Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 1

Character Recap


Leah: These two are pretty explanatory

Rem: Alec's long-time best friend and the beta of the pack

Grace: Rem's mate who cannot get pregnant

Ava: Remmy's sister, who was taken away at a young age and never to be seen again, until rescued by Leah and her crew. Grace was rescued along with them.

Chris: Leah's brother and Christie's mate.

Christie: Chris's mate and a pack member of Leah and Alec's pack.

Damon: Damon is Alpha Deniero's nephew. (Alpha Logan Deniero is the Alpha that allowed Leah, Alec, and Insuvai to stay with them after their plane crashed.) When Leah was kidnapped, she met Damon and he helped her escape. Damon has been loyal to Leah ever since, and when Leah "Died" he helped Alec through his hard times and they became closer.

Aunt Jenna: Alec and Alice's aunt

Nick: Leah's younger brother

Blake: Leah's younger brother, the brother who is really attached to her

Michael: Leah's father

Laura: Leah's dead mother

Xena: Xena is Leah's best friend from her old pack.

Alice: Alice is Alec's younger sibling. She is the only sibling he has left because when they were younger, a vampire killed their youngest sibling. (Mentioned in Resurrected) Alice and Xena are mates.

Noah: Noah is a little rogue boy that was traveling with his rogue mother, but one day when he was five, his mother was killed by rogues on the border of Alec's pack. So Noah was adopted by Xena and Alice and has lived with them for years since he was five.

Cevielle: Cevielle is a very loyal pack witch.

Velvezhi: Velvezhi is the mother of Laura. Laura is the mother of Leah; therefore, Velvezhi is Leah's grandmother. Velvezhi killed Leah with a knife to end of suffering. She never hated her grandchildren, but she disliked them very much. But at the end of Resurrected, she became nicer and wanted to know her family more.

Achira: Achira is the sister of Velvezhi. So she is a great aunt to Leah. She loves all her family members.

Insuvai: Is the sister of Velvezhi and Achira. She is another great aunt of Leah. She also loves all of her family from the very beginning.

All three of these witches stick together, no matter what since the beginning of time.

Charlie: There are two Charlie's in this book. The first Charlie is a little ghost who comes to visit Leah periodically throughout the day since they are basically linked to each other. Ghost are able to pick up objects if they learn how to and try hard enough, but it's almost rare. Charlie has tried too many times but has failed most of them.

Charlie: Leah's first son. In the present day, he is 19.

Jade: Leah's first daughter, second child. In the present day, she is 18.

Blaire: Leah's second daughter, third child. In the present day, she is 17

Peyton: Leah's second son, fourth child. In the present day, he is 15.

Kai: Leah's third son, fifth child. In the present day, he is 11. Kai has autism, but he is very smart and powerful. He is the smartest and powerfulest out of all his siblings. He just has trouble being social and communicating and he has really bad anger and aggression episodes. He is very loved by his family.

Toby: Chris and Christie's son.

Let me know if you need any more or if I missed any.


It was just three days before school ended for Christmas break. Then the kids would have a week off from school.

Leah could hardly wait for this because this was her favorite time of the year. Decorating the house and baking cookies, opening presents with your kids and family, and the Christmas pack dinners made it Leah's favorite time of the year. Not to mention all the snow.

Early in the morning, Kai came downstairs with his cute little pajamas and snuggled right up to his mommy. Even though he was eleven years old, he never outgrew his mother. He probably never would.


"Yes, baby?"

"I love you."

"I love you more," Leah said.

"No, I love you more." Kai hugged her harder.

"That's not possible," Leah said and kissed his forehead. "There's hot chocolate on the stove if you want some," Leah told Kai. He scrambled into the kitchen to get a cup.

Leah's morning routine constitutes of dropping her other children off at school, then going home and spending the rest of the morning and early afternoon with Kai. Charlie, her oldest son, would pick them up in the afternoon.

First, they would drink either coffee or hot chocolate together, then they would read books together.

