Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 13

Eriena stepped out of the vehicle, her gaze scanning the surroundings as the imposing black gates of the Blue Ash Estate opened before them. The semi-built mansion that stood beyond the gates appeared grand and commanding. As they exited the car, two men approached them, their expressions a mix of curiosity and caution.

Sama’el pointed out the two individuals standing before them, introducing them as Caleb, his Beta, and Drake, his Gamma. Informing herr that if she needed anything to ask one of them if he wasn’t around. Eriena’s wolf couldn’t help but revel in the irony of the situation.

"My, my,” her inner wolf chimed in. ”You thought the Goddess had forsaken you, yet here you are, effortlessly finding your target and infiltrating the pack.”

Eriena responded with a composed demeanor, her words laced with a hint of skepticism.

“Sure, though I highly doubt I’ll be needing anything,” she replied, mustering her best fake smile. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

As Sama’el continued to introduce her to the other pack members, a sense of excitement swirled within Eriena. She realized that she had stumbled upon a jackpot—almost every member of the pack had bounties on their heads.

Eriena’s inner wolf chimed in with eager anticipation.

"We should inform the association about this,” her wolf suggested. ”I don’t recall ever encountering a pack of rogues where every member is wanted. This is quite exhilarating.”

Eriena agreed wholeheartedly, the thrill of the situation coursing through her veins.

"I’m with you on that one,” she replied, her voice filled with anticipation.

“And this is your room,” Sama’el said, breaking her train of thought. “If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall.”

So involved in her own thoughts Eriena was unaware of just how close Sama’el was to her. Unbeknownst to her, her stomach tightened ever so slightly in response to his intoxicating scent that enveloped her like a warm embrace. She nodded absentmindedly, her thoughts consumed by the burgeoning complexity of her feelings.

Sama’el’s voice broke through her reverie, his words tinged with playful challenge.

“Once you’re ready, we can engage in a few matches of your favorite game,” he suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “The winner gets to choose what we have for breakfast tomorrow.”

“Sounds good,” she replied, her competitive spirit fully engaged.

The night passed with an uproar of frustration from Sama’el as Eriena won one match after another. Her favourite game? Uno. Despite being accused of cheating at the card game because she was “Too good” the next few days didn’t go as well for Eriena.

Up until this point Eriena had avoided Sama’el, immersing herself in her work to distract from the undeniable attraction that had begun to blossom. However, her avoidance of her heat cycle and the absence of her suppressants made it increasingly difficult to ignore the shifting dynamics between them. The line between hatred and a deeper connection blurred, leaving Eriena grappling with emotions she had long suppressed.

Despite her best efforts to avoid confrontation, the onset of Eriena’s heat posed a new challenge. The pack consisted mostly of unmated males, and Eriena knew she had to exercise caution. She chose to spend most of her time in her room, aware that as an unmated wolf, her vulnerability could be exploited even though she could more than defend herself. When she wasn’t cooped up in her room she did her best to befriend Sama’el’s Gamma, Drake for she would never be blessed with an opportunity like this again in any other assignment.

Eriena’s reputation as the best bounty hunter in the association was not solely due to her ability to hide her scent. She had never returned empty-handed, always succeeding in her missions. With that in mind, she focused on maintaining her composure and preparing for the crucial task at hand.

On the fifth day, Eriena awoke to unbearable pain coursing through her body, particularly concentrated in her lower abdomen. Her inner wolf echoed her distress with agonizing howls that reverberated within her mind. Tears welled up in Eriena’s eyes as she stumbled out of bed, collapsing onto the floor. In an instant, Sama’el burst into the room, swiftly lifting her back onto the bed.

Sama’el’s voice was laced with concern as he urgently inquired about her pain.

“Where does it hurt the most?” he asked, his eyes flickering between hazel and amber, a sign that he was fighting to control his own wolf.

Eriena, unable to speak, merely locked eyes with him, her tearful gaze conveying her anguish. Gripping her abdomen, she let out a piercing scream that cut through the air.

Sama’el turned to his Beta, Caleb, seeking answers. Caleb offered a suggestion that seemed unlikely to work.

“Try taking her to the mineral pool,” Caleb suggested, unsure of its effectiveness.

Reluctant to resort to forcing himself upon his mate in order to alleviate her pain, Sama’el decided to follow Caleb’s advice, hoping it would bring her some relief.

“I’m going to take you somewhere,” Sama’el informed Eriena, his voice gentle yet urgent. “Just bear with it a little longer.”

