Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 28 ~ The Wrath Of The Beast

More Mirko POV!! :D Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend everyone!! :)


Mirko POV

My eyes flinched at the mention of my mate but, somehow, I had manged to maintain my composure.

“Why?” I asked, anger already filling my blood stream.

Why?” He repeated in disbelief as if I had missed out something obvious.

“Isn’t that clear?! To procreate strong heirs!” He said, licking his lips in a revolting way.

“I would have mated with her and force the other one to mate with one of my women.”

My nostril flared and lips curled in a grimace as my breath heaved up and down.

The change of my mood and body language did not go unnoticed by Lord Skull, who lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

Soon enough, his shocked look turned into a cunning one.

“Oh my, my…” He trailed off, staring deeply into my eyes. “Don’t tell me! She is your mate…” He grinned evilly, realisation pouring out of his crazy eyes.

“I thought I’ve smelled her sweet scent all over you! But I thought I had imagined it!”

A growl ripped from my throat as he laughed loudly.

“Bingo! Here the weakness of Black Alpha! The one that everyone has been looking for! Never thought you had one!”

The sound of his voice began to seriously grate my nerves. He was really pushing my buttons.

“Please tell me” He continued, clearly enjoying my rage.

“How’s that sweet thing in between her legs? I’m so looking forward to taste it mysel-”

He couldn’t terminate his sentence...

Lord Skull had unleashed the beast.

Mirko POV

In all my life, the only time I had lost it completely was when I killed my own father. But in this precise moment, I knew I was out of control, beyond furious.

I had reached the point of no return…

Craken emerged the moment Ciro uttered those words about our mate.

Uncontrollable. Merciless. Ravenous. The nightmare whispered by the shadows.

First it started with my eyes turning a murderous pitched-black, as I curled the side of my lips to reveal elongated fangs. Then my fingers contorted, with elongated claws, as I began to shake with fury. Thick veins popped all over my face, neck and arms as fire ran inside my body streams.

Lastly, I threw my chin up as my chest rumbled with an ear-splitting roar that shook the entire Underworld.

Did you want the real Black Alpha? Here you got it.

As I literally saw everything red and distorted, my beast took over, pouncing on a scared-to-death-looking Lord Skull.

“She is my mate!” I growled with an inhumane voice as my claws dipped to his chest, slashing it open so easily. Blood showered us but all I could think was that I needed more. More blood.

“Only mineee” I kept snarling, beating the hell out of Ciro.

And what remained of Ciro, ex Alpha of Lord Skull, could no longer be called human.

Although I let him live, just barely. His face was unrecognisable, but I grinned as I glared at the empty orbit from which I had extracted one of his eye pupils.

As I left the room, I threw his eye’s ball to the wolves guarding his door. They were getting used to feeding on him. Last time with Ciro’s hand, this time with his eye.

Let’s see what would be next… And death was never going to save him.

Mirko POV ~ After he left the Underworld

When I passed by Crucifero’s cell, I stopped in my tracks and chuckled at the sight in front of me.

Giulia and my broody Beta were hugging each other. As the little girl was patting him on the shoulder, he rested his chin on her head.

In reality, he had engulfed all her small body, which was almost invisible between all those muscles and hairs.

Giulia somehow reminded him of Gamma Rolando’s mate, not physically but characteristically. Sweet but with a childish hint and clever pixie eyes.

When she gasped and covered her mouth, her eyes widened considerably. I frowned, looking behind me to check what had scared her. Realisation hit me when I understood that she feared me.

Who could blame her for that? Covered in blood, half naked, and half shifted into my wolf, I had to admit that I wasn’t a pretty sight. I probably looked terrifying…

I always did after a visit to the Underworld. That place had always managed to go under my skin and make me less human.

Pursing my lips, I reminded myself that Giulia was one of the best friends of my mate. And although I didn’t give a dam about what people thought about me, I did care a lot about my little mate’s opinion. Opinion that could be closely influenced by the one of her friends.

“Ehm, Giulia, don’t worry about my state, I…” I said hesitantly, scratching the back of my neck. I wondered if the truth could scare her…probably yes.

“I did… ehm, I went hunting and I killed a deer that...” I trailed off trying to invent a plausible excuse as I noticed that Crucifero shoot me a warning look.

“It was pregnant! So yeah.” I shrugged with a small smile. “That explained all this blood all over me.”

Yea that could do! But I found myself frowning when I noticed her paled face.

Her eyes had widened even more before she hid her face in Crucifero’s shoulder with a muffled whimper.

Face palming myself, I huffed at Crucifero’s stern look.

‘Really Alpha?! The deer that you killed and ate was pregnant?! Is that your nice excuse to cover that you beat the hell out of Ciro?!’ Crucifero mind-linked me with exasperation.

‘Giulia is a girl, an innocent one, not a truck driver or one of our Black Devil’s women that well… are more animal than women.’ He scolded me, shaking his head.

‘Shit! Do you think she will tell my mate?’ I asked him, panicking. I bit my lips and clenched my fists unconsciously.

At my words, Crucifero’s mouth formed an ‘o’. But his surprised expression didn’t last long as he threw his head back, laughing. Giulia stared at him with scrunched eyebrows before she cracked a smile.

‘I never imagined seeing the day when Black Alpha is afraid of something!’ He minded-linked me, failing miserably to stifle his growing laughter about how ridiculous I was.

“Don’t worry about him, Giugi” He poked on her side playfully, receiving a giggle.

Giugi?! Seriously?! What happened to my Beta?! I shook my head before glaring daggers at him as he spoke:

“He is just too embarrassed to tell you what really happened” He winked at my direction and I huffed.

I decided to leave before making things worse, muttering with myself how inconsiderate I had been with Giulia.

With a sigh, I proceeded to leave and go to take a ‘shower’. I nodded at some of my pack’s members that greeted me along the way, totally cool with my barbarous state.

When I finally reached the lake, the place where I normally washed myself, I felt slightly in a hurry.

I wanted to remove the stench of death and wash away all the blood as soon as possible.

Because the urge to go check on my little mate was unbearable.


At this point, who would have expected to see Black Alpha become such a lovesick puppy?!

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