Bottom At Heart

Chapter 12

Quinn was not having a good day. To be honest, most days were less than stellar, that’s just how life worked. But today, everything seemed to be going wrong. He burnt his breakfast, spilled coffee on his shirt, was met with every red light…it was as if the universe had conspired to put him in the worst mood possible.

When he finally made it to the office, almost fifteen minutes later than he’s ever been in his life, he was ready to commit murder. So of course, today was the day Heart, and therefore his dick-faced bodyguard, had decided to stop by.

Quinn had nothing against Heart. He was the first Alpha outside Clar who treated Quinn like more than a coffee cart. In the two months that they’d been dating, Quinn had gotten to know Heart and the more he knew, the more he felt a weird mix of affection and inferiority. Heart was everything he ever wanted to be. Which could have made it easy to hate him. But Heart was just so fucking nice that Quinn couldn’t do it.

His bodyguard though, Floris, was perfectly hate-able, and the feeling was utterly mutual. The Alpha was typical Alpha, with muscles, musk, and smirks. Quinn had been willing to give the Alpha the benefit of the doubt, but when he’d walked into the office two months ago, to find Floris standing in the small lobby smelling so much like Omega sex that even he could notice, Quinn knew. Floris was just like every Alpha ever. Cocky, self-absorbed, and as he continued to demonstrate: dismissive of everything Beta.

The Alpha had never passed up chance to mock Quinn. But Quinn didn’t cower in the face of the Alpha’s overwhelming Alpha aura. He’d be damned if he let another Alpha push him around. So he’d given as good as he’d gotten, and now the two were locked in intense a rivalry that Quinn knew would end in either murder or sex. He was hoping for murder. Sure, he had illicit thoughts about the man, who wouldn’t? He was gorgeous. But sleeping with the enemy wasn’t Quinn’s style, and he wasn’t the Alpha’s type, so murder was the only logical option.

Anyway, back to today. He strode out of the elevator, hating that his shirt was clinging to his sweaty body. He hated being sweaty. It felt gross. Besides, being sweaty made his light pheromones more noticeable and it was embarrassing. Most Alphas and Omegas had Scent Blockers, but Betas usually didn’t need them because they never smelled strong enough to need them. But today, even he could smell his body’s pathetic attempt at musk.

So of course Floris was here, standing by the desk, fucking around with Quinn’s nameplate. The man looked disgustingly delicious in his dark colored suit. Quinn inhaled deeply, hating himself. Why did Alphas have to smell good. Why. They got everything in life, why couldn’t they smell bad. Quinn knew that Floris would be on Scent Blockers, but no Scent Blockers were powerful enough to completely negate the warm smell of a fully matured Alpha.

Luckily for Quinn’s mental health, Heart’s delicious scent was also present, so Quinn forced his brain to concentrate on Heart’s warm and spicy scent. He knew for a fact that Clar had stolen a prop from set after one of Heart’s photoshoot so he could have Heart’s scent with him at all times. Quinn didn’t blame him.

Floris looked up as Quinn pushed through the glass door into the small office lobby. He smirked, his gaze running along Quinn’s disheveled state. Would it be considered self defense if he punched him?

“Well, well. Look what we have here. Hot date last night?” Floris smirked, and Quinn rolled his eyes.

He dropped his briefcase behind his desk, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “It’s a workday. I got caught in traffic.” He refused to rise to Floris’s bait this early in the morning.

Floris raised an eyebrow, leaning against his desk. Quinn wanted to punt the man out the window. “You should see the doctor.” He said, very seriously.

Quinn frowned. He knew that some Alphas could scent sickness. “Why?” He asked, shuffling the files on his desk. He had at least eighteen calls to return before lunch. Jesus.

“To get the stick out of your ass,” Floris replied, his face splitting into a huge grin.

Quinn paused, looking up at Floris to roll his eyes. “Oh haha. Very funny. I’m capable of sex, thank you.” He snapped, sitting down in his chair.

“Really? When’s the last time you got any?” Floris challenged.

Two years ago, they were both drunk, he woke up alone. Quinn shrugged. “Why do you care? You offering?” He shot back, booting up his computer.

