Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 97

“Evening, Sherri. How are you doing?’ Natalia said.

“Fine. Just fine. It's so good to see you,” her eyes scanned over her. “I-I thought you were pregnant?” 'l was. Victoria was born a year ago."

Sherri smiled and laughed.

“It must seem like it,’ she said, showing disbelief. "You got your figure back so fast."

Natalia thought Sherri was looking old and haggard.

"You look a little thin. Are they feeding you enough?’ Natalia said.

Sherri laughed.

I get enough.’

Natalia got the feeling Sherri had little appetite, even though she knew most of the meals were raw. They were easy to fix.

“Nothing to do in here. I pace. Perhaps too much,’ Sherri said with a shrug.

"You're going to wear out the rug.’

Sherri laughed, then turned serious.

“Can...can you do me a favor, Nattie?"

Natalia had heard those words before.

“What is it?"

'I really would like to get word to Anna. Just to say I miss her.’

Natalia softened her look. She realized, like Corean had said, how delusional Sherri was. Her daughter, Anna, was dead. The first time she had seen the death penalty cell was the day when Anna had been placed in it.

“Sure. You take care,’ Natalia said, not wishing to converse with her any further.

The moment she stepped back, she could tell the speaker had been turned off. Sherri was talking. Her lips were moving. Upstairs, Natalia heard a giggle. If felt like a joyous sound to her. She felt sorry for Sherri, but she had been part of so many schemes and deaths. It was only because of her long time as a Councilwoman and her many good acts that had caused her death sentence to be reduced to a life sentence. Natalia felt that was more cruel. To let a Viperian live in solitude was a life of torture.

Natalia trotted up the stairs, leaving behind the sadness.

“I hear someone giggling.’

Mirren was holding Victoria who was all smiles.

“Grandpa has her," he said.

Corean and Zena were standing with them.

"You just made her trip worthwhile,” Natalia said. “She loves her grandpa.’

“How is her gift doing?’

“She's still alive.’

"You're joking, right?’ Corean said, looking aghast. “I thought you were joking when it was mentioned at the party.’

“No, I did get her a kitten. What is your kittens name, Victoria?’


Tail seems to be doing the trick, keeping someone occupied,’ Natalia said.

Zena nodded.

Kareen came through, looking harried.

“We already have people looking for Amy, Gregg’s girl,’ she said. “Seems Gregg is well-known to her family. They are getting worried with her health. They're thinking she is on drugs, and he’s providing them.’

“Sort of true,” Mirren said.

“How do you know already?’ Natalia said.

“We have her cell phone. We haven't answered it, but we've been listening to the voice messages. They're getting rather frantic.’

“We'll get the accident site created,” Mirren said. “Back to your mommy.’

Natalia took Victoria when he handed her over.

“We're heading home. Good luck with things,” Natalia said.

She knew about cleanup crews, but this was the first time she had heard about creating accident sites to cover up bad Viperian behavior. It bothered her, especially since Amy was an innocent victim. However, there was little she could do about it, other than support programs like the teddy bear training to try and prevent this sort of incident. She knew there were other committee groups that handled some of the more morbid Viperian issues and that she was shielded from them. There were probably more of them than she realized.

I don't know how people can function, staying up all night and then having to go to work,” Natalia said, pulling out of the lot.

'l would say it's just four nights a year, but not in the Uri household,’ Zena said.

Natalia laughed.

“This has been a better year than last year,’ she said.

“I will have to agree to that. I love Festival time. But Viperians always love a gathering,’ Zena said. Once they were home, Natalia opened the bathroom door so Tail could come out, but she was curled up on a stack of towels showing no signs of wanting to move.

“Nap time," Natalia said.

Victoria pouted.

“Why don't you go to your bed, and I'll bring Tail."

Natalia lifted the top towel with Tail to take to Victoria's room. Victoria curled up around her. Natalia enjoyed one hour of peace before Victoria and Tail resumed their games.

