Bottom At Heart

Chapter 3

Heart leaned against the dressing room door, closing his eyes. He could feel the effects of Scent Blockers taken without enough food. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to vomit or pass out. Probably both.

“Heart, you almost ready?”

He tilted his head towards the muffled voice of the stylist outside his door. He had kicked her out twenty minutes ago with the excuse of wanting time alone. “Yes, I’m ready.” He called, pushing himself off the door. He could do this. He was a professional. He’d done more feeling worse.

He glanced in the mirror, smirking a little. He looked good. He’d give Kailee’s team that much credit. The cropped black jacket and low-slung jeans made him look particularly delectable.

Heart opened the door, going out to the studio. Kailee was on set already, getting her face powdered between shots. She smiled at him, standing up. She went to him, hugging him. “Hey! You look so good! Thank you for agreeing to do this.” She said, her arms wrapped around his waist.

Kailee was a bubbly Omega with golden hair and creamy skin. They were almost labelmates before Sinful Entertainment gave the singer a better offer. They’d stayed good friends, often meeting up to complain about the show biz life. He’d been so pleased to see it was her MV. Maybe he should start paying Tracey a tad bit more attention.

“Absolutely, love. I’m happy to do it. Ready for me?”

Kailee looked over at the director, who was squinting at the screen that was replaying the scene that she had just filmed. “I think so. I don’t know. This director, bless him, is a bit persnickety. Did you go over your blocking?”

“Yes, all set, babe,” Heart assured, rubbing her arm absently.

The director looked up and narrowed his gaze at Heart. Heart resisted the urge to flip him off. “Okay, Heart, Miss Kailee, places please. We’ll be doing Scene 18.”

Kailee grabbed his hand, tugging him to the set. Heart rolled out his shoulders, sitting on the velvet blue couch. He looked around the little set room with the gold and blue accents with faux diamonds spilling across every surface. A bit gaudy for his taste but whatever. He was a just an organic prop.

As the filming went on, he felt more and more uncomfortable. Luckily, most of his time was spent lounging seductively. In one scene, Kailee had to straddle his lap as the camera got like fifty angles of it. Her nails scrapped across his skin and it made his skin tinge. He slid his hands up her waist, bunching the cloth, gazing into the camera with a teasing smirk. Something behind the camera caught his eye, movement from something definitely not stage crew. His gaze flickered to it and he was shocked to see the hot as fuck businessman from earlier talking quietly with one of the staff members.

When he had walked into the room earlier, he had instantly had to sit down. The man had Scent Blockers, but Jesus Christ he still was so utterly Alpha his Omega instantly panted, begging for a taste. That whole meeting had been torture. Everything from the man’s suit to his dark wavy hair had made his Omega crazy. And it didn’t help that the man was looking at him like he wanted to sink his teeth into him.

But whatever fire that stirred up in his stomach was instantly cooled when he realized that the man had no idea he’d be here, which meant he was here for Kailee. Damn it. Just his luck.

Kailee hadn’t seen the man, her entire focus on filming. Heart kept meaning to tear his attention from the sinfully sexy man, but his gaze kept skittering over to him. And he must have felt someone staring at him, because he looked over from his conversation, searching the set. When his gaze suddenly met Heart’s, Heart felt a flush break out over his skin. He tipped his head back a little, exposing his pale throat more to the hot set lights, running his hands along Kailee’s body. He didn’t break eye contact with the man, letting his lips curve into a smug smile as he took one of Kailee’s wrists on cue to the music, and gave her wrist a long, wet lick. No matter what the man did with Kailee tonight, Heart’s scent would be firmly imprinted on the beautiful singer’s skin. He smiled up at Kailee, who looked down at him playfully, running her fingers through his hair, her long nails gentle scraping his skin.

A few minutes later, the director called cut, and Kailee instantly laughed. “God, Heart. Try not to kill my fans with your sexiness,” she teased, comfortably sitting back on his lap.

Heart laced his fingers behind her lower back, grinning at her, his internal discomfort momentarily forgotten. “Isn’t that why you hired me?” He replied lazily, booping her nose.

She reached up to swat his hand away, pausing as she looked down at her wrist. She sniffed it, then scrunched her nose at him. Reaching up, she wiped her wrist off on his jacket. “You’re terrible. I have a date tonight. I can’t smell like you,” she whined. She sniffed again, pouting. “Damn it, Heart.” She thumped her head on his shoulder. She shifted her face towards his neck. Heart exhaled slowly, closing his eyes. He never, ever let people get this close. Just in case.

“You smell so good, Heart. Sweet and spicy and warm,” she breathed, her voice appreciative. “I’m so not getting laid tonight. Bastard,” she said, punching his shoulder as she sat up, getting out of his lap.

Heart laughed. “Oh, come on, Kailee,” he teased, standing up, stretching out his back.

Kailee walked off set, her head turned towards him. “Expect an angry phone call tomor-” she froze as she squinted past the set lights. Her jaw dropped. “Clar? What are you doing here?”

Clar. Cute name. Heart sauntered slowly over to where Kailee had run into the arms of the sexy businessman. But despite having the beautiful singer in his arms, the businessman, Clar, was looking at him. Heart shouldn’t blush. He really, really shouldn’t let his gaze wander along the tanned exposed forearms, which were lightly taut from hugging Kailee. He shouldn’t let his gaze linger on those long, beautiful fingers that he could almost feel against his skin. And he most definitely shouldn’t slowly bring his gaze up until he met Clar’s gaze.

As they stared at each other, Heart suddenly felt his flush get deeper, stronger. Oh. Fuck.

He turned suddenly, walking very quickly to the bathroom. He shook his head at Floris, who instantly started moving towards him. He couldn’t have any more Alphas around him.

Once in the bathroom, he locked himself into a stall, and slid his pants and boxers down. Despite the plug that he kept in whenever he was out and about, slick was starting to slide down his thighs. God fucking damn it to hell.

Grabbing toilet paper, he cleaned up as best he could. Luckily, the Scent Blockers were still working, or else every Alpha in the building would be coming to investigate. But he undeniably smelled like sex now. Fucking brilliant. How was he supposed to leave the bathroom now?

He left the stall after flushing, and went to the sink, gripping the granite countertop until his knuckles were white. He looked in the mirror, and knew that he was so, so screwed. His pale skin had the telltale flush of Heat, turning him a light pink. His eyes were turning amber, and his stomach was trying very hard to rip itself out of his body. Heat Blockers be damned. His body said fuck you and here he was, in the middle of work, going into what will probably be the worst and heaviest Heat of his entire life.

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