Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 31


Screaming and the sound of flesh being torn was the only thing heard for miles. As all the blood tainted the grounds and sadness filled the air, something extraordinary happened.

It was true that some witches were not forced to side with Crow, and they used dark magic. The others that were forced remained pure and purely innocent tortured souls. The magic they used was pure but their light was dwindling. Yet, with the presence of many witches, including the originals, the energy was bringing forth changes that hasn't happened in hundreds of years. Not only was there a physical war, but a war between energy as well. That is what changed the skies and darkness cast upon the earth and the ground slightly rumbled.

The winds whipped through the trees and wolves were dodging fallen branches or trees. The wolves didn't stand a chance against the witches of higher powers, only the witches could balance that out. With wolves being lifted into the air and completely torn in half without a waste of physical effort, many eyes saw traumatizing things.

It almost seemed hopeless for most of the young ones in Alec's pack. Leah had always had wonderful interactions with animals, all witches did that didn't manifest in dark energy. With all the energy surrounding the area, it affected the animals too. No sane animal would ever attack a witch anyway.

Lily figured that out when she was scoured the area fighting and having an ear out for her long-lost twin sister. Lily never stopped looking for her twin sister that was deemed kidnapped almost twenty years ago. Alec and the rest of the pack never stopped either but even in the early stages of the investigation, there was no evidence at all. It lead them to believe witches were involved with Crow in that matter. Lily's wolf never forgot her sister's scent. After all these, her wolf made it a mission to never let go.

Her wolf was running around the building while defeating any wolf in her path. Lily held years of anger toward these men that she killed because, for all she knew, they could have been the same ones that ever laid a hand on her sister. It pained Lily to think of her twin being hurt. Miranda was just starting to overcome her depression too and then she ended up being kidnapped.

Lily still remembered the day that they both meet their Luna. Miranda was so thrilled and energized after being around Leah, it was the energy of Leah that helped Miranda feel better at the moment. Leah being a witch wasn't confirmed until Miranda's special plant dictated that. Then Miranda freaked out and rushed Leah out. That was the last moment Leah had with her before she was kidnapped by Crow.

Lily had actually managed to pick up on Miranda's scent and she felt her prayers being answered by the moon goddess. She almost stopped just to give thanks to her right then and there, yet a house that was on fire blew up after a gas tank was shot.

It lit up the cloudy grey skies. Warmth whooshed out grabbing everything close by. Pieces of metal that once formed the tank were sent flying out in the air like daggers. For some far away it felt like a little fire in a chimney. Yet, for those closer, it felt like being in an oven. For a few, they were running whimpering in pain because they were on fire, but soon they wouldn't feel anything at all.

One of the metal pieces from the gas tank cut into Lily. The sharp metal was moving at such a fast pace that it went deeper into Lily's muscle until it hit her bone. The piece of metal was hanging out of her leg. Lily winced in pain without making a noise. She focused her attention on her sister's scent. She thought that if she were to put her focus elsewhere she wouldn't feel the pain as much when she would walk.

Lily did feel the pain but not as much. It was a combination of adrenaline and excitement that she held. Lily's wolf was going stir crazy almost like meeting her mate all over again, and it hadn't done that in many years. She knew her sister was close. Their two wolves, the other halves of Lily and Miranda, sensed each other signaling to them their location. Even when they were a part and hadn't sensed each other in years, they could connect even in ways that a pack couldn't. They were twins and held a special bond. It was such a special bond that when injected with any type of drug to bloke mind abilities, twins and triplets could still have mind abilities but only to each other.

A flutter of hope ran through Lily as she heard Miranda's tired, heavy voice but it was quickly diminished as she heard snarling behind her. Lily circled to face a snarling brown wolf that was the same height as her with disheveled fur. Lily knew that this wolf was bad.

Miranda's voice came into Lily's head again, and Lily's eyes narrowed in on the wolf in front of her. All she knew was that her sister needed her and this wolf was standing in her way. More adrenaline was released into her body as she brewed in even more anger than before.