“Ha! Don’t make me laugh. Why would I sleep with a Beta like you?”

That hurt more than Quinn thought it would. Because that was the crux of his problem. No one wanted Beta males. Especially gay Beta males.

He covered his hurt by snorting a laugh. “Relax. I’m not serious. And I’m surprised that you get any, what with your whiny bottom energy.”

He glanced up and was surprised by the flicker in Floris’s gaze. He felt his lips curve into a smile, sitting back, crossing his arms. “How interesting. And here you were teasing me about the stick up my ass.” He said, smirking at the light flush on Floris’s cheeks.

Floris cleared his throat. “Heart only tops,” he said, shrugging.

And instantly all confidence that Quinn might have been feeling was gone. Heart. Of course Floris slept with Heart. He knew that they were probably together when he called and Floris was with Heart during his rut. But still, hearing it out loud, it hurt. Not that he wanted to sleep with Heart. Not that he wanted to sleep with Floris. No. He didn’t know why he was feeling this way. God, he needed coffee.

He stood, moving to go to the coffee maker in the corner. “Want any?” He asked, waving a mug at Floris over his shoulder.

“Not drinking anything you made. What if you poisoned it?” Floris teased, and Quinn cut him a look.

“Cream and two sugars okay?” He asked, reaching for the creamer.

“Did it hurt your feelings, that I’ve slept with Heart?”

Quinn looked up, surprised by how close Floris’s voice was. He regretted looking up, because now he was face to face with the Alpha, something he strictly wanted to avoid. He looked back at the creamer, pouring a measured amount into the hot coffee. “No. Why would it?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you.”

Quinn wanted very much for Floris to take himself and his musky warm aura away from him before Quinn did something embarrassing. Like cum in his pants or throw coffee at him. Both were viable options.

“Not hurt. I already knew you slept together. I just need caffeine. I’ve had a bitch of morning and that was before I saw your ugly face.”

He pushed the mug into Floris’s chest, shocking the other, who then laughed. “Out of every insult out there, you call me ugly. What are you, twelve?”

“No, just stating facts,” Quinn replied, sipping his coffee as he went back to his desk.

Before they could continue their bickering, the door to Clar’s office opened, and Heart strolled out, Clar behind him, pulling on his jacket. “I’ve got a meeting, Quinn. I’ll be back shortly. You staying or leaving?” Clar asked, looking down at his tiny boyfriend.

Heart looked up at Clar, smiling, before turning back to Quinn, an expression in his eyes that made Quinn feel a little hot and bothered. “I’ll stay. Lunch?”

“Sure, baby. Quinn, reschedule the Times interview, please.” Clar ducked down, kissing Heart’s forehead before moving to press his face into Heart’s Scent Gland. The room instantly got much more Alpha-y as Clar and Heart’s scents mixed with Floris’s. Quinn needed to crack a window or he’d choke.

“Bye, lover. See you soon,” Heart replied, his voice sin and sex and Quinn needed to sit down.

He was about to sit and start doing his actual job when he felt Heart’s arms go around him. Oh God. The tiny Alpha smelled just so good. He looked down at the tiny Alpha, who was burying his face into Quinn’s chest.

“God, I love Betas,” he purred, making Quinn break out in goosebumps.

“Um, really?” He’d never, ever heard an Alpha say that they love Betas.

Heart nodded, shifting so he could press his face into Quinn’s Scent Gland. “You all smell so nice, like fresh laundry and springtime. Especially when you sweat. Mmmm,” he breathed deeply, then Quinn had to grab the desk as he felt Heart’s warm, wet tongue on his Scent Gland. Heart gave his neck several little licks that made Quinn very glad that his desk was a little raised. He was so hard it hurt a little.

“Heart, stop licking my assistant. I’ve changed my mind, you’re a very important part of the meeting.”

Quinn looked at Clar, who was leaning back through the glass doors, amusement clear on his face. Quinn resisted the urge to flip him off. Heart let go of him, but not before giving his Scent Gland a hard suck that made Quinn fight to stifle a moan. He’d have a hickey for sure. Heart winked at him, then looked at Floris, who was watching them with an unreadable expression on his face. He leaned up, licking Floris’s Scent Gland. “Play nice. I like him.” Heart instructed, smacking Floris in the stomach.

