Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 9


"Mommy, mommy! I love you so much." Kai dragged out. Leah patted his head. "Mommy please don't leave me. I'll love you forever, just please don't abandon me!" Kai begged.

Kai was seven at the time. He had just gotten in trouble and he was sent to his room. Although, being a young child sometimes it is easy to misinterpret the attentions of a parent when it comes to punishment.

"I'll never abandon you no matter what you do." Leah sat on his bed and hugged Kai tightly. The tears in his eyes slowly started to dry. "I love you more."

"Mommy. Here. I made you this." Kai scurries across the room to find the picture he drew during his fifteen-minute timeout. It had tear stains over it but the quality was perfect. "I made this just for you so you wouldn't leave me."

"Honey. I'd never leave you no matter what you do. Would you leave me?" Leah asked her youngest son.

"No mommy. Never." Kai answered.

Leah jolted up from the bed. Sweat all over her body and it seemed like her temperature was through the roof. She through the blankets off her body to cool herself. A small pain rippled through her body and she growled in annoyance. The monthly pain she endured for a day had started. Although, now her dreams seemed to be more painful. Her dreams were basically just flashbacks of her past. The better days when Kai was just a young child. She has been having dreams about Kai almost every night, and that put her in a bad mood every morning.

Leah looked to her nightstand, and sure enough, there was a tray of food left by Alec with a note saying 'I love you'. She looked at the tray and decided if she should eat it or not. She eventually gave in, but she only ate a small amount of food because she became full quickly.

Alec had left early in the morning because he got a phone call in the middle of the night. After many days and nights of searching, they finally had caught Jade's scent. Jade's scent barely lingered on the ground so they were very lucky to even have a trace of it.

This immediately called for action so the best trackers and high ranking pack members were called. Three trackers, Rem, and Axe joined the Alpha for the chase. Even though the trackers were specialized in scents, Alec was the one with the best sense of smell because when he was blind for many years he had to rely on his other senses.

Alec was currently running south with his team, and they had just left the pack border an hour ago. They were closing in on Jade's scent when suddenly the wolves smelled another scent nearby. The scent of vampires.

Alec's wolf was already on edge because of the possibility of finding his daughter, now he was on full rage mode because there could be a possibility of vampires being in on this. He wouldn't hold it against Crow to bring their natural-born enemy, the vampires, in on this war.

No sooner than a minute Alec and his wolves caught up to three vampires who were running in the same direction of Jade's scent. Both groups noticed each other immediately, and Alec wasted no time in attacking them.

Alec tackled a red-headed vampire to the ground. Instantly, the petite but furious vampire kicked Alec off of her, which sent him flying back. Rem then pursued the vampire but Rose, the redheaded vampire, got behind him and wrapped her arms around Rem's back. She then lifted the wolf into the hair and squeezed as hard as she could. Rose instantly crushed around five ribs, if not more.

"Rose no!" Seth yelled to his sire. She instantly dropped him on command. Before matters got worse, Seth grabbed Seth and his other friend and left with lightning speed before any more damages could be done. He hated to say this, but the wolves had to do this. They both couldn't look for Jade together because that would just start more fights between the wolves and vampires, and they definitely wouldn't believe him if he said that Jade was his mate. Also, since the wolves were basically Jade's family he refused to hurt them, but he knew Alec wouldn't hesitate to kill him. He had to leave. There was nothing he could do, and he hated that feeling.

Rem fell to the ground in wolf form. He whimpered in pain and immediately shifted back into his human form. He groaned out loud in serious pain. This was Rem's first encounter with a vampire and he underestimated them.

Alec approached Rem with a hurt look in his eyes. He sent a mental message to his team members to bring Rem back to the pack for immediate medical attention. They were too close on the trail for all of them to turn back now. The wolves nodded, and Alec and Axe headed on alone. The two of them could handle this on their own.

An hour later, Alec and Axe approached an abandoned building where Jade's scent was the strongest. She was definitely here. Without a second thought, Axe ran headfirst through the wooden door and Alec followed behind him. Sure enough two male wolves, in human form, who were aligned with Crow were in the building with Jade. Alec and Axe took them by surprise and killed them with ease. They were no match for the two of them.

Jade laid on the wooden floor with a shackle around her ankle, and enough silver and secretions of the Datura flower in her bloodstream to keep her lethargic. A thin blanket covered her shaking naked body.

Jade was stuck in her own little trance, oblivious to her father and Axe tearing the other wolves into shreds. She cried alone to herself and continued to rock her body from side to side. Her eyes squeezed shut as she was saying a little prayer to the moon goddess. Her main prayer was that Crow wouldn't come back to visit her, and her second prayer was that her dad would find her.

Unknowingly, Alec freed Jade from her shackles and now she was free.

Although, in her mind, she was still trapped in chains. Axe shifted and touched her shoulder lightly. "Jade. Jade, it's Axe. Look at us." She wasn't paying attention until Axe held Jade's face.

Jade's eyes snapped open and she looked around frantically. Axe backed up and let Alec approach his daughter. Alec's wet snout touched the forehead of Jade, and she freaked out. Her eyes were open but all she could see was the horrific face of Crow.

Alec was right in front of her, but all she saw were the sickening blue eyes, a large pointy nose, and jet black hair. All things that belonged to Crow Lonuţ.

