Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 98

Natalia was in full alert when the limo pulled up to the building where Lisa worked. Lisa was waiting and knew the limo. The doors unlocked with a click. She wasted no time getting in.

“Lisa, girl,” Natalia said, glad to see her.

She was also glad that there was no one else around other than some people peaking out a window.

“Nattie, girl,” Lisa said with a laugh. “I told everyone a limo was picking me up for lunch. No one believed me.”

“I see eyes looking out the windows.”

“That place is so dull and boring.”

Lisa rolled her eyes.

“It's a job and you get a paycheck,” Natalia said.

“Finance. It's really just a production job like you see on TV, except cleaner. Same routine day after day. I even have a rubber stamp.”

Lisa pretended to go through the motions of repetitively using the stamp causing Natalia grin.

“I work at the Bank, but it's not the same routine every day. We're implemented a new imaging system that has issues.”

“I bet it makes the day go faster.”

Natalia nodded.

The drive to the restaurant was short.

"Here we are. Bonnie will open the door for us,” Natalia said, keying Lisa in to not open the door. Even though they were double parked, Bonnie hurried out to smartly open the door for them.

“Ill text when we need to be picked up,’ she said to Bonnie.

She had already decided this was to be an adult lunch and Victoria wasn't going to be part of it, especially since she wasn't speaking English yet or understanding it.

“Oh, this is a nice place,” Lisa said

Natalia had chosen an expensive place on purpose. These places tended to be less busy and not in so much of a rush to get people in and out. As she had hoped, even though it was lunch time, the place wasn't crowded. There were empty tables. They were seated almost immediately. She could also tell that the staff of the restaurant had noted the limo and were being very attentive.

“I always like going out with you, Nattie. I see a different side of life,” Lisa said with a slight nod at the retreating backside of the waiter who had delivered water glasses with lemon slices.

No other table with water glasses had lemon.

“I'm learning how to use it,” Natalia said.

“I know you wouldn't notice, but how do like my blouse?”

Lisa twisted one way and then another as if showing it off.

“It's nice. It drapes well on you.”

It was a silky light blue fabric.

“It should. I made it. It so much less expensive to sew a blouse than buy one, especially since I have to look so professional. I can buy the same silky fabric for a fraction of the cost. My time is nothing. After work, I don't go out. It's too dangerous at night.”

“I would have sworn that came from Chanlacy. They sell those types of blouses.”

"Yeah, for sixty to a hundred bucks. No way I can afford that.”

“Wow, you do great work. You always could sew.”

“I'm sewing a blouse for a lady at work. It's only twenty bucks, but hell, twenty bucks will pay for the fabric to make four blouses. That means I get three for free.”

“Your time is work something.”

Lisa shrugged.

"At my level in life, I'll settle for three free blouses. You know I love to sew. It's my hobby.”

The waiter returned with menus.

“The soup and sandwich special looks good,” Natalia said

"Yes, that does. Easy choice. Well, have you gone to the Festival?”

Natalia had to pause before she answered. She almost answered with an immediate yes. However, she knew in an instant that Lisa didn’t know anything about the Festival of Sex.

“Summer Fest? No, I haven't gone. Victoria's first birthday was this weekend. Much too busy.” "Oh, you should have brought her.”

"She's a handful at this age. It's best to see or visit with her at the house where we can contain her.” Lisa laughed.

“Besides, this is our time to talk. Have you gone to the Festival?” Natalia said.

“I've been a little leery about going. Also, it means spending money. I really need to save up. I don't know what I'm saving for. A car is so much of a hassle. A bigger apartment means I would need a car and/or a better job. Sometimes, I feel like I'm saving to be saving and still don't have anything.” "Well, sewing jobs on the side will help.”

“It gives me something to do and something to talk about with my father when we have dinners together. Besides, he was the one who saved all my sewing stuff. Mother was going to toss it, but he put it in storage. I have my two manikins, the sewing machine, my special scissors and all the bobbins and such. You should see my living room. Cramped sewing quarters.”

“The best way. Everything is right at your finger tips. How is school going?”

“Plugging away. Slow going and as dull and boring as work. I think I would rather be taking a course in fashion design instead of accounting.”

Natalia had finished her Bachelor degree in business and was already working on her Masters, but she hadn't told Lisa that. She knew she was advantaged because of her association with the Viperians. However, she also knew she was smarter than Lisa and had always performed better than her in school. She didn’t want to rub it in. The friendship was worth more than any bragging rights she had.

"Yes, that's me, too. But I'm doing alright at the Bank. I'm kind of enjoying it.”

The waiter came and they ordered.

Natalia took the time to take a longer look at Lisa's blouse. The stitching was invisible. There was no puckering between buttons to create gaps. She looked down at her own blouse

“Maybe you could make me a blouse or two. It's hard to find those that drape as nicely for the bigger busted.”

"What colors do you want?” Lisa said, looking excited.

They spent the greater part of lunch talking about sewing and arranging time for Lisa to come to the house for taking measurements.