The brown wolf came at Lily trying to kill her. He was quick and fast like her because he trained just as well. The only difference between them was his appearance.

With all the anger, Lily felt more power running through her veins. Ending his life was easy for her, almost as easy as writing a check. When his body dropped to the ground, Lily resisted the urge to kick it. She walked over to him and tried to focus on her sister's voice in her head again.

Miranda was talking to her about where she was, but she wasn't making much sense. Lily traced her scent while listening to her sister. It didn't take long for Lily to find where she was located. Miranda was hidden away in a bunker. She hadn't been tortured in years and didn't have a new mark on her. She only had scars and was too skinny. After all the information was extracted from her, she has just been hidden away not to be touched.

Miranda was thankful for that. She would rather be hungry than be hurt again like in the beginning. Lily could feel her sister's emotions as they got closer. She could feel what was going on in her mind and her insides twisted in knots.

When Lily rubbed her snout against Miranda's skin, Miranda's eyes snapped open to view a healthier, livelier version of herself. Lily rejoiced after what felt like a lifetime apart from her sister, and she could hear her sister's thoughts.

Just seeing Lily again brought hope back to Miranda. Lily was able to pick up some of her thoughts that were coherent as the majority of them seemed like gibberish. What Lily was mainly able to pick up was Miranda being thankful.

It was stormy badly and you could hear the occasional scream over the sound of thundering. The winds cracked down on the earth so hard it felt like small earthquakes. Trees were falling left and right; surrounding rivers started to flood and fires acted as torches even while it was raining.

Alec and Leah spotted Crow and as soon as they did, he ran. Leah held on tightly as Alec ran after him up the hills, and they weren't the only ones after him. Seth, Liam, and Charlie were hot on Alec's trail behind Crow. Leah would look to make sure they were keeping up. This part was a family affair, so Leah hoped they wouldn't get separated.

Seth was raving mad and practically foaming at the mouth. The black veins appeared and his eyes turn to a pitch black. Then he smirked because now was finally the time to reveal some of his tricks that wolves had no knowledge of.

Leah saw Seth vanish into a lingering black mist. The black mist with deformed black-winged creatures surged past Alec. The cold mist sent chills down Leah's back and the screeching made goose bumps appear on her arms. Alec's eyebrows contorted in surprise as it wasn't exactly known of the power of a vampire when used for good.

The black mist of winged creatures surrounded Crow and lifted him up in the air, sending him flying backward. Alec jumped up and snatched him by the throat bringing him down with such force that Crow blacked out for a few seconds. During that time, the family encircled him, trapping him and keeping him from escaping.

Crow came to a level of consciousness whimpering in pain, wondering how he could change overnight. Alec didn't want to kill him while he was unconscious. He had changed his mind about wanting to kill him instantly. Instead, he wanted to torture him until he begged for death. He wanted to make sure Crow's last moments on this earth were choking on his own blood. He was going to make him pay.

Crow opened his eyes and all he saw were red piercing laser-like eyes. Alec bared his teeth snarling like a ravenous animal that hasn't eaten in weeks. A tremble went down Crow's back, and he was scared for a moment before trying his best to cover it up. Even though this side of Alec terrified him, Crow would never quit his unrightful vengeance. He was sick and twisted down to the core, even before the loss of his mate which officially caused him to be feral.

Crow looked around as he saw Alec's family circling around him like wolves and a deer. Crow scrambled to his feet growling at all of them. Leah slid off Alec and glared at Crow watching him fall to the ground as the blood within his body started to boil. Satisfaction brought a small smile to each of their lips. It was like laughing hyenas surrounding the enemy. Dark grim faces were full of pain and torture. Full of hurt. The loss of a son. The violation of him and his family.

