Bottom At Heart

Chapter 13

Clar stood in the back of the studio, watching Heart’s photoshoot, a small smile on his lips. Heart was wearing a new product, and Clar had to admit, it looked amazing on him. His smooth skin, his perfectly formed legs, his toned abs…everything about the man was sex and charm. And thanks to him, Desire was number one in sales all across the board. That had shut his father up, though Clar could still see the man’s eyes glowering with disapproval and disgust every time a photo of Clar and Heart appeared in the tabloids. It wasn’t Clar’s fault that they were the hot new couple everyone wanted to know about. His infamous sex appeal and Heart’s seductive charm had made them the power couple of the century.

It had been during one of their public dates, Clar was out shopping with Heart, when he’d run into his mother. It had been a tense couple of minutes as Clar hadn’t seen his mother since he started dating Heart because he’d been too nervous to visit home. Luckily, his mom was not only delighted by Heart’s entire existence, she also was glad that Clar had stopped running around and was finally getting serious.

And he was. Getting serious. Clar couldn’t remember a time before Heart where he’d ever felt this way about anyone. He’d never felt so comfortable with anyone like how he was with Heart. They’d only been dating for a little over two months, but he felt like he’d known Heart his entire life. It was intoxicating, and a little frightening, honestly.

Clar was shaken from his reverie by the photographer asking Heart to change into another set. Clar watched as Heart stood, stretching. After that amazing blow job, they had gotten closer and more open with intimacy, but they hadn’t done a repeat performance. Clar was a bit relieved he didn’t have to suddenly learn how to blow Heart, but he was also disappointed that he hadn’t been able to return the favor. While the kisses were magical, they still left Clar a little sexually frustrated and he was sure his water bill was going to be terrifying.

But, despite occasional blue balls, Clar liked that Heart was so strict about keeping things above the waist. For some reason, Heart gently but firmly moving Clar’s hand away from his jeans buttons was enough to reassure Clar that despite Heart’s propensity to flirt, he was serious about Clar. The two things should be diametrically opposites, but for some reason, it just made Clar trust Heart more. If he can so no to Clar, someone he cares about deeply, then he can say no to other people trying to get into his pants.

Clar was also glad that he and Heart respected each other’s sexual history. Clar had had a few exes that had been easily upset by his promiscuity, but Heart simply asked that he be exclusive to him and that was it. Clar was grateful. He had run around with a lot of people. But none of them had the appeal of Heart.

He watched as Heart came out of the makeshift dressing room, the maroon dressing gown open to reveal the black silk underwear he had. Clar had to admit, Desire was certainly on top of trends. There was not much sexier than Heart in well fitted silk. It outlined his cock perfectly, held everything in place, and didn’t hinder his movements.

As Heart sat on the couch again, Clar’s gaze was once again drawn to Heart’s legs, specifically his inner thighs. In the past two months, Clar had watched more gay porn than he’d ever thought he would. And he was surprised to realize that he liked it. He had always appreciated men, though he hadn’t thought much past that initial appreciation. With Heart, Clar was starting to realize that maybe there was more to it. He had no interest to explore if it was Heart alone or men in general, but it was interesting.

With all the porn that he’d watched, he’d finally understood what Heart was talking about with top and bottom, and he wasn’t sure how he felt. He’d always been the one doing, the idea of having someone else take control made him a little uncomfortable. Probably because he always felt that he had so little control in the rest of his life, that losing control in the bedroom too didn’t sit well with him.

But that one night on his couch, when he had simply let Heart do his thing, it had felt good. Never before had a partner taken so much time to focus on him and his pleasure. Is that what being a bottom was all about?

“Hey, lover. What’s on your mind?”

Clar was shocked out of his thoughts by Heart’s warm, sexy voice. He looked down, and saw the Heart was standing near him, sipping on iced coffee. He was still in his maroon silk robe. He was so effortlessly sexy. Clar reached out, pulling Heart into his chest, pressing his face against Heart’s Scent Gland, just breathing in the comforting scent of his boyfriend. His lover.

“Just thinking about you,” he murmured, rubbing his fingers along Heart’s silk cladded back.

He heard and felt Heart’s laugh, and he closed his eyes. He loved that sound. “Such a flirt.” Heart teased, leaning away, kissing Clar’s neck. Clar closed his eyes as he felt Heart’s tongue smooth along his skin. God he loved Heart’s tongue.

