Bladewarriors Book 1: Refresh

Chapter The Blue Priest

The edge of the arctic raft scrapped against the nearly invisible island, the sound seeming to echo off the mystic walls that bordered the hidden speck of land. If one could even call it land. Flare stepped off the raft, onto the strange surface, feeling an almost bouncy reaction to his weight. The redhead turned his head down, staring at the land beneath his feet, pressing his weight down a little harder, watching the surface. It was almost like a damp sponge in the way it responded to him – as if it were filled with water, but wasn't entirely keen on letting the liquid go free.

"It's kind of small, isn't it?"

Frost stepped down beside him, scratching his head as he surveyed the tiny patch of 'land' that composed the southeast corner of the Water Realm.

"I think my village is probably bigger," Frost commented, frowning as he stared at the island walls, "and my village isn't very big to begin with."

"If this is it, then shouldn't we see… something?" Ivy questioned, carefully stepping off of their raft as well, tapping her foot against the odd island before trusting it to hold her weight. Even as they stood upon it, it still mirrored the surface of the ocean, only slightly less transparent.

"Good point." Frost, surprisingly, agreed, nodding his head. "Shouldn't there be a snake or something around here… somewhere?"

"There has to be something." Myst replied, glancing across the island. "This place is too… strange to just be here."

Flare grunted his agreement, scanning the island. Myst was right – or at least he believed she was. The island was too unique to not hold some sort of purpose – it was too out of place to simply be there and not have meaning. Though, as he surveyed the flat, featureless land, he was unsure what that purpose or meaning was.

"Let's take a look around." Flare suggested, moving further out onto the island.

"Take a look around for what?" Frost questioned curiously.

"Anything." Flare shrugged, moving toward the eastern wall of the realm. "If it looks suspicious or out of place, that's probably what we're looking for."

The white-haired teen frowned, then shrugged, unable to form a logical argument, and unable to come up with an amusing enough illogical one. The group spread out, covering the island, though still tending to remain close together. Though at the moment that small patch of land seemed innocuous enough, they really had no idea what it might be hiding. Fact was, Medusa's ship had been traveling toward it, which meant, at the very least, it was somewhat near The Serpent's Lair, if it wasn't the Creature's lair itself.

After scouring the island, however, they group came up with nothing. There was no sign of The Serpent, or the beast's lair, or really much of anything on that strange, foreign patch of land. As the Bladewarriors gathered back near their slowly melting raft, they found themselves in the same position they were in when they had first arrived in the realm: completely at a loss as to where to go.

"I don't get it." Ivy collapsed onto the ground, a puddle of water dampening her clothes as she struck the surface. "What's the point of all of this? Why was the boat headed out this way?"

"Maybe it wasn't really headed anywhere." Myst suggested, kneeling down next to the green-haired girl. "Maybe Medusa just got it started, and it just… flowed with the tides out to here."

"So what now, then?" Frost questioned, using his blade to fashion a small stool on which to sit. "Where do we go?"

"We don't go anywhere." Flare declared, still turning his eyes over the island. "This is definitely where we're supposed to be. This is the right place."

"How can you be so sure?" Ivy asked, doubtingly.

"Just a feeling…" Flare replied, shrugging.

The redhead sighed, still certain this was the right spot, but not entirely sure what to do now. The island didn't seem to hold any clues, and there wasn't much else around – other than the magical barriers that separated the realms, and the miles of ocean that stretched out away from them. Flare turned, sighing as he faced out to the ocean once more. It was there that – finally – he found something.

The fiery youth cocked his head to the side, ever so slightly, staring down into the water, watching a faint sparkle. At first, it almost seemed to be a reflection off the shifting waves, but the more he looked at it, the more he realized there was more there. Making a steady approach to the island's edge, Flare leaned down, peering into the sea.


Myst, curious, moved to kneel beside him, trying to determine what the flame-headed boy was staring at. As she peered beneath the surface, she saw it as well, gasping. How they ever could have missed it was beyond her.

Stretching out from the island, sloping down beneath the waves, was an entire city. The metropolis expanded outward, pressed up against the edges of the realm as it cascaded out, into the deep, built atop what was best described as an underwater mountain. The area nearest to where they stood was trimmed in gold and silver, glimmering faintly beneath the waves. From a distance, Myst had thought the sparkling was just shimmering light on the surface, or possibly an effect of the strange surface they were now standing upon. But now – up close – it was hard to imagine how she had ever mistaken it for anything other than the ornate designs of elaborate towers and spires of an underwater kingdom. The nymph shook her head, mouthing hanging open.

