Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 29


Alec had gathered his troops ready to march and burn down Crow's whole territory once and for all, but there were just some final words he had to have. He had already made amends with Seth. Now he just had to speak with Liam himself while Leah spoke with Peyton and Isaac. Then after he was sure there were no more unspoken words, that is when this war would end.

Liam stayed near the rustic cabins and skipped yesterday's training. Rumors had already spread around to the soldiers that he was fooling around with Alec's daughter, and many were even wondering how he was still alive. It was just worthless gossip because they couldn't get over the age difference even though Liam never initiated any sexual encounters on his end until she turned eighteen. It was easy to say that everyone still viewed him like they viewed his brother. Some horrible disgusting monster who preyed on children and humans. They didn't know that Liam's feelings remained platonic all this time until he figured out she was his mate. It was nothing more than a relationship of best friends until he knew for sure that she was his endgame. Now Liam had to worry for his life. He thought- what was stopping Alec from coming back and tearing his heart out without an audience. He knew no one would care for his absence. Liam was just like Damon when he first arrived at Alec's pack. Damon had no one. It was bad enough Alec already despised him after the Thanksgiving prank. Liam surely thought that he would have finished the job yesterday in secrecy. So he panicked and waited for him to just get it over with at that point. Liam felt guilty and shameful for what his brother did even though he had no part in it. Liam also knew that he would never be able to be with Blaire if Alec didn't accept him so that is why he never ran. At this point, he was putting his life on the line to be with Blaire and he couldn't back down from happiness this time, so only time would tell if he would survive or not. Then again he knew he might not survive the war because no one's life was guaranteed.

Liam's heart raced as the time ticked away. Every little sound he heard and every little tig breaking outside because of the animals sent him through a massive panic. His heart was beating out of his chest so much that he almost wanted to rip it out himself. Liam was tired of feeling this way. All he ever wanted to feel was loved, which is why he acted out at a young age with all of his pranks. To say he had abandonment issues was the least.

Constantly looking out the windows and waiting for death to come knocking on his door was making his anxiety worse. At one point, Liam was thinking about what kind of handshakes he would be doing with Death.

A knock on the door rang him out of his thoughts. His heart skyrocketed and his eyes widened. Liam never thought he would be able to practice dance moves with the Grim Reaper so soon. He swallowed hard because he was shocked. Liam literally just checked outside and no one was there. Even with all the sticks on the forest ground, you would think Liam would be able to hear something, but he did not. In fact, the person on the other side of the door who radiated power was as quiet as a church mouse. Liam should have heard his footsteps with his hypervigilance, even the footsteps of Alec. Out of all people, Liam remembered Alec's footsteps. Although, this time they were different.

Another knock rang on the door. Graciously, Alec was trying to be courteous to Liam's privacy since he never received much of it due to others constantly being in his business. Alec held empathy for Liam in that aspect. He knew what it was like to always be painted a monster by others when they held no truth of the past. It was how the world viewed Alec. The ones that didn't understand the pain and torture he went through understand Crow's captivity. They only saw what Alec did afterward and never the good in what he had done. They only saw that he grew bitter and became the abuser after being a victim for so long.

It never excused all the wrong that Alec had done, but it was just as Velvezhi put it. If you don't heal then you become the abuser. The abuser that Alec became. The abuser he was and the abuser that Crow is today. Pain and trauma are real things. The things that connected werewolves like Alec, Damon, Liam, and many others. The only thing that made them different was that they wanted to change.

"Liam, I know you are in there. I'm trying my best to be patient because I can hear your heart about to explode. Now please unlock the door." Alec called out with no answer.

Liam didn't even realize that he was paralyzed in fear and the aura of new power that he sensed didn't help.

"And I promise I won't kill you," Alec added as a cherry on top. It was half true. Alec didn't include that he would he if found out Liam wasn't Blaire's mate. Alec could easily just walk through this door, but he wanted to take a different approach first because he needed the answers. If Liam was telling the truth along with Damon then the last thing he wanted to do was kill his daughter's mate. Then that would crush him because he truly cared and loved his family. If that went Liam too then Alec made himself promise that he would at least try.

