Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 10


Charlie stared at his dad as the words left his mouth. He had no idea what he said, but he had crossed the line.

In a flash, Alec wrapped his fingers around the neck of Charlie and slammed him to the wall. Alec's eyes changed to his usual golden eyes when his wolf took over. It took everything Alec had to restrain himself this much, "You don't know anything about me." His voice was deeper because his wolf had taken over.

It took all the fight in Alec not to blow up on Charlie. With boiling rage and closed fist, Alec backed off of Charlie.

Truly, Charlie had no idea who he was dealing with at this moment. Charlie wasn't dealing with the same Alec that he knew anymore. Something was dangerously brewing inside of Alec like a storm. For a couple of minutes, he felt like he was the same old Alec when the war first started. That young, angry and impressionable teenager who had gone through all of this on his own, and right now, it felt like he was repeating all of this again. All by himself and alone. Everyone was turning this all back on him and he was getting sick and tired of it.

"I don't need to know anything else about you because your the one who Crow is after. Kai is dead because of that. Kai is dead because of some ancient vendetta. I am blind-" Charlie was cut off when Alec slapped him in the face. Charlie's cheek instantly turned red.

"Your half-blind. Try being completely blind." Alec was trembling in anger. Again, someone else had pointed the blame at him for Kai's death. They acted as if Alec was the one to rip Kai apart with his bare hands.

"Don't hit me," Charlie growled.

"Are you threatening me?" Alec growled back. This was it. A battle between a father and son. A battle between two dominating males, both with Alpha blood.

"What do you know about being blind?" Charlie growled out. "You act like you've been blind before."

"I have." Alec snarled. They both stared at each other baring their elongated canines at each other. Both of their eyes were glowing brightly. Alec was a darker golden brown showing he held more anger, and Charlie's were lighter. Small amounts of hair sprouted on their face and arms.

Charlie laughed in a vexing way to provoke Alec, "That's the biggest lie you've ever told. You clearly have eyes. Maybe if your enemy would have taken those instead, then Kai would have still been alive." Charlie smirked.

That was the breaking point.

Alec shifted into his wolf. The anger that radiated from him could have been sensed from a mile away.

Everything around Alec disappeared. Alec had tunnel vision and the only thing he could see was an enemy at this point. At that moment, Alec had involuntarily slipped back to his old ways. Back when he monstrous and beast with no morals, back when he was untamed.

Charlie hadn't ever seen this side of his dad before so he was a bit shaken up, but he wasn't going to back down from a fight.

Alec growled and snarled as he slowly approached Charlie. It was like a lion dancing around a zebra, a ball python ready to strangle its prey to death. When Alec finally had his prey, he wasn't planning to let go.

Charlie shifted into his wolf so he would have a better chance of fighting. Well, it was more like surviving.

While they were still in the house, they charged at each other in wolf form. Alec had the upper hand in weight, so when they both landed on the ground with a thud Alec was on top.

Alec ripped into Charlie's shoulder and tore out a chunk of meat. Charlie bled profusely as Alec was attacking him.

Charlie gained an upper hand for a split second when he bit the side of Alec's face. While Alec was distracted Charlie kicked Alec off of him.

Charlie immediately got up on all four paws. The wolf's head was hunkered down to the ground, growling at his father.

Alec wasted no time in attacking him again.

This was different then the wolves he killed when he rescued Jade. The wolves guarding Jade had no experience in fighting or training. They were just pawns used by Crow to make sure Jade didn't escape. That's why it was so easy for Alec and Axe to kill them.

Charlie was different. Granted, he was no match for Alec, but he did have some experience in training.

Alec charged at Charlie's side and knocked him into the glass coffee table, shattering it in the process. Alec jumped on Charlie's and sank his teeth into his back. Alec tore past Charlie's flesh and reached deep into the muscle.

After thirty minutes of fighting, Charlie had several deep wounds on his back. Charlie had landed a couple of attacks on Alec, but they were practically worthless.

In the end, Alec was in perfect condition and Charlie was limping as he tried to stand. There was blood all over Charlie and he looked like he came from hell and back.

These were the final minutes for Charlie because Alec was completely out of control. He had spiraled deeper than he thought, and he wasn't able to gain back control over himself.

Alec bulldozed Charlie to the ground, and then Alec grabbed Charlie by the throat with his teeth. With Alec's murderous intent, Alec squeezed Charlie's throat as hard as he could while jerking his body from side to side.

Charlie's loud whimpers started to fade into a quiet cry of pain.

Suddenly, Alec was tossed back with the force of magic. He landed against the livingroom flatscreen television and broke it.

Everything became clear to Alec as his eyes settled on Leah. With the raging look on her face, Alec was returned to his normal self with just one look of his mate. That is how much control Leah had over Alec. She made him calmer in just a quick glance.

Once Alec saw the damage he had done, he shifted into his human form and sat away from his family until they tossed a pair of shorts at him.