Uri came home from working looking bright eyed and excited about going to the Festival. Natalia wondered how he could function, but there had been too may times she had seen him go with little sleep and not seem too phased by it.

“How's my girl?" Uri said.

He swept Victoria off her feet before she could run away. She giggled while he rubbed his cheek against hers. Then he released her.

Il go up and change before dinner,’ he said, giving her a hug and a kiss.

Natalia walked after Victoria while Uri trotted upstairs. She watched Victoria and Tail play their game of chase around the sofa until Uri came down.

“Dinner,’ Natalia said.

Victoria swerved to head toward the dining room.

“Nattie,” Uri said.

He put a hand on her shoulder to keep her from going any farther.


He switched languages.

“I was getting some cash. The panel was off and money is missing. A lot of money.”

“Did it just fall behind the changing table?”

“No, I looked. Who was in the house during our party?”

Natalia stared at him while she thought.

“I can’t remember anyone using the bathroom. Everyone was only here for two hours. I think we all stayed on the patio the whole time. Plus, they all left at the same time. You can't think Mag or...” “No, they know where it is. Why would they get into it now? I pay them rather well.”

“I would ask one of them if they saw anyone in the house.”

Uri gave her a push and they continued into the dining room. He helped Victoria into her chair. Because it had a raised seat, she had a hard time climbing into it. It was becoming their ritual. She also had to sit by him.

“I'm all alone on this side of the table,’ Natalia said, looking mopey.

“Tail will sit by you,’ Victoria said.

Natalia laughed when she felt something rub against her leg.

“I guess I'm not alone.’

Kate served them dinner. Natalia smiled because they were all served small plates like Victoria's. She knew they would be eating at the Festival, and this dinner was just a snack for them.

Natalia watched Victoria chew through her raw meat.

'She’s glaring at you,” Natalia said to Uri.

“She doesn't want me to steal any of her dinner,” he said.

“Mine,’ Victoria said.

“She's a good eater,’ he said. “So, half day of work tomorrow?”

Yes, just the morning. Then, I'm having lunch with Lisa. I hope to get a nap in during the afternoon. If someone will let me.’

"You're going to keep Bonnie busy.’

“She didn’t apply for any time off. I'm sure she’s napping in between putting Trevor through his paces.’

Uri grinned.

“We have to stay the whole time on Tuesday. It's the last night,” he said.

That's going to make going to work on Wednesday so much fun. Then I have to go to the Women's meeting, so no going to bed early, either.’

"You can do it.

Natalia had already finished her snack. She sipped her sanguine tea while she watched Victoria. Tonight, Victoria made no fuss about her tea.

“I love this kitten,” she said. “We're getting results faster than your reverse psychology.’

“Never thought this would happen, he said. “Everything is a first with you."

“Kate was here during the party. Ask her.’

Kate stepped out. Natalia knew she would hear.

"Ask what?" Kate said.

'Did anyone come into the house during someone's party?’ Uri said with a nod toward Victoria. “We have some items missing.’

Natalia thought of the necklace she couldn't find.

“I have a necklace missing, too.’

Kate shook her head.

“Everyone stayed on the patio the whole time. There weren't any alarms from someone coming through the front, either.’

“When you can, check with Mag and Zena,’ he said.

Kate nodded and returned to the kitchen.

“I'd hate to suspect family,’ he said.

“With all we've been through, I'd find it hard to believe they would do anything like that."

'Did the cat do it?"

Uri looked at Victoria. Victoria smiled and shook her head.

It was four am before Natalia could get Uri to head for the limo. The Festival was still going strong around them.

“Bonnie will have been waiting an hour. She'll be pissed losing an hour of Festival time," Natalia said. “Naw, I told her four am," he said.

She hit him on the arm.

“Thanks for letting me know. I'm exhausted. How am I going to do this tomorrow? We'll get home in time to shower and get dressed for work. No nap.’

“Tomorrow is the best. Fireworks.’

