Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 13


"I have a meeting today at two. Training is going well. You could check in with that and then meet me at the meeting." Alec said to Leah.

"Okay, I will. But right now I don't want to get up." Leah traced her fingers against Alec's skin. They were laying in bed both tried from making up last night. "Alice should be over soon though, and so should Grace. I'm having Alice talk to Jade because I think that is what she needs. Alice and Jade have gone through similar things. During the talk, I think they should be alone. So Grace is picking up the kids. We'll just go take a walk or something." Leah says

"We can visit the training grounds then," Alec suggested.

"Okay," Leah said.

For the short time they had together this morning, Alec and Leah just laid with each other. Talking about all the worries and plans that had to be made in order to win this. One good thing was that an antidote was made for the poison that Charlie was injected with the night Kai got killed. The pack scientists worked day and night to produce an antidote. Leah and Alec had a feeling that Crow would be using poison to help fight his battles. He was never a fair player, so Alec and Leah had to always be ready to adapt to new technology during the war.

Grace came to pick up Blaire and Peyton. Charlie was already on the training grounds with his girlfriend. When Alice arrived, Alec and Leah left them alone. Jade wasn't aware that Alice was here yet.

Alice walked upstairs slowly. She was thinking of how she would talk to Jade. A girl who went through the same things as she did. She wasn't sure where she would begin. Hopefully, she would know the right things to say.

Alice knocked on the door. No one answered but Alice knew Jade was there. Alice could hear her heartbeat, and it was very strong.

Alice slowly pushed the door open and peeked inside. Jade was laying in her bed, her back facing the door. Jade couldn't see Alice, but she knew that Alice was there.

Jade lifted her head up to catch the scent, "Alice what are you doing here?" Jade asked.

"Well, I have to talk to you about something," Alice said.

"Then talk," Jade said.

"Okay. I just wanted to say that I know how your feeling, and I'm sorry this had happened to you." Alice spoke.

"Everyone says that. Everyone says they know how I'm feeling but they don't. They don't what I'm going through." Jade replied. She sounded hurt and heartbroken.

"They may not know what you're going through, but trust me I know. If you don't believe me then look." Alice turned around and bared her back to Jade so she can see. Alice never wore revealing clothes. The reason was that Crow branded Alice. The scare still remained on Alice's lower back like a tramp stamp.

Crow branded all the females that he tortured. It was some sort of sick possession complex that he had.

Jade looked at Alice's brand mark and her eyes widened because she realized that Alice had gone through the same torturous things as well. Jade also had the same brand mark on her lower back that would remain as a permanent scar, but Jade's mark was still fresh. It was just scabbing over.

Not only did Jade bare the brand mark of Crow, but she also bared his mating mark. Out of all the females that Crow has encountered, for some reason he valued Jade the most.

Crow was pissed when he found out that Jade was taken and he planned to retrieve her again.

"It happened to you too," Jade whispered. She was completely shocked.

"Unfortunately, yes. This has been going on for a very long time. I thought this ended a long time when we watched him burn in a fire. I thought he died, but I guess he didn't."

"Has he ever marked you," Jade asked as her eyes zoomed in on Alice's mark created by Xena. They were true soulmates. Jade was only merely a toy that Crow was obsessed with, or so she thought.

However, Jade didn't know that Crow's obsession went beyond that of a mere little toy.

Alice's eyes furrowed. She was a little confused by this question, "Other than the branding no. Maybe scars but that's it." Alice said and looked at Jade. Alice realized that Jade was wearing an old turtleneck. Everyone that knows Jade knows that she really doesn't like the wear them. Especially one that wasn't fashionable, the one she was wearing now lacked taste. It was bland and old, definitely something that wouldn't attract attention. That wasn't Jade's taste. She wanted to be a fashion designer, and she was even going to an academy for fashion designing.

Alice finally put the puzzle pieces together. Alice's head tilted to the side and she could feel the pain radiating off of Jade, which only confirmed her conclusions. She was in disbelief.

"Please tell me he didn't..." Alice whispered.

