Born From Ash (Book I of The Flame Trilogy)

Chapter 3

He is starting to get annoyed with my lack of compliance. I’ve refused to speak a word without some kind of insurance first; I’ve seen first-hand (and even perpetrated) a double cross. For all I know he would execute me once I give him my information.

All I’ve told him is that Aleksandr Titov-the Alpha of Shadow Fang- is putting forward a plan to ensure the destruction of the Werewolf race, purposefully remaining vague with the details.

“What do you want?” He growls at my nonchalance.

“Firstly, protection. I want your word that you won’t kill me after I tell you what you want to know.” He nods with a roll of his eyes. It surprises me that he seems annoyed at the notion of him killing me. “And from Shadow Fang, my leaving wasn’t exactly consented to. They will be hunting me down.”

I know my request is selfish, even before it leaves my mouth. It will mean putting this entire pack in danger, but it can’t be helped. As much as I hate to admit it, I can’t do this on my own and if no pack helps me then they will all be in danger.

I can see the conflict in his face which he does well to mask quickly. He knows that this is a win-all or lose-all situation, but what he’s trying to figure out is whether or not I’m worth the risk.

“I also need help, to find out who I am.” When I speak this time, it actually sounds like I’m a person as an unknown emotion colours my voice. It quite frankly startles me, and I can tell the Alpha is also somewhat taken aback at my first sign of humanity.

“Fine, I won’t kill you and I’ll help you find out who you are, but I can’t promise protection against Shadow Fang.”

I’ll take what I can get, I don’t exactly have the luxury of being choosy.

“Deal.” I hold out my hand for him to shake in agreement.

“Deal.” He takes my hand and shakes it firmly, the tingles once again making a re-appearance. It’s really irksome. Hand lingers in mine as if he doesn’t want to let go. He turns towards the Beta who remained respectfully quiet during our exchange. “Alexei, go instruct one of the omegas to prepare a room. She will stay with us.”

The Beta, Alexei, leaves as instructed without hesitation. Once he is out of the room the Alpha comes closer, caressing the side of my face.

“I can’t promise protection from Shadow Fang, but I will do whatever I can to keep you safe.” His thumb brushes my lips and I fight the urge to shiver. His touch ignites something within me, on the outside I remain stoic but, on the inside, it scares the shit out of me. I have never experienced this before, and it’s throwing me off.

He looks at me strangely when I don’t react, it’s almost like he expects me to drop my guard because his Beta has left the room. It slightly confuses me, but I don’t let anything show. It has been beaten into us that emotion is weakness, I can’t let him see me like that.

“There’s three months before Innonia’s annual Mate’s conference, do you think you’ll be able to give me all the information by then?” He asks, his voice still soft as he speaks. I consider the opportunity, it’ll be the perfect time to start thinking about a counter attack- but there is still no guarantee he won’t kill me before going to the conference.

“I have a better idea, you’ll take me with you, and I’ll tell all the Alpha council.” My eyes burn with determination as my gaze locks with his. He smirks, stroking his chin in thought before nodding in approval.

“Fine, but I still want at least some information before we go there, we can still do some information gathering before we go.” He comments. “If this is as serious as you say it is then we can’t just present witness-based information to the Alpha council.”

Alexei comes back to escort me to my room, but the Alpha waves him away. He says that he will personally take me there himself; the beta cocks a brow but doesn’t say anything. As I walk past him, he shoots me a small glare which I snarl in response to.

“Enough.” The Alpha speaks harshly, his hand finds the small of my back guiding me out the room.

He speaks as we walk- he tells me where things are and the history of his pack. I’m not particularly interested but I still pay attention just in case any important information comes up. My interest is piqued when he speaks proudly of his pack’s lineage, explaining that he still runs his pack the same way his predecessors had.

He stops in front of a white door, opens it and gestures for me to go inside. The heat radiates off him, pressing against my back, as he follows me in. The small sound of the door clicking shut resonates in the room, and I’m painfully aware of how close his large body is to my own.

“Do you like it?” His voice is right by my ear, although not touching I can feel his hot breath on the shell of my ear.

If I don’t have the amount of self-control that I do, I might have ripped his clothes off and begged him to fuck me right there. I’m already painfully aware of his movements around me- I actually wonder if he’s like this with all bitches. Although I can’t help but think that would be carelessly irresponsible and he doesn’t seem to be one of those Alpha’s.

I actually look up and survey the room. It’s simple but elegant, the bed has an iron frame and is pushed against the right wall. There is a small bedside table with a lamp on one side and a wardrobe on the other. Opposite the bed is another door, it is ajar and from where I am stood, I can see the clinically clean bathroom.

