Born From Ash (Book I of The Flame Trilogy)

Chapter 12

When I wake up once more, I’m in the same bed though this time my hands are chained to the frame with padded leather cuffs. I guess it’s intended purpose is supposedly to prevent me from hurting myself again, especially after my crazed display the last time.

I look around the bare room, taking the time to really look this time. I’m guessing that it’s in the pack infirmary, judging by the painfully bright white surfaces and the smell of disinfectant burning my nose.

The floors are squeaky clean and there are a couple chairs beside the bed; one of which houses a sleeping Viktorya. The lingering scents of Irina and Angel hang in the air, tickling my nose with the different perfumes. Knowing that they’re looking after me all this time is somewhat conflicting. I don’t want to get too close, but I know that I’m both grateful and able to trust them after having them look after me so well in this state.

A small bubble of hope rises within me as I look around, hoping that he would be here too, though it quickly pops once I realise that Dimitri is nowhere to be seen. A small, masochistic, spitefulness fills me as I bask in my disappointment; serves me right for feeling remotely anything for him.

I easily break out of the padded cuffs and slide out of the clinically white hospital bed, wincing at the sudden coldness against my bare feet. I move quietly, for some reason not wanting to wake Viktorya from her peaceful slumber. There is a set of clothes on a chair nearby. They smell clean enough so without caring who they might belong to or where they may have come from, I quickly shrug them on.

The t-shirt falls down to my knees- it probably belongs to a male. I don’t bother with the bottoms considering the shirt covers everything and the pants would probably be too big anyway.

The smell of Dimitri is stale in the air, though if it were anyone- anything- else they probably wouldn’t have been able to smell it. He had probably been here the night before; the scent is so faint it’s almost gone completely.

I follow it up to his office, though part of me already knows where he is without sniffing him out. It’s like he’s calling out to me, it probably has something to do with the strange mate bond that the girls had told me about. It’s a little harrowing that no matter how much I try to battle against the feelings, I seem to be failing. The conflict is an ever- present battle in my mind and body, one that got ever stronger in Dimitri’s presence.

I push open the door, my eyes briefly trailing over the now familiar interior as I walk, taking confident strides forward before stopping in front of his desk.

“Next time knock.” He says simply without looking up, continuing with whatever has his attention. It irks me a great deal that he hadn’t even bothered to look at me when he spoke. I feel something rise within me, scorching me with the need to challenge him, show him that if he disrespects me then I’ll do the same to him.

“Next time ask before you have a needle shoved into me.” I reply with an even amount of annoyance and animosity, turning my back to him with a roll of my eyes.

His eyes snap up to mine, taking in my features. The movement is so fast I’m certain that he caught me rolling my eyes at him. Judging by the stormy look on his face, he knows exactly what I’m doing.

“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” He asks, his tone darkening significantly. The sound is wonderful to my ears, the beasts within me purring with delight; that deep baritone enough to set me alight.

I face him, challenging him with my gaze as I fight the urge to smirk. It’s somewhat pathetic on my end, pretending that I haven’t just ruined my panties from the sound of his voice. Though I can’t deny the attraction I feel, there’s a larger part of me that wants nothing more than to egg him further. See how far he’s willing to go.

“I did. And what?”

In the blink of an eye he has me face down against his desk, his hand teasingly tight around the back of my neck. I can feel a building pressure as he squeezes the spot in warning.

“What did I tell you about your behaviour, Mate?” His lips graze my ear as he speaks, small tingles shooting straight to my core. He exhales shakily, his warm breath raising goosebumps in my flesh. I can feel every inch as he presses into me- smirking gently at the knowledge that he is just as affected as I am.

I growl low in reply, daring him to make good on his promise- the threat in his voice is evident and now I want to see him follow through. Energy pulses through my veins, my core throbbing at how close he is. All I can think about is how easy it would be for him to have me singing in ecstasy.

I’ve seen him- as much as it angers him, he also likes it when I challenge him. I know he won’t hold back, and from the way my body is reacting I’m just as eager for his reaction.