"I can't believe it…"

Frost and Ivy, also curious, moved toward the edge of the island as well, partaking in the visage afford to them from their unique position on that strange island.

"The heck is all that!" Frost exclaimed, staring into the waves. "Why would someone build a perfectly good city underwater! What use is that to anyone!"

"Maybe it's not for humans…" Ivy suggested, her tone indicating her amazement.

"Or maybe it wasn't always underwater." Flare countered, expression stern as he stared at the aquatic domain.

"Flare's right…" Myst stated, in awe at what stretched out in front of them. "It wasn't. This is…"

"The ancient city of Kumari Kandam."

The group spun, startled by the sudden voice, turning to find a stranger amongst them. The man slowly approached, walking from some unseen hiding spot on the island, eyes focused on them. The strange figure possessed long, flowing blue hair – nearly the same color as Myst's – tied back into a singular pony tail. His eyes were a stern – but not unkind – sky blue. But his most notable feature was the large, ornate, blue, droplet-shaped hat and matching blue robes that he wore. Before the man said another word, the Bladewarriors had already determined this man's identity.

"I have to admit, I didn't think you all would make it here." The Blue Priest stopped a few feet away, taking in the faces of these youths. If nothing else, they were a determined lot.

"The Blue Priest, I presume?" Flare questioned, looking for confirmation.

The man grinned wryly, giving the redhead a slight nod.

"When The Black Priest set out to stop your four," The man started, "I was sure I would shortly hear of your defeat. And when Medusa was sent as insurance, I was sure you would fall. But then, you four actually managed to strive onward, and I can only assume your arrival here means you bested the Sentry as well."

None of the teenagers replied, standing quietly in this man's presence. His grin slowly faded, turning to a frown as they looked upon him. They had come so far – overcome the greatest warriors the realm had to offer, aside from The Serpent herself. But, he could not allow them to continue.

"Turn back." The priest ordered, steeling his gaze. "If you turn back now, The Serpent might yet spare the people."

"Why turn back?" the redhead questioned, the boy's face as stony as his own. "This task is almost through. We'll finish The Serpent, and your realm will be free."

"You have no chance against The Serpent!" The Blue Priest exclaimed, anger rising in his tone. "All you'll do is provoke her further!"

"You're wrong."

The Priest gasped, startled by the boy's blunt reply. He focused in on the redhead's eyes, staring at the resilient determination that overflowed from the boy's pupils. He had only seen that look of assurance and resolve in one other person's eyes before: those of The Black Priest. Such forceful conviction was frightening when it came from that judge's eyes, but from this boy's… it was almost enlightening.

"I'm wrong?" The Blue Priest questioned, shaking off the strange sensation the teen's eyes gave him. "Who are you to make such a claim? Are you from this realm, boy? Have you seen, first hand, The Serpent's powers? Or even heard the stories?"

"Stories are all from the past." The redhead replied, shaking his head. "Live in the past, and nothing will ever change."

"Fail to learn from the past, and you're doomed to repeat it." The Blue Priest countered, narrowing his eyes at the young man. "You don't understand what you're saying."

"I think maybe it's you who doesn't understand." Flare rebutted, shaking his head, crossing his arms in front of him. "We carry with us four of the Mystic Blades. If ever there was a chance to rid this realm of The Serpent, this is it."

"Four blades or forty, the result is the same." The Blue Priest shouted, vehement in his belief. "Against the godly might of The Serpent, there is no force that can remain standing."

"As I recall…"

Ivy spoke up, politely edging her way into the conversation as the priest turned his glare upon her.

"… Nearly the same thing was said of The Sentry." The green-haired girl continued, unhindered by the poignant gaze. "We beat him."

"The Sentry is not The Serpent." The priest countered coldly.

"I don't get you people." Frost stated, sighing as he shook his head. "It's almost as if you want The Serpent to rule over you."

"Excuse me?" The Blue Priest turned his gaze toward the incredulous fool, spying the white hat the insolent dolt had placed upon his head.

"You all just sort of roll over and let The Serpent slither all over you." Frost exclaimed, shaking his head. "I can understand being afraid of the beast, but you people bend over and tarry to her every beck and call. Don't you people have any spines?"

"We do what we must to survive!" The Blue Priest shouted, defending himself and his people. "Can you say your realm is any different!"

