Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 28


It was the next morning and the dungeons guards were already in action on getting their prisoner to speak. He was locked in a cell with blood covering his black and blue body. He was just tortured by the guards once more and yet he still hasn't spoken.

You could tell he had been tortured before. The scars on his back proved that he suffered at the hands of Crow, so they knew he wouldn't break easily. The guards hated to bug Alec first thing in the morning especially after hearing the rumors of how Alec found out about his daughter's mates. At this point, they have no other option, so it looks like they will be getting first class seats to the show. They sent someone to find their Alpha who had barely slept normally for days, so he was very likely to be even more temperamental.

A guard knocked on the Alpha's front door. Alec opened it and he looked exhausted. His hair was ruffled and his eyes were blood shot. His facial expression was set to an inevitable sadness because this day was just really weighing him down. Once again a in a really long time he felt like a prisoner in his own mind. No one could really notice with the clothes but with all the stress and trouble eating, he lost a few pounds. You could see it on his face and the late night drinking wasn't helping even though he only was trying to sleep. It was getting harder and harder every day and at this rate Alec would easily lose if his condition deteriorated.

"Alpha, I apologize for disturbing your sleep but it's the prisoner. We can't get him to talk and he keeps requesting for his mate. Amelia stopped by the dungeons earlier but stopped herself from going him," The guard spoke. Amelia was very conflicted at this point in time. Her loyalty remained with her Alpha, yet a werewolves basic nature was to be with your mate. Yet, everytime she thinks how the horrible things he has probably done like the enemy she feels repulsed. It was like being attracted to a magnetic but with a posion surface.

Without saying a word, Alec followed the guard as he knew exactly how to make him talk. He would use his biggest weakness against him. The prisoner's mate. Amelia.

Alec already had a plan forming and a devilish smirk was the first expression on his face. This was going to be fun for him.

The grey clouds swarmed over them and rain washed down the sadness that weighed on all of them. Today was a very off day for everyone.

Velvezhi waited tapping her foot at the dungeon entrance waiting for Alec. Alec and Velvezhi's relationship has changed from the beginning when they first met. Although at the moment she wasn't happy with him at all. She glared at his face and felt the urge to punch it, but she could sense that her presence was wanted by Alec at that moment. After all, she was needed for his plan.

"We'll be back..." Alec told the guards leaving out the details. The guards didn't bother to ask questions and went back to their duties for the mean time. Hopefully, they could break him then Alec wouldn't have to get his hands dirty, but at worse case- at least Alec didn't mind.

Alec then walked past Velvezhi, while she rolled her eyes. She tilted her head up at the air and laughed because she was annoyed. The guard could feel the aggressive anger rolling of Velvezhi. Usually, Alec and Velvezhi would joke and banter with each other as the wolves witnessed, but Velvezhi's last private conversation with Alec still kept replaying in her mind.

Alec could also feel the anger radiating from her so he didn't initiate conversation. Instead he continued walking to Amelia's house.

Velvezhi folded her arms and growled to show her displeasure.

Alec stopped in his tracks and raised his eyebrows. Out of all the years, that was the first time he heard Velvezhi do that.

"Did you just..." Alec trailed off. "Growl at me?" Alec wasn't angry because Velvezhi was the only person that he would allow it from. He even snapped back when Insuvai and Achira disrespected him. Although, Alec wasn't sure it was a matter of disrespect because it sound like a child trying to growl.

"Well yeah! The only way you will answer me is if I start speaking dog to you." Velvezhi through her hands up.

Alec raised his eyebrow at her, "Trying to communicate with me through the 'dog' language. How wonderful." He emphasized sarcastically.

Velvezhi smirked then she started barking like a high pitched chihuahua. "Do I have your attention now?" She spoke jokingly.

Alec exhaled a sharp breath in equivalent to a sad laugh. At this point he would be dying of laughter at her antics but it was different now. After all the loses suffered it seems like the world is a darker place now.

"Now are you going to tell me what you want from me when you can't do what I simply asked of you?"

You could see more pain on Alec's face but it was dismissed as Alec saw it as a sign of weakness.

"I heard you say once you could make realistic replication of people. Ones that can be harmed and yet blood will still pour out of their body."

Velvezhi's eyes quickly shifted as she was raking her memories. "That is indeed in my scope of practice."

