Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 12


Leah looked in the mirror at her long flowing white dress. A temporary frown on her face. The morning of Kai's funeral and all Leah could bring herself to do was put on a dress and brush her hair.

She looked at her appearance completely disgusted with herself. She should have been able to protect her son. What kind of mother was she? She thought of herself as a bad mother.

The door opened and Alec walked in wearing all white. He wore white jeans and a white button-up dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow. It was tradition to wear white for weddings, funerals, and other pack ceremonies because they all relate to the moon goddess.

"Are you almost ready?" Alec asked.

"Does it fucking look like it," Leah said.

"I was only asking because the kids are waiting for us downstairs. So is Grace, Remmy, Damon, and the others." Alec says.

"Well go ahead with everyone and take the kids. I want to go by myself."

"You know that we have to walk down together-" Alec was speaking but he was cut off by Leah.

"I know the tradition, Alec. I'm not stupid. Go ahead and I'll meet up with you guys in a second. I just don't want to see your face." Leah said.

Alec turned around and left. He went downstairs to greet everyone that waited in the living room. "Come on let's go. She's right behind us." Everyone left after Alec, everyone except Blaire.

Blaire told Alec, "I'm going to wait for mom."

Alec nodded his head and left. The only way he would make it through today were to ignore Leah's comments because the tears just seemed harder to push back today.

Blaire watched as they rode off and she stopped waving and her face turned cold as she walked upstairs.

She had enough of this. She has had enough of the way her mother was treating her father.

Without knocking Blaire barged into Leah's room. If looks could kill, Leah would be dead ten times over again.

"What do you want?" Leah asked nonchalantly.

"I want to know what in the fuck is the matter with you," Blaire growled.

"Ask your father."

"I know about your past mom. Your's and dad's past. You guys have been through so much together to act like this. You need to stop treating dad like this. It's not fair. Both of you need to come together, so we can eliminate the threat." Blaire says.

"What do you know about any of this!" Leah snapped. Leah's voice rising higher with every word, "What do you know about losing a son. What do you know about my past? You don't know what it felt like when I first met Alec."

"I may not know what it's like to lose a son, but I know what it's like to lose a brother." Tears welled up in Blaire's eyes. "And that hurts. It hurts so bad knowing that I'll have to speak at his funeral instead of his mating ceremony." Blaire had to wipe her face before she could continue. "I may not know what it was like to be in your shoes when you first met dad, but I know that you forgave him. You forgave him and started a family with him. By doing that you decided to put all the bad things behind you and start over. You can't go changing your mind now that things didn't go the way we wanted it too." Blaire says.

Leah rolled her eyes, "I'm not listening to this."

Blaire blocked Leah from leaving her room. "You will listen because I'm not going to let you treat dad like this anymore. You need to step out of this phase that you're in. Kai was my brother and dad's kid too. Unless you cheated on him and he is another man's baby." Blaire snarled. She was purposely trying to make Leah mad.

Leah's eyes widened and then contorted into pure anger. Without thinking, Leah reached out and slapped Blaire across the cheek. "I have never cheated on your father. Never in a million years would that cross my mind. All of you belong to Alec, and Kai definitely did! Kai was Alec's kid!" Leah yelled.

"Exactly mom. Kai is Alec's kid. That's what I'm trying to prove. He has feelings too because his own son was killed. You act like Alec killed Kai by his bare hands and he didn't. Kai was killed by Crow, not dad."

"I seriously doubt Alec cares."

"You don't think dad cares? Then let me show you." Blaire quickly pressed both of her hands against Leah's temple. She muttered, "Niṉaivukaḷ." A little trick that she learned from Velvezhi a while back.

Blaire took all of her selected memories and showed then to Leah. She has been working on this for a while now. Blaire showed Leah all the nights when she would come downstairs in the middle of the night to find Alec drinking on the couch alone. The nights were he soaked in his own sorrow. Blaire showed Leah the conversations they had about how much he missed his son. Blaire showed Leah everything. Every moment of sorrow that Alec was in. Everything that Leah had missed. The only thing that Alec had not done yet was cry. Blaire also showed Leah's memories of how Jade and Peyton were doing.

Leah stepped back from Blaire, "What have I done? What is this-" Leah clutched her head as Blaire's memories were too painful. "I can't believe I said those hateful mean things."

