Blood for Blood

Chapter School

Link made the best decision by finding me before class started this morning and pretty much groveled. And I, being the awesomest of best friends, decided to forgive him for being a despicable hybrid! Thankfully he toned down the flirting by more than half; which is good. Because if he didn’t, I’d have to punch him again, and then he’d have to grovel… AGAIN!

We all decided to go to the local community college for the first year or two to save money, then transfer to a university when we actually know what it is we want to do. We suffered through English Lit, Calculus, and Chem 101 this morning. We also decided to take some of our classes together, so we could help each other out. It’s worked out pretty well, so far for us. If any of us is sick, we can take their notes and get our assignments from our friends.

By the time we’ve finished our classes for the day, I’m starving!

“What do you guys feel like for lunch?” I ask, deciding to bring Link with us too, since he is trying his best not to piss me off today.

“Taco’s?” suggests Aurora.

“I’m good with that!” Link agrees.

“Okay, cool. Let’s go!” I say.

I take Aurora in my silver Ford F150 and Link follows us in his red Honda Civic, and we meet up at Taco Bell.

After ordering, I scoot into the booth next to Aurora. I know it’s lame to say it out loud, but I really love the feel of her next to me… Plus this close I can…

Rory giggles as I nibble on her ear.

Link groans across the table from us, and I completely ignore him. He can’t keep me from my Chosen! I keep touching and kissing her until our food is ready just to make a point! And that is, she is MINE!

“Hey, Rora, what’cha plannin’ on doing with your nursing degree?” Link asks.

“Well, I’ll probably look into the local clinics. I’m not sure how I’d feel about working in a big hospital out in the city. They seem so busy and impersonal. I know they are important, and hospitals get the cases that are more severe. But you only see the patient for a day or two, then you never see them again… If they are lucky! But in a clinic, you get to know the patients better. And I like the “small town” feel of clinics better,” Aurora explains.

I smile down at her. That’s my girl! I really hate to share her with anyone, and once she is my mate, I know it will be way worse. However, I can share her with our sleepy little town. It will make her happy. She loves to help people. She will do good for everyone in our community. So, I will have to be okay with that.

Link smirks. “That’s awesome! So, if I got hurt, would you come to my bed and take care of me?” he teases.

Aurora places a soft, but firm hand on my chest, before I climb over the table and rip his head off!

“Don’t know if you know this or not,” quips Aurora, “but nurses don’t make house calls! You can come to the clinic like a normal person, or maybe your mama can take care of you.”

Link’s face burns red. There is a look in his eye that I can’t read or understand.

But to have Aurora flat out turn him down lightens my mood and I laugh.

Link is embarrassed and ducks his head, refusing to meet our eyes.

I should have known she could settle things herself. She doesn’t need me to fend off Link. She’s been doing it for years. But better than that, she knows how to soothe me like nothing else will.

She leans in and kisses my lips.

“So, about that project…” she starts

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