“In the middle of the night? That will go over well with the neighborhood trying to sleep on a work night.”

“They're silent.’

“Silent fireworks?"

"You've got to see it."

Bonnie was only a few steps ahead of them. Trevor was with her. While she opened the door for them, he got into the passenger side.

“They don't even look tired,” Natalia said, settling into her seat.

“No one gets tired during Festival,” he said.

Natalia knew she fell asleep on the drive home. Uri poked her when the limo stopped.

“Home,’ he said.

I need a bed.’

She headed straight upstairs and slid into bed without even undressing. One dream played out in her head, then the covers where whipped off of her.

“Good morning,’ Uri said, dragging her out of bed.

“Ugh. How can you be this awake when you've gotten less sleep than me?”

She didn't receive an answer while he hurried her along. He didn't let her dawdle. They showered quickly. He even helped her dress.

“What necklace is missing?" he said

“The one with the knife in it that you gave me.’

“We'll look for it tonight.

She noted he did take a look around her jewelry box and on the floor while he knotted his tie. “Let's go,’ he said, taking her by her hand.

Natalia noted that Victoria's door was open and she wasn't there. Uri dragged her down the stairs. “Wait a minute. How is Bonnie doing all the driving when this is her day to stay home from the Festival? Who is watching Victoria?

“She'll ride with me,’ Bonnie said, coming out with breakfast.

Breakfast was an omelet.

Victoria was already in her chair stuffing omelet in her mouth.

“She drank her tea?” Natalia said.

“If her cup is empty, then I'd say so, Bonnie said.

Uri was shoveling in his omelet.

Natalia knew that was a sign that she needed to as well.

“Busy day?’

“Eat,’ he said.

She understood that to mean he had a busy day scheduled. By the time she took her last sip of tea, Bonnie had Victoria cleaned up and ready to go. Natalia grabbed her satchel which was on the table for her.

Out in the garage, Uri opened the limo door for her while Bonnie strapped Victoria into her car seat up front.

“She doesn't even get to ride in back with us,’ Natalia said.

“Saves time since we don't have to switch her around,’ he said.

She took in a deep breath.

"You smell nice today."

Just a touch of aftershave to make myself more Undent."

She laughed.

“Bailey said I should use a little more. I'd smell more professional.’

“Smell professional? And this is coming from your assistant?"

“Every little thing helps. I know the board is going to finalize Ravi's replacement soon. He bought that yacht. I think he's getting close to announcing his intentions.’

“Well, then you better behave."

I'm being a perfect employee,” he said.

The limo pulled up to the bank.

"You have a good day and enjoy your lunch with Lisa," he said, rubbing her cheek. “I'll see you tonight.’

Bonnie opened the door for them.

“Don't let Victoria drive,” Natalia said in jest to Bonnie.

Bonnie laughed.

Uri walked with her until they reached the elevators. Natalia left him to take the stairs up to her floor.

Things weren't quiet. The Bank had finally implemented the new electronic imaging system. However, it was proving to be full of glitches. Tyrone, the IT Manager, was sitting in her office. He was a dark skinned man. Natalia liked him. He was always smiling.

“Morning, Tyrone.”

“Glad you're in today. We have some issues.”

“Let's take a look.”

It felt like a few minutes later that Ursula stopped at her door.

“Morning, Nattie. Tyrone.”

“Morning, Ursula, what can I help you with?” Natalia said.

"How long have you been up here, Tyrone?”

Ursula's voice almost sounded accusatory. Tyrone responded as if it was.

"What's missing?” he said.

He instantly looked defensive.

Natalia knew there were prejudices between blacks and whites. Viperians didn't seem to have any prejudices against blacks. She deduced this was because minorities sympathized with each other. “It's Nattie's whereabouts I am most concerned with,” Ursula said.

“Nattie, what are you up to?” Tyrone said in a playful tone of voice. “But to answer your question, Ursula, I've been up here since seven fixing bugs in the software. Nattie came in just before seven- thirty. She hasn't left her office once since.”