Suddenly, Leah understood the things around her because she saw how she acted in another viewpoint, and she clearly saw the pain of Alec. She was no longer numb anymore and she realized the damaging words she said to him. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything. I've just been so lost. I need to apologize. I need to talk to him. He'll hate me! I just don't know what to do." Leah felt very overwhelmed at this moment.

Blaire pulled her mom in for a hug. They bear-hugged each other until they felt like they couldn't breathe. "It's okay mom. It's okay." Blaire repeated. Blaire steadied her mother at arm's length. "Right now. We will focus on getting through today, then you can talk to dad tonight. And trust me, Dad will always love you."

Leah nodded in agreement. She looked at her own daughter. How strong, beautiful, and independent Blaire was. That was definitely something Alec took part in. Leah caressed Blaire's cheek, "Thank you, Blaire. You are stronger than I imagined. Alec definitely played a role in that. He raised you guys so well." Leah said biting back more tears.

"You both raised us well." Blaire grabbed Leah's hand. "Now let's go."

Leah and Blaire walked out the door hand in hand. "Is everyone already there?"

"Everyone except Jade. No one could get her to come out of her room. She's been throwing up all morning. Dad told her Kai's funeral was today, but I don't think she understood anything he said. She's very hurt and I don't know what to say."

Leah thought about it for a while as they walked to the funeral grounds. "I think I know someone who would be good for her to talk to," Leah says. The wheels already began to spin in her head. It's been so long since Leah could think of anything and it was like a nice fresh breath of air.

All packs had the same tradition for funerals. In every pack, a Sycamore tree was planted in the heart of the land. Usually, that area was nicely decorated all year round. The Sycamore tree had a special resemblance with the moon goddess because Sycamore was her name.

For the viewing, the casket would be placed in front of the Sycamore tree, and there would be two sections of black chairs, in a row, with an aisle in between. The viewing was a chance for everyone to say goodbye to the lost loved one. The Alpha and Luna would be the first to say goodbye, and since they were the parents of Kai, the rest of the pack would just follow behind them. If another person had died, then the family of that person would be second to say goodbye.

After the viewing, the pack would walk a mile to the cemetery to bury the fallen pack member. The Alpha and Luna would lead everyone for the viewing and the one-mile walk. Then the rest of the pack, from lowest to highest rank, would follow in pursuit.

Since Kai was an alpha's son, other alpha families would be at this funeral as well. Many alpha families have been flying all over the world to attend this funeral. Almost all of the alphas in the world had flown into Romania and stayed at a hotel for the past two days so they could attend the funeral. The alpha families of the other packs would be the last ones in the line for the viewing and one-mile walk.

After the one mile walk, there would be a dinner in celebration of Kai's life. That would the last event for the night, then everyone would go home. Needless to say, there is going to be a tremendous amount of people for Leah and Alec to entertain.

Everyone was already seated when Blaire and Leah came. "Okay, go ahead and take your seat." Leah nodded to Blaire. Blaire left to go to a seat at the front with Charlie, Charlie's mate, and Peyton.

As soon as Blaire sat down soft music began to play and Leah and Alec interlocked hands. They walked down the aisle for what felt like forever. All eyes were on them as they walked down the endless white carpet.

Today was a horrible memory engraved into the Knine pack. You'd think that the gossip and rumors would be nonexistent today, but that wasn't the case.

As Alec walked down the aisle holding Leah's hand, he could hear everything, unlike Leah.

Look how pretty his eyes are! He heard this from a group of females in another Alpha family. He heard a lot of females talking about him in this manner.

Look at him. The monster everyone fears. He probably doesn't even care his own son died. Multiple alphas whispered throughout the section of chairs. They talked about how Alec didn't change and that he was just the same as before. He had to hold in a growl because everyone was looking at him. He gritted his teeth with anger. He didn't even want an audience like this. All he wanted was his pack, not the other alpha families from around the world, but Damon insisted on inviting them anyway. Damon wanted to observe the body language and facial expressions of the alpha families to see if they could possibly be an enemy to the Knine pack.

As Alec walked, other alphas that felt his intimidating power shrunk down in their seats and quit whispering. The looks on their faces brought some sort of satisfaction to him. The others seemed to forget who was the most deadly being here. It was bad enough that Alec only felt that this was just a show that Leah and Alec were putting on. His hand felt warm because of Leah's, but he knew that she only was doing this because she had too. Alec knew that Leah hated him. Alec and Leah looked at each other before they stepped up to the casket. It surprised Alec when Leah squeezed his hand and gave him a loving look, but Alec quickly realized it was only because of all the people around.

