands along Kailee’s body, tilting his head back to expose his throat. Clar wanted desperately to run his tongue along that pale skin. His Alpha was begging, demanding, Kailee completely forgotten once again.

Just as he thought he couldn’t get more aroused, Heart lifted Kailee’s wrist, and licked it, his tongue going slowly, his gaze on Clar, as if letting him know he would be more than happy to lick other things if Clar was interested. And Clar was. Desperately. And he knew that his night with Kailee was ruined. The scent glands on her wrist would be infused with Heart’s scent. Which the other knew. Which meant that Heart knew that Clar was probably here to pick Kailee up. That made Clar almost feel like he had been caught cheating.

He watched as the filming wrapped up. The director yelled cut, and Kailee settled herself on Heart’s lap in a pose of easy companionship. It was obvious that they were close. Clar suddenly wondered if they shared the same relationship as he did with Kailee. The uncomfortable feeling this time was absolutely jealousy. First the intern, now Kailee. Heart was looking more and more straight.

Kailee was teasing him about something, and Heart laughed, the sound making Clar’s stomach clench. The two got up to get off the set. Kailee finally saw him, her face lighting up. “Clar!” She exclaimed, running into his arms.

He easily caught her, folding her into a tight embrace. He tried to concentrate on her soft, warm body, the light tease of her sweet Omega scent. But how could he concentrate on her when Heart was standing behind them, looking at Clar with undeniable fuck me eyes. He could feel the burn of Heart’s gaze as it wandered up his body, lingering here and there, his gaze darkening with lust. Clar was delighted. When their gazes finally met over Kailee’s shoulder, Clar would be lying if he said he didn’t think about bending the tiny beauty over then and there, audience be damned. His Alpha was rabid for the tiny beauty.

Clar inhaled, and there it was. Underneath Kailee’s sweet, delicious scent was something else. Sweet, warm, spicy, utterly seductive. Heart’s scent. Kailee was covered in it.

Suddenly, Heart turned and walked off quickly. Clar’s gaze followed him, wondering where he was going. If he was anything like Clar right now, probably to the bathroom to let off some steam.

Clar pulled away from Kailee, caressing her cheek. “How are you?” He asked, forcing his mind away from whatever Heart could be doing in the bathroom.

She leaned in, kissing his cheek. “I’m doing well. We’re almost done filming. Thanks for coming to pick me up. Have you met Heart, he, Heart?” She turned, frowning at the space Heart used to be.

“I saw him walk off to the bathroom earlier. Want me to go get him?” Clar asked in what he hoped was a helpful tone. Please please please say yes please, he chanted.

“Yes, let him know we’re taking a fifteen-minute break. I’ll be done in about an hour and then we can go to dinner. Sound good?”

Clar smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Yup, sounds good. Be back soon.”

He started walking towards the bathroom. His heart was hammering in his chest. He almost couldn’t breathe. He reached out, grasping the doorknob. He opened the door a crack and nearly fell to his knees. The entire bathroom was permeated with the hot, thick scent of arousal. Heart’s arousal. Clar stood there for a long moment, closing his eyes, just breathing. It was like citrus and cinnamon, with a surprisingly sweet undertone. It was instantly his favorite scent. Nothing else would be able to compare to it.

He pushed the door open, went in, and closed it. He forced his gaze off the floor and looked up to see Heart staring at him in the bathroom mirror. He had just finished washing his face, as water dripped down his high cheekbones, clung to his long lashes, and slid down his neck. His eyes were amber. His skin was a light creamy pink, and he was covered in a light sheen of sweat.

Clar moved forward slowly, going to the other sink, washing his hands. Their gazes never left each other in the mirror. Heart stepped back, leaning his back against on of the stall partitions, tilting his head. He just looked at Clar, his bare chest lifting as he breathed slowly, steadily. Clar wasn’t sure how he managed to look so calm.

He turned the water off, plunging the bathroom into a heady silence. Heart’s lips finally curved upwards at the edges, and he caught his bottom lip in his teeth. Clar was lightheaded from all the blood pooling in his cock.

“Do you think I’m hot?”

The sudden question snapped Clar out of the haze he was in. He cleared his throat. He turned to finally look at the man. A mistake. Seeing all that exposed creamy skin made him grip the countertop tightly.

“Yes,” he answered truthfully.

Heart nodded slowly, his gaze travelling down Clar, stopping at the very noticeable bulge in his slacks. Clar smiled a little, not caring that Heart could see his erection. Because the front of Heart’s overly tight jeans wasn’t much different. Clar looked at Heart’s bulge with interest. It looked a good size, perfect for his hand or his mouth. His hands itched to slid down Heart’s skin and take him into his hand. To feel the other’s hot, hard skin.

“Do you want to kiss me?”

Clar’s gaze flicked up from Heart’s erection back to the tiny beauty’s glinting gaze.

“Yes,” Clar replied, not moving. He’d let Heart make the first move. Mostly because if he let go of the counter, his knees would give out.

Heart studied him seriously for a moment. Then he seemed to make up his mind. He shoved off the partition, shrugging off the jacket, leaving him topless in his impossibly tight jeans. “Good enough,” he muttered, and reached for Clar.