"The prisoner found his mate. A female in my pack named Amelia. They can't make him talk but I have a feeling he'll break when he sees me break his mate." Alec explained.

"I like your way of thinking." Velvezhi motioned her hand forward for him to continue walking. They needed Amelia now for the replication process.

Once they arrived they found Amelia pacing on her front porch. She was in clear distress as she was tugging her hair. Even in distress, Amelia picked up the scent of her Alpha right away. Amelia's head snapped until she found Alec. She quickly bowed her head to show respect. "Alpha. It's a surprise to see you." She said with a little sadness. If Alec was coming to visit her then that ment that her mate was dead.

"I have a proposal for you to save the life of your mate." Alec says.

Her eyes widened. She never thought Alec would spare someone who tried attacking his daughter. Alec understood. He changed his decision to show mercy because he saw how worried Amelia was and could feel the real reason behind it through the bond. Alec also realized that the man was probably another pawn in the game. Yet, depending on what happens after this is all over and what type of person he really is will be the ultimate factor of his life.

Amelia ears perked and she waited eagerly to listen. "If you accept, I will leave your mate unharmed in the dungeons with the best quality of life we can provide. Then we can come back to reviewing his behavior after it's over."

Amelia was interested as this way be the only chance of happiness. She had trust and faith in Alec either way.

"What's the plan?" She was in.

"To put it in simple terms, I can create a doppelganger of you. One that acts and thinks exactly like you but will vanish in a few hours." Velvezhi started.

"Then I'll use that as a method to get him to speak." Alec finished.

Amelia understood him even if he was a man of few words. He looked down at her feet. It did seem emotionally and mentally cruel but this was the only way to ensure his life. One thing was for sure, Alec didn't need to physically tell Amelia for her to know that Alec would kill him if it wasn't for her mental sanity.

Amelia nodded, agreeing to go through with the plan.

Once Velvezhi had completed the incantation the replication stood before them. Amelia walked up to the dummy that looked identical to her. "That's creepy." Amelia commented as she waved her hands in front the fake Amelia's face.

The fake Amelia just stood there unmoving, blinking, or even breathing.

Amelia wondered why it wasn't doing anything then Velvezhi grabbed her hand and started whispering. Velvezhi let go of Amelia's hand with her hands cupped like trying to keep a lightning bug to escape. "This is just the body," Velvezhi nodded toward the fake. "Now, I'm putting in a version of similar thoughts and actions you would perform in any situation. Velvezhi walked up to the lifeless version of Amelia and put her cupped hands to her lips.

Velvezhi did the next incantation in her head so no one could hear. Her hand heated significantly, then she blew the small amount of essences to the fake Amelia and temporarily gave the vessel life. The vessel took a sharp intake of breath and started to blink.

"You should feel a slight discomfort of weakness. That ensures you won't feel any pain inflicted on the vessel." Velvezhi explained to them.

Before Alec left Velvezhi whispered in his ear, "Rough the vessel up a bit before you arrive so he takes you seriously."

Alec left with the vessel, making sure to distance himself from Amelia. While it would be fun breaking the prisoner himself, he did not enjoy harming his pack even if it wasn't actually really. The thought of it repulsed him.

Alec stopped half way and took Velvezhi's advice. The prisoner seeing his mate in a condition like him at first sight wound definitely strike fear in his heart. Then his resilience would be ephemeral.

Alec unleashed himself on the vessel and tried to ignore the fact that the vessel looked like Amelia. He took a few minutes to unleash his anger since it would have no harmful effects on anyone. That was until the vessel no longer looked like Amelia.

The vessel's eyes were already black and blue and half of her face was swollen. The vessel was bleeding profusely as it had a couple broken bones already.

Alec's eyes widened and he started shaking. His eyes were deceiving him and his breathing hitched. He stopped his punch in mid swing as he looked at the woman who's looks had changed into his mates in a matter of seconds.

Blood was matted into her hair and her arms had visible bruises. She looked up at Alec with the most pitiful look in her tear filled eyes. She spoke, "I thought you were supposed to make me happy?"

Alec stepped away from this created vessel and stared into her green eyes. This illusion looked so real he questioned if it was really her. Alec felt his heart beat skip and it made him sick to his stomach. Guilt washed over him as he was instantly brought back to memories that haunted him. He couldn't stop thinking about how horrible of a man he was. In fact he didn't even think of himself as a man then but as a monster.