Crow grimaced in pain and they all attacked him at once with Leah at a distance. Seth bit him releasing his venom into Crow. However, it backfired as their blood mixed. Something was different this time due to the unknown treatments that Crow was experimenting with. Instead of Crow becoming paralyzed, it was Seth who staggered to the ground before collapsing. His body was working fast to fix itself but Seth was still vulnerable. It didn't help that a few wolves showed up to back up Crow, and Seth was a sitting duck. Liam protected his new brother while fighting with the newcomers. At that time while everyone's attention was fully off Crow other than Leah and Alec, Crow tried to escape again. Leah looked at Liam and Seth, who both shared a look. They couldn't continue the chase with Alec and Leah, so Seth wanted them to leave. Alec lowered himself so Leah could get back on and they were off without further hesitation. Liam didn't leave as the wolves just kept on appearing and he didn't want to leave Seth defenseless.

Further away from Seth and Liam, Alec and Leah cornered him. Once again Leah made Crow drop to his knees boiling his blood to the point where he shifted into his human form. His screams were heard and many rejoiced at the sound of it. They were loud and filled with heartless sounds of agony like crocodile tears. It sounded so full of emotion even though he was a cruel wicked man.

While his blood was boiling, Alec latched onto his arm clenching down and shattering it to pieces. He ripped his teeth from side to side tearing deeper into his flesh. The metallic-like liquid filled his mouth and it sent him into a deeper frenzy.

Even though he had nature against him, Crow's healing was still remarkable like Alec's. As soon as Alec broke his arm, it was starting the healing process like it had been that way for hours. Pushing past his pain, Crow's claws elongated and he dug them into Alec's body with no success of even making him flinch.

It took Leah by surprise when Alec fell to the ground just like Crow was. Leah recognized it well. It was the magic of a witch making him suffer. Alec tried to push through it but as the witch presented herself it made even more sense. It wasn't just one witch, it was a trio of witches. One of nature's strongest forces and most stable forms of magic. Leah had to focus all of her energy to shield Alec and it was starting to get too much. Her power was draining as they were both already in an emotional state from seeing their children's monster.

As the three witches appeared to help Crow when he needed it, Crow was still ungrateful, "Next time it takes you so long, you can say goodbye to your children!" Crow threatened and fear flashed through all of them. That's when all three of them focused every single bit of their remaining energy on Alec.

Leah used a good portion of her power to place a shield on Alec in the first place from witches, yet the trio was easily able to overcome the magic. Seeing him in pain as he shifted back into his human form was enough to give her a sudden boost of adrenaline to break their connection with Alec. Once the witches saw Alec stand to his feet and attack Crow in person, the witches locked eyes with each other.

Crow gave his quick attention to Leah and laughed, "Even three witches of unknown origin can take one measly pure witch who doesn't know her true power." Crow remarked.

Alec looked back at Leah to see her in pain as he was moments ago. It caught his attention and he didn't realize the blade that was plunged into his side by Crow until it was too late. All around Crow's territory, he hid weapons just in case. Yet, Crow wasn't prepared for Leah's weapon. It was Crow's blood lust verse the love for everything Alec and Leah knew.

"Then try four." Velvezhi appeared with her sisters to tip the outcome in her favor. The witches glared off fighting for the same thing. For the safety of their loved ones and that is what made it dangerous. The opposing three witches were suspended in the air by the power of Velvezhi and dropped to their knees paralyzed. They weren't in pain but they were out of the picture for now.

A few wolves of Crow appeared to try and help but they were no match for the witches. The sound of them whimpering in pain combined with Alec dominating Crow made even Velvezhi happy after losing her great-grandson.

Leah's attention diverted to Crow who was trying his best to not die before Alec. Although with every step Leah took toward Crow her body felt tired and weak, a feeling she knew what was about to come. It affected all witches near. The presence of the Datura flower. Leah staggered to the ground like her grandmother with the rest of the witches. It sounded like she was choking and couldn't breathe. Then she started to lose feeling in her legs and arms. She collapsed to the ground trying to clutch her throat, but she couldn't even lift her hands that high. Leah hit the wet ground without any ability to move whatsoever. Velvezhi, Achira, and Insuvai followed in pursuit. The other witches that were on the ground remained there feeling the effects of the Datura as well. It affected every witch on Crow's pack lands, and the only one who knew what would happen was Crow. He even sacrificed his own witches so they wouldn't spoil anything.