Scooping her up in his arms, he took her deeper into pack territory which was consumed by thick forest. As they approached a clearing, Eriena’s nerves began to settle, calmed by the familiar scent of Sama’el. The rich aroma of vanilla and roasted chestnut wafted around her, easing the pain within her inner wolf and subsequently lessening her own agony. Though she was still in discomfort, the tears that filled her eyes now reflected a mixture of pain and guilt.

“Shh, it’s okay,” Sama’el whispered soothingly, his voice a balm to her distress. “I know it hurts, but it will be over soon, I promise. This land holds a natural mineral hot spring known for its healing properties.”

Eriena nodded, unable to voice the real reason behind her tears—the conflicting emotions of finding comfort in the scent that once led her in search of her pack’s killer. She felt a deep sense of betrayal towards her fallen pack.

As Sama’el began to undress, the tattoo adorning his body caught Eriena’s attention. It stretched from his shoulder blade to his bicep and across his back, an intricate display of ink.

Curiosity tugged at her, momentarily distracting her from her intrusive thoughts.

“How did you know I was in pain?” Eriena asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from her internal turmoil.

Sama’el’s eyes softened, a hint of tenderness in his voice. “Drake told me,” he explained. “Meeting you was enough for him to become attuned to your hormonal shifts. He rushed into my office, panic evident on his face, urging me to check on you.”

Understanding washed over Eriena as she processed his words.

“I see,” she responded quietly.

Sama’el then asked if she was able to undress herself, to which she confirmed she could. the majority of the day was spent at the hot spring with Caleb being mind linked to bring food for them when they got hungry. As the sun began to set, Eriena found that there was truth to the mineral hot spring for she was no longer in pain but more pushed it toward a mind-over-matter situation. However, her heat was progressing, and her craving for physical attention intensified. In a twist of fate, she found herself on Sama’el’s lap, his skilled hands massaging her back.

Eriena, seeking a connection, ventured to learn more about Sama’el.

“Sama, tell me something about yourself that you think most people would look at you differently for,” she asked, hoping to uncover a hidden layer beneath his charismatic facade.

Sama’el paused for a moment, taken aback by Eriena’s unexpected question. He considered her words, his expression thoughtful.

“That’s random,” he remarked. “Can I ask why?”

Eriena shook her head, a hint of a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

“No, just that I’m not one to ask regular, boring questions to get to know someone,” she replied, her tone tinged with a playful edge.

Sama’el chuckled, appreciating her unconventional approach.

“Mmm. How about you go first,” he suggested, intrigued by the opportunity to share something about herself.

“Coward,” she teased. “I’m a lone wolf without a pack, making a living through legitimate means thanks to my job. The catch is that my job doesn’t know I’m without a pack.”

Sama’el’s curiosity piqued, his gaze fixed on her.

“How is that possible?” he inquired. “Do they think you’re human?”

“Some of them do,” she admitted. “I got through because I know people. Anyway, it’s your turn. Also, I’ll need you to go a little bit deeper with my shoulders, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten a massage of any kind.”

Sama’el complied, his skilled hands applying firmer pressure to her shoulders as he pondered his response.

“Alright,” he began. “Well, my ability is to project fear onto anyone I desire. I usually tell females I’m interested in that I’m a gamer because revealing my true job would send them running.”

Eriena raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in her gaze.

“Oh? So, what is your real job then?” she pressed, her voice laced with intrigue.

Sama’el hesitated, his gaze momentarily shifting away.

“If I tell you, promise not to run away,” he requested, his tone holding a hint of vulnerability.

Eriena shook her head, her expression resolute. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep, and I can’t assure you that I won’t judge you,” she replied honestly.

“Then I can’t tell you.” He responded.

Sama’el’s wolf interjected, its voice echoing in his mind. ”You know she’ll find out eventually, right? She’s our mate, and we won’t be able to hide what we do forever,” his wolf reminded him.

Eriena’s eyes narrowed, a flicker of disappointment crossing her features. “Here I was, thinking that we’d make actual progress in getting to know each other,” she said softly. “I wanted to know if it’s worth committing to this bond that’s so desperately trying to make me want to mark you as mine right now.”

Sama’el sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. “Hey, I think we’ve made excellent progress,” he replied, his voice tinged with regret. He let out a sharp breath and stopped massaging Eriena, his hands coming to a halt resting ever so gently on her waist.

“I torture people,” he admitted, his confession hanging heavily in the air.

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