Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 2


Damon walked into the chaotic house of Alec's and Leah's with his twenty-six-year-old friend, Liam. Liam was one of his old friends from his uncle's pack. Alpha Deniero, the uncle of Damon, allowed Liam to travel freely anywhere Damon went.

Liam was a handsome, tall man with dark red straight hair and a light beard. He had tan skin from working in the summer and it stayed with him all winter long. His dark blue eyes and his high cheekbones were a factor that made all the mateless females and humans go crazy over him. He almost compared to the looks of Alec.

Liam searched for the girl that he hasn't seen in two years. A girl that was only fifteen, almost sixteen, when he left two years ago. Now she is almost eighteen, almost an adult and that is when she would find out about her being his mate. The only problem with their future relationship was the age difference since he was twenty-six and she was seventeen.

Liam's eyes searched for Blaire, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Alec Knine. He found her helping her mother with household chores. He thought she looked so beautiful in her dress with her long hair curled and the little bit of makeup she wore. He couldn't wait for the day she turned eighteen when he could finally hold her in his arms. He has waited for what seemed like a lifetime to him.

He first found out that she was his mate two years ago when he first came to the house. He was twenty-four and she was fifteen at the time. He scolded himself for thinking anything about her because at the time she was so young. A mere child. He felt discussed with himself from even being attracted to her through the mate bond, even though it was nonsexual. That was the day that he made a promise to not tell her himself until she figured it out, but that didn't mean he couldn't be a friend to her.

That is exactly what Liam has been to Blaire over the past two years, a best friend. Even when Liam got kicked out two years ago over the Thanksgiving incident he still kept in contact with Blaire because he had her phone number.

When Blaire noticed Liam, her eyes lit up now that her best friend was here and her cheeks slightly reddened because she secretly had a crush on him. Her biggest fantasy was turning eighteen then finding out that Liam was her mate all along, but she doubted that would ever happen because it seemed too good to be true. She scolded herself for even thinking about it when she had a boyfriend in the first place.

Blaire ran over to Liam and hugged him. Liam hugged her too and held her a little too long, which caused Damon to notice.

"Uncle Demon!" Kai yelled and ran toward Damon for a great big hug. Kai really did like Damon and he even had a nickname for him, Demon. Damon was given that nickname by Kai when he was young. It was when Kai was around four and Kai mispronounced Damon's name and it stuck throughout all the years. Kai knew his real name was Damon but he still liked to call him Demon. "I have something to show you." Kai dragged Damon off somewhere, which left Liam and Blaire alone in the entryway.

"I have someone I want you to meet," Blaire told Liam.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Liam prompted.

"My boyfriend!" Blaire smiled.

The true smile faltered and fell from Liam's face, a forced smile appeared instead. "I'd love to meet him." Liam's voice became noticeably strained and aggravated, but he couldn't show her.

"That's great because he should be here for dinner soon," Blaire informed him. She really wanted to get her best friend's approval on her current boyfriend.

"How long have you guys been together?" Liam's curiosity got the better of him.

"A year and two months," Blaire said.

Before Liam became even more aggravated he decided to change the subject so it didn't show, "How was school?" He asked.

"It was great."

"And your day?"

"It's better now that your here," Blaire told Liam. That brought a smile to his face and made his cheeks go red.

"Well, I'm glad to help. Speaking of, do you need any help with chores?" He asked.

Blaire shook her head, "We are already done." Blaire noticed he had no bags with him, "Are you staying at the packhouse?" She asked.

"It was the only way I was allowed to come back," Liam said.

Blaire chuckled, "Right. It makes sense."

"Yeah, I don't think your dad likes me too much." Liam chuckled.

"Well I like you," Blaire said and an awkward silence filled the air.

They both looked away from each other with blushed cheeks. It was obvious they had chemistry together.

Leah walked by and saw them both in the entryway looking flushed. She raised her eyebrows in suspicion. "Blaire." She called.

Blaire turned around, "Yes, mom?"

"Don't forget you have practice tonight and we have to leave right after dinner," Leah said and walked away with a small smile that she hid.