Kai always likes to read books and show off his Lego creations to his mother. He felt a strange sense of accomplishment every time he made his mother laugh. The same kind of feeling when Charlie won a battle, or when Blaire performed excellently in a dance recital.

The only thing he ever wanted to do was make his mother proud just like Jade and Peyton. He had no idea though, that he made her proud the most just as he was.

After they finished reading books together, they would go up in Leah's safe room where she would practice magic. Kai was years ahead of all of his siblings, so the lessons were kept short and simple because he caught on quickly.

Halfway into their lessons, Kai perked up. "Dash is here!" Kai loved the old, huge buck. Kai ran downstairs and the sound of Kai's running feet made Leah smile.

Kai fed Dash all kinds of apples and fruits from the fridge.

"Mommy watch this," Kai shouted excitedly. Leah turned to them, only to see Kai on Dash's back. Dash, who stayed perfectly still, grew a lot. He was around eye level with Leah now, all those snacks that Kai fed him paid off.

"Kai, you might hurt him," Leah said.

"He's fine with it. Is that right Dash?" Kai asked. Dash bucked his head up, almost as if he was saying yes.

Dash walked to the living room, pausing in front of the door as it opened.

Alec came home early. Dash paused and stared at Alec, who held out his hand. Dash leaned forward and sniffed a little, like the other times, but he walked up to Alec again. It took years for Dash to trust Alec, and surprisingly enough, he finally did.

"Hey, little buddy. Didn't your mother tell you not to do that." Alec picked Kai off of Dash's back and set him down.

"Yeah, and Josie will be coming here sooner than normal. Her mother has to go somewhere today, so she'll be going shopping with us too." Leah said.

"Really?" Kai asked with disbelief and happiness. Josie was the only wolf in the pack that Kai liked to play and hang out with.

"Yes, and I am also going shopping with you guys too," Alec said.

After drinking hot chocolate, Kai went with Alec to paint in their art room and Leah went to her room.

She wanted to talk to her little ghost buddy, Charlie, who Leah named her first son after. She spoke to Charlie from time to time alone, but most times she was busy being a mother. If she was busy, then Charlie would just follow her and not talk much. Although, now that the kids were older, she was able to speak to him more.

After her little session with little Charlie, Josie arrived and Kai was super happy. Alec and Leah got ready to leave, and they packed snacks for the two kids. Christie would be tagging along as well. They were all just finishing up the rest of Christmas shopping.

Stacks of Christmas presents laid at the tree at home, so didn't have that much more to buy. The Knine family goes all out for Christmas though because it's Leah's favorite time of the year, and Leah was going to make sure her kids had the best life.

So there they were. Walking in a town full of humans, Alec and Leah holding hands as well as Kai and Josie. Leah never questioned why Kai liked Josie so much. Leah was just glad her son had someone like her; although, she did assume they were mates.

Honestly, Alec and Leah hoped they both were mates. They were good for each other. So good that when Alec and Leah saw them together a warm feeling interrupted both of their hearts.

Alec pointed at a little shop and smiled. The perfect gift for Jade and they finally found it.

"Nice eyes babe." Leah dragged him into the store.

"Yes, I know. Someone special gifted them to me." Alec said.

"I meant the present." She laughed.

After they found everything they were looking for, Leah and the others walked back to the car.

The group surely caught a lot of stares and glares from humans. Who could blame them, they looked perfect on the outside. All the humans didn't know was what was on the inside.

Alec hated when males stared at Leah, like other alphas who were protective of their mate. That's another reason why he hated going out in public. Alec would growl at the humans and when Leah would notice she would grab his hand to calm him down.

Leah seemed unbothered by all the stares that Alec received by thirsty women. She didn't much care for them because she was hardly jealous anymore. That and she was used to it. Christie noticed more than Leah did. "Don't you get jealous by human girls eyeballing your mate?" Christie asked because if it was her, then she'd be more than jealous.

"No. Why would I be jealous? Why would I get mad when others look at my mate, knowing that he'd never sleep with them. If anything let them look at what I have. It's amusing to watch girls thirst over steak they can't have." Leah answered.

Meanwhile, when they all got home, Kai and Josie ran off to go play.