"I feel broken. Incomplete." The vessel said. He grimaced at her words.

Maybe he was going crazy. This time officially. All he wanted was to forget about the torturous pain of his past. All of it from how he treated Leah to how Crow treated him. He would do anything to forget about it, but then again he felt like he deserved it at times. He felt like he still had to make up for what he had done to Leah.

Alec started shaking out of anger because this brought him back to the early days of their relationship that he wasn't proud of, and it killed him. He squeezed his balled hand up out of anger until he heard his own bones crack. This has to be a trick or some kind of tactic to get to him by Velvezhi.

Suddenly the next words that came out of Leah's mouth made him confirm that theory. The vessel had said something that only Velvezhi said during their talk in exact words. At that, Alec knew this was by her doing.

Alec stepped away because he could no longer bare to look at the vessel, but in the blink of an eye it changed back to Amelia like it was never Leah at all.

Alec growled loudly to where both parties could hear him, then he snatched the vessel up by the arm and continued walking back to the dungeon.

The guards waited for Alec to return. They weren't able to make him talk within this short time either. Alec returned with anger written all over his body. He had a tight grip around the vessels forearm almost cutting off circulation, and he was so angry that heat seemed to radiate from him.

The guards eyes widened out when they saw Amelia's physical state- or at least they thought it was her. Alec needed the guards to believe this was real anyway so the prisoner wouldn't hear the guards gossip outside.

The real Amelia was back at her house filled with anxiety hoping that her mate wouldn't be too traumatized after this, but information was needed.

The guards looked at the woman who Alec had a death grip on. The guards were saddened because they knew there was nothing they could do to save Amelia, the woman who they all knew personally even Alec. So it surprised them when they saw her in a bloody condition.

The vessel looked lifeless within the short time that Alec had. She looked ready to pass out and any given moment because she was trudging her feet alone. Alec basically had to hold her up by the forearm. Due to the pressure of her body trying to keep up with his fast pace, her arm held a massive hand print.

Alec stood in front of the cell and held up the vessel who was almost passing into unconscious.

The prisoner was breathing heavily in pain but it only worsened when he saw the vessel as his mate. Since the vessel had some of Amelia's essence, the mate pull was still there but weakened. The prisoner wouldn't have been able to see through the truth anyway because of his emotions going rapid at once. He wasn't able to tell because he was feeling worse pain than being tortured himself.

"Speak or she will die." Alec said then twisted the vessels arm until they heard a sickening pop. The prisoner's eyes widened in fear as he heard his mate scream.

"Okay I'll tell you! Just stop, please!" He begged quickly. The only reason he had held out for so long was to see Alec for himself after all these years. To see the man he had become. The prisoner never wanted to hurt Blaire, but he was afraid of what would happen to his younger sibling by the hands of Crow if he didn't. He hoped Alec would show mercy.

Alec smiled because that went faster and easier than he thought. Alec released his tight grip, "You have five seconds to tell me something interesting or the next bone that breaks is her neck." He glared and flashed his golden eyes.

The prisoner was taken back by his behavior. Not just because of his golden eyes that should be red like an alpha, but also the fact that he displayed great power even without the red eyes. Although, what did he have to expect. Alec was not the same little boy he remembered from when Crow tortured him. The prisoner was happy about that.

The prisoner told Alec that after the small battle, Crow moved to a different location and loss the rest of his guns by a flood. The prisoner was able to disclose Crow's exact locations since his loyalty only sided with the path of less pain. He wasn't as close to Crow as others were but he still was able to provide detailed information. Like the exact number of Crow's army and the variety of occult creatures he held power over. Apparently he held some kind of leverage, explained by the prisoner, over the vampires like their loved ones. He had enslaved the human mates of these vampires and hid them away only to be exchanged after their service in the war. Crow even had the witches under his control against their will. He has done many horrible things to secure his victory in this war. In fact, not a lot of people willingly stood with him, and to Alec, that only meant a high number of casualties.

Alec chuckled, "He thinks a few vampires and witches are going to tip this in his favor." Alec raised his hands gesturing around him. "I have my own witches and vampires, my family."

Alec was able to gather some more information before he decided that was all he needed. As he was walking away the prisoner yelled, "Alpha!" The anxiety in the prisoner's voice made Alec halt.