The living room was destroyed and Blaire was crying as she just witnessed everything that happened. She screamed and begged at them both to stop but none of them heard her, and there was nothing she could do. She knew better than to stand in between two males with Alpha blood. Even if they were just her father and brother. The fight was enough nose to force Leah to leave the room for the first time other than using the bathroom.

Alec turned around and looked at his mate, the mother of his kids. There was so much tension between the two that his heart ached. He never wanted Leah to hate him after she came back to him. Alec contemplated going up to her and giving her a hug, but the look on her face warned him not too.

Charlie shifted back to his wolf and he laid injured on the floor. Blaire immediately ran to his side to tend to his wounds. She also wanted to see if he needed professional care. She knew that from the looks of it he probably did.

Alec approached Leah, "We need to tell the kids about our past." He says.

She rolled her eyes, "That's a magnificent idea. Tell them of our past after you tried killing Charlie. As if Kai wasn't enough." She replied in a snarky tone.

"I'm telling them because that's exactly why this happened." Alec became aggravated as he pointed at Charlie, "He doesn't know the important things about us. None of them do. We've kept them in the shadows for so long trying to protect them but if Charlie would have simply known about me then he wouldn't overstep his boundaries. Also, the last thing I'm going to tolerate is Charlie treating Jade like shit after what she has been through." Alec's tone was slightly calmer when he finished.

"Jade is back?" Leah asked. A little happiness flashed in her eyes.

"Yeah, she is," Alec says.

Leah's face then returned to anger as she remembered what the previous conversation was. "You can tell them whatever you want, but I'm not going to be apart of this conversation." Leah turned her back to Alec which angered him even more.

"Do you even know that your daughter was raped? Your own daughter!" Alec yelled in anger at her negligence to her own children.

Leah paused, her back still facing him. Charlie's eyes went wide as he was still on the floor where Blaire was treating his wounds with a first aid kit. Blaire had already alerted a pack doctor through the mind link.

"Did you even know your own son, Peyton, is starting to cut himself. He has been staying with Grace and Rem because Grace is the only female figure that seems to be helping him. He is hurt too. They are all grieving just like you Leah, and they are children. Just children. Children who need their mother." Alec yelled. His breathing was heavy when he finished.

All Leah did was turn around and say, "Fuck you, Alec." She then left and was on her way back to her room.

Leah paused in front of Jade's room. Maybe she should talk to her.

Leah knocked on the door and after a minute of silence, she walked in. She found Jade sitting on the bed just looking blankly at her wall.

Leah kneeled down beside her bed, "Hey... I heard what happened and I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you need to tal-"

Leah was cut off by Jade. "Shut up," Jade says. "I don't want to talk. I don't you to talk to you or dad. I don't care. I just don't. I wouldn't care if I died in my sleep tonight. If anything that would be the best option. Just please leave." Jade said.

"Jade." Leah started but she was cut off again.

"Just get out! Get the fuck out!" Jade yelled at Leah. In defeat, Leah left Jade to be by herself. Jade wallowed in her own guilt and self-hatred. She felt dirty and used. Mostly, she felt ashamed. She wished she would have fought harder before she was defiled over and over again. She was so drugged up that she could hardly think about anything that was happening to her, but now that she was completely conscious, all she could feel was anger and sadness as the memories replayed multiple times in her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

Meanwhile, the doctor had already arrived and taken Charlie to the hospital. He was carried out on a stretcher because he was so badly wounded. Blaire thought it was surprising that Charlie had been greatly wounded in such a short time by her dad. Blaire didn't think that her dad could be capable of such a thing. She was completely and utterly shocked at what had happened tonight. Blaire had offered to stay behind and clean the broken glass and fix the rest tomorrow, so Alec could take a shower.

Blaire cleaned and continued to think about the situation. She was still blown away at how she saw her dad tonight. In all her years with him, Blaire has never seen him that angry. He was like a complete savage in Blaire's eyes. In school, Blaire and all of her siblings heard of the malicious and cruel actions of her dad in the past, but she never could bring herself around to believe them. She simply just believed they were made up because she never saw her dad in that light. Today, she was proved wrong. It turns out that he was capable of acting like a beast.

Blaire thought that maybe they could actually win this war then because Blaire now saw the real side of her dad.

Alec rested his head against the tile walls inside the shower. The hot water pelted his back which seemed to calm him. Charlie's covered him from head to toe, and Alec desperately wanted it to be off his son. He hated the fact that he had snapped so easily. He wanted to say it was because of everyone pushing him so far and he had just blown up, but there was no excuse for his behavior.

More guilt had just piled upon his shoulders now that he almost killed his own son. It was already bad enough that he actually thought he had killed Kai. Even though he didn't physically kill Kai, Alec still blamed himself for Kai's death. He mainly believed that because Leah would always say that to him.

He sighed to himself. Tomorrow he was going to explain to his children the story of how their father and mother met.


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