"It's funny…"

The priest turned his eyes toward the blue-haired witch in the group.

"I asked him the same thing just the other day." The girl hung her head low, a small, pitiful smile visible upon her lips as she stared at the ground. "And I defend us the same way; 'we do what we must to survive'. But…. Do we?"

Myst lifted her head, meeting The Blue Priests condemning gaze.

"I'm sure many realms are like ours – subjugated to the whims of a Creature of the Gods. But not all." Myst stated, voice calm and powerful. "In Frost's Realm, they live in a tense equilibrium. I think he might describe it like: 'they don't bother us, if we don't bother them.'"

"Yeah, actually… that's pretty good!" Frost agreed emphatically, nodding his head.

"In Flare's Realm, they actually fight back!" Myst continued. "They struggle against the beast's, denying their right to rule vehemently! And in both those realms, the people survive."

"That's different." The priest argued, shaking his head. "The Serpent is stronger."

"The Creatures of the Gods are equal in power." Flare countered, shaking his head. "The legends all tell how they – like the elements – were created to be equal – balanced!"

"In the beginning, that might have been true." The Blue Priest calmed, voice becoming cold as he tempered his irritation, realizing he was now in a battle of words – not a battle of swords. "But things have changed since then. The Dragon King has altered that original balance."

"What do you mean?" Frost questioned, curiously.

"When The Dragon King rose to power, he shared his strength, and the strength he stole, with the Creatures of the Gods." The Blue priest answered. "The power of each beast can no longer be assured."

"Then you have no real clue if The Serpent is the strongest." Flare countered, un-swayed by the revelation.

"If you saw her power, you would understand." The Blue Priest narrowed his eyes at the boy, as if to dare him to argue. "Standing before her, you all would be like powerless children standing against my own might – you'd have no chance."

"Is that so?"

Flare grinned, hearing, finally, words he could prove wrong, without question. The redhead reached up, dragging from his sheath the dull, dormant blade that was The Flame Sword. Its edge was still gray, and plain, lacking the spirit of the blade as its power recovered. Hefting the weapon, the wielder nodded to it.

"Let's test that, then." Flare stated, taking one step forward.


The redhead ignored Myst's questioning tone as he focused in on the blue man before him.

"You say us fighting The Serpent is akin to a powerless child fighting you?" Flare questioned, his grin remaining on his face. "Well, I wouldn't count my self a child, but 'powerless' might be a good descriptor – at least at the moment."

The Blue Priest was silent a moment, taking in the sight of the child and his weapon. He stared at the boy's fiery red hair, pegging him as – more likely than not – the wielder of The Flame Sword. But the blade that boy held before him was no wicked embodiment of fire – it looked more like a broad sword any old fool might keep as a memento of times long passed.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Simple." Flare replied to the man's inquiry. "Right now, my blade is sleeping – it has no power. You seem to hold yourself in mighty regards, so I'm going to assume you aren't so powerless. Given these conditions, I'd guess – from what you just said – that you believe I'd have no chance against you."

"A fool's chance, perhaps." The Blue Priest replied, eyeing the redhead's weapon warily. Was it really The Flame Sword? And if so, what did the child mean by 'it was sleeping'?

"Good." Flare's grin widened as he shifted his feet across the ground, taking a defensive stance with his sword. "Then I propose a wager – a fight between the two of us."

"A wager?" The priest scoffed, shaking his head. "In what manner is that a wager?"

"If I win, "Flare answered, still smiling, "you tell us how to reach The Serpent, and step aside."

The Blue Priest glared across the distance, studying this child. Was the boy truly serious?

"And if I win?" The man questioned, curious.

"If you win, we'll lay down our weapons and our lives before The Serpent." The redhead answered, his tone suggesting he planned to abide by those words. "We'll let the beast kill us without a fight."

"What!" Frost shouted.

"Flare!" Ivy called out the boy's name in protest.

"All of you?" The Blue Priest questioned, the proposition suddenly becoming interesting as he gazed upon the boy's lifeless blade.

"Flare, what are you doing?" Myst reached out, laying a hand upon the boy's shoulder which was quickly shrugged off.

"All of us." Flare confirmed, nodding.

"Flare!" Myst reached out again, gripping the boy by the arm, tugging him to look back at them. "What are you thinking!"

The redhead paused, blinking once as he stared into the nymph's eyes before smiling, and pulling free.

"Don't worry." Flare stated, turning back to face the priest. "I won't lose."

