Bossalicious Bad Boy: A Billionaire Office Romance

Bossalicious Bad Boy: Chapter 29

I step into the grand ballroom, and my breath catches in my throat. The room is a masterpiece of elegance, with crystal chandeliers casting a warm, golden light on delicate floral arrangements that adorn every surface. A sea of formally dressed attendees fills the space, laughter and excited chatter creating an electric atmosphere.

‘Clara!’ a familiar voice calls out, snapping me back to the present. ‘You made it!’

‘Hey, Ruby,’ I reply, smiling as she rushes toward me. ‘Wouldn’t miss it for the world.’

‘Everything looks amazing, doesn’t it?’ she gushes, gesturing at our surroundings. ‘And the guest list! There are some seriously important people here.’

‘Tell me about it,’ I mutter under my breath, my eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of Alexander. No matter how much I try to focus on work, he’s always there, lurking in the back of my mind.

‘Are you alright?’ Ruby asks, her brow furrowed with concern.

‘Sorry, just a lot on my mind,’ I admit, shaking my head. ‘But I’ll be fine. Let’s go mingle and do what we’re here to do.’

‘Alright,’ Ruby agrees, linking her arm with mine. ‘Let’s show everyone just how capable we are.’

As we make our way through the throng of people, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in the work we’ve done. Everything has come together beautifully, and the positive energy in the room is undeniable.

‘Can you believe we pulled this off?’ Ruby asks, her eyes shining with excitement.

‘Almost,’ I reply, my lips curling into a genuine smile for the first time tonight. ‘But we did it together. And that’s what makes it even better.’

‘Agreed,’ she says, giving my arm a little squeeze. ‘Now let’s go and enjoy ourselves!’

‘Absolutely,’ I say, taking a deep breath as we set off to tackle the rest of the evening. But despite the allure of the event and the pride I feel in our accomplishments, my thoughts can’t help but drift back to Alexander.

Especially when everyone keeps bringing him up. The main topic of conversation is how we like working for the Alexander Blaese. The second main topic of conversation is if we can believe the headlines about his father.

Daniel Blaese under probation for embezzlement and fraud. Perhaps it’s not the severe punishment I dreamed about when I first found the files proving his guilt, but somehow punishment isn’t what I’m after any more. I just want the truth, and now it’s being told.

We’re barely halfway around the room when the doors to the ballroom swing open again, and Alexander Blaese makes his entrance. He’s wearing a sharp black suit that accentuates his commanding presence, and there’s a magnetic confidence about him that draws every eye in the room.

‘Speak of the devil,’ Ruby mutters under her breath, watching as Alexander is immediately swarmed by well-wishers and business associates.

‘Or the CEO,’ I correct her, trying to keep my voice steady. But inside, my stomach is doing somersaults, and my heart is pounding so hard I worry it might burst right out of my chest.

Ruby nudges me. “Go ahead. I know you want to see him.”

I give her a grateful smile and make my way toward the bar, needing a glass of champagne before I face him.

The grand ballroom swirls around me, a blur of shimmering gowns and tailored suits. I can feel the energy in the air, as if it’s a tangible force pressing against my skin. But amidst all the excitement and glamour, there’s one thing that I can’t seem to shake: the tension that hangs between Alexander and me.

‘Clara, how are you?’ Alexander says, sidling up to me with a glass of champagne in hand. His voice is warm, but his eyes give away his apprehension.

‘Fine,’ I say, hoping he doesn’t notice the way my heart quickens at the sound of his name. ‘Just taking it all in, you know?’

‘Of course,’ he replies, attempting a smile. ‘It’s quite the event.’

‘Your team did an amazing job,’ I say, turning my gaze to the chandeliers above us rather than meeting his eyes. I’ve been avoiding his gaze for most of the night, unsure of what might happen if our eyes were to lock.

‘I couldn’t have done it without you.’ His words are sincere, but the small talk feels forced. We both know there’s more we want to say, but neither of us seems willing to take the plunge.

‘Would you like to dance?’ Alexander asks suddenly, catching me off guard. The question hangs in the air like a challenge — one I’m not sure I’m ready to accept.

‘Sure,’ I reply hesitantly, placing my hand in his outstretched one. As soon as our fingers touch, a jolt of electricity races up my arm, setting my nerves on fire.

We move onto the dance floor, surrounded by other couples swaying to the gentle melody. Alexander takes the lead, his movements fluid and confident. I follow him, feeling awkward and uncertain in comparison.

‘I’ve missed spending time with you,’ he says, his voice barely audible above the music.

‘Really?’ I ask, trying to keep my tone casual even though my heart is pounding in my chest. ‘I didn’t think you’d noticed.’

‘Of course I noticed. You’re unforgettable.’ His words send a shiver down my spine, and I can’t help but glance at him, searching for any sign that he’s teasing me.

‘Alexander, I… I don’t know what to say.’ My voice falters, betraying my uncertainty.

‘Say you’ve missed me too,’ he suggests, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

The truth hangs heavy on my tongue, but I’m hesitant to let it out. The past between us feels like a chasm that’s grown too wide to cross. And yet, as we continue to dance, our bodies moving closer, I can’t deny that there’s still something there — something worth fighting for.

‘Okay,’ I whisper, finally meeting his gaze. ‘I’ve missed you too.’

He grins, his hands tightening on me slightly. “Maybe we should remedy that.”

My heart leaps, relieved that Alexander feels the same way I do. It’s as if the connection we once had has been revived, and I can’t help but smile at the thought.

‘Alexander,’ I say, my voice full of hope. ‘Maybe we should pick up where we left off.’

His eyes widen with surprise before he shakes his head firmly. ‘No, we can’t do that.’