“We should go shopping for more fabric,” Natalia said. “This could catch on.”

“That would be awesome. Saturday?”

“Let me check what is going on. That might be a good day. I'll give you a call later.”

Natalia was careful to watch the time. She knew Lisa didn't have more than an hour. The lunch special they ordered arrived quickly. Their chat slowed then stopped while they focused on eating. The meal was nicely sized, and they both finished eating all the food about the same time.

“My time is up,” Lisa said after wiping her mouth on a napkin.

Natalia had already signaled the waiter. She handed him her credit card. He was quick to check them out. She left him a good tip.

“Sorry. No leftovers this time,” Natalia said to Lisa while she sent a text to Bonnie.

“Hey, I have an order for some blouses. I'm good,” Lisa said with a laugh.

They stepped outside to the heat of the day. The limo pulled up a minute later.

“Your driver has good timing.”

“I alerted her. She doesn't stray far.”

When they arrived back at her work, Lisa waited while Bonnie opened the door for her.

“I'd get spoiled so fast,” Lisa said with a laugh.

“Talk to you later,” Natalia said.

“Thanks for lunch. Later,” Lisa said.

Bonnie had just shut the door to return to the drivers seat when Natalia’s phone rang. She recognized Uri's number.


“Where are you?”

'l just dropped off Lisa.’

“So, it's just you and Bonnie?”

Victoria is riding up front."

"You need to get some company.’


She noted an edge to his voice.

“Odd things are happening here.’

“I was already warned to keep a buddy with me at the Bank. I need one now when I'm not at work as well?

"Yes. Who can you call to travel with you? Tia is already here so that won't work.’

“Let me check with Bonnie."

Natalia put the phone down. She was already aware that the limo hadn“t moved.

“Bonnie. Don't move. I need an alibi buddy. Someone is trying to peg me on a harassment charge. Uri is warning me.’

“Let me put out a call.’

“Bonnie is putting out a call,’ she said to Uri.

“Good. Don't move until you find someone. Sitting in front of Lisa's company is still a good place to be.

"Yeah, there were lots of eyes watching us come and go.’

“Call if you have any problems,’ Uri said.

The call ended.

It was ten minutes before a car pulled up behind them. Mina left the passenger seat to join her in the limo.

"Hi, Mina."

The car behind them pulled away. The limo pulled out right behind them.

Mina was in her usual high black boots. She wore tight leggings but a long summer dress.

“What's up?’

Natalia explained about the harassment issue.

Mina laughed.

“I know what you can do, Nattie. The entire Viperian population knows what you can do and who you are. I think it's hilarious that someone thinks they can peg you for that. This is definitely an Undent scheme.’

"Yeah, but whom? I don't know of anyone that I've pissed off. Uri is being a model employee because of his possibility of getting the President's nod as his replacement.’

Just cover your ass, and it will be revealed eventually.’

“Thanks for going out of your way to help cover my ass.’

“No problem. This isn’t out of my way. I have some business to do nearby. I'll walk from the Bank. It isn't far.’

"Yeah, but I'm not going to the Bank. I'm going home."

“Uri told me to escort you to the Bank."

A glance outside the window confirmed that the limo was heading toward the Bank. She knew Bonnie was getting directions other than from her, and she suspected Uri had sent her a text. “Bonnie can take you around then, when you drop me off.’

“No. I'll walk you all the way to your office.’

Natalia took the hint.

“Thanks. Victoria is up front learning to drive.’

Mina laughed.

"Yeah, I saw her in the window. She had her face up to the glass. Why is she riding up there? “Adult lunch with a girlfriend.’

“Ah, say no more. I have Char watching Umi while I'm running errands.’

Traffic seemed extra heavy. Then Natalia felt as if the limo hadn't moved at all for too long. “What's the issue?’ she said toward Bonnie.

“Accident,’ Bonnie said.

Natalia looked to see that the limo doors were locked. Bonnie usually kept them locked unless someone was getting in or out. She noted they were locked and was glad for it.

The one thing Moralis hasn't been able to do anything about,’ Mina said. Traffic. There's just too much of it and no one wants to share a ride.’

“Stay in the limo,’ Bonnie said, interrupting Mina.

Natalia thought that was an odd request. There was no way she was leaving in the middle of traffic. There was a thump against the limo.

“I know you're in there. You leave my husband alone,” a voice screamed from outside.

Natalia looked quizzically at Mina.

"You sure it's not you they're after?’ Natalia said.

Mina cracked up.

I mean you went after mine.’

Natalia pretended to look offended.

There seemed to be half a dozen women surrounding and pounding on the limo. Natalia could see they were all Undents. She could also hear Bonnie on one of her radios requesting assistance. One woman was hitting the window by Natalia with something using short sharp raps.

“That's a window breaker tool. She's going to learn pretty fast that these aren't normal automobile windows,’ Mina said.

“Four Viperian women against half a dozen Undents. Are they insane?’ Natalia said.

Mina smiled and nodded.

"You have your knives, right?’ Natalia said.

