Bladewarriors Book 1: Refresh

Chapter Secret Power

"Tell me!"


"Tell me!"


"Tell me!"



"Will you just fricking tell him already!" Ivy screamed out, her eye twitching slightly as she yelled at Flare. Thirty seconds of that repeated conversation would have been more than enough, but somehow they had managed to stretch it well over thirty minutes.

"I can't stand listening to him anymore!" The tomboy added, hollering as she shot a glare toward the white-haired fool – who, in response, blinked absently, mouth still propped open from before the girl had interrupted him a second ago.

"I'd actually like to know, as well…"

Attention briefly turned toward Myst as the nymph spoke. She sat at what could be referred to as the back of their makeshift vessel. The blue-haired girl sat crouched on the edge of their platform of ice, dipping the end of her saber into the water – which was rushing past them at an almost alarming rate. From the tip of the nymph's saber shot the same pressurized stream of water she had used to maneuver when she had been trapped in battle against the Sentry. She was now using it to push their platform across the waves, toward the ever less distant mystical barrier of the water realm. None of them were quite sure, still, where it was they were trying to get to. But, at the very least, they did know they were headed in the right direction – or at least in the direction Medusa's ship had been taking them prior to being smashed upon the ocean.

"I don't see why it's important." Flare shrugged. If Myst were positioned on what would be the back of their raft, then Flare would have been perched at the front, allowing the rough wind and gentle spray of the water to crash against his face.

"It's important," Frost began, leaning forward, toward the fiery youth, "because I want to know, so just tell me."

"That's not really a reason." Flare smiled, turning to look back at the fool, his hair dancing wildly in the wind as they grew ever closer to the red-hued wall that separated them from the realm beyond.

"It's reason enough for me!" Frost countered emphatically.

"How about it's important because if he doesn't shut up, I'm going to kill him!" Ivy suggested, glaring menacingly at the arctic idiot.

"It just doesn't make sense." Myst cut in, ignoring the tomboy's empty threat on the fool's life. "I could understand if you simply burned him alive, but… The Sentry's body was still whole. You didn't even leave a physical cut on him."

Flare sighed, turning back to look at the wall of red in front of them. He really had no intention of explaining the power to all of them – he wasn't sure they'd understand. If they knew what he'd done, they'd ask him to do it again – he was sure of that. And it wasn't a power he had the right to abuse. Looking back, he wondered if he should have used it at all. It was true it had ended what could have – potentially – turned into a much longer battle quickly, but it had also raised his companion's curiosity.

"Does it really matter?"

Flare turned, eyeing Ivy as she suddenly spoke, sighing exasperatedly.

"It does matter." Frost argued, the normal levity in his voice giving way to a more serious tone as the boy turned his gaze to meet Flare's. "It matters, because if he had a move like that – some sort of ability where he could end things with one slash – then I want to know why he didn't use it before."

An awkward silence overtook the frozen barge, marred only by the sound of the vessel bouncing across the waves. Eyes turned to the redhead, seeming to suddenly echo Frost's point as they stared at him – searching for answers. Flare frowned, gazing upon each of his companions in turn. Using the technique definitely was not the best choice he could have made. That said, he had made it, and now – whether he wanted to or not – he would have to tell these three something. After all, the white-haired boy had a legitimate concern, and at the very least, he had to show that he didn't withhold that ability for no reason.

"You want to know why I didn't use it before?" Flare questioned, twisting where he sat to face his friends. "Why I neglected to use that skill when we first faced the Sentry? Or in any battle since?"

Frost said nothing, simply nodding as response for the redhead's questions, staring back into the teen's eyes as he sought his own answers.

"Then I'll show you."

The redhead reached up, wrapping his fingers around the hilt of his sword, pulling the blade from its scabbard in a quick slash, swinging it out toward the fool. The group paused, blinking, staring at the sword, unsure what they were seeing.

"It's…" Ivy began tilting her head to the side as she stared at the unfamiliar blade.

"What happened to its color?" Myst questioned, staring at the dull gray that had replaced the normally vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow that coated the sword.

"For that matter… what the hell happened to its shape!" Frost added, pointing at the sword.

The Flame Sword had changed, almost completely. Other than the ornate design of the weapon's handle, there was nearly nothing recognizable about it. The wild, flame-inspired edges that had once graced the sword were now replaced by dull, flat edges. Its vibrant fiery hues had vanished, turning a dull and lusterless gray. It looked more like any regular broad sword you might find a soldier carrying, rather than a Mystic Blade.

"This is what happens, when I use that power." Flare explained, holding the sword out for all of them to see. "Whether I strike my foe, or miss them entirely… this is what becomes of the Flame Sword afterwards. It turns into a normal sword."

"Wait…" Ivy interrupted, turning a concerned glance to the fire warrior. "A normal sword? So… can it not do anything like that!"

"It can cut." Flare answered, bringing the weapon back up over his shoulder, returning it to its sheath. "It can thrust and it can stab. But it can't do much of anything else."

The entire group lurched suddenly as their platform began to quickly slow. Flare lifted his eyes, finding a horrified look covering Myst's face as she stared back at him.

