Blood for Blood

Chapter The Fight

All day long, I had Aurora by my side. We went to each class together. I even went to her Yoga Class with her. Not that I minded watching her stretch her body. She was incredible! She has the grace of a cat and the strength of a horse. She is beauty personified.

After school, we stopped and grabbed some ice cream to make her feel better. Aurora told Emma what happened last night and Emma got understandably nervous. She didn’t want to have to deal with stalkers or other kinds of predators around our little town either.

“Let me know if I can do anything for you, sugar!” Emma insists.

Aurora puts on a brave face and smiles back at Emma. Her strength warms my heart, even though I know she is scared to death, she still wants to put her friends first. Knowing Aurora, she could have a gun to her head and still worry about the shooter. She has a great capacity for compassion.

“Thanks, Em. But that’s what I got Justin for,” she teases.

She may think it’s a joke, but I’m taking my responsibility to heart. Nothing will happen to her as long as I live! And if anything ever did happen to my Sunshine, trust me, there will be hell to pay!

“It’s the truth!” I insist. “I won’t let anything happen to my Aurora.”

Okay, so that came out a little possessive. So, sue me! She is mine and the whole town knows this. No one is gonna go against me, either. Not if someone didn’t want the council to come down on their heads.

Luckily, Emma doesn’t take offense. She just smiles like that’s the exact answer she was looking for. She gets me! She understands how much I care for her, and all I want to do is take care of her, love her, and someday we will make beautiful babies together…

I sigh at the thought. It makes me so happy.

Link catches up to us at the park and gives us a weird look. It sent a tingle down my neck, but I’ve got more important things to worry about right now and decide to ignore it.

“You guys haven’t left each other’s side all day long… What’s going on?” Link asks.

“Someone is stalking Aurora,” I answer. Just saying it out loud increases my heart rate. It’s all going to blow over and everything will be fine. It’s just so fresh that it’s causing anxiety for the both of us.

“How do you know? There aren’t a whole lot of people living around here. Maybe she just thinks someone is stalking her because she keeps running into the same person…” Link suggests.

“Someone came into my house last night,” responds Rory. “How is that me running into some random person? I didn’t even see their face… Just a shadow!”

Link looks shocked. He looks between me and Rory and seems worried. His face is white and if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he was starting to sweat. Shock can do that to a guy.

Not that I blame the guy. Break-ins are rare around here. And Link has been friends with Aurora just about as long as I have. Of course he would be worried about her.

“I guess that explains the tied-to-the-hip thing…” Link finally responds, nodding his head. He takes a deep steadying breath and looks like he’s got his composure back.

We turn the corner and run right into Sam and his girlfriend, Stephanie. He’s got his arm slung around her waist and leaning into her ear. I don’t need to know what they were talking about. I just nod my head in greeting and they return the same.

“Hey guys. What brings you here this fine afternoon?” Link asks with a wink at Steph.

Will this guy never learn? He’s seriously got to stop flirting with other guys' girlfriends! I swear he is gonna get himself killed one day!

“Not much, Link. What’s goin’ on with you? Still playing third wheel to Justin and Aurora?” Sam jeers.

“I could always play third wheel to you two,” Link saunters up and puts his arm around Stephanie’s shoulder.

“Link, don’t do it!” Aurora warns, shaking her head vigorously. She’s not stupid like my other best friend! She knows not to mess with others' relationships. But she also doesn't want Link to get hurt…

Too late!

Sam doesn’t make idle threats. Sam steps forward growling at his enemy.

Stephanie sighs, and shakes her head in exasperation. “It’s okay, Sammy. Link was just playin’, weren’t you Link?” She grounds out, making a point at looking at his hand on her shoulder.

“See, your girlfriend gets me! I can’t keep my hands to myself because I don’t have my own girlfriend, like you and Justin. I just like to play with the girls without the hassle,” Link jokes as a way of explanation.

Done sooo poorly, I have second hand embarrassment for him.

Sam growls and leans into Link. But by then Link has had enough and pushes back. He really needs to learn to pick his battles better, because this is not going to turn out in his favor. I would have just walked away and let them be… But not Link!