Mina nodded again, then she laughed.

“I don't think you can count Victoria.’

“Don’t put it past her. I've heard her voice.’

Sirens swelled in the distance. A few minutes later, Natalia knew they were loud enough for the women to hear because abruptly they were gone. A moment after that, the limo moved.

Natalia's phone rang.

"Yes, Uri."

“Where are you?”

“We were stuck in traffic, but we're moving now.’

I'm getting weird reports.’

“Women were surrounding the limo, trying to break windows. They left as soon as they heard sirens. We're passing police right now.’

“Apparently, you are a homewrecker."

Natalia laughed.

“No, that's your job,’ she said, remembering the garage floor cave-in.

She heard someone break out in laughter in the background.

“Who is with you?’

“Moralis. We'll meet you in front of the Bank. Bring Victoria with you," he said

The limo was still moving slow through traffic.

For the first time, Natalia saw the window that separated her and Bonnie move. It rolled down. “Take Victoria," Bonnie said.

“Mommy,’ Victoria said reaching for her.

Natalia switched to the seat behind Victoria.

“Let's get you unfastened.’

She leaned over to unfasten the buckles that strapped Victoria into her seat.

“Come to momma.’

Victoria crawled over the window to her.

“Mina. Grab the seat. Move it over to your side,” Bonnie said.

Mina wrestled the seat through the window, then strapped it to a seat, making it look like it had been riding in the back the whole time. Natalia settled back beside Mina with Victoria in her lap. The window rolled up.

“Didn't know that could do that."

“Enhancement from the last time it was in the shop,’ Bonnie said.

It was a good fifteen minutes before the limo pulled up to the Bank. Uri and Moralis were waiting. However, so was a crowd and a news crew.

“Does a news crew follow Morals everywhere? she said.

Mina shrugged.

Bonnie didn't leave her seat. The doors unlocked. Uri opened the door. Mina stepped out first since she was closest to the door. Natalia edged over. Uri leaned in and held out a hand to help her out. She felt that he left the door open longer than usual before he shut it. The limo pulled away, back into traffic.

Uri held her hand. As a group, they ignored the news crew and went into the Bank. There was no conversation until they were in an elevator to themselves.

“Mina,” Moralis said in greeting


"Give me your whereabouts since you left the Bank, Nattie,” Moralis said.

“Bonnie took me to Flinbergs Financial to pick up my girlfriend, Lisa. We went to Blazes for lunch.” She slid the receipt out of her pocket. He took it to take a look.

“They'll definitely remember me. Limo and big tip get remembered.”

Moralis smiled and handed the receipt back to her.

“I took Lisa back to work an hour later. Mina met us and here we are.”

"With a slight delay because of an accident. About half a dozen Un... women banged on the limo accusing someone of stealing a husband,” Mina said.

“That's your job,” he said to her.

Mina glared at him.

"Someone doesn't like you, Nattie,” Moralis said.

“No kidding,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

Victoria was waving her arms. Natalia knew it was because she wasn't being the center of attention. Moralis took one of her hands and pretended to shake hands.

"You're supposed to kiss babies,” Mina said, jesting back at him.

He laughed.

The elevator door opened to the top floor. There was no one in sight. Uri led the way to his office. While everyone found a seat, Ursula arrived and shut the door.

“This is a serious offense, but we've accounted for all of Nattie's time,” Ursula said. “Plus, we know she isn't doing this.”

“I swear on a bite,” Natalia said, referring to the truth serum bite a Viperian woman could deliver. "Everyone expected you to show up in that limo with another man,” Moralis said. “I saw a lot of surprised looks when you arrived with Mina and Victoria. And a news crew followed you here so they know no one got out.”

"Where is this coming from?” Natalia said.

There were shrugs all around.

“Well, you have more than enough people to keep you in line, Nattie. I'm off to finish running my errands,” Mina said.

“Thank you, Mina,” Natalia said.

Everyone watched her leave. She noticed Uri looked away first. It didn't bother her that Uri looked. She already knew he was dedicated to her.

"If we didn’t need you, I'd send you home for the rest of the week,” Ursula said.

“We're in need of her,” Uri said. “She's the lead with this imaging project. I'm surprised she was allowed to take this afternoon off since she had all of yesterday off.”

“I had Tyrone’s okay on the grounds that she spent all of her morning here with him,” Ursula said. "And I did.”

"What's the plan?” Uri said.

“I'll let the board know that witnesses, including the Mayor, have accounted for Nattie’s presence.” “I'll take you home,” Moralis said. “Unless they want to accuse the Mayor.”

“Don’t give them the opportunity,” Natalia said.

"We'll give you a police escort home,” Moralis said.

“I think this is just going to draw more attention to me.”

"And we're not missing Festival tonight,” Uri said. “It's the last night.”

“Then you had better “stay home',” Moralis said, using his hands to do air quotes.

"Set up some security around the house,” Ursula said. “More than you already have.”

Natalia knew she added the last bit because of a look from Uri.

“I'll arrange for another ride,” Moralis said.

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