"But if you do lose…!" Ivy began, trailing off as she bit down on her lower lip, staring across the way at the enigmatic warrior before them.

"I won't lose." Flare replied succinctly, grinning as he tightened his grip on his blade. "I promise. And I always keep my promises."

"Let him do it."

Myst and Ivy turned, glaring daggers at Frost as the fool shrugged, turning away as if he were uninterested in the whole scenario.

"Not like these priest guys are anything to worry about."

"As I recall, the Black Priest nearly killed you." Ivy replied dryly.

"Not even!" Frost insisted, waving away the suggestion. "I was just toying with him. Besides, he was the strongest of the priests, right?"

The white-haired teen turned, gazing toward Myst for confirmation. The nymph frowned, nodding. Though there was little doubt in the realm that The Black Priest was the most powerful of the priests, it didn't mean the Blue Priest was a pushover. The blue-haired girl turned, laying her eyes upon the man, wondering herself what kind of ability he had. She had never heard mention of him using magic, or being especially skilled with any sort of weaponry. At most, people simply pegged him as being especially charismatic or charming – able to convince most people to do what he needed. But she wasn't sure how, exactly, that would be useful in battle – nor could she say it seemed to be especially true, so far.

"If you guys really don't feel confident in my ability to do this… I'll withdraw my offer." Flare replied, still ready to fight as he stared across the way at the contemplative look that coated The Blue Priest's face.

"It's not that I don't think you have the ability…" Ivy replied, unsure as she glanced across at the redhead's would-be opponent. "Just… what sort of power does this guy have? Can he use magic?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Myst answered, shaking her head. "That's what worries me, as well. I really have no clue what he's capable of."

"But you know what I'm capable of." Flare responded concisely.

The nymph sighed, frowning as she looked at the back of the fiery teen's head, unable to deny the boy had surprised her more than once so far. But still, he was without his sword's magic now, and that put him at a definite disadvantage. The wager was risky, to say the least.

"I accept." The Blue Priest spoke up, smiling as he grinned at the redhead. "Unless you've changed your mind."

"Have I?"

Flare turned, looking back at Myst and Ivy through the corner of his eye, seeking their permission. The nymph twisted to the side, sharing an uncertain glance with the tomboy beside her. Ivy, too, didn't seem fully confident in the idea, but the green-haired girl shrugged, nodding slightly. The nymph sighed, still hesitant, but decided to place her trust in the boy the way he had always placed his trust in them. Myst turned forward, meeting the redhead's gaze, and nodded.

"Do it."

Flare grinned, spinning his eyes back toward The Blue Priest. "You heard the girl."

"As you wish, then." The Blue Priest nodded, grinning as well. "Terms? To the death, or…?"

"I'd really rather not kill you." Flare replied. "So how about until the other person surrenders?"

"You speak as if you could kill me." The priest laughed to himself. "What if I kill you?"

"It'd be my loss, then, I guess." Flare shrugged, indifferent – responding as if his life hadn't just been threatened.

"Fair enough." The Blue Priest raised a hand, smiling wickedly as he met the redhead's gaze. "Then… kneel."

Flare grunted, suddenly dropping to one knee, forced down by some unseen force. The redhead groaned, trying to force himself to rise, attempting to wrench himself from the ground, but his limbs and body didn't move an inch despite his efforts.

"You're a fool, boy, to challenge someone whose strength you do not know."

The Blue Priest lowered his hand, smiling as the fiery teen's head lowered, bowing to him.

"Wh-what… is this?" Flare struggled to squeeze out the words, gritting his teeth as his muscles refused to cooperate, every effort to force them agonizing.

"Surrender, boy, before you bring pain upon yourself." The priest smiled, staring down at the teen's body seemed to shake.

"What's going on!" Ivy began to step forward, a concerned expression coating her face as she stared down at Flare, but an arm quickly barred her path. She looked to her right, finding Frost as the fool stretched out a hand to halt her.

"Don't interfere." The fool stated, face stern as he stared down at Flare as well. "This is his fight."

"I said surrender!" The Blue Priest screamed, suddenly. At nearly the same moment, one of Flare's arms twisted up at an awkward, almost painful angel, raising the blade in his hands to press against the back of his neck.


Flare gritted his teeth, relinquishing his control as he stopped struggling against his own body for a moment. He lilted his eyes up, unable to raise his head, trying to bring his opponent into view. This strange force that gripped – he couldn't explain it, but he had no doubt it was the man. However, he had no clue how to fight it – he didn't even know what it was.