Alec halted as Leah lay motionless surrounded by Crow's wolves. It made no sense to him because nothing physically made contact with any of their bodies yet all of them fell simultaneously. Crow chuckled as one of his men wasted no time and angled his claws around Leah's throat, keeping Alec where he was because one move and Leah would be gone for good this time.

"Spores released into the air from the beginning. Any witch that steps foot on my property would be paralyzed within a few hours." Crow explained. "One move and your mate's throat will be decorating my wall."

There were small machines that dispensed Datura pollen every few minutes slowly. It was information that Crow extracted from Miranda upon captivity, and he used it to his advantage. The pollen was not visible to a witch and as it reached the lungs, it slowly diffused into the bloodstream until the amounts built up. Then it would happen quickly and suddenly. They would be paralyzed until all amounts would be breathed out. The only way for it to be ridden was for the substance to be burned or boiled out. Even though Leah had the ability to do it too, her body wasn't capable of doing anything while paralyzed. She was defenseless. It didn't matter how many thoughts were racing through her mind or how much she mentally yelled at her muscles to move. There was no way out. Watching things unfold before her eyes and being unable to do anything made her feel powerless.

It made her feel the same way she felt when she saw her son laying on the ground lifelessly. Especially, when Leah gave everything she got after that day to bring his spirit back to his body so he was able to be revived. It just felt like she was being tossed into a sea and drowning. Leah couldn't speak and if she could, she would say to kill Crow anyway. Forget about her and kill him. Although, she knew Alec wouldn't do it.

Alec growled as Crow walked past him toward Leah. If he made a move against Crow at that point, the other man would kill Leah in less than a second. Alec narrowed his eyes on the man holding his mate. Leah was pressed up against his body held up by his arm around her waist and his claws puncturing into her neck. Dark crimson blood trickled down her neck and she breathed heavily at the pain and the paralyzing toxins in her body. She was hyperventilating uncontrollably. That was about the only thing that she could do.

It was like every cell locked up in Alec's body and the only thing he could hear was the blood rushing to his head. The wounds on his body faded away with the pain, and the only thing that mattered was him and his mate. Alec growled. He thought to himself this is exactly the reason why he wanted none of his family in this. It was bad enough that he felt all of the pain of losing his pack members for the last couple of hours.

Crow switched spots with the man that was holding Alec's mate. "Get away!" Crow sneered, shooing away his own comrade that just saved his life from Alec's jaws. Crow extended his claws from his hands and repierced her neck, just to the tips of his fingers. Crow wrapped his arms slowly around Leah's waist, taunting him and making sure he could see the skin contact. "I know you can feel it." He said to Alec.

Crow watched Alec growling at him with his red eyes. "I know you can feel the burning underneath your eyelids. Do your sister's screams still ring in your head? We had fun times together." He laughed, seeing Alec's muscles shake with every fiber of his being. The steam rolled off Alec in waves.

"I can tell you a little secret. Your mother screamed just like her!" He yelled.

Alec charged him but had to come to a skidding halt when Crow's claws went even deeper into Leah's neck. There was a gurgling noise and it tugged at him. A flicker of gold appeared in Alec's eyes before vanishing. Crow may not have known how Alec got his eyesight back, but he knew how alpha eyes worked. Crow thought Alec finally overcame the trauma that has happened to him, but Crow knew if he poked and prodded then he would be thrown back into that same vicious cycle based on what he just saw.

"I don't know how you got your eyes back. That part remains a mystery to me, but I know you remember what I did to your family." Crow lightly kissed the nap of Leah's neck.