Slowly, Liam walked to the ground almost dragging his feet. He didn't want to open the door but it was actually like a force pulling him against his will to comply with Alec's commands. It was like his wolf was forcing his body to submit to the wants of Alec. He had no choice but to listen. Liam was at the door and his body was tense from fighting it. His muscles were contracted as he tried working against his body but with no prevail. Shakily, Liam's hand turned the knob and every fiber in his muscle was aching. He was sweating like a horse on a hot summer day and his expression was drowned by fear. His eyebrows raised and he couldn't figure out why his body was doing this. Liam thought- this is it. The day that he dies. What would stop Alec from killing him? Liam felt like he was actually opening the door for his death.

Shockingly, Liam opened the door to see Alec, and seconds passed with his heart was still intact. Liam chuckled nervously at the sight of him. Something was different, oddly and noticeably different. He somehow appeared larger and slightly more muscular. Liam wondered how that was even possible but his eyes did not deceive him. Alec appeared more rejuvenated than the day he almost lost his life. He looked healthier and not like someone who was battling with inner turmoil. This was the sight of Alec that made everyone tremble before him- which was what Liam was doing at this moment.

Alec pushed past Liam and waited for Liam to shut the door, but he never did. Alec tried to keep in his laughter because he didn't understand what he was so scared about. Alec felt in control at the moment.

"Close the door," Alec commanded.

With such force that the cabin rattled, Liam's hand slammed the door shut like he had a muscle spasm. Alec's brow furrowed. Well, he thought to himself, he hadn't had the chance to test his power. What a perfect time to see- especially with a wolf that was not even in his pack.

"Come here."

Liam's feet seemed to move on their own as he neared Alec.

Alec had lost the battle and his devilish side came out with a smirk. "Sit."

Liam's legs gave out and his inner wolf forced him to the ground.

"Lay down."

The next thing Liam knew was that his back was glued to the floor. Liam's eyes squeezed shut. This was probably where Alec would rip out his heart since his body wasn't even fighting it. Liam was serving himself on a silver platter. Bon Appétit, Liam thought to himself.

"Rollover." Alec still gave him basic dog commands.

Liam's stopped squeezing his eyes shut and before he knew it his face kept smacking the wooden floor as his body violently rolled all the way to one side of the room until he hit the wall. There was a slight red mark on Liam's cheek from repeatedly hitting the wooden floor. "Stop playing with your food and get it over already." Liam forced out his mouth. He didn't want to be humiliated anymore. It was just Alec's style of doing things.

"That is disgusting. Also, you would give me indigestion." Alec replied in the same tone. "What are you doing on the floor Liam? I came here to talk stop acting like a dog." Alec mused deciding that he had enough.

Liam wanted to but wouldn't even dare roll his eyes. The audacity of this guy.

Liam got up and turned to face Alec. Whatever came next, Liam had to stay strong. For Blaire. Letting out one deep breath, Liam's eyes met Alec's ready to talk. He used Blaire as his strength and maybe he might just make it through this conversation.

Liam pursed his lips together and watched Alec's every move. Not that he would be able to stop it but he wanted to mentally prepare that he could die. Hopefully, if Alec did kill him, Liam would just wish for Blaire not to see it.

"Now for the real reason why I'm here." Alec sobered into seriousness quickly. His aura darkened even more than was possible. To Liam, it truly felt like this tight air-sealed box they were in was constricted like a Boa. The air was sucked out of the room and the pressure was increasing tremendously.

Alec's eyes flashed red as he glowered down at Liam with hatred, "Are you my daughter's mate?" His voice snarled and as it drifted through the air, the old wood rattled and everything living was aware of the monster nearby. His tone compelled Liam to the truth.

Although, he wouldn't have lied anyway, "Yes!" He spat out stuttering. Liam wasn't aware of this new change. As far as he could tell Alec had shifted plenty of times in front of him and never had red eyes. Liam would know too because he made him mad a lot in the past. Now, the sight of him alone was truly terrifying. Before Liam knew of his raw power and even though it intimidated him and Liam knew he would die, he still would have stood a chance. A rare chance but nonetheless a chance. At this moment, Liam wouldn't even stand a chance if Alec was at his worse and he was at his best.