Blaire turned to Liam with a small, graceful smile, "I have my performance tomorrow and it's going to be epic. Will you be there?"

"Do you have to ask? I'll never not be there for you." Liam said. "What ballet piece are you doing?"

"L'histoire de Manon, but we refer to it as Manon."

Manon is a ballet piece about a woman named Manon, who has to choose between true love and wealth.

"Okay," Liam says even though he knows nothing about ballet.

Meanwhile, Leah's eighteen-year-old daughter Jade was out in the human town shopping for clothes. Even though there were clothing stores in the pack, Jade preferred the ones in town. Her mother only let Jade go out in town if she brought a friend with her, but Jade's friend bailed on her at the last minute.

Jade was happy about that though because for the first time she was out in town by herself. She could finally relax and breath on her own. Being the Alpha's daughter meant that she had to have protection everywhere she went. There was always someone breathing down her throat, whether it was her father or a guard, but this time was different. She was momentarily happy even if the freedom would only last for a few short hours because she had to be back for dinner.

Jade spent her hours wisely and wasted no time to get good deals on clothes. Out of everyone in her family, she always had a taste for makeup and fashion. She always stayed on top of the fashion trend and she looked wonderful in everything she wore. Jade wanted to be a fashion designer and in her spare time, she sewed and made new ideas for clothes.

She recently got accepted into a prestigious university for fashion designing after she submitted an application and portfolio of all her designs. She would start attending next year, and she couldn't wait. After she graduated, she planned to have a business to start clothing brands, and she wanted to travel the world. She had high hopes in her future and her family supported her all the way.

Jade stood in the check out line with a new dress and purple lipstick.

A human teenager was going to buy a coat as her mom rummaged through her purse to find the money. She handed the money to the cashier and her daughter was thrilled.

"This item is no longer on sale. You are short ten bucks." The cashier said.

"Is there any way you can hold it for me? I get paid tomorrow." The mother said and her daughter looked a little down.

Jade walked to the cashier and handed him her dad's credit card. "I can pay the rest for them."

The cashier swiped the card and bagged the coat for the girl. She turned to Jade with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you so much."

"No problem. I understand the need for a pretty coat."

After checking out her own items, Jade walked out of the store and decided it was time to go home. She had her car parked near the woods, away from humans.

When she got to her car she put her bags in the backseat and was about to leave, but a new scent caught her nose. It was enticing and very inviting. It was luring her into the woods to find where it came from. She couldn't drop it now as she had to find the source.

She didn't know what it was until her wolf popped into her mind whispering, mate. She walked into the forest navigating her way around the tree stumps and branches.

A small clearing appeared and she stopped in her tracks. A sense of excitement rushed over Jade, but also a sense of horror. There her mate was- sucking the blood of a human.

His back was facing toward her and he hadn't noticed she was there yet. He stopped feeding on the human girl and held her head still, "Go back to the village and don't remember any of this."

His voice was like magic that was already moving her body. The vampire tilted his head up and sniffed the air and his head snapped toward Jade.

In a flash, the man was standing in front of her. They were just staring at each other. She was raised to hate vampires but how could she hate her own mate? His light brown air that fell to his forehead blew against the wind. His blue eyes stared into hers intently. As if trying to figure out pieces of a puzzle.

A small trail of blood laid on the corner of his cheek. Jade reached her fingers out to his face to try and wipe off the blood, but he grasped her hand firmly in his, restraining her from touching him.

"You're a wolf." He stated.

"And a witch. Half and half." She added.

"Then why do I feel so..." he trailed off. "Swayed by you."

Jade thought to herself. She never heard of a case where vampires have predestined mates, so he must be feeling the mate bond and he must be confused as to why he feels this way. "Isn't it obvious. You're my mate."

"You can not be my mate. Vampires do not have mates." He sounded as if the word burned his tongue.

Jade scowled but regained her composure. "You can feel it though. Can you?" She asked. "What my touch does to you." She pulled her hand away from his and lightly danced her fingers across his forearm.