“Back off, Sam!” He grumbles back.

“Make me!”

Then Link punches Sam in the eye (what is this guy thinking?) and all hell breaks loose! Link and Sam are rolling and tussling on the ground, grappling for the upper hand, punching and jabbing each other before I can break them apart. It’s a super speed grudge match, and totally trippy. My eyes can’t even keep up with what’s going on.

Finally my brain can keep up with their movements and I grab onto Link's coller and haul him off Sam, tossing him to the ground. I loom over Link, frustration radiating off of me.

“What are you thinking?” I growl at Link as he tries to get to his feet, blood smeared all over his body. Sam doesn’t look any better. “Didn’t we JUST have this discussion? Don’t mess with other guys’ girls!”

Link looks at me with rage and his own frustration. He pushes away from me and storms off to who knows where. But I think it’s for the best. Maybe he can cool off somewhere and we can talk about this with clear heads.

“Sorry about him, man,” I apologize to Sam and Stephanie. He really should have been saying sorry, but his pride is hurt and won’t come around to say sorry for a while.

“Don’t worry about it. But if I were you, I’d make sure he doesn’t do something stupid that he can’t take back,” he responds with a grim expression.

“Yeah, I know! I’m about ready to kill the guy myself!” I growl in frustration.

I really don’t know what’s gotten into him. He’s not normally this aggressive… Not to mention moody… I’d think it was PMS if he was a girl! I still don't understand why the guy can’t just go out and find his own girlfriend! He’s a good looking dude (not that I’m into that… I’m in a committed relationship!) but there are plenty of really pretty girls out there that are begging for his attention. In fact he has pushed at least 3 different girls away in the last few weeks. So, what’s his deal?

“Catch you guys later,” I say, tugging Rory along with me. They give us a wave as we rush after the idiot of the day. Hopefully he has cooled down a bit before we see him.

We finally catch up to Link just outside the 7-11. He’s pacing back and forth in front of the entrance, probably making people think twice before passing him to enter just for a snack. His gloomy mood hasn’t really vanished, but that’s beside the point. I need to figure out what is going on with him and we need to get this done now!

“What’s gotten into you lately, man?” I grumble out of pure exhaustion. This is really getting old! I can’t keep babying him! Maybe I should ask his parents what's going on at home???

Link halts his pacing and faces me, shrugging his shoulders in nonchalance. His face is a mask of indifference. “Nothin’. I’m just trying to have some fun, that’s all,” he responds like he is commenting on the weather.

“Getting the crap beat outta you is fun? You know he is stronger than both of us put together, right? Why the hell did you pick a fight and go after his girl? He had every right to pound you into dust! I only stopped him because you are my best friend!” I bark out.

“But, I’m not, am I? Don’t you get it? You have Aurora! She is your best friend… And I have no one!” He yells at me in anger and pain. His face is twisted in agony I’ve never seen before.

I sigh again. “Why don’t you get your own girlfriend then?” I growl back in even more frustration. I really don’t get it!

“I don’t want any of them! The only one I have ever wanted has been claimed!” he snaps with such a vicious snarl, I step back.

I pause and look really hard at Link. We’ve never talked about it, but I know he’s had a crush on Aurora for years. I think even she knows it. I don’t even know what to say to something like that. What could I say? That I’d give up the love of my life so he could have her? Yeah, that will never happen! Aurora is mine! She chose me, not him… And while I understand it’s hard for him, he really needs to get over it and move on with his life! He could find someone else he loves as much as I love Rory! I know it! He just has to give them a chance.

“Don’t you see? I AM ALONE!” he screams at the top of his lungs.

“Link, I’m-”

“Don’t say it!” He cuts me off in anger. “Don’t you dare say you are sorry, because you aren’t! If you were actually sorry, she would b e mine right now!”

At this point, Aurora interjects. “No, that’s not true, Link. Because I have always loved you like a brother. Not the one I want to spend my life with,” she explains.

Link stares at Aurora, his chest rising and falling in pain and frustration.

Then he walks away.

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