"When this is all over... I need my black cowboy boats. They have golden embroidery." The prisoner requested. Such a bizarre wish at a time like this.

Alec's eyes widened in a huge realization.

Alec turned back to the prisoner and from the depths of his heart, "Thank you." Alec said to the prisoner. The prisoner nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Alec halted in front of the guards, "No harm is to come to the new prisoner. I mean not a single hair on his head. Get that man a buffet and a nice bed. Treat him like my son." Alec told the guards. The guards looked funnily at his request but bowed their heads in agreement.

Halfway to his destination the created vessel crumbled into dirt on the ground before his eyes. Alec caught Velvezhi scent because he had some words to share with her, and it wasn't going to be pretty. Velvezhi was responsible for making the vessel so that meant she was responsible for that whole show when the vessel temporarily changed into Leah.

When Alec finally reached Velvezhi, he could sense his family was there. It made him realize something was wrong when he could feel the anxiety radiating from all of them. He knocked on Amelia's door and waited for her to open it.

In the livingroom, Velvezhi stood their with her sisters. Damon, Leah, and Grace was standing there along with Christie, Chris, and Charlie, Alec's eldest son. Alice and her mate was there for support. Jade, Seth, Blaire, and Peyton joined shortly after Alec arrived.

They couldn't see him, but Rem was there for his best friend too. Only Leah and Velvezhi were able to see him. Yet, somehow Grace and Alec could feel his presence.

Alec saw his son after the first time in a while. Alec wanted to reach out to him, but after the fight Charlie distanced himself from everyone, but now he had to show him he was there for him.

First things first, Alec walked up to Charlie and gave him a bone crushing hug. Charlie was not expecting it but embraced it. He closed his eyes and tried not to cry. Charlie was lucky that he could still see out one cry, but still angry he lost someone that he had since he was born.

"I'm sorry, Dad." Charlie whispered. "I just didn't know..."

"Don't worry about it because I love you. No matter what." Alec said.

The atmosphere in the room got heavy after that because now it was time to bring the real problem to light. Damon stepped forward to cut the knife through the thick air, "They told me that you were knocked out when you hit the water." Damon went straight to the point. Damon had asked his team of the details of their mission. Now Damon realized why Alec didn't him on that mission.

"Obviously, I went off a cliff hundreds of feet in the air." Alec growled feeling personally attacked that he let Crow get away. Or at least that's how he saw it.

"That would knock out a normal Alpha or a regular wolf but not you." Damon said.

Alec growled. He felt defensive because he thought they were blaming him for not being able to kill Crow.

"Where not here to attack you. We are here to help you." Velvezhi stated.

Alec scuffed, "After that stunt you just pulled?"

Leah raised her eyebrows in confusion. What on earth was he talking about. She looked between the two wondering what happened. It was probably just her grandmother making others livid like she usually does.

Velvezhi stepped forward, "You are tired and drained. That is why you fell unconscious from the impact. Alec look into the mirror. Tell me what you see."

Alec looked around the room. This was an intervention. Alec sighed then looked in the mirror because he had a feeling of where this would go. Alec turned to his left where a huge mirror was framed on the wall.

Even with a few hours of sleep the bags under his eyes wouldn't go away. His usual tan skin paled in comparison to his sister's. The grief, anger, and pain weighed him down tremendously. He wasn't able to do the things he use to. Eating was hard for him and it made his body feel weak, then nauseous with the anxiety that filled his chest. Everything about his physical state didn't even compare to how he felt mentally. Plus, he was trying to kill people that didn't deserve the punishment, like his daughter's mates.

"Now show me your eyes." Velvezhi said.

Alec frowned and closed his eyes. He reopened them to a bright golden color, feeling frustrated.

"What color are they supposed to be?" She asked.

"Red." Alec growled answering Velvezhi.

"Just like other Alpha's. Why is that? Why are they gold." Velvezhi pushed.

"I don't know!" Alec shouted. Now he was really angry. "They have never changed!"

Then he got quiet, "Even after the pack made me their Alpha after my father. They never did..." Alec explained. He viewed that as one of his greatest failures as an Alpha.

"You have the strength and speed of an Alpha. You're stronger than any Alpha on this earth even without them, but you could be ten times more powerful. A fully realized Alpha." Achira chimed in.