"It can't do anything!" Myst exclaimed, anxiety building. "For how long!"

Flare didn't answer – not right away, at least. An ephemeral silence surrounded the craft, consuming it, punctuated by the uneasy stare that blue-haired girl shot across the structure at the fiery youth sitting opposite to her. The redhead sighed, seeing the concern in the girl's eyes – knowing full well what was running through her mind. His truth – the full truth – wasn't going to allay those concerns any.

"It just needs time to recharge." Flare answered, skating the question.

"How long?" Myst repeated, eyes becoming more intense.

"…I'm not sure." The redhead replied, averting his gaze as he did.

"You're not sure!" Myst shouted, turning to glance around. "No offense, Flare, but you do know where we are, right?"

"Not precisely." The redhead replied, trying to joke. The cold stare he received, though, told him it was not the time. "The middle of the ocean."

"No!" Myst shouted in response, jumping to her feet as she swung her arms out to her sides. "This isn't the ocean, Flare. This is The Serpent's hunting ground! We might as well be in her den, right now. And you not only used up your sword's power, but you also don't know when it will be back!"

"I don't need a lecture, Myst." Flare spat back, annoyed by the girl's preaching tone. "I know what I'm doing."

"Do you?" The nymph questioned indignantly.

"I feel like now is the time I should interrupt with something mildly insulting, and incredibly hilarious…" Frost cut in, stepping into the path of the intense gazes the two warriors were sharing. "But nothing comes to mind, so I'm just going to insist we stop talking about this."

"But this is something that needs to be discussed." The nymph insisted, turning her bothered stare toward the fool. "We're on our way to fight The Serpent. And Flare doesn't have his blade!"

"It'll be back by then." Flare insisted, turning out to look at the ocean.

"How do you know that?" Myst questioned crossly. "You said you weren't sure when it'd be recharged!"

"Just trust me." Flare turned his eyes back toward the blue-haired girl, his gaze stern and forceful. "When the time comes, and we need it, it'll be there."

"But that's…" Myst trailed off, sighing as she turned away, lowering herself back down to sit on the ice. Just trust him? With all the trust he had shown in her, how could she refuse?

"Alright." Myst stated, lowering her sword back into the water, starting their raft moving again.

Ivy let go a sigh of relief, watching as Myst returned to propelling their vessel. She frowned, turning an eye to the other side, watching as Flare turned back to face the sea and the wind as they started forward once more. That had been the first time the tomboy had seen their group argue – at least, other than her constant squabbles with Frost. She was glad the moment had passed.

The green-haired girl turned her focus away from her companions, and out to the sea, trying to see if she could spot their final destination on the journey through the Realm of Water. Across more than half the horizon, now, there was a mystical red glow that seemed to fade away in the distance. They weren't just nearing the realm's magical barrier – they were approaching a corner of the region. The southeast corner, to be precise. Still, with as close as they were getting to those walls, the tomboy still couldn't see any sign of… anything. The only thing around other than those shimmering barriers was water.

"So… where exactly are we going?"

"The Serpent's Lair." Frost answered, responding as if it were obvious.

"I'm aware." Ivy sighed, trying not to let the boy get to her. "But… where is it?"

"I'm a little out of my element, here, but I'd wager it's there."

Flare lifted a hand, pointing off to the southeast. The tomboy turned, following the gesture, but couldn't seem to find what the redhead was indicating. All she could see was the shimmering surface of the ocean as it…

Ivy paused, blinking as she stared into the corner of the realm. The water there wasn't moving. She shifted her eyes over just slightly, watching as waves gently lapped against waves – against some solid structure that looked exactly like the surface of the sea. The girl gasped, turning back to stare at the patch of land.

"No way…"

"That would explain why no one had ever found it." Myst stated, staring toward the island of solidified waves.

"What are you guys talking about?" Frost squinted, tilting his head. "I don't see anything."

"You will." Flare replied, stealing a glance back to Myst. "Take us in."

"Right…" Myst nodded, a little unsure they were ready for this as she tilted her sword, steering toward the strange island. One of their group had a dormant blade, another was just barely getting used to using her sword, and another was… well… Frost. And she… well, she wasn't sure how much good she would be, either. She frowned, turning to stare down at the water. She had barely managed to hold her own against The Sentry when she was surrounded by her element. The beast had proven – violently – that she still had a lot to learn.

But… despite the odds, they had made it that far. Against all likelihood, they had turned the Sentry back at Sentinel Bay. Frost had defied logic, and bested The Black Priest – a warrior whose skill far surpassed her own. Then, somehow, Ivy had stood against Medusa, and pulled away with victory. And now, they had actually – finally – slain the Sentry.

The nymph was sure, if she had turned back, returned to the land, and asked every soul in the realm if they thought that their group – the Bladewarriors – could defeat The Serpent, they would respond with a resounding no. But, that was what had been said to them in Sentinel Bay, when they decided to fight, too. The nymph lifted her eyes, staring at the backs of her friend's heads, watching their hair blow wildly as the strange island approached.

They had defied logic and fate so far. What was once more?

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