Bossalicious Bad Boy: A Billionaire Office Romance

Bossalicious Bad Boy: Chapter 28

I glance at Clara as we step out of the restaurant, her cheeks still flushed from the awkwardness of our family dinner. I can’t help but feel a pang of guilt for putting her through that ordeal. She’s been my rock since she started interning at my company, and the last thing I wanted was to make her uncomfortable.

‘Let me walk you home,’ I offer as we start down the sidewalk. The cool night air is a welcome relief after the stifling atmosphere in the restaurant, and I take a deep breath, hoping it will clear my head.

‘Thanks, Alexander,’ Clara replies quietly, wrapping her arms around herself against the chill. I notice her shivering slightly and automatically remove my jacket, draping it over her shoulders. She looks up at me with a small smile, her eyes reflecting the streetlights that line our path. ‘You didn’t have to do that.’

‘Of course I did,’ I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. ‘Can’t have my favorite employee getting sick on my watch, now can I?’

‘Favorite intern? Don’t let the others hear you say that,’ she teases back, her smile growing a bit wider. It warms my heart to see her starting to relax, even just a little.

As we continue walking, the sounds of the city surround us – cars honking in the distance, people laughing on nearby patios, the soft patter of footsteps on the pavement. It’s a soothing cacophony that allows our silence to be companionable rather than tense.

‘How are you feeling after all that?’ I ask gently.

She glances at me, her eyes reflecting the soft glow of the streetlights. ‘I’m… I don’t know, Alex. Overwhelmed, I guess.’

My chest tightens at the sight of her discomfort, and I know I need to make things right with her. Earning her forgiveness is crucial if we’re going to move forward. ‘Listen,’ I say, taking a deep breath. ‘I want to apologize for everything that’s happened. I never meant for you to get caught up in all this family drama. And I want you to know that I’m truly sorry for any misunderstandings between us.’

Clara looks at me, her eyes searching mine for sincerity. She seems to find what she’s looking for, because her next words come out sounding vulnerable. ‘I’m sorry too, Alexander. I accused you of using me and keeping secrets from me. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions without talking to you first.’

Her apology feels like a soothing balm on my bruised ego. We walk in silence for a few moments, allowing the weight of our confessions to sink in. The tension between us begins to dissipate, replaced by a newfound understanding.

‘Thank you for being honest with me,’ I whisper, my heart swelling with gratitude. ‘It means more to me than you know.’

‘Thank you for understanding,’ she replies softly, her grip tightening around my fingers.

The night air is cool and crisp as we reach Clara’s apartment building. The orange glow of the streetlights casts a warm halo around her face, softening her features. I can’t help but admire her resilience, and the way she seems to shine even in the darkest moments.

‘Thanks for walking me home,’ she says, her gaze meeting mine.

‘Of course,’ I reply, my heart beating a little faster at our proximity.

We stand there for a moment, bathed in the soft light, neither one of us wanting to break the spell that has settled over us. Finally, Clara takes a deep breath and turns to face me fully.

‘Alex,’ she begins, her voice steady and sure, ‘I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m glad we had this chance to talk, and I hope we can continue to build on this friendship.’

‘Me too,’ I respond genuinely, watching as a smile graces her lips.

Then, to my surprise, she leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to my cheek. The warmth from her lips lingers on my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. As she pulls back, I see the slightest hint of blush coloring her cheeks.

‘Goodnight, Alex,’ she whispers, her eyes shining with sincerity.

‘Goodnight,’ I manage to breathe out, my heart still racing from the unexpected gesture.

With a final wave, she disappears into her building, leaving me standing on the sidewalk, my thoughts swirling like leaves caught in a breeze.

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