Blood for Blood

Chapter Link's House

“Wanna curl up here, next to me, Rora? I’ve got plenty of room…” Link whispers suggestively

“Nope. Thanks, though Link. But I’m good where I’m at,” Aurora quips, sleepily.

And where she is, is currently using my legs as her pillow. Her arms are wrapped around my thighs, with her body curled up against mine on the floor, facing a pretty sweet gaming system Link has.

I’m on the floor too, so Link has the whole sofa to himself. My butt is getting sore from sitting so long. We’ve been playing for hours and it’s getting dark. It’s no wonder Rory is getting drowsy. Not that I mind in the least. I could sit here all night, as long as she doesn't move from where she’s at! Her warm soft curves pressed against me totally turn me on, and if it weren’t for…

“So, how’s the Chem project comin’, Jay-man?” Link asks.

“Still working on it. It’s due in two days. You ever gonna come over and help? It’s your project too!" I remind him, grumbling out my frustration.

“Sure, dude. I’ll be there tomorrow after school! You plannin’ on helpin’ out Rora?” Link turns his attention to the sweet bundle snuggled up in my lap.

“Uh-huh…” Is all she responds.

“You ever figure out what you're gonna do with your life, Link? I mean besides master video games?” I joke.

“Yeah, I finally decided I’m gonna be a software engineer. What about you? You ever gonna figure out what you want to do?” he retorts.

“Nope, but I figure whatever I put down as a major is probably going to change at least three different times. So I’m just saving myself the headache for a couple years, until I get my bachelors. Then maybe I’ll know what I want to do with the rest of my life,” I say.

“Good plan!” He agrees easily. “Rora, what about you?”

“Well, I was thinking of getting a nursing degree. But other than that, I just want to be Justin’s mate,” she giggles.

“Sounds like a plan to me!” I smirk at Link. “Dude, you ever gonna find yourself your own girl? Or you gonna try to keep poaching mine?”

“I’m sure I’ll find her when I’m ready… “ is all he says as he focuses back on the game.

I look out the window. It’s full dark now. There is no way we should still be here! We all still have school tomorrow.

“Dude, it’s time for me to go. Dad will kill me if I’m here playing games instead of actually working on school. And since he is paying for it, I at least owe him that!” I say.

Link turns off the game and throws his controller onto the couch, and turns and looks at Aurora. “You need someone to walk you home, Aurora?”


I draw my arm back and punch him in the jaw. There is a satisfying crack as my fist meets his face. My hand stings like hell, but I ignore it in order to set things straight.

“Dude! What is wrong with you? You can’t keep hitting on my girl like that!” I explode.

I can only stretch the limits of my patience so far before I’m gonna knock him out!

Link holds up his hands in surrender. The mixture of shock and innocence pisses me off! He knows exactly what he is doing right now, and he needs to stop it RIGHT NOW!

“Sorry, man! Won’t happen again. Promise!” he says as he gingerly touches his face. Tears start to shine in his eyes, but I’ll give him credit for not letting them fall.

I take a deep breath before I strangle my buddy and grab Aurora’s hand, leading her out the door. She is MINE! He can’t have her, and he needs to realize that, before I end up killing him.

“G’night, Link,” she says over her shoulder.

“Good night, beautiful,” I hear him call to her as I slam his door shut behind us.

The whole way to Rory’s house, I fume! What has gotten into him lately? Can’t he find another girl? It’s not like there isn’t a whole world out there full of beautiful girls… Girls who aren’t mine! I know he likes to flirt. It’s just who he is… But still! He should know better and show a little respect! It’s not like I wasn’t right there when he asked Aurora if she needed someone to walk her home! What did he expect? That she would ditch me, right there, and let HIM walk her home instead???

I don’t mean to cut Aurora out of my thoughts, but I can’t think past the color red I’m seeing. I’m almost scared to talk to her. I don’t want to let my temper out on the woman I love. Especially when it’s not even her fault! She was there by my side, and doing everything she could to keep Lincoln in his place. He was just oblivious, or purposefully ignoring her not so subtle hints!

“Justin?” she asks softly.

I’m surprised to see we’ve made it all the way to her house already.

I put my arms around her and hold her tight. This is just what I need right now to calm down. Nothing but my Sunshine. “I’m sorry, babe. But Link has been getting on my last nerve. Can you forgive me for blowing up and shutting you out?” I whisper. If she needs me to beg, I would gladly get on my hands and knees and grovel at her feet.

But that’s not my Rory!

Her smile lights up her whole face. There is my sunshine! She rolls up on her toes and leans in to kiss me. I moan against her lips. This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. Her passion is the balm to soothe my raw nerves. I deepen the kiss, spreading all my excess energy into her.

“Don’t worry about Lincoln. You know I don’t want him. I love you,” she whispers after we pull back for breath.

“I know. And I trust you. It’s just…” I don’t even know how to finish the sentence.

She smiles up at me again. “Soon, I will be your mate. And Link will find some other girl to pester,” she reminds me. “That’s all I want. Just to be yours!”

All the rage washes from me at those words.

“I love you, Aurora,” I speak softly into her ear.

“I love you too, Justin,” she responds.

Then she pulls me into another long, slow kiss.

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