Alec didn't know that the look that Leah gave him was genuine.

Alec looked at Kai. That's all he could do. His face and eyes were burning at this point but he wouldn't cry. At least not in front of the other Alphas. Alec let go of Leah's hand and held on to the side of the casket. Then Alec leaned down and kissed Kai on the forehead. After that display of affection, there were a couple of gasp and more whispers that only Alec could hear. Everyone seemed to forget that Alec's hearing was keener than others.

It wasn't common for alpha families to display love and affection so freely to their offspring. Most Alpha's didn't even raise their kids. It was usually a task given to a omega, and the only time the kid would see their parents would be for training. The Knine pack was different was the very beginning. The Knine pack values nurturing care for their offspring.

"I'll miss you," Alec said.

Leah kissed Kai's forehead as well, then they walked off to the side. Next, the first row stood up and walked to the casket, then the following rows did the same.

In the line, Josie waited to approach Kai. Dry tears stayed stuck on her face. She was paler than usual and her mother had to help keep her steady. She felt that she was going to pass out. Josie was taking his death really hard. She was getting closer and closer. Josie held her sketchbook tighter in her arms.

When she finally looked at Kai's face she lost it. Kai's dead face that looked ten times paler. She throws herself to the casket and cried. She hugged the casket and wailed out in pain.

When she finally calmed down she placed her sketchbook in the casket with Kai. "I hope you like the picture I drew of you. I was never a good artist like you, but you always thought my drawings were the best." Josie turned and walked to the side to meet everyone else. As she fiddled with her pink pandora bracelet, she whispered, "I will never draw again." She wanted to bury her sketchbook with Kai because that was the end of her drawing again. She only started drawing because she admired Kai's drawings. It was something they did together, and now she never wanted to pick up a sketchbook again. Josie looked at her wrist at the bracelet that Kai bought. She didn't even get a chance to give Kai her present.

Lastly, the other Alpha families would give their farewells. Isaac and his father were the first to approach.

Isaac the little boy who bullied Kai, but was also receiving beatings from his father behind doors. The same boy that Kai cast a protection spell on. Although now that Kai was dead, the magic that Kai used had now disappeared. Isaac was not an idiot. As he looked at Kai, he knew that Kai had something to do with it. Isaac knew that Kai was the reason why his father's beatings didn't hurt for a while and that he was the reason why his wounds healed so quickly because they never did before. He knew because when he found out Kai had died the beatings started to hurt again, and he put two and two together. Isaac didn't know how Kai did it or why when Isaac was nothing but mean to him, but he was thankful.

Isaac never really hated Kai, he just envied him. Now the guilt racking through Isaac was almost unbearable. Isaac never would have thought that the day would come when he wanted nothing more than to see Kai one last time. He wanted to thank Kai for protecting him. Isaac knew in his gut that Kai had helped him, even though all possible scenarios in his head made no sense. How could a simple werewolf prevent the pain of abuse? Maybe he wasn't normal at all. Isaac always did sense a weird presence around Kai. It was like he wasn't just a werewolf.

Isaac had so much to say to Kai but he couldn't say anything at all because of his father. He didn't want to be weak in his father's eyes or that would come back to hurt him later. Isaac knew that his father didn't like the Knine family. The only reason his father came was to be nosy.

After everyone viewed the casket they started on the one-mile walk. Four men carried the casket behind Alec and his family. There wasn't a single sound except for the occasional crying.

Leah turned to Alec with tears in her eyes, "I need to talk to you after this. We can meet everyone at dinner when we are done."

Alec nodded wondering what on Earth she could possibly say that he hasn't heard. He wondered what other things has she come up with that could break him even more.

It took around fifteen minutes for them to walk to the cemetery. It took a little bit for everyone to get situated, but as Kai's body was lowered six feet under it suddenly became a reality for everyone that not everything lasts forever.

Sisters and brothers hugged each other tighter, lovers and families held hands in fear of losing each other. It was true that werewolves faced different hardships than humans. Some consistently lived in fear that every day would be the last day to be with the people they care about.

It was a reality now to all the young wolves that even the brightest and kindest souls can die a horrible death. Even when someone would fight tooth and nail, promises of living were always meant to be broken.

After Kai was lowered in the group, Damon and Rem showed everyone to the chambers where the dinner would be held. There everyone would gather for drinks, food, and light conversation for a couple of hours. Alec spent a lot of money to decorate the chambers and to have a lavish funeral because his child deserved the best.