The two met in the middle in a fierce embrace. Their kiss was not gentle. It was harsh, messy, and Clar was delighted. It was the first time he had kissed another man, and he liked it. A lot. He grabbed Heart’s waist, loving the feel of the strength underneath that soft, warm skin. He dug his nails in as he felt Heart’s muscles move as the other lifted his arms around his neck. He raked his nails along the skin, his fingertips slipping along Heart’s scorching skin. He ran his tongue over Heart’s lips, tasting the salt and sweetness of his lips. Heart happily parted his lips for Clar to slip his tongue in. He stroked Heart’s warm wet heat with his tongue, fighting to control the moan that threatened to spill from his throat.

Heart had no such reservations, moaning into Clar’s mouth, his long nails digging into Clar’s skin deliciously. It felt as good as he had imagined. Moving swiftly, desperate to be closer, Clar bent a little, clasping Heart’s thighs. He lifted Heart up, and he moaned as he felt Heart’s legs wrap around his waist. They were now flush against each other and Heart pulled out of the kiss to throw his head back, crying out. Clar took full advantage of it by running his tongue along the other’s neck, relishing the taste of the man. He buried his face into Heart’s scent gland, just breathing in the intoxicating smell. It was like nothing he had ever experienced. His lips tinged and the urge to Mark Heart was startling. He shifted his face from his neck to the top of his shoulder, burying his teeth into Heart’s skin.

Heart hissed in pain and pleasure, his fingers sliding up to grip Clar’s hair tightly. The tight grip forced Clar’s head up, and he looked up, into Heart’s eyes. They were pure gold now, and framed by Heart’s long lashes, were the most beautiful Clar had ever seen. He leaned in, kissing the corner of Heart’s left eye. Heart relaxed his grip on Clar’s hair, and Clar leaned down, licking the bright red bite mark, making Heart moan at the wet heat of his tongue.

He licked his way up Heart’s neck, sucking on Heart’s earlobe before biting the shell of his ear. Then he moved back to Heart’s lips, which were really the best thing he’s ever kissed. Soft and warm, as Clar nipped and licked and sucked on them, he couldn’t help but wonder what they’d feel like wrapped around his dick. That thought alone made him burn with lust, and he gripped Heart tighter, closer.

Just when Clar was pretty sure he was about to have sex with Heart in the bathroom, another pair of hands interrupted his fantasies. His fingers were pried off of Heart’s waist and Heart was roughly pulled off and away from him. The sudden loss of Heart’s warmth and kisses was almost painful. Clar opened his eyes, shocked.

The tall bodyguard was there, easily manipulating Heart into his arms. Heart wrapped his arms and legs around the tall man, burying his face into the crook of the tall man’s neck. “Floris,” Heart breathed, moaning, into the other’s skin.

Floris held Heart in his arms, looking at Clar coolly. “Please excuse us. It would seem as if Heart’s rut has started early. We’ll contact you regarding the contract once he’s finished. Good evening.”

Clar watched, open mouthed, as Floris turned and left the bathroom, Heart cradled in his arms. Heart looked up from where he was pressing hot kisses to Floris’s skin, his golden gaze molten with lust. He smiled at Clar, winking. “See you around, lover!” He said cheerfully, then buried his face back into Floris’s neck.

Clar gritted his teeth, his nails biting his palms. This. This was definitely jealousy. While he realized now that taking Heart for the first time in a studio bathroom was not ideal, the fact that Heart, who had been a moaning mess in his arms, had switched so easily to Floris upset him more than he expected. The two had a special bond, that was obvious. Were they each other’s rut partner? Two Alphas together wasn’t unheard of, but it was still frowned upon.


He looked over at the voice, and saw Kailee. She was still dressed for her music video, and she didn’t looked shocked or disgusted. In fact, she had a fist pressed against her lips, as if she was smothering a laugh.

He glanced in the mirror, and saw why. His shirt was unbuttoned down to his navel (when had Heart done that? Clever bastard), his hair was mussed, his lips were glistening and well bitten. He looked like he’d been doing exactly what he had been doing.

Clar glanced back at Kailee, who’s lips were twitching despite her every effort. Clar ran a hand through his hair. “Heart’s rut started,” he offered lamely, pushing off the counter.

“I noticed. Shall we raincheck our date then?” She said, her voice laced with amusement. Clar wasn’t sure why she wasn’t mad that he had been making out with someone else in the bathroom when he was here for a date with her, but either way, he was grateful.

“Yeah, sorry. Do you need a ride home, though?”

“No, thanks for offering. I’ll call you.” She leaned in, kissing his cheek. She stopped for a moment, inhaling deeply. “I honestly don’t blame you, Clar. Who could resist Heart when he smells like that?” She pressed her nose to his scent gland, which was burning and tingling. After one more deep inhale, she pulled away. “When I found out he was gay, I was so disappointed. We’re best friends now, but sometimes, I really can’t help myself.” She sighed, shaking her head. She winked at Clar. “You’re so lucky. Kiss him a lot for me, okay, lover?” She laughed at Clar’s stunned expression. The director’s loud yelling echoed, and she tilted her head. “That’s my cue, I guess. See you around, Clar.” She patted his arm, and left the bathroom.

Clar stared after her. He glanced in the mirror again. He touched his lips, which were still sore from Heart’s fierce kisses. He made up his mind. He didn’t care what society said, what anyone said. He’d pursue Heart and make him his. He had never wanted someone so much in his life.

But in the meantime, looks like it would be a cold shower tonight.

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