Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 29 ~ Her Bladder

Elena was sitting on the edge of Marco’s bed, her hand holding his much larger one. Talking nonstop for the last 30 minutes, while Rex and Marco were strangely silent.

As for Giulia, the girl had gone to the bathroom and, oddly, Rex had accompanied her, returning shortly thereafter. Alone.

Apparently, her bladder must have been very full since Giulia had been absent for almost an hour. Elena rolled her eyes at her silly friend: Giulia had probably gone to look for more food. Her stomach was a bottomless pit!

In the meantime, Marco and Rex were lost in their own private thoughts. Both focused on an oblivious Elena. Both searching for some clues. Lately, Elena, their beautiful best friend, had become an unsolvable riddle.

‘Why has Elena tried to defend Alpha Mirko from his crazy Beta?’ Rex was musing over and over the event. ‘Since when had they become so friendly to each other?! What did I miss?!’

Besides, he still hadn’t been able to talk to her about the possibility that she’d found her mate! So busy embedding Lord Skull’s refugees in their pack, with all his dating with his girls and then Marco’s awakening, Elena and Rex had even skipped their weekly special night. And it had been the first time ever since Elena and Rex had never missed their special Monday night! Dedicated to their friendship, it had always involved catching-up with each other, large quantities of food, a movie and basically some alone quality time.

Rex had to make sure they would recover soon.

Memories of how Alpha Mirko kicked Riccardo and his scary face at Riccardo’s offensive words about Elena flashed in Rex’s head.

And how angry he was ...

Pinching the back of his nose, Rex realized that he had lost everything Elena had been talking about so far. Unlike Marco, he did not have the ability to think of something, listen to someone else and assimilate everything, all at the same time.

On the other hand, Marco had pretended to listen carefully to Elena who was babbling about everything he had missed since his accident and coma: from who went out with whom, to who had left whom, the incorporation of refugees into their pack, Lord Skull’s Alpha in prison for a long slow death and blah blah blah!!

‘Would she just get to the point and tell me if she is screwing Black Alpha?!’ Marco scoffed mentally, rolling his eyes.

But was it possible that Elena had succumbed to the wonders of sex and hormones before such a fine piece of meat that was Black Alpha?!

‘Crap!!! What if she is really screwing Black Alpha????!!!!!!’ He yelled to his wolf.

But that would have been impossible, because Elena, his prude friend, was keeping her virginity for her….mate!!!

‘Was Black Alpha her mate?! Could such a thing even be possible?! Her little angelic best friend mated to that beast?!’

A beast that was insanely hot and sexy. If you liked the huge wild man, of course. Ever since Marco had met his mate, all the other men were just a lot of blurry faces of little importance, but hell! He still had eyes and could appreciate a hot stallion when he saw one! And Alpha Mirko was the definition of hotness, although Marco preferred Crucifero’s brutality more.

‘Holy S*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could she even take him in??? Considering his huge dimensions, he must be massive down there, where the sun doesn’t shine…’

Marco’s thoughts were a crazy whirlwind, despite on the surface he seemed super relaxed.

Suddenly, Elena stopped talking, with her mouth pursed in a thin line.

“What’s wrong with you two! Are you even listening?!” She questioned, arching her eyebrow, unaware that she had been the spotlight inside their heads so far. “Am I boring you so much?!” She pouted, peeling her hand off Marco’s.

Both Rex and Marco jumped by surprise and looked at each other with a puzzled expression before bursting into a flush of laughs.

“Whatever.” Elena huffed, punching Rex on his shoulder. Just to let off some steam. “Where is Giulia anyway? Maybe she got trapped in Black Devil’s toilet! You know they are dangerous…their toilets I mean…they are devils…” She joked nervously, trying to ignore the mischievous looks that Marco was shooting at her.

They were that type of glares saying ‘I know what you are hiding’

Marco cocked an eyebrow at her. ‘Seriously?! What a horrible joke. And who the hell care about the toilet of Black Devil!!?! Just tell me about Black Alpha already!!!’ He roared internally.

Marco had to know. This was her best friend in the world, her prude friend that had never slept with anyone although the huge line of guys outside her door (figuratively and sometime literally).

But Marco didn’t want to ask her openly. He couldn’t mention anything in front of Rex, the gossip boy. She had to be the one sharing first...

Then, a sudden movement caught their attention.

“Hey guys!!” A smiling Giulia burst through the door, looking like she brooded a secret. Elena noticed that strangely she had some webs attached to her hair. Where had she really been?! Were the bathrooms of the Black Devil full of mice and spiders, as everyone said?

“Here you are! Where have you-“ Marco trailed off, his eyes widened as someone else had entered the room.

Someone huge and scary...

“Crucifero…” Marco stared at him unblinking, as one hand covered his mouth. His heart beat so fast all the nurses and doctors down the hall could probably hear it.

“What did you do this time?” Rex asked Giulia, frowning a little and checking on her, making sure she was ok after he had left her down that dark hole.

Giulia liked to play Cupido, so she had literally dragged him down hell (Black Devil’s dungeons) to meet the devil himself (Mirko) with his Cerberus or three-headed dog (Crucifero). Apparently, little Giulia had tamed the beast and managed to knock some sense into him.

Rex would never have explained how she managed not to piss on herself by being close to that Crucifero.

“All far in love and war, brother!” Giulia giggled, jumping around the room like a little gremlin.

Elena shivered as she remembered how Crucifero had tried to attack her, but luckily he shot her only a glance ... even though she noticed he had looked at her with ... amusement?! What?! Why?!

She certainly must have imagined it since Crucifero had hated her since the first day of school…

As for Crucifero, now his focus was only on his mate, lying on the bed as if he were a sacrifice to the god of war. And this god had finally come to collect his price.

“Guys!” Giulia squealed with a suspicious smile, never looking so happy.

“Let’s leave the two lovebirds alone to make peace!”

“That’s not necessary, Giulia.” Crucifero murmured, without taking his eyes off Marco, who looked like he was going to cry at any moment.

“We will leave.” And having said that, he grabbed a trembling, shocked Marco, and marched out the door, carrying him bridal style.

No other words were uttered, leaving a stunned Elena, a smiling Giulia, and a bored Rex.

“And then they will make peace and have make up sex for the rest of their lives!” Rex mocked, scrunching his nose adorably. “Can we leave now? Please?! I should already be on a date that I’ve already postponed once! “He pleaded.

Too many emotions for poor Rex in one day!

“Wait a minute! I’ll just go to toilet!” Giulia exclaimed, running out of the room.

“Seriously what’s wrong with her bladder today?!” Elena scoffed, folding her arms while Rex shrugged.

“I will ki-“ She started to joke but never finished as the most amazing (and familiar) scent hit her nostrils.

When the air tensed and stomach filled with voracious (and familiar) butterflies, Elena instantly knew who had just entered the room.


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And thanks a lot for reading!!! Have a wonderful super amazing weekend everyone!! :D

Love you!!

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