Jade's fingers trembled noticeably as she reached for the rim of her turtleneck. It was like time slowed down, and the tears gathered at the corner of Jade's eyes. She revealed the mark that a soulmate was supposed to put on your body. The mating mark that Seth was supposed to give her. While Jade was in captivity, Crow forcefully marked her and know he was somewhat connected to Jade. Crow could feel Jade's emotions and she could feel his emotions too, even though she didn't want to. Jade hated him with a passion and he knew that.

Alice gasped and her hand went to her mouth. The mating mark of a monster.

"I'm broken..." Jade whispered out. A tear fell from her cheek. "No one will ever want me now. I'm tainted, ruined, destroyed. I'm am broken!" Jade yelled. She was beyond angry. "Where was the Moon Goddess then huh?" She yelled to the ceiling, pushing her anger to the Moon Goddess. "She killed Kai. And she let this happen to me!" She yelled and screamed. Cursing every obscenity that was in the book.

For a moment, Alice hugged Jade tight and didn't let go. Jade held on to Alice like she was clinging on to life. Alice helped Jade let it all out. They let it out together. Alice was in tears along with Jade. She was in tears for all the pain caused to her family. They both were.

Jade hyperventilated and cried in Alice's arms for almost an hour. Alice was by Jade's side the whole entire time, comforting and listening to her struggles.

"I don't think my mate can forgive me now... I don't think he will think I'm beautiful anymore. I can't shine as I use too." Jade whispered, curled up beside Alice.

"Well, here's what I say about that," Alice thought for a moment. "John Tolkien once said 'All that is gold does not glitter', okay. You may think that you don't glitter or shine anymore. And that's okay, it's normal to feel like that in this case, and it will take a while to heal. But, you are still gold. You are gold to me, your father and mother, the Moon Goddess, and your mate. He won't think of you any differently, trust me. I love you, and he will too." Alice said.

"Thank you, Alice. I love you more." Jade squeezed her in a hug. Her arms were already wrapped around Alice, so it was easy to do so.

Jade sat up from her bed and almost scared herself from her own reflection in the mirror. She was disgusted with herself. Dark eye bags, messy knotted hair, and pale skin. She looked like something in a damn horror movie. "Yeesh," Jade said to herself.

"You still look beautiful. Radiant actually. Full of beauty." Alice complimented Jade.

Jade rolled her eyes in a playful manner and gave Alice the 'I know you're lying' look. "Hah, you're funny."

"As funny as your father's face." Alice always said this to Jade when she was younger and it always made her laugh until she couldn't breathe.

Jade smiled, "I miss you saying that."

"Do you want some alone time right now?" Alice asked.

Jade nodded, "I wanna take a shower and then lay in the bath for a while. Then maybe I can like dye my hair or something. Actually, I'm going to give myself a makeover."

Alice nods her head, "Hmm. That sounds about right. My hair use to be green when I was thirteen. Alec called me Shrek the whole entire time. Then I dyed it blue when I was fourteen and he called me a smurf. So I ended up shaving my head."

"What did he call you then?" Jade asked.

Alice rolled her eyes recalling back the memory, "Gollum."

Jade's eyes went wide, "That's harsh."

"Well anyway, I'll leave you alone now. Take care." Alice says and goes to stand up.

Jade quickly grabbed her hand real quick. "Alice," Jade called. "Why is Crow doing this? Why is he so vengeful to our family?" Jade asked.

Alice stopped and looked at her. Alice sighed as she spoke, "It's actually really stupid but a long time ago, my father and mother were best friends with Crow's mate. My parents grew up in the same pack with her actually. And they had a car accident. It was really bad and the only ones that survived were my parents. Crow's mate died that night, ever since then he's become feral. A feral monster that needs to be put down." Alice said. Alice continued, "Many people in the pack actually don't know that, so therefore not a lot of people know why the war has started in the beginning. No one has even asked because they are afraid to even walk up to Alec."

Jade nodded taking in the information. She knew that there was no talking to Crow about this, the only way to end this was to kill him. Either way, she didn't want to think about this much more tonight. "Thank you. I really appreciate you coming here and helping me." Jade spoke.

Alice nods her head, "No problem. Stay strong kid."