Alec and Leah stayed behind.

Leah looked up to the clouds and a light rainfall drizzled from the sky. "It's not fair. This shouldn't have happened to us." Leah stated. She raked through her hair with her hands. "Let's go back to the house."

Leah led the way quickly because she wanted to correct her mistakes in a hurry.

Alec followed closely behind. He really didn't know what to think. Alec needed Leah really bad right now. He could almost feel the tears push through, but he stopped himself. He didn't want to be weak but he was hurting.

Back at the chambers, the food was being prepared at this moment and drinks were already being served. Peyton managed to sneak himself a glass of champagne as he walked out of the back doors of the chambers and into the garden. He needed some time alone.

He sat his glass cup down on a table. He rolled up his sleeves to fix the bandages on his arms that hid the cut marks. Then he picked up his cup and started walking through the garden.

He thought that he was alone until he saw Isaac and he immediately got mad. Isaac gritted his teeth and put down his cup as he marched up to Isaac.

Peyton grabbed his shoulder and forcefully turned him around, he drew back his fist and immediately punched Isaac right in the jaw. "You! What are you doing here? You shouldn't even be allowed to attend Kai's funeral." Peyton yelled at Isaac.

Isaac got angry too because he had been hit when he didn't even provoke Peyton. He tried to calm down because he could understand the anger that came from Peyton. Isaac had bullied Kai, Peyton's brother, so of course, he would be mad. Isaac would too in that position. However, Isaac didn't want to be like that anymore. He wanted to do better by Kai and right his mistakes. "It's tradition remember. I was forced to come here, and believe it or not but I do regret my actions toward Kai." Isaac spoke.

"It's a little too late for that now! You bullied him!" Peyton charged Isaac and tackled him to the ground. Peyton straddled Isaac and punched him multiple times. Isaac grabbed a rock on the ground and smashed it against Peyton's temple, and pushed him off. Isaac charged at Peyton and knocked him to the ground. Isaac landed three blows to his face before Peyton managed to wrestle him to the ground again. Isaac was strong as well and he wrestling him back to the ground just as quickly as Peyton got him on his back. They rolled on the ground until Isaac got the upper ground. Isaac straddled him again and continued to punch Peyton, but Peyton head-butted Isaac and then kicked his knee. After that Peyton shoved Isaac. Isaac fell back into Peyton's glass and knocked over the champagne. Peyton gritted his teeth and punch Isaac in the nose. A loud crack echoed in the garden and blood started gushing out of Isaac's nose. Isaac cuffed his nose in pain for a second and then he charged at Peyton again. Isaac and Peyton fought each other to the point where they were both bleeding and tired. They were both strong and stubborn, so neither of them would back down from a fight.

Peyton grabbed Isaac and they both locked up with each other. Isaac pushed forward and Peyton tripped over a rocked. They both fell to the ground. Isaac landed on top of Peyton and pinned his arms to the ground using both hands. Isaac wanted to tell him to knock this off, that they were basically both disgracing Kai by fighting on this day, but then they both locked eyes. The look they gave each other with so much intensity and anger was new for both of them.

In this tense moment, they realized how close they were to each other. Their lips were only a couple inches apart, and they both breathed heavily from fighting each other.

"Get off of me, faggot," Peyton muttered angrily and pushed him off.

Isaac fell to the ground, and Peyton sat up to dust the dirt off his white clothes. Isaac did the same. They both glared at each other with hatred.

Isaac touched the wound on his forehead that bleed and got into his white clothes. He winced slightly at the sharp pain. "You don't know what it's like to..." Isaac trailed off. He shouldn't say it out loud because he never knew who was listening.

"I don't know what." Peyton sneered. "I know that at every moment you got you tormented him. You hated him!" Peyton yelled. "You treated him so horribly that he cried as he tore out those pages in his sketchbook. He never deserved that!"

"I envied him!" Isaac to the top of his lungs, his breathing heavy. Isaac's eyes were glossy and dropped his head in shame. Peyton's eyes widened and there was a moment of silence. "I never hated him, and I surely didn't want him to die." Isaac finished.

"Why? Why did you envy him?" Peyton asked.

"Because you don't know what it's like to live my life. I envied all of you. Mainly Kai because even though he had autism he was still loved. Your father loves all of you I wish the way mine did. My father can even accept me and there is nothing wrong with me." Isaac broke down. Silent tears poured down his cheek and he looked away embarrassed.