Alec listened to his heart. Liam was telling the truth. "Would you ever hurt her?" Alec questioned.

Pain spread through Liam's face at the mention of abusing his mate. Liam even wondered how he could suggest that because it was not in his nature. "Never! I will always protect her even with my life." Liam spoke.

"When did you find out she was your mate?" Alec interrogated Liam.

"It started as a feeling. I wasn't sure so I never spoke it. Then when I met Mason my wolf started going crazy. I saw him hurting her and I stopped it. It was when she was in my arms, I felt the sparks and I knew. I knew that I would never hurt her." Liam's eyes danced with emotion as he was thinking back to that night when she was safe in his arms.

Alec listened to his heartbeat carefully. He scrutinized every facial expression and body movement. Alec even listened to the blood flow through his body to indicate when his blood pressure rose or dropped.

"She asked if I could kiss her since we were still technically mates. I don't blame her. Hell, even I wanted to." Liam gulped as he heard a low growl from Alec. Liam continued, "I told her we needed to wait until she turned eighteen for everything else but I did kiss her because I didn't want her to be upset. I know I shouldn't have..." Liam spoke.

Alec turned his back to Liam and tried to calm his wolf. Alec was angry, but not at Liam because so far Alec could tell he was telling the truth. Liam was indeed Blaire's mate. It made Alec mad because he felt like he was saying goodbye to both of his daughters too soon even though they were of age. There used to be a time when the most important man in Blaire's and Jade's life was him. Alec use to be the man they would run up to when they were hurt. A shoulder to cry on and someone to protect them. Now he was handing them over to their mates.

"It's hard to refuse your mate," Alec spoke.

"It was hard, but I knew I had to. When people look at me they still see him..." Liam referred to his brother who did horrible things.

"I don't. Not anymore." Alec said and he could hear the tension in Liam's body ease. "But you still won't be eating in the same room as me during the holidays." Alec joked to lighten the mood. After all, Liam and Seth were not the enemies here.

"I'll take what I can get. Just as long as you don't take my heart away." Liam said not referring to the organ in his body that pumped his blood.

"I wouldn't take Blaire from you," Alec replied as he understood what Liam meant.

They had an understanding of one another. Liam felt better and more confident that Alec wouldn't kill him. His usual joking personality came out to play, "Does this mean I can call you dad?" Liam joked.

"Do you want me to take your esophagus instead?"

"No, I'm good!" Liam laughed awkwardly.

Alec did have to get going since he was one command away from marching into Crow's territory thanks to the information given by the prisoner. The same prisoner that freed Alec from his chains the first time. Once this war was over he would free the same man that freed him.

"Liam. It is an honor to fight beside you. By the side of both my daughter's mates."

"The honor is mine." Liam took Alec's stretched hand and shook it.

Alec returned to his house to say goodbye to his family. Well, the ones that wouldn't be fighting. The majority of the wolves had already said their goodbyes to the family members that weren't fighting weeks ago when they boarded the planes to be sent away. The only ones that remained were the fighters of Alec's pack and the other packs that came to assist them. Many of the Alpha's agreed to help because of the horrors Crow committed, and they wanted Alec's financial support after the war too.

Peyton, Isaac, and Jade were the ones who wouldn't be fighting. Reluctantly, Alec let Blaire in on the fight but it only made his anxiety worse thinking about it. Peyton and Isaac were forced to be in the same room and neither one of them spoke together. Instead, they only snuck quick glances at one another when the other wasn't looking. Jade held on to Seth as her life depended on it. She wasn't ready to let go of him yet.

"Have no fear. I'll return to you and our child." Seth spoke to Jade and he softly caressed her baby bump. Jade smiled lovely at him.

"I miss you already," Jade confessed. Seth ducked his head to meet her lips with his. They kissed passionately until they were out of breath. "I'm scared." She confessed bravely.