After Alice left, Jade grabbed her white robe and some clothes to change into. Then she went to the bathroom to take a shower first. She wanted to wash all the grime, dirt, and pain off before she could relax in a nice hot bath.

After showering, she gathered her clothes and some candles to walk to the bathroom with a gigantic bathtub.

The floor creaked underneath her feet and she stopped more a moment. Jade clutched the robe closer to her soaking wet body and listened for a moment. For a moment, she swore she heard someone else in the house with her. She used her hearing and stayed still. All she heard was the sound of crickets. Her eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head in shame.

"Keep yourself together Jade. You are not in danger." Jade said to herself. She walked into the bathroom. While starting the bathwater she laid out the candles and lit them. Then she turned off the light and took her robe off.

Laying in the hot water brought peace to her and she closed her eyes for a bit. Finally able to relax and actually have a clear mind for once. It was like a new beginning for Jade. She looked down at herself for so long since the incident, but it wasn't Jade's fault. It never was and it never would be.

As she closed her eyes and rested her head against the inner bathtub, many joyful things came back to her. Her love of fashion and her love for her family. Then Kai crossed her mind. Sadness crept up behind her, and so did a monster. Jade missed her brother so much it hurt. Jade would only see him when death came.

Her next thoughts were her mate. She hasn't seen him in what seemed like forever. Where was he? Was he okay? All thoughts that came to Jade. She was afraid to seek him out. Afraid that he would look at her differently. The only way she would find out something was to finally drop her barrier. Since Seth was still Jade's soul mate, she could still feel his emotions. Seth could feel Jade's emotions too as well, but he could only feel her emotions to a certain degree because they weren't fully mated. Crow could feel Jade's emotions more strongly than Seth right now.

Jade had a barrier up to block everyone from feeling her emotions though. She didn't want to drop it because if Seth could feel her emotions than so could Crow, and Jade wanted Crow to remain away from her as far as possible. Jade was desperate to feel Seth's emotions though to at least figure out if he was okay. Or maybe he moved on.

She let the barrier down, a mentally exhausting job. All she could feel was physical pain. A lot of it. She had to help him. She gasped and her eyes flew open, only to widen because she had an unexpected visitor. She looked up above her and saw one of Crow's henchman, Jade recognized him well because he followed Crow around like a lost puppy dog. She panicked and instantly froze, but he didn't.

The man grabbed Jade's shoulders and pushed her down under the water. Jade scratched and clawed the man's arms to try and get away from him. For a split second Jade overpowered the man and rose up to gasp for air, only to be pushed down underwater again. Panic spread throughout Jade because she wasn't to her full physical strength yet. She was so mentally and physically exhausted from everything that's happened, and it has left her weaker than normal. It was starting to piss Jade off because she wasn't weak at all.

Again Jade rose up to gasp for air. She coughed up water as her face was turning red. Her fangs elongated and she bit into the man's arm. The man had to stop himself from screaming in pain. The man grabbed Jade's hair and ripped him off of her, and he dragged her down under the bathwater again.

"I don't care how long it takes. You will drown bitch! I don't even care if Crow kills me for this, but I can't handle him talking about you one last fucking time." The man yelled.

It was true that Crow could feel the panic and pain that Jade was trying to be killed. He was pissed, but so was someone else. Someone else of more importance could also feel the pain and panic of Jade now that her mental barrier was taken away.

Seth sat up against the dungeon walls in his little cell. He was shackled by his feet to the walls. Seth rested his head against arms which were resting on his knees. These last couple of days he faced many torturous beatings to try and force him to confess something. Seth never spoke a word about anything and they just assumed that he was a tough one to crack. The wolves thought he was aligned with Crow. Seth didn't even know about Crow.

Seth's left eye was swollen, and there were three long big cuts on Seth's back caused by a knife. Long cuts were made everywhere on Seth's body to drain him of his blood. They covered his back, arm, legs, and torso. Alec made sure that he was drained of blood and not able to access more to make him weak, and unable to heal properly. Needless to say, Seth's suit was ruined.

