Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 12

Eirena had spent a pleasant evening visiting her human friends in the Achaia Province, immersing herself in their company and tales of their lives. As the moonlit night embraced her, she made her way back to the Gray Fangs Estate, her new home among the pack.

Approaching the perimeter of Queen’s Land, where the pack resided, Eirena’s steps faltered. Something was amiss. A disquieting sight greeted her eyes — the houses lining the outskirts of the estate bore the scars of a recent raid. The acrid scent of blood tainted the air, mingling with the fading echoes of violence. A sinking feeling settled deep within her, the weight of dread settling in the pit of her stomach.

Just as she approached the heart of the pack territory, a resounding voice reverberated through her mind, piercing the silence.

Alpha Scott’s commanding voice resonated in her consciousness, his message reaching every member of the pack through their unique mind link. His orders were clear — the women and children were to remain in their designated area, refraining from engaging the invaders. It was a precautionary measure, intended to ensure their safety.

Eriena’s mind raced, torn between her loyalty to her Alpha and the desperate need to protect her pack. A flicker of defiance ignited within her, her spirit refusing to stand idle while danger loomed. She glanced ahead, her gaze fixed on the chaos unfolding before her eyes.

Masked men clashed fiercely with the warriors of the pack, their movements a violent dance of shadows under the pale moonlight. A battle for dominance waged amidst the darkness, the stakes unbearably high.

Eriena’s wolf, her faithful companion and source of strength, spoke softly in her mind.

"They smell like rogues,” it whispered, the words laden with caution.

Eriena nodded, acknowledging the inherent danger of the situation. Yet, her determination remained unwavering. She spoke, her voice laced with conviction and a hint of desperation.

"I am aware,” she replied, her words tinged with a mixture of determination and uncertainty. ”But we cannot stand idly by. We have trained as warriors in our previous packs. Besides, I got this close without anyone noticing me so I mean we should help them.."

Her Wolf hesitated, cognizant of the Alpha’s explicit instructions.

"But Alpha’s orders, Eriena," it reasoned, its tone tinged with trepidation.

Eriena’s emerald eyes flashed with an unyielding fire, her voice imbued with a rare defiance.

"Alpha’s orders?" she scoffed, the weight of her words hanging in the air. ”Are you seriously going to obey them when our Alpha could quite literally die!?"

Silence settled between them, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Eriena’s Wolf understood the stakes, the price they might pay for their disobedience. Finally, it relented, its voice filled with resolve.

"Very well," it conceded. ”I shall lend you my strength, so give ‘em’ hell."

A fleeting smile touched Eriena’s lips, a mixture of determination and relief. The bond between human and wolf surged with renewed purpose, their collective strength intertwining. She tightened her grip on her resolve, prepared to face the turmoil that awaited.

With the agility of her Wolf coursing through her veins and her scent expertly masked, Eriena glided through the skirmish that raged outside, her presence unnoticed amidst the chaos. Her eyes burned with determination as she slipped through the cracks of chaos and entered the heart of the estate.

The overpowering scent of blood and Alpha pheromones assailed her senses, a visceral reminder of the stakes at hand. Standing before her was a young male, his back turned, his presence commanding. The intoxicating aura of an Alpha radiated from him, wrapping him in an invisible mantle of power. Curiosity mingled with concern coursed through Eriena as she surveyed him more closely.

What caught her attention was the crimson-stained hands that hung at his sides, evidence of his involvement in the ruthless attack that had befallen the pack. The realization struck her with force, filling her with a potent mix of fury and despair.

The scent of her Alpha’s blood, mingled with the unmistakable aroma of his daughter, one who had shown her nothing but kindness since her arrival, ignited a furious blaze within Eriena. She felt an overwhelming surge of protectiveness, her instincts sharpening with each passing second. Determined to avenge the desecration of her pack and the blood spilled, she steeled herself for the confrontation ahead.

Unseen and undetected, Eriena seized the moment. With the grace of a predator and the ferocity of a warrior, she pounced, her claws unsheathed and ready for battle. But her advantage proved short-lived as the young male swiftly countered her attack.