"Crow should be the one scared," Seth replied. "You won't have to live in fear anymore." He said.

"I'm only afraid of losing you." Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She was feeling extremely emotional today and the pregnancy wasn't helping her hormones.

Seth kissed her forehead gently and keep her in his embrace.

Liam had returned with Alec and Blaire ran up to them with the brightest eyes like a toddler running to their parents.

A part of Alec wished that Blaire would be running up to him for a hug, but he knew who she was going to. Blaire ran past Alec and jumped into Liam's arms so fast like a bullet that he stumbled back a little. She caught him off guard with a deep kiss. Liam's eyes widened and he glanced at Alec from the corners of his eyes.

Alec looked at them both with a sad expression. He was happy for them both but it was still a bittersweet moment for him. With a small forced smile on Alec's face, he nodded in approval at Liam. Then he turned and went to find his mate.

Damon was watching over Grace in Alec's house as she had been dealing with sickness all morning long. He would bring her water and plain foods to try and ease her stomach, and when Grace's feet started to hurt Damon would rub them for her. Unknowingly to them, Rem stood in the corner of the room sulking. He didn't even want to look at Damon. Rem wasn't angry, he was more jealous and sad because he should be the one doing that. With his arms folded, he would take quick glances at both of them. From time to time he would have to tell himself that it was okay. That Grace needed someone to look after her when he couldn't. A soft cry filled the room and that bought Rem's attention to Grace. At first, anger flared through him because he assumed Damon hurt her in some way, but he knew better because Damon wouldn't hurt anyone in the pack.

"Rem. He would always rub my feet. Every day for hours. It seemed like he never got tired of doing it. Always carrying me around. I miss him so much!" Grace was full-on sobbing right now. Rem almost forgot that he was dead and went up to console her. One of his hugs would do the trick. Damon stopped rubbing her feet and stood to hug her. Patting her hair they hugged each other with purely innocent intentions.

Damon didn't want to take Rem's place. Damon just knew what it was like to not have a mate because he never found his mate yet, but he couldn't imagine the pain of losing someone that you once had. All he wanted to do was be there for Grace through her pregnancy and perhaps even stay in her children's life. Damon knew that she would be having triplets as the doctor mentioned. Both Rem and Damon were terrified about the medical problems that were going to cause trouble for Grace.

Alec found Leah in their room. She was staring at a family photo taken when Kai was a newborn baby. It was such a simpler time then. If she would have known what she knew know, Leah would have hugged Kai a little tighter that day.

The bed dipped down, snapping Leah from her trance. A warm hand caressed her back and Leah leaned into his side. "We will be leaving soon," Alec says.

Leah just wrapped her arm around him and they spent their final moments together looking through pictures.

Eventually, once everyone was done soaking in their last peaceful moments together before the storm, they all headed out together. Alec transformed into his wolf and Leah hitched a ride on his huge back. The others shifted as well and the witches stayed on the backs of the larger wolves to travel faster as a unit.

Once they all left, the silence settled amongst Isaac, Peyton, Jade, and Grace. They were left with only worries and anxiety as their family and friends headed off into the final battle. This was it. The moment they were all waiting for and it couldn't be over soon enough. Isaac stayed in his room looking out the window feeling worthless like he always does, but as time went on it only got worse. There he was unable to help and fight. Isaac was reliving the moment he lost his mother all over again. He was only five at the time and fighting wolves four times larger than him. Guilt racked through him because he felt like he had failed his mother the same way he has failed Alec and Leah. Isaac's mother did everything she could to protect him too. It was like how Alec and Leah protected him and Isaac gave them nothing in return.

All this time that Peyton has been ignoring him, weeks before today, gave Isaac some time to think. He was thinking of ways he could help. Isaac looked at the clock. Five hours had already passed and it was time for him to initiate the plan that he had in mind. Isaac snuck into the garage where he hid a backpack filled with homemade bombs. Isaac grabbed the backpack and trudged off into the woods to shift. Then he grabbed the backpack with his mouth and ran off in the direction Alec went with the bag of bombs that he had made correctly this time.


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