You could see the fear in Alec's eyes and inside he felt the same way. What on earth could he do to save his mate. At this stage, there was only one option left. Alec saw Crow fondle his mate and that was when he changed. After seeing the same fear in her eyes as before. The golden color appeared from the outside of his eyes and stretched inward until his eyes were completely golden brown. He felt the strength leave his body and return to normal. Always under Crow as he thought. The trauma. The pain. It kept him in a sedentary cycle.

Flashbacks flooded his head. More than anything else, images of the abuse he made Leah endure. Their first encounter to the moment she lay on the ground with the dagger in her heart.

Alec shifted back into his human form. This was his last chance at protecting what was his. He failed the first attempt as it brought him into a mental breakdown. Alec knew he wasn't able to finish it himself, but he was willing to go through the same pain again. "You can do what you want. But you already failed and I won." Alec baited him. It wasn't hard to set his ego off. All Alec had to do was make him feel inferior.

Crow stopped dead in his tracks without looking directly at him.

Alec continued, "You weren't man enough to finish the job the first time. The simple matter of the fact is that I still win. You are mateless and everyone can see that. I can see that."

Crow visibly got so angry and he stood to his feet without thinking. He marched toward Alec leaving Leah to fall into the mud.

Alec stayed still.

Crow grabbed him by the neck and placed his pointer finger at the beginning of the faded scar across his eyes. He dug his claw into his skin until his finger was soaked in blood. Then he slowly traced his claw straight across reopening his old wounds, mentally and physically. He stopped at his right eye, digging into it, making sure the damage wouldn't be able to heal. Then across the bridge of his nose. Once he got to the left eye following the same steps, Alec had to bite his tongue to keep himself from ending Crow's life right there. Yet, if he did he still wouldn't be able to guarantee Leah's life because the toxins wouldn't wear off anytime soon, and there were still Crow's henchmen he had to worry about.

It didn't even register in Crow's head how easy that was for him to do. His anger was clouding him. Once he was finished and Alec was once again blind, a burst of deep sadistic laughter filled the air. This time it was not Crow's laughter.

Alec chuckled, "I would tell you to say hello to your mate for me, but I don't think you're going to the same place."

Crow became confused at his words, and a waiting smile appeared on Alec's face.

Still, on the ground, Leah wasn't aware of what happened in the slightest. Her mind was racing with too many thoughts to even be focused on hearing. So it scared her when her body suddenly got so hot it became unbearable. It was like living through the worse possible sickness imaginable. Her skin turns red and a heavy amount of steam rolled off in waves. The other guy tried grabbing her to incapacitate her, but he retracted his hands with scorch marks.

The heat from the inside of her body quickly evaporated any toxins and she was finally free again. First wiggling her fingers then lifted her arms to crawl forward. She was finally able to lift her body.

It didn't take long for Leah to realize this familiar feeling.

Crow watched her move again and grew furious. He went to go end her life but ended up retracting his scorched hands too.

Leah was on her hands and knees breathing heavily when everything started to go in slow motion. Her arm broke in three places and she almost fell to the mud again. She screamed lightly as all of her bones started to break and rearrange themselves. They rearranged into a bigger, angrier beast that lay dormant for twenty years.

Soon her screams were replaced with snarling as her face elongated to form a snout. White blonde hair sprouted in all different directions across her body. Her eyes started glowing their usual color. So many changes happened to Leah's wolf at once that it almost made her go insane.

The power of ascension is due to being mated to an alpha.

The fact that she now was a powerful witch combined with her wolf.

The memories of all of her pups being born, and one dying.

It made her wolf go feral on the verge of sanity.

Leah stood taller than Alec with the same glowing red eyes. Her hair was disheveled, sticking in all different directions. She appeared to be a rapid feral beast, but she was still in control.

"How!" Crow gasped as he wasn't prepared for this. He should be able to take care of one wolf no matter the size, he thought. Although, he had never seen a wolf bigger than both him and Alec.