It did surprise Alec that Seth didn't fight back. He just took everything that was coming to him without screaming. The thing that Alec didn't know was that the reason Seth didn't fight back was that he didn't want to hurt the wolves in Jade's pack because that would hurt Jade. Seth knew he couldn't kill Alec, but he could kill the lesser ranking wolves that beat Seth on the daily. It took every fiber of Seth's being to not reach out and strangle the wolves that hurt him or at least suck them dry. To say he was starving was an understatement. He was ravenous.

He just at least wanted to be in close proximity with Jade. He knew that she was nearby. In fact, the dungeon holding cells were closer to Alec's house then the training grounds were.

Seth could feel the presence of Jade but he could feel her emotions. He knew that she had blocked him out for some unknown reason, and that hurt in more than all the punishments he received.

You could imagine the happiness Seth felt when Jade put down her barrier and Seth could finally feel her. He was relieved. Then he grew furious because the first thing he felt was mental anguish, and another male involved. He could feel the fact that she was marked by another male. Seth skipped the phase of a vampire's eyes glowing red, instead, they went straight to black. The whites of his eyes were even black. Black veins showed under his eyes.

Then suddenly Seth felt something else through their special bond. He felt physical pain. He felt panic and fear. It was a different type of fear. One that he knew all too well. Jade was in danger, and he had to do something. Seth turned around and grabbed the chain that held into this dirty wall. His feet were against the wall pushing as he pulled the chain. One way or another he was going to rip this off the wall.

Panic set into him too because he was weaker than usual. He pulled again and dirt fell from the ceiling, and from his constant moving dust filled the air.

His breathing became heavy as he grew angrier with every passing second.

Pain radiated from his body as all his muscles worked together to rip the chain off the wall. Seth wouldn't have a problem doing so in the first place if he was in full health.

The third time he pulled on the chain he could hear a big cracking sound on the wall.

He relaxed for a second, and then he let out a painful yell as he pulled again with all his might. The cuts all over his body burned like fire, but it was worth his when the chain broke away from the wall. Dirt and dust flew into the air and Seth coughed as he accidentally inhaled some. He stood to his feet and walked to the cell gate. He ripped it straight off the hinges and threw it back.

The sight of him would scare any sane person. Large rippling muscles, pure black eyes, and black veins that moved all over his body. He was truly a sight to behold.

The two wolves standing guard outside of the cells looked at him and growled. Seth knew he had wasted enough time and dashed off in the speed of lightning toward the smell of his mate.

The two wolves looked at each other, "Alert the Alpha. I'm going to get him. He's running in the direction of the Alpha's house." One man said to the other and then shifted to chase after Seth.

The man stayed behind and alerted the Alpha, but the Alpha already knew there was danger. Alec was already on his way to his house long before he was alerted. Alec cut his meeting short with Damon. They were talking about the facial expressions of Alpha's during the funeral to see who enemies might be, but when he could feel the presence of danger through the pack link he took off. Alec had no idea how the vampire was related to the matter but he didn't care. His daughter was in danger and Alec was almost to his house, just like Seth was.

Seth made it there first because vampires were a little faster than most werewolves. He burst through the front door and immediately ran to all the commotion. Seth didn't like what he saw at all. His own mate being hurt by another person.

Seth pulled the man off Jade and slammed him to the wall, leaving a body imprint. Seth punched the man twice and immediately bite into his neck, paralyzing him. Then he slowly enjoyed his meal and sucked the wolf completely dry. Seth enjoyed the fear in the werewolf's eyes as he broke away from him. Then as the werewolf slipped away into the darkness, Seth through him to the ground like the worthless dog he was. The wounds on Seth's body only healed a little bit. He needed more blood to fully heal him.

Jade's coughing snapped Seth out of the steaming rage he felt. He immediately came to Jade's aid and helped her out of the bathroom. Then he grabbed her robe and helped her get it on.

The adrenaline wore off of Seth and he doubled over in pain clutching his torso. The large wound was still there and it was still bleeding. Jade looked at it and gasped.

"I'm my god, what happened to you. You need to drink. Drink." Jade forced his face to the crook of her neck, the side that had no mating mark. Jade worried so much about him and cared for him so much that all the pain vanished when she was with him. She was only concerned about his health.