Floris rolled his eyes as Heart left, going into Clar’s arms, as if he hadn’t just licked and sucked other men’s necks. Quinn knew that Clar wouldn’t consider him a threat, but Floris certainly was.

The door closed, leaving the two of them in the office lobby. Quinn was uncomfortably hard and he now smelled like Heart and he had a lot of work to do. It didn’t help that Floris was looking at him weirdly. He sat down, sipping his coffee. “You can wait in the lounge if you want.” Quinn said, his tone indicating that it wasn’t a choice.

Floris shrugged, lifting his coffee mug. “Thanks for the coffee.” He turned, going to the glass doors. Quinn lifted the phone off the cradle, preparing to dial the first number he needed to contact.

“Do you go to the gym?”

Quinn glanced at him, punching in the numbers. “Not really. Why?”

“You should. It’ll probably help you get laid.”

Quinn jerked his head up so fast he almost broke it. Floris was looking at him, a small smile curving on his lips. Quinn turned red. “Fuck off.” He replied eloquently, and turned back to the phone.

As the dial tone went off, he heard Floris laughing. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he knew he was smiling.

Floris glanced back, and smiled a little. The annoying Beta had a cute smile, not that Floris would ever, ever mention it. He sipped his coffee, watching Quinn do his job through the glass doors. Every other time Floris had seen Quinn, the man had been the epitome of neat and poised. Not a single blond curl out of place, his suit buttoned so tight Floris wasn’t sure how he could still breathe. But today, when he’d walked in, looking like he’d just rolled out of a warm bed, the man’s sudden sex appeal had been a punch in the gut. The red shirt was lightly clinging to his body, his skin warmed with a flush, his hair unkempt as if he’d run his fingers through it carelessly…the man was surprisingly sexy. He still had his shirt buttoned all the way up and his tie firmly in place, but hey, both of those were easily remedied. Floris couldn’t explain the satisfaction he’d feel if he got even one of Quinn’s shirt buttons undone. Not even sexual satisfaction. Just knowing that he’d cracked through that impenetrable layer.

What had really surprised him though, was how good he smelled. Normally, Betas’ scents were bland to non-existent. Floris had noticed a couple times that when Quinn stood next to a fan that perhaps he maybe smelled like soap, but other than the faintest of whiffs, the man was a scent black hole. So he had not been expecting to get slammed by a fresh musky scent at eight in the morning and it left him uncomfortably semi-hard. And finding it was Quinn who was smelling like warm laundry was surprising.

Of course, the biggest surprise of all was his reaction to Heart. Floris knew the effect Heart had on…well, everyone. Himself even. But seeing Quinn’s face flicker, for a moment, from stern to pleasure, had made the heat in his stomach grow a little uncomfortable. He had heard the swallowed moan when Heart had sucked on his neck, which had bombarded Floris with the mental images of what Quinn would sound like if something else was sucked.

God. Floris shook his head, turning away from the glass doors. Nothing good came from encouraging Betas. And Floris had his hands full with Heart already. The tiny idiot was free falling in love with Clar and Floris was very worried it would end badly. He didn’t trust anyone, not even himself, when it came to Heart. Heart was just too sinfully addictive. One taste was never enough.

He’d always regretted that they hadn’t developed into something more. When they were younger, Floris had been head over heels flat on his ass in love with the tiny Omega, and not just because the Heat sex was mind-blowing. And he knew that Heart loved him back. But not enough. And that frustrated Floris to no end. It also made him believe a little more in the so called “mate” thing.

Everyone had a mate, a someone that was the best fit. It wasn’t like the predestined shit that movies went on and on about, more like a super persuasive suggestion. And honestly, most people didn’t find their true mate, and they lived happy lives. Floris had hoped his was Heart, but seeing Clar and Heart together, it was pretty clear who was Heart’s best fit, and it wasn’t him.

Floris sighed, pushing into the lounge. He needed to stop thinking about this. It was too early for this shit. He sipped his coffee again. Quinn really knew how to make disgusting office coffee taste pretty damn good. He’d give him that.

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