"But you are blocked. That is why you didn't ascend. Your trauma has blocked you in more ways than one. You have raw power no doubt, but you haven't accessed your true power."

Alec just glared at everyone who he thought was silently judging him. Leah stepped forward, "We aren't judging you, Honey. We understand and want to help you through this because we care for you."

"You can't overcome all of your trauma in one night. There is another solution. We can block your trauma for you so you don't remember it." Velvezhi mentioned. "If you're willing, but it will be painful on both you and Leah."

Alec finally had hope. This was the greatest news he has heard and he was eager to start what ever the process was, but not if it ment causing pain to Leah. He looked at his mate and Leah knew what he was thinking.

"I'll be fine. We need to do this," Leah assured him.

"I'll do anything it takes. Let's start right now."

"There are consequences." Insuvai said.

Damon muttered, "Always with the consequences."

"The only consequence other than pain would be if you are reminded by your trauma in anyway then you will return to your original state." Velvezhi said.

"That is why we are all here right now. The people closest to Alec needs to remain strong for him. Alec needs to be free from reminders of his trauma. Absolutely no word of it. Or he could possibly be blocked again." Insuvia stated even though they never asked Alec about it anyway. It was a warning for just in case.

"Is there a way to share the pain?" Jade asked. "That way it won't be all on my mom."

"There is but it is up to Alec. He will be the vulnerable one because in order to block his trauma you have to witness it." Achira said.

Alec felt sick at the thought of it. The only person to ever fully share his trauma was his sister, and Leah after they mated but not all of it.

"I'm not sure about that..." Alec said. What happened to him in all of his captivity was truly horrible. Looking around the room he realized that by the looks of them, they were willing to do it. It puzzled him as to why they would willingly put themselves through that.

"I'm willing to do it." Seth stepped forward. The man he tried to kill.

"Me too," Charlie stepped forward too. His child he almost killed.

"I'm in." Damon said. The man he fought many times.

"I'll do it." Blaire spoke. His daughter who's mate he tried to kill.

"I can if you allow me too." Amelia agreed to it. The woman who's mate he caused mental anguish to.

Little by little everyone in the room agreed to it. All of them who he dearly loved, but as hurt them in many ways in the past.

"You already know I have your back." Leah was the last to speak. His wonderful mate, who he had abused in the past.

Alec stared in shock but with one question on his mind. "Why? Why would you willingly put yourself through that for me."

Amelia was the first to speak this time, "Remember when the rogues attacked my house when you first become Alpha. Everyone thought they could run overtop our pack but what did you do?"

"I stayed up day and night running the whole border." Alec answered.

"Exactly, you saved my life many times. You protected us and we gave you food, blankets, and water begging you to rest. You never did. I owe you my life." Amelia answered.

"You allowed me in your pack. You gave me the family I never had. We have become close like brothers and I'd do anything for you." Damon responded.

All of them had something to say. Their own special reason for their devotion. It was truly amazing and heartwarming for Alec

Now the last question he had on his mind, "And it will help ease the pain for all of them?"

Velvezhi nodded, "They will still feel the physical pain along with seeing your memories, but the pain will be divided by all of them. Thus, making it far more easier. If that's want you want."

Alec thought about his vulnerability during that time. Would they be able to handle it?

None of them seemed to be leaving anytime soon. He finally concluded, "Only if you wish to stay. I am sorry it has to be this way. The pain and torment..." He trailed off.

"Will be better to handle if we all share it." Blaire stated.

Alec nodded his head and agreement, but he still felt guilty for what they were going to do. "Leave Alice out of it. She has suffered through it once. Not again." Alec demanded.

"No I can do it for you." Alice begged.

"Go home." He emphasized using his Alpha tone. Alice bowed her head in defeat and turned to her mate. Xena said to her, "I'll be home when it's done."

Alice wanted to say but she couldn't. A part of her was happy that she didn't have to live it all over again, even though she wanted to for Alec. Mostly, she felt guilty for not being able to help, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

Velvezhi took Alec in the next room to start the process. Once the door was shut Achira explained what would happen, "Each room is sound proof. We sealed them off because Alec won't continue if he hears your screams. My sisters and I will start the process but just remember after what you see you have to be strong for him. Don't speak about what you saw until after this is all over." Achira stated in a serious manner.

It mad everyone shift uncomfortably but they still were ready to proceed.