Physically towering over her, he possessed a strength and power that surpassed anyone she had trained with in her previous packs. His muscles rippled with unyielding force, honed through relentless training and the innate prowess of an Alpha. With one swift motion, he deflected her assault, delivering a powerful blow that sent her sprawling to the ground, blood trickling from a wound on her head.

Eriena’s Wolf, ever vigilant and protective, whispered urgently in her thoughts.

"We have to remember, Eriena," her wolf implored, its voice tinged with a sense of urgency. ”Even if we die we have to remember!"

Eriena’s eyes fluttered open, her consciousness emerging from the depths of unconsciousness. Disoriented and dazed, she tried to gather her bearings, her mind still entangled in the remnants of her vivid dream.

Those words echoed in her mind, their significance seeping into her consciousness as she struggled to reconcile the fragments of her dream with her current reality.

But reality revealed itself in the stark surroundings of her motel room. Eriena’s breaths came in ragged gasps as she sought to calm herself, the remnants of fear and adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her heart pounded in her chest, the dream’s intensity still lingering in her senses.

Her wolf chimed in, its voice laced with comfort. ”It was just a dream," it assured. ”You’re safe now," it whispered, its presence a soothing balm to her frayed nerves.

Eriena’s thoughts shifted, her mind grappling with the reality of her current situation. The weight of her profession, her role as a bounty hunter, bore heavily on her. She couldn’t help but reflect on the precarious nature of her assignments and the constant threat they posed to her life.

She sighed, her words laced with resignation and a touch of bitterness.

“Sure. For now. Sooner or later I’ll end up like the rest of the bounty hunters with the way my assignments are going these days,” Eriena lamented, her voice heavy with the burdens she carried.

Her wolf interjected, its voice filled with reassurance.

"Why that may be so, you possess an advantage they don’t. You can mask your scent which means you’ll survive a bit longer. You will survive, Eriena. Do not succumb to panic."

Eriena scoffed, a hint of sarcasm tainting her voice, a coping mechanism for the gravity of her circumstances.

“Gee, thanks,” she replied, her words dripping with irony, her hand reaching out to the nightstand where her phone lay. As she scrolled through her notifications, one particular message caught her attention, demanding her full focus.

A notification from the Bounty Hunter Association blinked on the screen, outlining a new assignment that required her expertise and that they’d sent a replacement to take over her current assignment. The target was revealed to be Drake Sadoku, an S-class Bounty and the Gamma of the Blue Ash Pack. Eriena’s task was clear—to infiltrate the pack and apprehend him alive, ensuring he remained unharmed for the client’s personal dealings.

Eriena’s frustration was palpable. She had been so close to completing her previous assignment, only to have it snatched away at the last moment. The interference by higher-ups was beginning to become a thorn in her side.

“It’s the second time they’ve done this. I was so close to catching this one too.” She grimaced.

Grudgingly, she composed a short reply to the notification, her irritation seeping into her words.

“Understood,” she typed, her annoyance evident in the curt response. With an exasperated sigh, she cast a disdainful gaze around her motel room, her mind seeking respite from the relentless demands of her profession.

Eriena’s Wolf, ever the companion with a keen sense of intuition, interjected once more.

"You seem tense," it observed, its voice coaxing. “How about visiting the Fading Rose? A drink might help soothe your nerves, and perhaps the sexy bartender could provide you with valuable information. He has served many creatures and is likely to possess useful knowledge."

Eriena considered the suggestion, her thoughts momentarily veering away from the burden of her assignment. She handed the collected information about her target to the replacement who had arrived, a man named Jhon.

Replacement Jhon greeted her with deference, expressing his honour at taking over one of her assignments.

“It’s an honour to be entrusted with one of your assignments, Miss Izumi,” he addressed her respectfully, accepting the file she offered.

Eriena waved off the formality, her tone casual yet tinged with a hint of caution.