Seth's eyes went wide and he pulled away quickly.

Jade wouldn't let him go. "I said drink. You're weak right now and I'm scared you'll die or something."

Seth lethargically laughed. It would take a lot to kill him. Besides vampires wouldn't die if they didn't drink blood, they would just be desiccated in torment until they had blood. As much as Seth wanted to drink, he wouldn't from Jade. It would hurt her. "No. Absolutely not. You'll be paralyzed. I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're not going to hurt me. I'm now immune to vampire venom. Trust me just drink please." Jade said. Seth looked into Jade's eyes. She wasn't afraid of him or what she just witnessed. He couldn't see any hesitation in her eyes. In fact, he saw encouragement in her eyes and words. It was an internal debate in his mind, but when Jade guided his mouth again to her neck, he accepted this time.

Seth bit down gently and drank her blood. It was intoxicating to him, the best he has ever had, and Jade actually felt a little bit of a high from him drinking her blood. Jade closed her eyes and rested her head against the tub as Seth drank her blood.

Suddenly, a large growl was heard and both heads snapped toward a large brown wolf that entered the room. Snarling and baring his teeth at Seth.

"Dad," Jade whispered in fear. "It's not what it looks like." Jade tried to stand up both slipped on the water. Seth's hands went to instantly steady her, and that made Alec let out an angry growl.

Seth slowly backed away from Jade. He didn't want to fight her father because that would only make matters worst, but he would defend himself. Seth backed away with his hands up in case Alec would charge at him. "I can explain, Alpha." Seth was careful to not disrespect him. "Jade-" Seth was about to tell him that Jade was his mate, but he was cut off when Alec charged at him. He didn't even like his daughter's name coming out from a filthy vampire's mouth.

Alec charged him and jumped on him. Seth's hands were the only thing blocking Alec from tearing out Seth's throat.

"Dad stop he's my mate!" Jade begged.

"Dad please stop!" Jade screamed.

Jade screamed at her father and even tried to pull him off, but it was no use.

Alec bit Seth's arm and ripped his mouth from side to side. Alec tried to drag across the room but Seth threw Alec through the wall. The debris and white powder from the walls filled the air like a smoke bomb. Just when things were quiet and Seth had to concentrate to see, Alec lunged through the white powder from walls and bite Seth's shoulder.

They were separated by Jade with magic. Jade held both of them in the air in opposite parts of the room.

Alec glared at Jade. He hated it when his own children used magic against him.

"Dad please listen to me. Please." She begged. "He is my mate. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was afraid. I was afraid you'd hate me forever." Jade said.

Leah ran upstairs hearing everything. She was late because Alec shifted and took off without her, but she couldn't blame him. She would only slow everything down.

"Okay sorry, I'm late." Leah made her grand entrance. She looked down at her bathroom floor and stepped over the dead body, "Just another day of life." She said to herself.

"Okay, let them go," Leah said and Jade listened.

As soon as the guys hit the floor, Alec again ran after Seth. Leah pulled him back with magic. Alec's paws scraped the floor as he was still trying to move forward. "Nope, okay. That was a bad idea." Leah said.

Once Leah dragged Alec back to her, Leah quickly grabbed Alec's wold face. "Tūṅku," Leah said.

Alec immediately fell over into a deep sleep.

"Well, what a day! A body to bury, a wolf to put in bed, a new son-in-law." Leah clasped her hands together.

"You are putting him in the bed?" Jade asked.

"We have a dog bed for a reason," Leah answered. "He will sleep for the rest of the day. We can all talk about this tomorrow. Trust me he needs the sleep because tomorrow is not going to go well."

"He's going to need more than sleep. He will kill us tomorrow!" Jade freaked out. "He will hate me," Jade whined.

Leah was going to comfort her, but Seth beat her to it. "He won't hate you. He just hates me." Seth wrapped his arm around Jade.

"Don't worry we'll figure all this out tomorrow. He just doesn't understand yet." Leah assured them that everything was going to be fine.

She sure hoped it would be.


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