His chest brushes against my back and his breath hot against my neck almost has me panting. I’m painfully aware of how close he is; the way his legs line perfectly with mine, powerful thighs and hands keeping me grounded in my position. The sheer sensuality of it has my nipples hardening, and the smell of my arousal permeates the air.

“I asked you a question.” He grunts, his body moving impossibly closer, his voice getting even darker. An added threat for my continuous disrespect, as well as not answering him the first time around.

I remain silent loving how much it pisses him off. It’s incredibly fun, like I’m taunting him. Daring him once again to prove to me that he can make good on his word- to show me that he is an Alpha.

“Oh, I see, my little mate wants to test me.” His tongue darts out against my ear, his teeth biting the lobe, making me shiver from the sudden contact. His fingers graze up the inside of my thigh leaving pleasurable tingles in its path, his other hand still firm on my neck. “Trust me Arashi, you will not win this game.”

His hand doesn’t stop, easily pushing past the flimsy material of my underwear to play with my soaking pussy. He slides a finger through my folds, brushing my opening tauntingly before thick fingers begin circling my clit, awakening the bundle of nerves there.

Shards of pleasure pierce through me, my mouth opening in a silent scream of pleasure. With the added tingles from his touch, the sensation is electrifying. It’s just as good as the first time he touched me, maybe even better. This man can tear me apart, send me spiralling with his voice and a few fingers. I doubt that I could ever go back to having another man touch me.

Wetness rolls down my inner leg, tribute to his wicked touch. He pinches my clit, sending a new, sudden shot of pleasure-pain through my body. I can’t hold back the moan this time, it ripped through my throat unashamedly.

“Uh...” It’s a half moan, half gasp, but it’s enough to make him smirk against my skin.

He knows that he has control here and he’s revelling in it, playing me like a violin and proving that he can dominate me. It’s enticing- for us both. I can’t deny that being dominated in such a way is exciting, I’m so used to being on top and controlling everyone else around me that to see it from another view is both humbling and relieving.

That being said, I have no intention, in any way, of letting it become a regular thing. Control is mine, it’s kept me going in most situations and there is no way in hell I would give it up so easily.

“You see, Mate, I am your Alpha. I am above you. You listen to me.” His fingers speed up, creating delicious friction that almost sends me over the edge. I’m not listening to his words, only focusing on the sound of his voice and the way his fingers move deliciously between my legs. “I own you now, and if you don’t obey me there will be consequences.”

Just like that his hands are gone. My thighs shake, pussy clenching painfully with the need for release. I straighten myself up so that I’m standing directly in front of his desk, my fingertips grazing the wooden surface to keep me upright.

The triumphant look on his face says it all. The bastard knows he left me hanging and delights in my dissatisfaction. He thinks that he’s won; it’s laughable that he thinks that teasing me will get me to learn a lesson, but I’m not done yet.

My anger and need colour my face, but he simply went back to his seat at his desk ignoring me. I huff in annoyance, puffing my chest out in a display of aggression, showing him that I am not to be trifled with. However, he keeps ignoring me which simply adds to my intense irritation. He doesn’t actually think that he can just leave me hanging, does he?

“What do you want, Mate?” He addresses me without lifting his head.

“I don’t beg.” I reply harshly.

If he wants me to beg for his touch, he would be sorely disappointed. Though the more I think about it the less likely it seems... Only one of us can be left disappointed in this situation, and it isn’t him.

I’m proven correct when he merely raises a brow incredulously, before going back to his work.

Now he is really pissing me off.

I stomp my way around his desk, before stepping out of my underwear and sitting my bare ass on his desk right on top of his ‘important documents’.

“First you are going to finish me off, then we are going to talk.” I don’t give him an option; he doesn’t have one. I spread my thighs, offering myself to him.

He gives me a hard look as if wanting to resist submitting to me. I smirk, one of my feet sensually stroking his arm. I can see the restraint on his face breaking, the smell of my arousal is thick and inviting, and it drives him insane. He growls, a low primal sound that excites me further.