"Surrender, and perhaps I'll explain it to you." The Blue Priest responded, glaring down at the boy. "Or you can continue to fight, and I'll simply end your life."

The Flamian gritted his teeth, letting his gaze fall back to the ground. When he had agreed to fight this man, he had never expected the priest to wield this sort of power. He strained his limbs again, trying to force himself to stand, or to lower his arm. But each effort he made was met only with pain, as if a thousand little hooks were embedded in his skin and flesh, tugging his body into the appropriate shape.

"I can't do that." Flare seethed through clenched teeth, squeezing his eyes closed as he continued to fight against his own body.

"I'm not playing with you, boy!" The priest shouted.

Once more, Flare felt his body move on its own, resisting his own commands as his arm pressed down, forcing the edge of his sword to make a shallow cut in his flesh.

"If I'm going to die…" Flare squeezed the words out, biding through the new source of pain, "then I'm at least going to die fighting."

Flare struggled once more to move, trying to figure out the secret of the man's technique – stretching his mind to come up with a solution. As he fought for control of his own limbs, he felt that same sharp pain, holding them in place, threatening to rip him apart if he struggled to hard. Agony building, the Flamian let himself go limp once more, the pain in his limbs slowly fading away, leaving only the sharp sensation of the blade against his neck. The redhead groaned, realizing the priest's plan for the blade already cutting lightly into his flesh. The man meant to cut his head off, and spill his…

Flare paused, eyes widening as the thought passed through his head. His blood. He couldn't feel his blood. The cut on his neck was shallow, but most definitely deep enough and wide enough to draw the crimson fluid from him, but despite that, he couldn't feel the sensation of the warm liquid running down his neck – though he could definitely feel it pooling there against his sword. Suddenly, he understood.

"I see…" Flare laughed, wanting to shake his head, but unable to. "I get it, now. A normal man really wouldn't have a chance against you…"

"Flare?" Myst questioned, shocked by the boy's tone and words as he prostrated himself helplessly before the priest.

"Then you have, perhaps, come to your senses?" The Blue Priest questioned.

"Tell me," Flare responded, choosing to ignore the man's question, "Because I'm sure you know, what percent of the human body is water?"

The Blue Priest laughed, shaking his head, impressed with the boy. He had figured it out – rather quickly, too. But knowing what he was doing wasn't going to help this child. He had no way to combat him.

"Clever, child." The Blue Priest praised him, smiling. "You figured it out."

"Wasn't too hard, really." Flare replied, taking in a deep breath. "When my blood didn't flow, that's what gave it away. Honestly, though, I'm surprised it took me as long as it did."

"Then, surely, you understand the futility of this endeavor." The priest crossed his arms, staring down at the flame headed child. "I may not have the magical prowess of The Black Priest – I can't turn rain to daggers, or cut flesh with it. This is actually the limit of my abilities. However, this is enough to stop someone like you."

"Are you sure?" Flare forced a grin to his lips as he responded, attempting to provoke the priest.

"There is no doubt, boy." The man spat back, narrowing his eyes at the fiery youth. "The normal human body is nearly sixty percent water – over half of your body is rebelling against you at this moment."

"Is that all?" Flare laughed, his grin widening. The redhead grunted, putting in the necessary effort, fighting against the pain as he slowly and inexplicably raised his head, staring into the alarmed eyes of the Blue Priest.

"How is it...?" The Blue Priest stuttered, alarmed by the boys slow but sudden movement. His mind raced as he raised his influence, attempting to further subjugate the boy, but to no avail. Though his powers demanded the youth lower his head, the teen's noggin remained steady.

"I imagine you're probably used to dealing with Aquaticans." Flare struggled further, letting out another deep breath as he began to rise. "As you can see, though, things are a little different when a Flamian is involved."

"I don't understand." The Blue Priest seethed, attempting to force the boy back down, but the child continued to stand.

"I don't suppose you would." The redhead grinned, standing erect before the priest. "The environment that I live in is very different from yours – we live in a scorching, arid wasteland. Because of this, we've had to learn to adapt – to control our body's consumption of water. In most cases, this allows us to ration the fluid in our bodies and conserve it for great lengths of time."

Flare paused, grinning as he met the disgruntled glare of the man in blue.

"As you might guess though, the opposite can also be true."