"Your father. What does he do to you?" Peyton asked.

Isaac bared all the recent bruises and marks that his father made on him. Then Isaac turned around and showed him the scar on his back that was caused by a knife. Isaac then rolled up his sleeves to let Peyton see all the times that his father put out cigars on his bare skin. "Not everyone is lucky to have a caring father like you," Isaac said.

"Well, there is nothing that you did to deserve that. Your father is the issue here, not you." Peyton actually did feel bad for Isaac at this point. He had no idea what he went through.

"Look I know this may be hard to explain but I think Kai helped me. I'm so stupid to say this out loud because it still doesn't make any sense to me, but I think he protected me. Or maybe I'm just losing my mind." Isaac shook his head and laughed. "I think I'm just going crazy."

"No, wait. What do you think he did?" Peyton asked.

"Well this might sound crazy but after I saw Kai and you guys at that restaurant, I fell and broke my nose. Then I healed very quickly." Isaac started.

"Werewolves heal quickly already you know that," Peyton stated.

"I don't. I guess it's from all the years I spent with my father but my wounds heal so slowly. Look." Isaac point to the wound on his forehead. It hasn't even started healing and Isaac's nose was still bleeding. Peyton's wounds had already healed completely. "Then after that. My father started to hurt me again. I felt nothing. It was like a shield was placed over me, my wounds even healed quickly. But now that Kai is dead, I can feel everything as before. It just doesn't make any sense."

"Yeah it doesn't make any sense, but I'm sure there is some logical explanation. Like maybe your adrenaline rush was higher at that point." Peyton tried to cover up any doubts. Peyton know knew that Kai did help him. Kai must have put a protection spell on Isaac. Peyton smiled a little to himself. That was just like Kai, always helping others.

Isaac just shrugged his shoulders. Peyton stood to his feet and walked over to Isaac. Peyton offered his hand to Isaac and he accepted it. Peyton pulled up Isaac. Isaac almost fell over in pain, but Peyton helped steady him. Peyton was going to ask if he was alright but they heard someone approaching.

"Shit," Isaac said as he saw his father approaching him.

"Isaac! You little shit. You are so embarrassing. I can't even take you anywhere." Isaac's father grabbed Isaac's shoulder roughly. He jerked Isaac away from Peyton and then Isaac could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Come on we are leaving now!"

Peyton watched as Isaac's father dragged his own son away from him.

Meanwhile, Alec and Leah arrived at their house after the long walk. Leah opened her door to her room and paused for a second. She noticed the measurements of her children. Every year, Leah would have the children stand against her bedroom door and record their measurements. She would never be able to take Kai's again.

Alec walked into the room and Leah shut the door. As soon as Leah turned around Alec dropped to his knees in front of Leah. Leah gasped in surprise as she looked at Alec.

An alpha was never supposed to be on his knees in this manner.

"What are you doing-" Leah was confused.

"Please forgive me. Please! I just can't do this without you. I am sorry I killed him." Small tears formed in the corner of his eyes and fell down his cheek. This is the first time Alec has cried since Kai died.

The look in Alec's face tore at Leah's heart. This was the pain she has caused him. All of this misplaced blame had caused him this much pain. He actually thought that he was at fault for Kai's death.

Unexpectedly he did something that Leah never thought he'd do. He submitted to Leah. That is something that many Alpha's would rather die than to submit to another, even their mates.

He was already on his knees as he bared his neck to Leah. His hands were on top of his legs and his palms were facing upward. Leah froze and looked at him like he grew four heads.

"What are you doing! Get up! Stop it." Leah gasped.

"An alpha isn't supposed to do that! Get up, Alec." Leah repeated herself. Alec wasn't listening, and he had nothing more to say. Leah dropped on her knees as well and engulfed him in a hug.

"Please forgive me." He said again.

"It's not your fault Alec. I know that now. I should have never blamed you." Leah says.

"I love you, Alec," Leah said.

Alec hugged Leah back and he rested his head in the crook of her neck. "I love you too. Please don't leave me like that." Alec said.

"I will never again. I just felt so lost with everything. It was me who acted like a monster. I completely disregarded your feelings. I didn't mean to cause you pain." Leah says. "It's okay now. Because we are going to kill this bastard. We are going to end this."

For the first time since the death, they cried together. They let all of their grief out as a team this time. And tomorrow they were going to be stronger and ready for this war because a house divided is a house that can not stand.


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