My heart starts to sink, and I look away, trying to hide the disappointment in my eyes. ‘Oh,’ I murmur, suddenly feeling foolish for having admitted my feelings.

‘Wait.’ Alexander’s grip on me tightens, pulling me back to face him. ‘It’s not that I don’t want to be with you, but simply picking up where we left off isn’t enough.’

Before I can ask what he means, he steps back from our dance, leading me towards the stage at the edge of the ballroom. My mind races with questions, but I allow him to guide me, trusting him despite the uncertainty.

As Alexander helps me up onto the stage, I notice the curious glances from the attendees below. My cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I instinctively look to Alexander for reassurance. He offers a soft smile in return, his hand warm and steady in mine.

‘Clara,’ he begins, his voice carrying across the now-silent room, ‘I need you to know how much you mean to me.’

His words fill me with both warmth and trepidation as I try to guess what he’s planning. The anticipation is overwhelming, but I find solace in Alexander’s unwavering gaze, which is filled with sincerity and love.

The moment hangs between us like the suspended notes of a symphony, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. As Alexander gazes at me – really looks at me – I see something flicker behind his eyes, something raw and vulnerable that sends a shiver down my spine.

‘Clara,’ he says again, a tremor in his voice this time, ‘I love you. I think I have loved you since the day we met.’

His words echo through the grand ballroom, and it’s as if someone has knocked the wind from my lungs. My eyes widen in disbelief, the sparkling chandeliers above us casting kaleidoscope patterns across Alexander’s face. Is this real? Has he truly just professed his love for me in front of everyone?

‘Alex…’ I breathe, unable to muster any words beyond his name. The room spins around me, a dizzying blur of silk and satin gowns, shimmering champagne flutes, and the scent of roses heavy in the air. All I know for certain is the warmth of Alexander’s hand still holding mine.

‘Clara.’ He squeezes my hand, grounding me in the whirlwind of emotions threatening to tear me apart. ‘I mean it. Every word.’

My chest swells with both the thrill and fear of vulnerability, but I cannot deny the truth in Alexander’s eyes. He loves me, despite everything we’ve been through, every misstep and mistake along the way.

‘Alex,’ I whisper, my voice barely audible even to myself, ‘I don’t know what to say.’

‘Say you believe me,’ he pleads, desperation tinting his words. ‘Say you’ll give us a chance.’

His earnestness pulls at my heartstrings, and I realize there’s nothing I want more than to explore this unexpected connection between us. I nod, an unspoken promise to leap into the unknown together.

‘Okay,’ I say, the word barely more than a breath. ‘I believe you.’

I take a deep breath, my heart still pounding in my chest. The past, with all its mistakes and regrets, swirls around us like a misty fog. Yet, here we are, at the precipice of change. Alexander’s eyes meet mine, their intensity never wavering.

‘Alex,’ I say, my voice stronger now. ‘I forgive you for everything that happened in the past. I love you too.’

A wave of relief washes over his face, and he beams with pure joy. My stomach flutters as he takes my hand in his. This moment, this connection between us, feels more real than anything I’ve ever experienced.

‘Clara,’ he begins, his voice cracking with emotion. Alexander gets down on one knee, his grip on my hand tightening. My breath catches in my throat, the world around us fading into insignificance.

‘Will you marry me?’

The ring he presents glitters under the chandelier’s light, a symbol not only of our love but also of our newfound understanding. A future together filled with laughter, support, and happiness stretches out before us, and I’m suddenly awash with certainty.

Time seems to slow as his eyes lock onto mine, the universe holding its breath, waiting for our next move.

The moment hangs suspended, a silent heartbeat echoing through the grand ballroom. My heart swells with emotion and tears blur my vision as I nod, whispering my answer into the space between us. ‘Yes, I will marry you.’

Alexander’s eyes light up like fireworks at midnight, and he stands, pulling me into his arms. Our bodies meld together in a tight embrace, and I can feel his heart beat in tandem with mine. The warmth of his love envelops me, chasing away any lingering doubts or fears.

‘Clara,’ he breathes into my ear, his voice thick with emotion. ‘I promise to cherish you, to stand by your side, and to make you laugh every day we’re together.’

My heart threatens to burst from my chest, and a sob of sheer happiness escapes my lips. ‘And I promise to support you, to challenge you, and to dance with you whenever you ask.’

As if on cue, the room erupts into applause and cheers, our bubble of intimacy expanding to include everyone around us. The attendees, dressed in their finest attire, are beaming with joy for our newfound happiness. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and I can’t help but laugh, my cheeks flushed with elation.

‘Congratulations!’ someone shouts above the cacophony, and I’m soon swept up in a whirlwind of hugs, handshakes, and well-wishes.

‘Thank you,’ I say again and again, basking in the glow of people genuinely happy for us. Alexander’s hand never strays far from mine, anchoring me to him amid the flurry of activity.

‘Let’s go celebrate,’ he suggests, leading me towards the dance floor. As the music swells and our bodies sway in time, I find myself lost in the rhythm of the song and the feeling of Alexander’s arms wrapped securely around me.

This moment—our love, our forgiveness, and the promise of our future together—feels like a dream. Yet, as I close my eyes and let Alexander guide me across the dance floor, I know it’s the most vibrant reality I’ve ever known.

‘Clara,’ he murmurs into my hair, ‘I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us.’

‘Me neither,’ I whisper back, the weight of his words settling deep within my soul. And as we continue to dance, surrounded by friends and colleagues, I realize that this journey is only just beginning. Together, Alexander and I will face whatever lies ahead, hand-in-hand, hearts entwined, ready to conquer the world.

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