He pulled away. "No. I feel nothing."

Jade knew he was lying because it showed in his eyes. "So you're telling me that you don't feel this?" She asked then suddenly attacked him with her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lustfully tasted him.

The vampire gave in to the sparks that pulsed through his skin. Honestly, it was the first time he felt alive in centuries. He hoisted Jade up with his arms, and her legs wrapped around his waist.

Jade's back hit a tree and she let out a quick grasp before his lips were on hers again. His hands were traveling dangerously up her shift, and she lightly tugged his hair making him want her even more.

He pulled away from the kiss and planted smaller kisses on her neck. He took in a deep breath and dark veins appeared under his eyes. Jade felt his sharp fangs brush against her neck and she stiffened.

For a moment, the vampire was fighting as hard as he could too not bite into her because he didn't want to hurt her. He knew that his bite could temporarily paralyze a werewolf and cause excruciating pain. He calmed himself.

Still holding Jade he whispered in her ear, "I just want to fuck you all over this forest."

Jade looked at him seductively, "Then let's do it."

Back at the house, Leah had already finished dinner and was preparing the table. Alec was busy finishing up some paperwork in his office, and Blaire was with Liam and her boyfriend, who arrived not too long ago. They were both in Blaire's room.

Blaire already introduced Mason, her boyfriend, to Liam and he faked a smile while shaking his hand firmly. Liam laid in the bean bag chair with a fake smile on his face while they were all talking, and in reality, he wanted to rip Mason's throat out for even resting his hand on Blaire's thigh.

Blaire announced she had to use the bathroom and left. A wicked smile came to Liam's face.

As the door closed Liam stood up, "So Mason." Liam approached him. He was two times bigger than Mason, although he was not as big as Alec, but Liam could be pretty intimidating when he wanted to be. "What's Blaire's favorite color?"

"Pink," Mason answered. He was right.

"Favorite food?" Liam asked.


"Favorite animal?"

"Deer," Mason said a little unsure of himself. It showed in his voice.

"Favorite flower?" Liam tested Mason to see if he actually knew anything about Blaire, and his jealousy was leaking through his walls.

"Roses?" Mason answered falsely.

"Wrong. It's a Zinnia." Liam proudly exclaimed.

"What's your problem man!" Mason exclaimed.

Liam looked around the room. "Have you guys had sex?"

"What's with all these questions?" Mason asked.

"Answer me," Liam commanded.

Mason smirked. "Hell yeah. All over this fucking room."

Liam growled. His canines extended and his claws appeared along with his glowing eyes. He immediately went straight for his throat. Grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground.

Mason gasped for air, "Lie." Was all he could choke out.

Liam loosened his grip a little so he could talk. "She's still a virgin." Liam dropped him to the ground. He needed to call off and take a run. He was about to leave the house but as soon as he opened the door the devil himself was standing there.

"It's awful funny that you care so much about my daughter." Alec's stated. His arms were crossed and he glared at Liam.

Liam attempted to walk past him but Alec grabbed his arm with a steel grip, "She is only a child. My child." Alec stated with a slight growl. He was very protective even though Blaire was seventeen and not really a kid anymore.

"I know this," Liam said.

"Guys come down for dinner," Leah shouted.

Poor Leah, most times she was completely oblivious to what went on in the house because she couldn't hear as the other werewolves could. Even Blaire heard what happened but she decided to ignore it. Alec growled at Liam, "Find a different girl to fuck around with. My daughter is off-limits." Alec said and walked away. They all gathered around the table, even Kai and Damon joined.

Leah like everyone else was completely oblivious to the stares the three males gave each other. It was a showdown between Alec, Liam, and Mason. It was clear who the winner would be in a fight, but Liam and Mason had to act proud as they always do.

"Are you going to practice after this?" Damon asked Blaire. Blaire nodded her head.

"I just noticed. Where is Jade at? She was supposed to be home by now." Leah asked.

"Probably maxing out my credit card," Alec said.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's good for teenagers to breath every once in a while." Damon said.


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