"Okay but does anyone find it ironic he hasn't even unlocked his full power but is still the strongest Alpha we know." He chuckled nervously trying to ease the pressure. "Anyone? No. Okay." He said looking around the room.

Everyone was scared but not because of the pain, but because they would finally see everything that he went through.

"This is going to take hours. So buckle up." Insuvai said and a few eyes widened, yet they still didn't back down.

The two witches joined Velvezhi and Alec in the other room and shortly after they started to feel the pain. It worsened as the minutes went on.

All of them dropped to their knees and started hyperventilating. Jade and Blaire behind to cry as they watched it all like a movie. The physical pain was manageable since they shared it, but the mental pain was imaginable.

Seeing the cold dark rooms. They saw torture that they didn't even practice with the worst of the worse rogues. In Alec's first day of captivity he was chained up around the neck and hands to a post like a dog. They flogged him like an animal. If he didn't make a sound, then that lash would be given to his twelve year old sister. Alice was chained up on the other side of the post. Crow typically targeted Alec with physical pain and targeted Alice with sexual pain, but if Alec wouldn't show his pain then he would feel it even worse by being done to someone you love. It made him feel weak for showing his pain, but it was worth it to save Alice from it.

After one hundred lashes by a flagrum, the fifteen year old weeped to himself. The three tails made from leather ox-hide ropes had small knotted pieces of zinc and iron attached at various intervals. It also had small pieces of sharp bones from previous victims embedded into the whip.

He heard the cheering of the crowd from Crow's pack as they all drank and mocked him. Crow walked up to him, spitting in his face as he insulted him multiple. Crow called him worthless, a mutt, and unlovable. He called him everything but an innocent child. Victoria, the fifteen year old first love of Alec who betrayed him, watched the scene with a smirk on her face. Multiple people stepped forward and spat at his feet, belittling him. The flogging lasted for a week continously and Alec barley had time to heal from the day before. One hundred slashes every day for seven days straight.

The second week, Crow had him in a bunker separated from his sister, but he could hear her screams and wails of pain from the next room. They starved him for a week and let him listen to his sister crying. The little boy felt so lethargic and weak since he didn't fully recover from the seven days of flogging that he could barely move. The pit of hunger in his stomach wasn't even there anymore. His brain stopped sending hunger cues and his stomach no longer growled.

The third week, Crow played with sharp weapons and needles for hours on a daily. Sometimes making ten visits in one day. He didn't take his eye sight then but would stab him in the eyes with needles over and over again after they healed. Crow would take mid-evil torture weapons hanging them on the wall across from the chained up Alec. Leaving him to anticipate, what weapon would he next? For how long? How much more could he take?

The sound of footsteps made his anxiety worse, but it minimized when he walked past the door that lead into Alice's room. Crow walked in smiling at him, taking a dagger of the walls. He menacingly walked forward speaking, but Alec couldn't hear anything he said. He only heard ringing as the room started to spin. A slap to the face brought Alec back to reality. Alec focused in on Crow's face.

"Did you hear what I said, you mutt." Crow spat. He sliced the dagger his cheek. After the pain Alec endured so far, the cut on the cheek felt like nothing to him. That angered Crow. "Becoming oblivious to pain aren't we? I have a solution to fix that." Crow brought Alice into his room. He dragged the chains and Alice struggles to keep up so she was being dragged by them. That was when he tortured Alice infront of Alec. He had other men come in and force Alec to watch as his body covered over his twelve year old sister. Alec really couldn't see Alice's body but he could hear her cries.

"Please..." Alec was zoning in and out of consciousness. "Leave her....alone." Tears streamed out of his eyes. That was his baby sister who he loved to death, and he was destroying her.

His heart shattered that day. That day he become anger and bitter. The day he started turning from a victim into a monster.

That type of torture lasted for weeks. Everyday Alec begged for pain in placement of her. "Please!" He cried out, "Flog me one thousand times!" The pathetic men in the room laughed at his proposals.

"Can somebody shut him up? He's killing my mood." Crow remarked. One of the guards of had gloves on dipped a piece of cloth into a melted silver liquid solution. He walked over to Alec and forced his mouth open and stuffed it in. It burned the inside of his mouth and the lining of his esophagus as some of the liquid dripped down his throat.