Jade screamed and kicked the wolf in the face. She was panicking as she felt her sanity slip away. She looked to the left and she saw Crow's face. She looked to the left and all she could see was Crow's face. She closed her eyes, and still, she could see his awful face.

Jade looks terrified. Her skin was pale like snow, and multiple bruises covered her face and body. Her lip was busted in two places and she had a black eye. There was a cut on her forehead and her right eyebrows were busted opened. Strangulation marks were also seen on her neck too along with bite marks. The last thing that almost set Alec over the edge was a big mark on her neck. A mating mark. Crow had marked Jade and basically claimed Jade as his mate, forcefully against her will. Jade felt no attraction toward Crow like true soulmates shared. Her heart still belonged to Seth, but Crow could now feel the emotions of Jade. They were technically linked as one, but they would never share the same emotions that true soulmates had. In fact, the only thing that Crow could feel through the mate bond with Jade was pure hatred. Jade held nothing but hate for him, and that would never change.

Alec backed up and gave her some space. Anger filled inside of him as he saw the broken state of his daughter.

Jade screamed and cried for everyone to get away and not too touch her. Alec knew exactly what was wrong with her. Crow raped her, and Alec could smell the lingering odor of Crow all over Jade's body.

It took hours for Jade to come back to realization, but when she finally did the hard part of the journey came to an end. Jade was now capable of shifting since the silver and Datura essence was out of her system. As soon as she shifted she immediately wanted to leave this place. She blocked off mind-link with the entire pack so she didn't have to talk to her father. She didn't want to speak to no one at the moment, and it would be a while before she spoke a word. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to take a shower and wipe away all the sins done to her. She wanted to forget about the week-long pain she endured.

However, the worst thing is that she still didn't know what happened to Kai.

It was a long walk back to the pack because of the slow pace that Jade adapted, but Alec and Axe were perfectly okay because she was safe. Jade kept her head low feeling a rush of shame and deep sadness filled her. She thought that she should have fought harder, but she did fight him with all she had. Her self esteem and dignity was damaged. Her spirit and soul were crushed. All she could was an aching pain. Tears rushed to the corners of her wolf's eyes.

The only good thing she had to look forward to was Seth, but she feared that Seth would look at her differently. She feared that he wouldn't accept and love her the same as he did before. Jade wouldn't blame him if he didn't. Who would love a broken toy? Those were the only thoughts that passed through her mind at the moment. This was all such a big mess.

It was night when they returned back to the pack. Alec mind linked Blaire to retrieve clothes for both of them. With excitement for the return of her sister, she rushed out with spare clothes for both of them. Blaire held joy in her eyes upon the return of Jade, but Jade wasn't the same as before. Jade's eyes were dull with almost no emotion. Just numbness.

Blaire held out clothes for Jade to grab. Jade hesitantly reached out with her snout to grab the clothes, making sure not to make any physical contact. She lightly growled when Blaire's finger almost brushed against her fur.

When Jade had the clothes in her mouth, she quickly turned around and trotted into the woods to shift. Alec had already shifted in a hurry. Jade slowly walked out of the woods with her arms wrapped around her body as a protective shield.

Alec went for a hug but Jade would shy away from him, "Please don't touch me." She whispered. "I don't want anyone to touch me."

Jade went into the house and Alec and Blaire followed behind her. In the personal mind link between Blaire and Alec, Alec explained the state in which Jade was found in. Blaire was the only one beside Axe that knew what Jade went through. She went through torture.

Charlie was standing in the living room and he walked out to greet them. It took him by surprise when he saw Jade.

Jade was also taken by surprise when she saw Charlie because he was partially blind.

"What happened to you?" Jade asked.

Charlie menacingly chuckled, "You have the audacity to ask what happened to me?"

The only thing that Charlie noticed was the mating mark on Jade's shoulder. Without taking the bruises and cuts on Jade's face into consideration, Charlie jumped straight to conclusions. "Well, why you were out with your mate fucking around bad shit has been happening at the pack. You picked a nice time to just run off like that and force everyone to have a search party for you."

"Excuse me?" Jade questioned. She was taken off guard. She held herself tighter.

"Charlie shut up!" Blaire yelled. "You don't know what you are talking about."

"Easy for you to say. Kai is dead and Jade doesn't give a fuck because she'd rather be off fucking her newly found mate." Charlie pushed. Even though he still could see out of one eye, he clearly wasn't smart enough to see that Jade was in pain.

"Charlie that is enough." Alec stopped him from saying anything more damaging.

Jade started to cry when she found out about the death of her younger brother. She instantly ran to her room and locked the door. "Nice job asshole," Blaire says and ran after Jade.

Alec growled at Charlie. "Boy. You are lucky I don't beat the shit out of you." Alec glared at his own son.

"Why do you cater to her. At least she can still see with two fucking eyes." Charlie replied selfishly. The family seemed like it was falling apart before the war even started.

"Grow the fuck up. You can still see with one eye, you selfish bastard! You act as you have it that bad." Alec was beyond annoyed with his son's behavior. Alec walked past his son with clenched fists. He didn't want to hurt his own son, but he was pushing him to break.

"That's easy for you to say. You've never been blind before!" Charlie yelled. Alec stopped dead in his tracks.


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