Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 43 ~ Facts or Events

“When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew it.”

Dedicated to YOU from your own mate.



“She even admitted that she was afraid of you, Alpha Mirko


Have you ever heard of the expression ”If looks could kill“?

Elena had certainly heard of it, in fact, receiving aggressive or threatening glares was somewhat common when living among hot-blooded werewolves. She had never minded or felt affected... until today, when her embarrassing father had portrayed her as a fool in front of her majestic mate, who was currently staring at her…extremely pissed off.

He seemed ready to pounce on her at any moment.

Never, ever had Elena perceived this type of stare. The one that would instantly turn you into dust, the one that would block all your brain’s functions at once, the one that would consume all your vital energy.

“Does she?” Finally Mirko spoke through gritted teeth.

Funny how she could tell exactly which part of herself he was trying to pierce with his beautiful eyes. At that precise moment, his burning gaze dug deep holes in the side of her neck.

‘Come on, Elena! It’s time to grow some heavy balls! Don’t forget you should be mad at him!’ She reasoned with herself, trying to motivate herself.

He had slammed into her face about his past ‘love’ life…This thought was enough to fuel a new surge of fury. Her chin rose defiantly, and her eyes shot poisonous arrows.

‘Guess you are not so cocky anymore, mate’ She grinned internally noticing how his eyes had widened and lips slightly parted.

“Well, considering the ’reputation’ that circulates about yourself.” Elena emphasized ”reputation”, sending him a hidden message that he instantly caught.

In fact, it was obvious to Mirko that she didn’t refer to his reputation of Black Beast, Night Terror, etc. No, Elena meant his notoriety as a womanizer.

“What would you expect, Black Alpha?” She continued with false sweetness, although her eyes burned with the same intensity as his.

Meanwhile Alpha Giacomo, Gamma Rolando and the guards stared speechless at the secret mates, engaged in their match.

Alpha Giacomo stood there, observing, and listening attentively; his gaze alternating between Elena and Mirko.

Gamma Rolando, who already knew about his Alpha finding his mate, and had already connected the dots long ago, was enjoying the show of his Alpha bickering with his jealous half. His huge arms crossed over his chest and his face deformed into a lopsided grin.

“Ah yeah?” Mirko said as his jaw twitched and fists clenched threateningly.

“Full Moon Alpha’s daughter, then you are truly innocent as you father protracted you.” He paused to add effect to this mocking statement. “Otherwise you would have already learned that it is foolish to worry about ‘facts or events’ that happened in the past.”

Mirko’s anger seemed to increase every passing seconds. Probably because he recalled their fight and her accusations.

“Simply because these ‘facts or events’ belonged to the past itself.” He snarled darkly.

Someone else would have run or hid far away under his growing rage. But the power of the mate bond was not a matter to be underestimated: Elena had the privilege of not being afraid of him, her mate.

“Ah, Alpha Mirko, you’re severely wrong.” His posture stiffened and eyes narrowed suspiciously at her brash words.

“I don’t care about ‘facts or events’ that happened in the past.” She grimaced, hating the bad emotions that these so-called “facts or events” initiated within herself.

“The problem here is related to how rudely and without consideration these ‘facts or events’ have been narrated. Almost like an ill-manner sea captain would talk to his longshoreman rather than to his damned girlfriend!” She growled, spitting venom.

Gamma Rolando coughed loudly, hiding a chuckle.

“You will never see me sugar coat the truth.” Mirko said quietly after recovering from her little outburst.

Only the secret couple hadn’t noticed how close they had got to each other during their fight. Unaware of the power of the mate pull and how it acted… always pushing them towards each other. No matter what.

“Unless my so-called girlfriend is a prude.” The devil smirked. SMIRKED!!

‘How dare he?! Such an insolent, presumptuous, uncivil, disrespectful, brusque person!’

“A prude?” She repeated, her eyes narrowed in two slits. “Then let me tell you something, Mr Alpha. I’ve heard that your girlfriend had never been single before meeting you, but I bet you didn’t know!”

That was a bald-faced lie; a little voice ~maybe Titilas’s ~ from the corner of her mind warned her not to push too much. But Elena’s brain was clouded, so she continued with her lecture, ignoring the darkening face of Black Alpha.

“Oh, I’m sorry! Am I too rude or direct for your taste?! You see, I didn’t want to sugarcoat the truth!” She mocked, referring to his previous words.

“Maybe I should have said: ‘your girlfriend had a past, but she doesn’t care about other men anymore, since she found her mate!’

Mirko looked at her in disbelief as if she had spitted profanities of all kinds.

“So that’s what this is all about! You- ehm, my girlfriend being jealous?” He questioned, lifting an eyebrow.

“I don’t give a damn about other girls! I never did! But my ma- ehm, girlfriend, who is so understandable and smart apparently-” He shot her a sarcastic look before continuing.

“-Should have known it already!”

“Oh, and how would you expect her to know anything since you don’t even bother to call or send her a single message! I wouldn’t be surprised if she replaced you with someone else… with more manners!”

“She won’t” He snarled, towering her with all his mighty.

The girl shivered, goosebumps ran down her spine at the alarming way his eyes glinted.

He was so distracting...

Before she could form a proper reply, her father intervened.

Uhm, Elena.” His hand touched her shoulder in a reassuring gesture. She could barely imagine what kind of thoughts crossed his mind after witnessing the scene they had caused.

“I wasn’t aware you already knew Alpha Mirko. Or his girlfriend.”

Then he shifted his attention to Mirko who looked like he didn’t have a care in the world. “Congratulations. This girl must be quite a catch for you to commit!” He winked with a sly smile.

If this was a dream, Elena wanted to wake up as soon as possible.

‘Did my father just wink at my mate?!’

Before Mirko or Elena could utter a single word, Alpha Giacomo pursed his lips and adopted a commanding attitude.

“However, your little argument suggested that there is something I am not aware of.”

Oh my god.

Elena felt the air leave her lungs and her vision blur.

“Should I be informed of something?” His gaze was void of emotions, although Elena had the strange feeling that he was almost challenging her to reveal her secret.

This was a golden opportunity to let the world know she found her mate, Black Alpha. The most handsome and dangerous man.

This was an opportunity to finally accept her destiny. Mirko.

“Actually, yes, father.” She admitted, her voice radiated a sudden confidence. Surely Alpha Giacomo would not have killed the fated mate of his only daughter…not in his own territory at least.

“Well, you see…” She trailed off, clearing her throat.

A feeling of lightness flooded her; the weight of the secret lifted from her heart.

So, she opened her mouth, ready to spill the truth. Ready to reveal the identity of her mate.


Thanks for reading!! :D Love you all!

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