“I have to pick up some files from the office after you’re done here. I know it’ll be a bit late, but do you mind? We can get dinner afterwards.” He asked, smoothing Heart’s hair back.

Heart curled his fingers around Clar’s wrist, kissing his inner wrist, sucking on it lightly. “Works for me, lover. I’m almost done here.”

Clar smiled down at him. “Okay, my Heart.” He said, leaning down to press a kiss against his boyfriend’s forehead.

Heart gave him a sassy look, taking the iced coffee straw into his mouth suggestively. Clar’s body instantly reacted, and he rolled his eyes, smiling. “Go back to work, brat,” he said, pinching Heart’s cheek.

Heart stuck his tongue out. “You’re no fun,” he complained, before turning and sashaying back to the set, the maroon silk fitting him sinfully well.

An hour and a half later and they were in Clar’s office. Heart was sitting on the conference table, as he is wont to do whenever he visits Clar. He was on his phone, scrolling through some social media platform. Clar watched him, files forgotten on his desk. He loved the way Heart’s face was so open. The little smiles, the little frowns, tiny pouts…he loved watching Heart’s face.

He placed the files in his briefcase, coming over. He set it down next to Heart, who hadn’t looked up yet. Clar moved, nudging a leg between Heart’s. When Heart looked up, Clar smiled down at him. “Hi,” he said softly, smoothing Heart’s hair back.

Heart grinned back. “Hi,” he replied, voice just as soft. Clar looked down at Heart on the conference room table, the evening city lights filtering in, playing on Heart’s creamy skin. He reached up, caressing Heart’s cheeks. They were always so soft and smooth. He flicked a gaze at Heart, but he had already closed his eyes, tipping his head back for a kiss. Clar smiled softly, leaning down, pressing a soft kiss against Heart’s lips. He never got tired of Heart’s taste.

He kissed Heart for a long time, closed mouth, just feeling his lips under his. He could smell the room heating up with the scent of their arousal, and it made his skin tingle. He loved the smell of Heart’s arousal. It was sweeter than he was used to, but that sweetness only made Heart more desirable.

Heart had wound his arms around Clar’s waist, tugging Clar to stand between his legs. He felt Heart’s tongue run along the edge of his lips, and Clar instantly gave in. He smiled into the kiss, licking, and tasting Heart, pulling him close. He felt Heart’s hand drifting down, fingers brushing along his belt. It didn’t feel intentionally, but it sent a coil of heat through Clar’s stomach, reminding him of what he wanted to talk to Heart about. Now seemed as good a time as ever.

He pulled out of the kiss slowly, pressing his forehead against Heart’s, kissing his tiny boyfriend’s nose. Heart kept his eyes closed, his lips swollen from the kisses, a little smile curling the edges of his luscious lips. Focus Clar.

“Heart?” Clar murmured.

“Mmmm?” Heart shifted his face, pressing a small kiss to the side of Clar’s lips.

“I’ve been thinking, about what you said, that one time over breakfast.”

He could feel the pliant body of his lover stiffen slightly. Heart pulled away, looking up at Clar with hooded eyes, his gaze cool, as if bracing himself. Clar instinctively rubbed soft circles on Heart’s back.

“What have you been thinking, lover?” Heart asked finally, his body slowly relaxing as Clar continued to stroke him.

Clar exhaled slowly, knowing that his cheeks were becoming flushed. “At first, I didn’t really understand what you meant. With my other lovers, it’s always been pretty straight forward, the roles involved. And I’ve always been pretty secure in who I am and what I like. So you saying that the deal is you top or nothing, I was surprised.” He paused, gauging Heart’s response so far. Heart was just looking at him, patiently waiting for him to finish what he was saying. There was no censure in his gaze. Clar took a breath, ducking his head. “I’ve been watching porn.”

He winced, that was a lot more abrupt than he meant it to be. He peeked up to look at Heart. Heart’s lips were parted in surprise, his eyes wide. “You’ve been watching gay porn?” He repeated.

Clar nodded, dropping his gaze back to Heart’s collarbones. “Yeah. And-” he broke off as he felt Heart’s hands smoothing down his chest, definitely en route to where he was steadily growing harder.

“And, what, lover?” Heart breathed in his ear, his tongue snaking out, licking the shell of Clar’s ear gently.

“And I like it. And, in the shower, I’ve been-” God this was embarrassing. He tried again. “I’ve been, you know.”