Charlie brought home the kids when school ended and Alice went to take Blaire to her dance practices for Ballet. She had a performance tomorrow and a lot of people were going to be. Including Aunt Jenna, Blake, Nick, Leah's dad, Damon, Chris, Christie, Alice and other close members of the pack. So she was a lucky one because she got to miss both of her practicing sessions with her father and mother.

When the kids got situated at home, they went with Leah to have a magic session. This was going to be their last session and then they would be able to take a two-week break from werewolf and witch practices for Christmas.

When Leah was done they went with their dad, which left most of them groaning because of all the physical work.

Charlie, on the other hand, loved working out, it was also a way to meet up with his mate.

"Charlie, I'm taking them over now. I'll see you and Skye soon." Jade and Peyton were the only ones with Alec right now because Charlie would meet up with them later. Blaire and Kai weren't going because Blaire had dance and Kai never went. Plus, Kai was playing with Josie in his room.

"Okay dad," Charlie said. He waited for his mate to show up at the house, which didn't take long since she was already on her way.

There was a knock on the door then someone entered. "Hey babe," Skye said. Skye was the only other normal pack member that had the permission to come in anytime, but she was respectful and she at least wanted to know.

Charlie and Skye hugged and kissed, until Leah broke it up, "You two get a room!" They busted out laughing. "Have fun at your workouts, love you guys." Leah smiled.

Leah treated Skye as one of her own with no questions. After all, Leah really did like Skye because she was a warrior too. It reminded Leah of when she was a werewolf. Charlie and Skye waved to Leah before they left in their wolf form.

It wasn't long until Aunt Jenna arrived as planned. When she came she immediately put her bags in a spare room and helped make dinner for the family.

Blaire came home just in time for dinner. Alice had to leave to go back to Xena and Noah since they had plans tonight. Alec, Charlie, Jade, and Peyton come home and took a shower before dinner. Since Josie's mom was running late she would join for dinner too.

Aunt Jenna laid out the plates and helped Leah and they all enjoyed a nice meal together.

Everyone seemed to disperse while Jenna and Leah helped clean the mess. Josie got picked up, which left Kai to be bored so he went to the painting room that Alec reopened for them.

That's one thing the two of them loved to do together.

Kai went to the room and started to work on the canvas he's had for two weeks now. This one was going to be of his parents in their wolf form.

Kai has heard stories, along with the other children, of when their mother was a wolf. Although, they never asked how she lost her wolf because they could clearly see the pain in her eyes when she discussed it.

Kai wanted to give her mother this before Christmas, which meant that Leah was temporarily banned from coming into this room. Kai knew what color her wolf was too, a light blonde almost white. He smiled because he knew it was going to be perfect. Alec walked in and stayed with Kai for a minute, just doing some simple bonding.

When Leah was done cleaning she went to find Blaire who seemed pretty down today. She wanted to make sure she was okay.

Blaire was in her room just staring at a picture of her whole family together. Something she learned in history today troubled her, something about her father. As she was getting older, she was starting to learn that the world wasn't as it seems and that her father wasn't really the hero in her eyes that she saw when she was younger. In the eyes of others, he was the villain.

A light knock on the door alerted Blaire of their presence. Blaire already knew who it was because she could smell the sweat of her forehead. For a seventeen-year-old girl, she had a keen sense of smell like her father.

"Come in," Blaire answered.

Leah sat on the edge of the bed beside her.

"What's troubling you?" Leah asked.

Blaire taught about her lesson at school. "Today at school I learned something... I've always known about the war dad went through, and that never bothered me. But is it true that after that, he destroyed many villages and packs for no reason." Blaire asked. "Could he really do something so monstrous? How could he even be capable of that? I've never seen him angry- well except for that incident three years ago- but he's never been mean to any of us. In fact, I've never seen him argue against you ever or even raise his voice toward you. He's like a saint when he's with us, but in the books, he's like the devil." Blaire said

"Oh honey, maybe you should talk to your dad on this one, but he does have a reason for the incidents in those histories books. What is said in those books doesn't define him though. He has changed in many ways because we as a family have changed him. He's simply not the same person he was back then." Leah replied. "And he'd never ever hurt you or any of the kids."