There’s no warning as his hands clamped down on my hips, raising me to him. His mouth devouring my lower lips, tongue exploring every fold and crevice. His teeth graze that sensitive bundle of nerves whilst his tongue curls inside me sending me hurtling over the edge with an unrestrained moan.

“Ahh, Fuck.” I pant, as he continues to suck at all the juices left behind like a starving man.

“Mm you taste so good.” He kisses one of my thighs, leaving a ripe purple hickey behind.

His bulge tents the front of his pants, begging to be set free. It’s practically teasing me, daring me to think about the last time that I’d had him. I slide off his desk, his paperwork now ruined, before setting myself on his lap.

My hands steady as they brazenly find the front of his slacks, our eyes never once breaking contact as I pull his dick out. He’s warm, hard and throbbing in my small hands. A sexy hiss leaves Dimitri’s lips as I begin to pump him slowly, teasingly doing to him exactly what he just did to me.


“Yes, Alpha?” I whisper faux coyly through parted lips, my eyelashes fluttering teasingly.

“Arashi, fuck.” He groans, almost begging me to touch him more. Once he realises what I’m trying to do he growls low in his throat; he’s an Alpha, and Alpha’s don’t beg. I can’t stop the chuckle that escapes me.

Raising myself up, I feel him nudge my entrance, coating himself in my slickness. I tease him a little more, sliding his head through my folds, moaning gently at the feeling. He growls once more, the whole room shaking and suddenly all bets are off; I sink down on him fast and hard, tearing moans from us both.

I move first, riding him fast and hard. His hips buck to meet my rhythm, one of his large hands grips my neck in a firm hold, the other on my hip whilst his hot mouth plays with one of my pebbled nipples through my shirt. The sound of our flesh meeting, harsh pants, sighs and moans fill the air in a sex filled symphony.

I feel him nudge my walls, and I clench around him, throwing my head back in a moan. He twitches, a curse falling from his lips as he releases; his hot cum filling my insides. It’s enough to set off my own release, clenching around him and coming on his dick. We ride out our orgasms, his head leaning onto my chest as we catch our breaths.

His mouth presses against my neck, nipping and sucking gently, but I don’t let him continue.

“Enough.” I chastise, pulling myself off of him. I bend down, picking up and putting back on my underwear before sitting myself on one of the seats across from his desk. “We need to talk.”

Admittedly his touch is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, it brings me to a new high. When he touches me I feel like he’s my personal drug and I need another hit. All I can think about is how it would feel to ride him, to have him filling me up again in the best kinds of ways.

It’s just sex.

It shouldn’t affect me so much. So then why can’t I get his touch out of my head, and why can’t I stop myself from longing for more?

Even after our ‘talk’ in his office, Dimitri still treats me like I’m delicate. He is stubbornly worried about me, especially my mental health. For that reason he has me kept in the pack infirmary, restrained. It’s pissing me right off.

Dimitri told me, along with the pack Healer, to wait and see if my memory would come back on its own. So far, I have nothing. Frankly, we’re wasting time just sitting around waiting for my memory to suddenly resurface; if it decides to resurface at all.

Nearly three weeks have passed since my arrival, and we’ve barely uncovered anything at all.

“No! You still have to heal! I will not risk your health, mate.” Dimitri growls ferociously. His tone is meant to be final, but it doesn’t stop me from fighting back.

“You don’t know what I can handle!” I yell, lunging as far as I can with my restrained hands. “Besides, it doesn’t matter... there’s too much at stake here.”

Dimitri looks at me with a new kind of venom in his eyes and it frightens a part of me. He takes two thudding steps closer leaning down so that he’s leaning into my face intimidatingly, his hand grips my face tightly forcing me to look into his eyes.

“Don’t ever speak of your life so carelessly in my presence.” He spits harshly. If I didn’t share the connection, I do with him then I’m fairly certain he would’ve lashed out at me. “I don’t know why you are so eager to die, mate, but you haven’t told me everything that I need to know yet. This is my pack and what I say goes. So, your ass will remain in that bed until the Healer declares you healthy enough to leave.”

He lets go of my face, his eyes remaining hard as he looks down at me. Then without a further word from either of us, he turns around and stalks out.

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