The Blue Priest narrowed his gaze, appalled by what the boy was suggesting. Did the child really expect him to believe he was forcing his body to quickly consume its aquatic reserves? To use up enough to allow him momentum, the flame headed child would have to put himself in a state of extreme dehydration! If that were really the case, the priest couldn't begin to understand how the child could actually manage to stand anyway – his muscles would be crying for fluids! It simply couldn't be!

"That said," Flare continued his explanation, grinning as he saw the look in the priest's eyes, "we're also pretty good at surviving on very little water."

Flare took in a deep breath, trying to hide the fact that he actually was feeling the effects of his little trick pretty drastically. If he wanted to come out of this situation victorious, he'd have to make this quick. But, if the ability to control the water in his opponent's body really was the priest's only power, Flare was confident he could manage that. He just had to push his body to the limits for just a moment – hopefully it would survive that long.

Gritting his teeth, holding in that breath, clenching his sword – the redhead burst forward, thrusting his limbs through the restrictive pressure of The Blue priest's technique, biding against the pain that accompanied his resistance. He swung his sword out, straining his already languid and exhausted muscles, fighting through the constant pain, struggling to push his body as fast as it could go. As hard as he fought, though, the priest's powers held him back, slowing him down – just enough so that the man in blue could awkwardly stumble back, out of the way of his slash.

The Blue Priest gritted his teeth, watching the sword swing wildly inches from his face. He couldn't understand it – couldn't fathom it. This boy was forcing himself into an extreme state of dehydration – he could see the weakened look in the child's eyes. But, despite this, the redhead was still pushing himself – fighting through the pain and opposition – to fight back. There had been only one other person to ever overcome this technique – a man whose power even The Blue Priest feared. But to see this boy strive to win… the fiery youth was almost more terrifying.

Flare took another quick stride forward, swinging the flat of his blade toward the priest once more. He had said he hadn't wanted to kill the man, and he had meant it. But that didn't mean he didn't want to win. As the blade swung out, it connected with the man's chest, sending the priest crashing to the ground. The redhead grinned, stumbling a moment over his own exhaustion as he stepped closer, hovering over the man in blue as he pointed the tip of his sword toward the man's chest.

"Surrender…" Flare's voice came out weak and empty – his passion seeming to have faded away somewhere.

The Blue priest paused, staring up at the look of utter pain and relentless determination that coated the teen's face. He moved his gaze down, eyeing the tip of the sword positioned above him, watching as it quivered violently. His eyes then shifted to the child's legs, watching as the youth's limbs trembled and struggled to support him. This boy… he was already well beyond his limits.

"Why…?" The priest clenched his eyes closed, shaking his head, struggling to understand. "Why do you struggle so! You're killing yourself! Is your pride worth this! Why don't you just surrender!"

"Pride…?" Flare scoffed, fighting to stay standing as he smacked his lips – his mouth parched and dry. "This has nothing to do with pride…"

"Then why!" The priest shouted, opening his eyes. "Why fight! Why do all this! Why do you not surrender!"

"Because…" The redhead paused, turning his head a moment to look at the three warriors standing behind him. "… I promised them I'd win."

The Blue Priest paused, staring up at the redhead, meeting the boy's eyes as the dry pools of exhaustion fell upon him. As he stared up, meeting the boy's gaze straight, it was not the tiredness that stood out. As the priest gazed into that teen's eyes, it was his drive – his burning passion that resonated out of the boy's stare. The man in blue gasped, suddenly relinquishing his hold on the child. Suddenly, he understood what The White Priest had told him about these children. Suddenly, he realized what they really were.

"… I see." The Blue Priest closed his eyes, shaking his head once more. "I see… I think… I underestimated you."

Flare wavered a moment, nearly collapsing as the man spoke, his indomitable will the only force keeping him upright.

"If there is a force that can stop you, boy, then… it is not I." The Blue Priest paused, turning his gaze up to meet the redhead's once more. "I surrender."

Flare smiled, letting out a dry chuckle before he quickly and suddenly collapsed, crashing to the spongy surface of the island.

"Flare!" The blue haired girl called out as she and the boy's other companions rushed forward, quickly attending to their friend.

The Blue priest pushed himself up, staring at the flaming mane of the boy, examining the now expressionless face the teenager had as his friends lifted him up, trying to recover and heal him. When The White Priest had told him he believed in these children, he had thought the man mad or ignorant. The idea that a bunch of teenagers could overthrow The Serpent was nothing short of ludicrous. But, sitting there now, he couldn't help but laugh at himself. Because now, he found himself thinking the exact same thing.

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