"I know that," Blaire said. She truly knew that he would never hurt her or her siblings. "You know it actually doesn't matter what any book says because I know him and they don't. None of the kids at my school do except for pack members. So they can kiss my ass."

Leah laughed, "You're so much like your grandmother and her sisters."

Blaire's eyes went wide with excitement, "Are Velvezhi, Achira, and Insuvai coming?"

Leah shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. They just show up whenever."

"I hope they show up this year. Last year was funny when they were around."

"It's always fun when there around," Leah said.

"Yeah and Velvezhi is the only one I know that can't make dad flinch. It cracks me up every time even though I wonder why he does that." Blaire says.

"Because he values his ears and his brain." Leah answers.

Another knock was heard. Alec poked his head in, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Leah left and went with Alec to his office. "I just got off the phone with Damon. He wants to know if his friend can come over." He rolled his eyes as he sat in his chair.

Leah stifled a laugh, "Let him come then."

"Remember what happened two years ago at Thanksgiving?" He asked.

"It was only a prank. He was young back then, I'm sure he's matured since then."

"He was twenty-four two years ago. An adult." Alec said.

Leah gave him a look, "I really think he should come. I have a good feeling about him being here."

"Fine. But the next time he decided to put a small prank bomb in the mash potatoes, and it goes everywhere leaving me with a potato beard then he's never allowed here again." Alec scowled.

Leah scoffed, "It was not a beard." Alec gave her the look. "Okay, it kinda was."

"My point exactly," Alec stated.

"You still looked sexy." She said and Alec laughed.

"You always think I look sexy," Alec replied.

Leah got up and straddled him in his chair, "Is that a problem?"

Meanwhile, in the art room where Kai actually finished his painting today, he set it to dry and admired it a little. The very small details of the two wolves made it very realistic. He made sure everything was fine and that he didn't miss anything. It turns out he did. His signature, which is an easy fix. He grabbed a small pin and in the corner, he signed his name.

Charlie walked in and his eyes went wide. "Wow. That's amazing! You have some serious talent and it surprises me every day." You'd think that since Charlie lives with Kai and sees his artwork that he'd be less surprised, but that wasn't the case because Kai got better every day.

"Yeah, I made it for mommy. Do you think she'll like it." Kai asked.

"She'll love it. You should make one of me and Skye." Charlie said.

"That'll cost three hundred and fifty dollars," Kai stated.

"What!" Charlie laughed.

"I got to hustle some way to get my money," Kai said.

"Oh my lord kid. I love you. What do you need the money for though?" Charlie asked.

"I want to get a pandora bracelet for Josie. Her favorite color is pink so I was thinking rose gold." Kai says.

"Tomorrow morning I can take you to get one. Then you can make me a painting later." Charlie offers. He knows that Kai likes to make his own money. So it's a win-win situation.

"Deal. But I wanna drink got chocolate with mom first." Kai says.

"Yeah, and I got to drop off your sister's and brother at school first."

"Oh yeah." Kai realizes.

"You seem to like Josie a lot," Charlie says.

"I don't like her. Honestly, I love her."

"You're eleven." Charlie points out.

"I'm also an autistic werewolf. Your point is?"

"Touche," Charlie says. "I wonder if you guys are mates. It is common and possible. You'll just have to wait till your eighteen to know for sure."

"Yeah," Kai says. "Mom and Great Grandma thinks we're mates."

"Usually, Velvezhi and mom are always right."

Later that night, everyone came together and decided to watch a Christmas movie together. A great form of bonding, especially since there weren't many chances to actually sit down and enjoy themselves for the knine family.

After the movie, Alec and Leah made sure all their children went to bed. Kai especially liked to be tucked in at night.

As usual, Leah went up to Kai's bedroom and tucked him in.

"I love you, mommy," Kai said.

"I love you to the moon and back." Leah kissed him on the forehead. He would always be her little star.


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