"What have I supposedly been doing?” Natalia said, taking note of the time.

It was almost ten-thirty.

“Same as before,” Ursula said.

“You've got to be kidding. Does someone have it in for me?”

Ursula shrugged.

"Someone saying she’s pinching things?” Tyrone said.

“Pinching asses,” Natalia said.


He laughed.

“So, you have been up here since seven-thirty. You have a witness that you haven't left this office since you came,” Ursula stated.

“Precisely,” Tyrone said.

“Even the ladies in the office can vouch for that. They know when I leave. I have to walk right by them,” Natalia said.

"Keep yourself with company at all the times,” Ursula said. “We'll discuss this further on Wednesday.” Natalia understood this to mean during the Women's meeting.


“Nice tie by the way, Tyrone,” Ursula said.

“Thank you.”

His tie was purple.

Ursula left.

“I wore a green frog one that she didn't think was appropriate for work,” he said.

“Like you're in front of customers.”

He chuckled.

Natalia heard Ursula chatting with the ladies, but Ursula was taking a less direct approach in learning where everyone was at. She heard Tonya mention that Tyrone and Natalia had been in the office all morning.

"So, what have you been up to?” Tyrone said in a quieter voice.

"Apparently, I was ass pinching fine gentlemen.”

"Sexual harassment is a death sentence in business,” he said. “Every guy I know is ultra careful around here, but I've never heard of someone accusing a woman. It's usually the other way around.” "Whoever is doing it, doesn't know my schedule very well,” she said.

“You keep your ass covered. With every miss, they're going to learn.”

“I'm the wife of a top executive. I always have to be on good behavior.”

“Uri is a smart guy,” Tyrone said. “He's going places. He better be careful, too. Take my advice, don't go anywhere alone. Find a buddy to go with you. That's why you see two techies working together all the time. It's not because it takes two. It's because one is covering the ass of the other and vise versa.”

“I wondered about that. Not very efficient.”

“It's effective,” he said. “Let's look at this last problem.”

“Yeah. I'm leaving at lunch time. I'm taking half a day.”

Natalia kept a close eye on the time. She was glad she did because another hour and a half passed before they resolved the last problem.

“That's all the time I have left,” she said. “I have to head out.”

"Considering what I just heard, I'll escort you out of the building,” he said.

“You are a kind man.”

“You're one of the best managers I've worked with,” he said, while she gathered her satchel. “Most would be screaming at me thinking I caused all these problems.”

“That's stupid.”

“There's a lot of stupid in the world,” he said.

Natalia made sure she let everyone know she was leaving. As well, on the elevator ride down, she struck up a conversation with one of the men in accounting. Tyrone followed her all the way to the front entrance.

“Have a good one, Nattie.”

“Thanks, Tyrone. You, too.”

The limo was waiting at the curb. Natalia knew she was a few minutes late. Bonnie stepped out to open the door for her.

“How's my girl?" she said to Bonnie, referring to Victoria.

Just fine.’

Natalia slid into her seat. She listened to Bonnie returned to the drivers seat. The panel that separated them was soundproof except it allowed the Viperian language to come through if you talked loud enough. She listened to Bonnie chat with Victoria about the traffic or the people visible outside of the window.

Natalia wondered about who was trying to set her up. She decided she better alert Uri and sent him a text. He usually was never alone since he was always in meetings. She knew cameras would monitor most of his movement in hallways. The thought of cameras made her wonder where she had supposedly harassed someone today. If it was in an area that didn't have a camera, then she was dealing with a bank employee. Everyone was paranoid and knew where the cameras were. She felt too tired to think about this.

She straightened up.

Maybe someone did know her schedule and that she would be tired. Maybe this was coming from a Viperian. She couldn't rule it out.

“I have to be on my toes all the time,” she muttered. “They're hoping I get sloppy because they seemed to be sloppy.”

She started watching out the windows to make sure they weren't being followed.

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