Blood for Blood

Chapter Gone

Since Aurora’s parents showed up last night, it was not a good idea for me to spend the night with her again. I missed her soft warm body pressed up against mine, and the way she curled up into me in her sleep. I especially missed the way she sparkled in the morning sunlight when I woke up this morning.

Just about a year and a half and she will be mine! I couldn’t wait to have her… It would be perfect. I could stay next to her for the rest of our lives. We will wait. We have forever, after all. What’s a couple years?

I sigh and grab my phone. The first thing I do every morning is call Aurora to see how she slept. And after Rory’s stalker problem, the night before, I want to make sure she is safe too. I can’t wait to hear her beautiful voice. It brings me such calm and peace.

One ring… Two rings… Three rings… Four rings… “This is Aurora, leave me a quick message at the beep!” she chimes… The voice I love so much, but it’s just the recording… Huh- that’s never happened before!

I dial again. Maybe she is still asleep? Or Maybe she’s in her bathroom… Did she get up early and have breakfast with her parents? My brain instantly goes into overdrive. Nothing’s wrong. Right?

My stomach tightens into a knot. She really should have been up a half hour ago,so there is no reason for her not to have her phone with her… I’m sure she’s fine! She likes to take her time with her hair and make up. My girl doesn’t need it, but she likes to be pretty for me.

Straight to voicemail.

I call again and again. I feel my stomach drop and my anxiety rise. This isn’t right! By my sixth call I know something is horribly wrong. The tingle of sixth sense warns me to get ass outta bed.

I call John, her dad.

He answers on the first ring.


“She’s gone!” He cuts me off.

“What?” I’m not sure I’m hearing him right. There is no way he just said what I think he said… Am I having a nightmare?

“We haven't seen her all night! We’ve looked everywhere for her! I was just gonna call you. We can’t find her car, and someone disabled her Life360 app on her phone. I can’t find my daughter!” He growls, distraught and fearful.

My eyes sting with unshed tears. Someone took my girl from me! This is worse than my worst nightmare… I gotta keep it together! I’ll find her and she will just say everything was just a big joke… Only, Rory doesn’t do jokes. Especially not ones like this!

Nothing has happened as far as I know. Maybe she went out for a snack late and her car broke down on the side of the road… Nothing is wrong! NOTHING IS WRONG!

I’ll find her and give her a strong talking to! She will be sorry and kiss me and make me feel better. And I, being the most amazing boyfriend, will forgive her and tell her how worried I have been and how much I love her. And everything will turn out great. The End!

The more I tell myself that everything will be fine, the more the sinking in my stomach makes it’s appearance known. I try to push it away, but it’s not listening to me, and it needs to because everything will be just fine!

“I’ll be right there,” I choke out.

Five minutes later, I’m in front of two frantic parents. I could not blame them. I am right there with them. I’m not a parent yet, but I’m pretty sure I’d be about ready to burn down the town to find my child.

“She was here after you dropped her off last night, and then she said she was tired. Then she went up to her room,” Meg starts to tell me what happened.

I gotta hand it to her, she is more calm than I could have been. She is speaking with a clear head when mines about to burst open with anger.

Try as I might, I can’t seem to calm my mind when I want to set the world on fire until I find my Sunshine. The best I can do at the moment is listen to what’s happened and go from there. Maybe there is a clue and I can find her from there.

“Then she got a phone call. It was late, but she told us she would be back in a half hour,” John continues.

“We didn’t think it was a big deal. We figured it was one of her girl friends, since she just saw you about a half hour before, and you never come over after 10. You are such a good boy, and she loves you so much! We don’t care that you call her until 11:30. That’s what you do when you are young and in love…” Meg rambles, choking on her words. It kills me to see the tears shimmering in her eyes. And I know she is only rambling because she is worried for her daughter. But I need to know!

“Do you know who it was she was going to see last night?” I try to gently redirect Meg.

Meg hiccups and shakes her head sadly. “She didn’t say…” her breath hitches.

“I’ve called the cops to see if they can find her car, just before you called, but so far no one has seen anything. I’m going to call some of her friends and see if they’ve seen her…” John rambles, looking so lost and forlorn.

It’s a look I can relate with. I am totally lost without her. It’s like someone suddenly stole my sunshine and my whole world is all dark now.

I need to get her back!

Then I remember…

“Did Aurora tell you someone broke into your house the other night? She said someone had been stalking her the day before and came into her room…” I say, then realize I need to make a full confession. “I came over to stay with her that night, just to make sure no one hurt her. Nothing happened, I swear!” I rush to reassure her parents.

“Oh, Justin! We know you wouldn’t… It was so sweet of you to come and protect our Aurora while we were gone… Maybe if you were here last night…” Meg chokes.

“We trust you, son. If there is anyone more invested in keeping our girl safe, it’s you!” Johns words are of little comfort to me at the moment.

But I still manage a smile. Then set my face in determination.

“Thanks, John. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna find the woman I love!”

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