"Worthless, if you spit that out I'll kill her." Crow gave me a new name everyday that was demeaning.

For months the only substance that Crow feed Alice and Alec was dog food and dirty water. Although at night, someone would come to visit them.

Alec wasn't able to lift his head to see the face of the man that helped him. Every night this man would slip them real food and water. Alec appreciated it. "Thank...." Alec could barely even finish the sentence but the man knew what he was trying to say. The man never spoke as he stared down in pity of the boy. All Alec could remember of him was the cowboy boots he wore. They were an expensive black leather with golden embroidery. Those were the cowboy boots of his savior.

The torture went on from waterboarding to removal of fingernails and toenails to breaking bones to removing unvital body organs. Even being stabbed with metal prongs that were bright orange from fire.

Unthinkable and unimaginable torture lasted for months, and they witnessed it all. Even the time where Alec was almost castrated. Fortunately, there was another important issue Crow had to deal with. Then there was the day he was permanently blinded.

For hours all the memories flowed through them at such a fast rate it was hard to handle it. Screams filled the room just like the screams they heard from Alec and Alice. It was mind-shattering and overwhelming. It left them hyperventilating and crying for it to end.

The day Alec has able to escape. He was chained to a wall already blinded. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

He didn't realize what was happening until he heard the chain being fumbled with. Alec knew he was going to be flogged, that was what was probably happening. He thought Crow sent someone to get him.

Surprisely, his wrist were freed but burned severely by the chains. He felt the metal cuff around his neck open and he was freed, but unable to move. That was when he smelled the familiar cowboy boots. The nice black leather cowboy boots with golden embroidery.

Once Alec was freed he felt a slight prick on his neck from a needle. Alec had some light object fall to the ground in front of him. Then the man left as quickly as he came.

Alec reached forward and grabbed the object the main left behind. It was a lighter. Alec didn't know why he dropped it for him, but maybe it could come in handy.

Suddenly, a rush of energy slammed through his body and his adrenaline soared. His wolf healed his recent wounds to where he could at least walk and stand. Alec got up and his wolf was so angry that his eyes shifted. He realized he was able to see through his wolf. Alec could see in thermal vision.

The first thoughts on his mind were to kill Crow, so he wouldn't suffer anymore. He heard fighting above the bunker and familiar voices of his pack members. They were here!

Alec's pack had finally broke through after months of fighting. He thought they would have given up on him.

Hope rushed through him and he had to quickly eliminate the threat so no one would get hurt. Alec carried the lighter off with him as he rushed to the surface. He shifted and followed the pungent scent of Crow. Alec didn't know how he was going to kill him because he wasn't at his best but he had to try.

Alec followed the scent to a house. Crow was inside hiding way from the fight that was taking place outside. Alec realized in this condition he would stand no match so he quickly thought of an alternative. With heightened senses he could smell the jugs of gasoline. Alec traced them and brought them back to the house. Crow was still in there. He doused the porch in gasoline and splashed it up agaisnt the sides of the house. He realized why the man had dropped the light now.

Alec watched as the burn quickly engulfed in flames. He heard the screams of Crow, yet his biggest mistake was leaving before making sure he was truly dead. Alec wasn't able to think of things like that at the moment because his next thought was retrieving his sister.

It was night fall by the time it all ended even at the fast paced memory flow. Leah sighed in relief when it was over. She had no idea it was that severe.

"Damn." Damon muttered through the tears.

They all looked at each other and the sorrow filled the room. The heart broken expression they all exchanged and Leah cried heavily in her hands. Xena embraced her holding her tightly. "It's okay best friend. It's okay." Not only did she want to hug Leah but Alec as well. Everyone did.

In the next room, Alec's eyes reopened in wolf form. His pupils dilated then returned to normal. Slowly, his glowing golden eyes changed to a dark, angry red that started from his pupils moving out like blood invading water. When he ascend, it was extremely painful and he let out the most powerful roar heard in all of history. It was so powerful that it broke the magic seal and everyone could hear it. It shook the house and objects started falling left and right. The birds flew from the trees in fear as it was heard from miles and miles away. Every occult creature dropped to their knees that were within one hundred miles, even the ones not loyal to him.

Alec stood to his feet feeling the most rejuvenated he has in years. No bags under his eyes and no more pale skin. No anxiety and no trauma.

Alec fixated his glowing red eyes, "It is time."


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