He felt Heart exhale slowly on his cheek, his fingers curling into his belt loops, pulling Clar closer. “Have you been touching yourself, darling?” Heart asked, his voice pure sex.

Clar looked up, and saw that Heart’s eyes were deep gold, and the scent of arousal was now so thick and heavy that Clar was instantly hard. “Yes,” he replied, meeting Heart’s gaze, knowing that his own gaze was gold as well.

“Did you think of me, lover?” Heart asked, ghosting his lips along Clar’s jaw.

“Yes.” Clar leaned forward a little, gripping the conference room table. What was with him and getting hot and heavy with Heart in public places? This was the studio bathroom all over again.

He felt Heart undo the button of his slacks and he bit back a moan.

“Tell me where, darling. Here?” Heart ran one of his nails down the front of Clar’s slacks, the zipper hooked on another nail, the soft biting drag of the zipper echoing in the dark conference room.

“Yes,” Clar breathed, leaning in, kissing, and sucking the sensitive spot under Heart’s ear. Heart moaned in pleasure. Clar liked that Heart was always vocal about his pleasure.

He closed his eyes as he felt Heart’s fingers form a V around his hard length, rubbing up and down slowly, with just enough pressure to make him pant.

“Did you cum, thinking of me, darling?” Heart asked, his other hand resting lightly on Clar’s hip, rubbing circles in time to the gentle but firm strokes he was giving Clar’s shaft.

Clar nodded, dropping his head to Heart’s shoulder. “All the time, my Heart.”

Heart made a humming noise that sent tingles all along Clar’s skin. Clar felt Heart’s hand on his hip start to move, slowly, carefully. The stroking on his shaft never stopped, it was relentless. The heat was building in his stomach, slowly, painfully. It felt so good. He wanted Heart to go faster. He wanted him to slow down.

He felt Heart’s nail run along the seam of his slacks, and his knees buckled a little, pressing him into Heart, making them both gasp at the increased contact. Clar shifted his face, sucking lightly on Heart’s Scent Gland.

“Did you touch yourself here, baby?” Heart asked, his voice low, seductive, and commanding.

“Yes,” he whispered against Heart’s neck, biting softly.

“God, baby, that’s so fucking hot. Did you like it, lover?”

Clar remembered the first time he had dared. It was a few weeks ago, after a particularly hot make out session that left him feeling unbearably horny. Stroking his shaft wasn’t enough. He had remembered something he had read, about anal penetration. Desperate times and all. And by God had it done the trick. He had come so hard he had had to sit down in the shower to catch his breath.


Heart was now stroking the seam of his slacks in the back and his shaft in the front and Clar couldn’t help the moan that escaped from his lips. “Mmmm, did you think about me? About my fingers curving into you, stroking you front and back, sucking your nipples as you moan my name?” Heart’s voice in his ear, the gentle stimulation, Clar was so on edge he had to breath a moment before he could answer.

“Yes,” he admitted. He had thought about what it would feel like to have Heart touch him like that. What it would feel like to have Heart’s lips on his skin as they had sex. He had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Heart.

He felt Heart’s fingers at the top of his pants, slipping under. He hissed as Heart caressed his left cheek, his fingers skipping over the crack to the other cheek. Suddenly, his main concern occurred to him.

He pulled away a little. “Heart, I want this, I want you to touch me, but your nails?” He wasn’t sure how to frame his question. He loved Heart’s nails, but the thought of the long nails inside him made him a bit uncomfortable.

Heart looked at him for a long moment, then smiled. He pushed Clar back a bit and hopped off the conference table. He went to Clar’s desk, and grabbed a pair of scissors. Clar watched, fascinated, and horrified, as Heart carefully used the scissors to trim his long nails short. The sound of the snipping scissors was both erotic and a bit sad.

“Heart, you love your nails,” Clar protested, moving closer, upset.

Heart snipped the last nail, and held his hands up for his own inspection. Then he smiled at Clar. “If you’re willing to do this for me, I can do this for you. Besides, I like the color more than the length.” He moved to Clar, going behind him, wrapping his arms around Clar in a tight hug. Clar looked down at Heart’s radically short nails. They were still the glittering purple.

“Now, baby.” Clar jerked at the low sultry command in Heart’s voice.

He tipped his head back, and saw that Heart’s gaze was a deep red gold. He swallowed, his skin on fire, his cock instantly hard again. He could feel Heart’s own erection pressing against him and that alone nearly pushed him over the edge.

“Bend over for me.”

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