Leah stalked Crow with her head raising with pride in every step.

"I have waited two decades to be free." Her wolf's thoughts floated through Leah's head.

Leah never fully lost her wolf. The witches didn't fully understand this type of magic yet, but Leah's wolf never disappeared for good. Instead, it was dormant inside her own body like being trapped in a cell with the keys being so far away inside Alec. Her wolf clawed and scratched every day to get out but to no prevail.

All the anger, pain, and trauma hit her wolf at once. A flicker of fame appeared on her paws. It grew into a more heartful flame before traveling up her arm, engulfing her whole body like a shield.

Now Crow's eyes widened in fear, "What the-" He was afraid of fire and the burn scars proved themselves on his face.

Alec stood to his feet and walked menacingly behind Leah. Crow fell back and hastily moved back. That was until his whole body was suspended in air and his limbs were purposely bent in awkward angles breaking them, which sounded like music to their ears. He yelped in pain and started to scream. Then he was dropped to the ground, and it was like an invisible rope was dragging him closer to Leah so there was nowhere to run.

When Leah attacked him, Crow tried to block it by putting his hands out but it would just end with unimaginable pain from the fire. His hands went beyond being scorched.

The fire coating her body turned to a light blue color and the very tip of her fur started to burn slightly.

It didn't take long for Leah to end the war right then and there.

It was the final blow that Leah was about to deliver when the kids mind linked to her.

"Mom, wait! A life for a life. Isaac, he is hurt badly." It was Jade and Peyton, and that stopped Leah.

Alec and Leah assessed Crow. He was completely unconscious and unable to move. In fact, after hearing her children's pleas, Leah was the one that kept his heart beating with her newfound magical abilities.

Alec and Leah howled out to end everything. Crow was basically dead, so anyone bound by his control was free. Most of his henchmen were already dead or about to be, or they were so weak it wasn't even worth anyone's time.

That was when Leah's wolf turned around and saw her mate for the first time in twenty years. All she remembered was the abuse she endured, even with all the new memories from Leah herself, her wolf was still cautious.

Once the threat was gone, it was like the world faded away all over again for Alec. This was his chance to get it right this time. Alec fell to his knees in front of Leah's wolf. It hurt him when he felt the cold air between them, but he understood why she backed away from him.

Alec lifted his shaky hand toward her wolf, who was still engulfed in fire. Her wolf stepped backward away from him at first.

Alec squeezed his hands shut as he could feel her moving away from him. Of course, how could he be so foolish? Alec thought to himself that he'd be lucky if her wolf even wanted him.

"If you had the choice. Would you choose me-" Alec asked but was cut off.

Leah's wolf barreled toward him with happiness in her red eyes. Leah tackled Alec to the ground in an embrace as the blue burning fire evaporated into thin air. Alec couldn't even wrap his arms completely around her wolf but he tried the best he could. The sparks. He felt them. She felt them. They felt stronger than they remembered, and their relationship felt real this time.

It was like electricity overflowing from your heart to theirs. The air felt different around him. The world appeared to change from their perspective as well. It was brighter and less grim. It wasn't perfect as there was so much bloodshed, but Leah and Alec knew they would finally be able to heal from everything they went through. Leah was able to shift back into her human form after promising a nice long run with her wolf later.

"I finally have you," Alec stated as he hugged. "All of you."

"Alec." Leah caressed his face as the blood was still trickling down. "Your eyes..." She cried. "I can give it back. If you want to take my wolf, I can giv-" Leah cried out.

Alec put his hands over her mouth stopping himself from hearing it. He couldn't even think about it, it made him sick. "Don't ever say that again."

"I realize now that even back then it wasn't my eyes that changed my life. It was you." Alec said. They hugged each other tighter.

"You are my eyes." He finished.


A/N: Only the epilogue is left for me to completely finish this series. Therefore only one chapter left... So keep an eye out for that.

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