“Yes. Thank you.” I nod.

The warmth of his palm travels to the small of my back, pushing me forward gently as he directs me further into the room. Is this level of intimacy common amongst other wolves or is he seeking a deeper intimacy with me? Judging by his Beta’s reactions, he is treating me somewhat unusually; though it hasn’t escaped my notice that he tries very much to keep his interactions sparse unless we are alone.

“You’ve barely even looked around.” He laughs, the sound is beautiful because of his deep baritone. My hand clenches at my sides to keep me from reacting; this man has managed to affect me more in the last half an hour, than I’ve been affected by anyone in my entire life. Just the sound of his voice, his laugh, has my nipples hardening beneath my shirt.

No matter what he feels, what I feel. It doesn’t matter. I’m not someone- something- capable of love. I would never be able to give him what he wants. Besides, the reason that I’m here is too important; could I, would I, risk a dalliance on the side because he makes me feel...strange?

“It’s fine.” I reiterate once more. He seems slightly dejected at my response as though he expects me to do something else. He clears his throat before heading back to the door.

“Dinner is served at 8.” He pauses again to give me one more long hard look, a confused and slightly angry expression on his face. It doesn’t last very long, he masks his emotions well when he finally turns to leave.

Once he leaves and the door shuts behind him, I sigh in relief. There’s something about him that I can’t explain, he agitates me so fiercely in a way that I’m not used to.

Frankly, it’s pissing me off.


She isn’t what I expected.

For the short few moments I let myself get distracted by her I can easily see where the attraction is. She’s small, beautiful and unique. Somewhat short around 5′3, short hair dark and cropped close in a pixie cut, pale skin and eyes the royalist violet. I’ve never seen anyone with eyes so deep purple, they’re simply put, alluring.

With her soft features and quiet disposition I suppose she will make a somewhat perfect addition to the pack. I suppose the pack tradition would continue, that life would continue. The same way it has in my father’s time, and my grandfathers, and so on. 500 years of tradition.

Then she let herself speak; my mate spoke. And I know instantly that she is nothing like what I let myself first imagine. Not in the least.

My mate is different from all the she-wolves I’ve met. I can’t pinpoint how or why but it’s almost like I can feel it; like the brewing of a storm beneath her skin. But there’s something about her that is more than just different. There’s something about her that is plain wrong in some way. Even the beast within me senses it. But it isn’t just within her, it is her- how she moves and talks. She is the most mysterious creature I’ve ever met. I can’t help thinking that it’s so surreal that I’ve even found her.

I’ve long since passed the age to meet my destined, so much so that for the preservation of my pack I had chosen a bitch to lead by my side as insurance. I’m incredibly lucky, just a few more months and I would’ve been forced to mate with a bitch that doesn’t complete me. She has some of the attributes of a decent Alpha Female, but besides what has between her legs there is nothing that I really want with her.

But duty always comes first.

It really would have been a tragedy to have to kill her without getting a chance to unravel whatever she has hiding behind that blank expression and those violet eyes. It’s like she is completely empty, right down to her namelessness. Every time I touch her, look at her, she gives me nothing in return; it’s like she doesn’t even recognise me as her mate.

If anything, it makes it easy for me to remain the impartial Alpha I need to be to deal with these kinds of situations. I would not treat her differently, and I will not have her think that I will keel to her, mate or not. I have to remember that I am an Alpha first.

Hearing that she came from Shadow Fang territory is enough warning that I need. Everyone knows that Shadow Fang is a wild pack, they are secretive and untrustworthy- they border on Rogues. I have a duty to my pack, to protect it, that duty comes before any duty I have to my Mate.

Whatever is going down in Shadow Fang territory it isn’t good, that I have no doubt of. Whatever the hell she knows, I’m not entirely sure that I want anything to do with it. However, as she proceeds to make it seem like the end of the world as we know it, it doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice.

I don’t know what to do, it is the first time that I feel completely at a loss. I want to rage, to rip something to shreds- it only makes me more frustrated that she decides not to say anything further. If she wasn’t my mate I might’ve left her in a cell to rethink withholding information; but judging from the machine-like disposition I don’t suppose it would do much good.

She is both intelligent and obviously well trained. She treats information like currency so she obviously has trust issues. Whatever the hell is going on Shadow Fang is a part of my mate, and that makes it my business. If she’s being secretive, it gives me a reason to keep her here.

I just hope that she won’t end up being more trouble than she’s worth.

But, only time would tell.

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