“Just don’t mess it up like your last one, Jhon,” she replied with a wry smile. “Eriena will do just fine.”

As she glanced back at the Lock Heart Motel, its Mid-Western Century architecture blending with the night, the idea of seeking solace and information at the Fading Rose grew more enticing. Though her Wolf’s words about the bartender’s allure echoed in her mind, she couldn’t resist the temptation to inquire further...

“Do we have feelings for Kenji?” she asked, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

Eriena’s Wolf responded, its tone laced with both amusement and determination.

"No, we don’t," her wolf replied. ”I can appreciate a good-looking specimen of a man such as himself you know, that doesn’t mean we have any romantic feelings towards him. Besides, it would be challenging to develop any sort of affection for him and still remain attracted to our true mate, even if the thought of tearing his head off crosses my mind."

“Okay,” she affirmed, accepting the truth of the situation.

It had been a month since Eriena last set foot in the Fading Rose, yet fate had led her back to its familiar confines. As she neared the establishment, her gaze locked onto the one person she had hoped to avoid—her dreaded mate, Sama’el.

Sama’el, with his dark and alluring presence, greeted her with a mischievous smile.

“Seems like we both came here for a drink,” he remarked, his voice holding a note of amusement. “Sources say that Kenji has left, but he should return within five days.”

Eriena arched an eyebrow, her guard firmly in place.

“Is that so?” she replied, her tone nonchalant.

Sama’el leaned closer, his gaze holding a hint of playfulness.

“You’re not avoiding me, are you?” he teased. “I mean, you aren’t avoiding me after you realize that a handsome guy such as myself is indeed your fated mate, right?”

Eriena couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his cheeky remark, but she played along, masking the undeniable pull she felt toward him. She responded with a dismissive tone, attempting to hide the intrigue that simmered beneath her facade.

“No, I’ve been occupied with work,” she retorted. “Being a collector is an arduous job. Though I must admit, I’m a bit bored and have some free time on my hands.”

Sama’el’s expression softened, his eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and desire.

“How about spending the week with me, then?” he suggested, his voice laced with a seductive undertone. “I promise to make it worth your while. Besides, you can’t deny that you’ve felt the bond between us since we first met. Is it too much to ask for some one-on-one time with my mate?”

Eriena’s internal struggle was evident, her conflicted emotions hidden behind a mask of defiance. She knew she felt drawn to Sama’el, an undeniable connection that intensified in his presence. However, she refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how deeply he affected her.

She pondered for a moment before finally responding, her voice laced with a mix of challenge and invitation.

“Alright,” she acquiesced, her words laced with a playful edge. “But we have to play my favourite game first when we get there. If you manage to defeat me, who knows, maybe by the end of the week, you’ll receive something enjoyable.”

Sama’el’s lips curled into a smug smirk, his eyes dancing with anticipation.

“Deal,” he agreed, his voice holding a trace of excitement. “We can take my car.”

As they embarked on the journey to Sama’el’s pack, Eriena noticed their path leading toward the Achaia Province, a province that was predominantly made up of regular humans Regret washed over her as she realized she had neglected to review the details of her assignment beforehand. She mentally scolded herself for her oversight, cursing her lack of professionalism.

Breaking the silence that enveloped them in the car, Sama’el spoke, his voice laced with genuine curiosity.

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” he began, his tone contemplative. “What is it that you collect, exactly?”

Eriena’s response was cryptic, a hint of mystery clinging to her words.

“If I told you, I’d be out of a job, and I’d have to kill you,” she replied with a playful yet enigmatic smile.

Sama’el raised an eyebrow, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

“I see. Sounds rather illegal,” he mused.

Eriena shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips.

“Believe what you want. But if you think everything controlled by the government is illegal, then so be it.”

Sama’el chuckled, a hint of intrigue dancing in his gaze.

“I suppose it depends on which government we’re referring to now, doesn’t it?” he replied cryptically. “Anyway, we’ve arrived. It’s a good time to introduce you to my pack members.”

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